Planet of the Apes
Come here.
Reach into my pocket.|Read to him the 29th scroll, 6th verse.
"Beware the beast man,|for he is the devil's pawn."
"Alone among God's primates,|he kills for sport or lust or greed."
"Yea, he will murder his brother|to possess his brother's land."
"Let him not breed in great numbers, for he|will make a desert of his home and yours."
"Shun him.|Drive him back into his jungle lair."
"For he is the harbinger of death."
I found nothing in the cave|to alter that conception of man
and I still live by its injunction.
The Deer Hunter
Nah, I wanna talk to the man. I wanna talk to the man.
We're goin' over there.
Sir, Mike Vronsky.
- Nick. This is the groom, Steve.
- I'm the best man.
We're goin' airborne, sir.
What's it like?
- I hope they send us where the bullets are flyin'.
- That's right.
- Fighting's the worst, huh?
- That's right.
Fuck it.
- Fuck it? What did he say?
- Fuck it.
Fuck it.
That's what I thought.
W-- Well, what's it like
over there?
Can you tell us anything?
Fuck it.
Okay, fuck it.
Fuck him.
Fuck it. Hey!
Michael, hey.
- Hey.
- Fuck who?
Fuck who?
- Who the hell is he?
- Who the fuck knows?
He looks like a fuckin' hillbilly.
Give him another drink, Jerry.
Just the same.
Hey! Fuck it!
Planet of the Apes
- When will you show me what's in that cave?|- Right now, if you like.
- Lucius, don't fire.|- You're under arrest.
If there's any more shooting, Dr Zaius,|you'll be the first to go. You can count on it.
- You are not in command. Put down that gun.|- Shut up.
Very well. Lower your weapons.
Tell them to pull back|around the rocks, out of range.
How did you know we'd come here?
Only an apostate|would flee to the forbidden zone.
And only a fool|would give a gun to an animal.
I see you've brought|the female of your species.
I didn't realise|that man could be monogamous.
On this planet it's easy.
I ask you to reconsider|the rash course you've undertaken.
If you're convicted of heresy,|the most you'll get is two years.
But, if you persist in pointing guns in|my direction, you'll hang for high treason.
We never meant to be treasonous, sir.|But, up in that cliff, there is a vast cave.
And in that cave a fabulous treasure|of fossils and artefacts.
I've seen some of your fossils and artefacts.|Worthless.
There's your minister of science.
Honour-bound to expand|the frontiers of knowledge.
- Please!|- Except he's also chief defender of the faith.
There is no contradiction|between faith and science - true science.
- Are you willing to put it to the test?|- I'd rather...
Take it easy. You saved me from this fanatic.|Maybe I can return the favour.
What is your proposal?
- When were those sacred scrolls written?|- 1,200 years ago.
All right. If they can prove those scrolls|don't tell the whole truth of your history,
if they can find some real evidence of another|culture from the past, will you let them off?
- Of course.|- Let's go up to the cave.
Sorry. You stay here and guard the camp.
Always giving orders.|Just like every other adult.
Relax. You'll get to see it all later on.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 11:59 PM Pacific Time USA Saturday 07 July 2012