I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Sunday, March 03, 2013
I sensed it when I moved in here even before "Stargate." My chair. The activation of thoughts in my mind.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 4:12 PM Saturday, July 26, 2008
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 07/12/08 8:30 AM
I just woke up from a dream where I seemed to be soldier and I was being transported by helicopter to a battle. That battle seemed to be the opening invasion. And I was not in the helicopter but underneath the helicopter and attached to a rope not unlike cargo being transported by the helicopter. I cannot visualize all the other soldiers that were being transported with me but I am left with the sense that we were a small group. Off the top of my head, I would say we were less than 20 in number. I can vaguely visualize a cliff that was in the area we took off from but the clearest detail is when I was in the air and suspended from the rope and we seem to have traveled a short distance from that cliff and were over the surf of an ocean beach and then we seemed to be turning inland. Something happened though at some point and my rope broke and then I was on the ground. I knew the basis direction we were traveling and I started walking in that direction. At some point in the dream though, I think I got turned around and lost my direction and I was not certain where I was going. There is also something about a river that lingers in my mind as I write all this but I am not certain where that fits in as I think it have it out of sequence. As I was traveling along on foot, I can visualize that I seemed to have the equipment, such as the rifle, of a World War 2 soldier from the United States. At some point, I reached an urban area and I can visualize myself crouched in the median of a highway as I was watching traffic pass by. I did not seem to be concealed though. I saw some of the military of the country I was in and I was trying to communicate with them. The details are confusing about whether I eventually got transport from them to the location I was supposed to be for the invasion, that I guess was some other country. Then the setting changed.
I seemed to be at some kind of large shopping mall and I am thinking that mall was in the distance as I was in that median of the highway and I am not certain why the setting seemed to change. At some point though, the setting difintely changed and I seemed to be walking around in the Pentagon. Something was wrong though and the building had no electricity. There was a lot of people around and something seemed familiar about it all as I walked around through various rooms and buildings where other people remained congregated. I guess the reason for all the people as they were in the dream is that the power had just shut off and they were going about their business as best as possible while waiting for it to return.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 26 July 2008 excerpt ends]
SGU 1.02 "Air Part 2"
Everyone, please. There's no need for us all to congregate into one place.
Stargate Universe Season 1 Episode 1
Air (1)
AIRED: 10/2/09
Stargate Universe Season 1 Episode 2
Air (2)
AIRED: 10/2/09
Navy Cross
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Navy Cross is the second highest military decoration for valor that may be awarded to a member of the United States Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard for extraordinary heroism in combat.
Release dates for
The Kidnapping of the President (1980)
Country Date
USA 15 August 1980
SGU 1.02 "Air Part 2"
Warfarin, for his heart.
No. Blood thinner's the last thing he needs if he's bleeding internally. Um…
[She puts a hand to her head, overwhelmed.]
Please, do something!
Look, I told you, I'm just a medic!
Everyone, please. There's no need for us all to congregate into one place. Ms. Johansen, please find adequate accommodation for the injured. And everyone else—
No, I don't recognize your authority, Dr. Rush!
[Rush and Wray talk over each other.]
We have found—
And as an IOA representative—
quarters nearby—
I think you—
…much more comfortable.
I think you need to—
Please go there and stay there until you are asked to do something useful.
"Something useful"?!
[There are other confused and angry murmurs from the crowd.]
We do not want to settle in! We want to get back, right!
Yeah, yeah!
We should be working on getting home!
I'm not sure if that's even possible.
What?! You haven't even tried!
Maybe you should actually do something instead of standing around talkin' about being in charge.
If that's even true.
Raiders of the Lost Ark
All your life has been spent
in pursuit of archaeological relics.
Inside the Ark are treasures
beyond your wildest aspirations.
You want to see it opened as well as I.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 3:05 AM Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Asheville and the stairwell
I think I see them sometimes here locally especially in these past few days and weeks. I think they are congregating in this region, for some reason specifically in this region and I knew they would come here and that is why I have been here for so long. When I sense that people recognize me that is my sense of recognition of those off-worlders. I travel back in time because I am delivering immunity to certain people. I can only prevent a small number of people from being taken over by those off-worlders. Those off-worlders survive by taking over human beings. There is nothing we can do in terms of stopping them from taking over 6 billion people on this planet. I do not ever personally possess the full immunity. Only when my immunity is combined with others, whom I have no conscious awareness of, does the full immunity become available.
The reason I can time travel is because in my future from this present time, I begin to travel into the past, which is an event that has not happened yet relative to today, and I travel very far into the distant past and I create the mechanism that I will use in today's future to time travel into the past. In the very distant past, I construct a mechanism for me to time travel and I program that mechanism to become available to my future self, which my current self, on a day in today's future.
I cannot do anything to stop these off-worlder's that I think I see around here today. I think often about the whole situation. In one line of thought, I am immune to them but I am also allergic to them. What that means is that for some reason, perhaps as some kind of balancing force that is out of my control I am not affected by them but if I have intent in my mind to use my powers to try to stop them then I am going to be seriously injured and I will be seriously injured to the point of total incapacitation while making absolutely no impact on them and so I have to wonder about why I would even try to stop them but in my line of thought in my mind I do always have intent in my mind to try to stop them and I always end up unconscious for several days and with serious physical injuries but which eventually heal after that first attempt to try to intervene.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 16 February 2011 excerpt ends]
SGU 1.01 "Air Part 1"
Chevron One locked.
Okay, follow me, the-the symbols on the Stargate are constellations as seen from Earth. That's what you said.
Yes, yes.
Okay, so what if Earth is supposed to be the point of origin?
Chevron Two locked.
The only viable power source was here, light years away.
Chevron Three encoded.
What if that doesn't matter? Wha-what if it's the only combination that will work, like a code?
Chevron Three locked.
A code.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 10:00 PM Thursday, April 28, 2011
I woke up earlier after sleeping a normal period of time and I had a very vivid dream that seemed to be about me in a law enforcement role.
That would all make sense now. I was carrying a United States Marine Corps officers uniform with me, where I seemed to be going into an office assigned to me so I could change clothes, and the name on that uniform was clearly 'Kline.' I woke up thinking the full name was Matthew Kline. That was my secret agent identity name after I was commissioned as a United States Marine Corps captain, as limited duty officer, in 1995. That makes sense now because I have been thinking about details that lead up to that for a while, not unlike how I used to think that if I referenced the 2 November 1965 then there was a risk of that being thrown out of court.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 28 April 2011 excerpt ends]
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 02:02 AM Pacific Time Seattle USA Sunday 03 March 2013