I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Friday, March 01, 2013
July 16th
The American Presidency Project
Ronald Reagan
XL President of the United States: 1981 - 1989
Remarks on the 750th Anniversary of the Founding of Berlin
June 12, 1987
The President. Well, Chancellor Kohl and Mayor Diepgen, Ambassador Burt, ladies and gentlemen: It's an honor for me to be able to join you today at this 750th birthday party for the city of Berlin. I'm especially pleased to be here today because—well, it's not often that I get to go to a birthday party for something that's older than I am. [Laughter]
But to subject you to a second speech here— [laughter] —you know, I keep thinking of a story of ancient Rome, where, on a Saturday afternoon, the hungry lions were turned loose on the little group of people there on the floor of the Coliseum, and they came charging toward them. And one individual stepped out of the group, said something very quietly, and the lions all laid down. Well, the crowd was enraged and horrified that they're going to be denied the show. And Caesar sent for the man who had spoken to the lions. And they brought him, and he said, "What did you say to them that made them act like that?" And he said, "I just told them that after they ate, there'd be speeches." [Laughter]
The American Presidency Project
Ronald Reagan
XL President of the United States: 1981 - 1989
Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony for the All-America Cities Awards
July 16, 1987
Thank you, and welcome to the White House. And you know, I was getting set as to what I was going to say to you a few days ago, and then the weather double-crossed me. And I'm going to go ahead, because what I was going to say was: And a special thanks for putting up with Washington in this heat. And it was that hot a couple of days ago. And then I was going to tell you that it reminded me of a Sunday morning in church back when I was growing up in Illinois. And talking about the wages of sin, the preacher said, looking out over the congregation-and then he said, "If you think it's hot now, just wait." [Laughter] Well, see, I got that in anyway, even if the weather did change. [Laughter]
Final Countdown The
Zulu-5-Bravo, this is Victory 210.
Nine minutes to intercept.
Sir, I think you oughta see this.
It suddenly appeared behind us.
I don't believe this. It's starting again.
Do you think we can outrun it?
Maybe we oughta be asking ourselves should we even be trying to outrun it.
Six minutes to intercept.
Change course to 180.
- All ahead, flank speed. - Steady course 180.
- Come to course 180, aye, sir. - All ahead flank.
- Indicate 125 R.P.M. - All ahead flank, indicate 125 R.P.M.
Zulu-5-Bravo, this is Victory 210.
I have enemy bandits on radar. Approximately four minutes to intercept.
210, this is Zulu-5-Bravo. You're cleared to arm.
Sir, when we changed course, the storm changed course.
It's following us and growing at the same time.
I'm recalling those planes.
- Wait a minute, sir. You can't do that. - What are you talking about?
We've got an incredible opportunity here.
We know where all the mistakes are gonna be made for the next 40 years
and you've got the power to correct them.
You stay out of this.
Scrub the mission. Get those planes back.
Your signal is Buster. I say again, your signal is Buster.
Read you loud and clear.
Strike Force, this is Strike Leader.
Return to base. Mission aborted.
Mission aborted? But we can see 'em?
Shit, they're gonna let theJaps do it again.
This is the captain. Now hear this, men.
We've been through it once, we're going through it again.
Prepare for approaching storm.
Final Countdown The
You seem to have a 40-year-old dog on your hands.
Yeah, you could say that.
- Good luck, Mr. Lasky. - Thank you, Mr. Thurman. Good-bye.
You know, in a way, Captain, I think we're lucky.
How's that?
At least we came back to the same world we left.
Most of us have.
Did Commander Owens have any family?
No one.
Lasky, you've been a pain in the ass.
But I'm glad to have known you.
Thank you, Captain. I appreciate that.
Good luck to you.
And you too.
Wait a minute, boy. Here, Charlie! Charlie, come back here.
Mr. and Mrs. Tideman would like you to join them.
Mr. Tideman?
Welcome back, Mr. Lasky.
Laurel. Commander Owens.
Please, join us.
We have a lot to talk about.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 11:21 PM Pacific Time Seattle USA Friday 01 March 2013