Saturday, June 18, 2011


That is actually Aurora Avenue. I sometime call it Aurora boulevard in my notes. At first, I thought the location I remember in my dream where I was sitting, on a bus stop bench, I think, and looked up at the night sky and saw the ballistic missile multiple impact reentry vehicle high up in the sky and heading for me was because of that IHOP restaurant nearby about North 100th Street. That was the location I remember from the dream. I still don't recall the timeframe of that specific dream but I had gone into the International House of Pancakes before and I witnessed some aggravating zombie behavior in that racketeering organization and I eventually stopped going there. I remember the racketeering behavior I witnessed in Coeur d'Alene Idaho after I quit working at Microsoft. Eventually I caught some corrupted police officers that are on the take for free food, and God knows what else here in Renton Washington and King County Washington State, so that explains that.

What is interesting about that location on Aurora Avenue is that almost directly behind me, a short distance to the east, I see looking now on the map, is the Northgate Mall. I knew it was nearby but I had never until now looking at the map understood the proximity of those locations relative to how I saw those MIRV's in the sky above me in that dream.