Sunday, August 19, 2012

That explains everything.

No wonder I'm going crazy.

A computer program is always being monitored by the computer processor.

This entire world artificial is filled with metafiction.

"Tron" for example is metafiction created for this reality artificial.

This world artificial is full of fiction and people created just for this reality artificial.

It seems perfectly real to me.

I can't read people's minds. I don't know if they have thoughts the way I do in my mind. I am certain that even if I could read people's minds then this reality artificial would be programmed to trick me with the same results.

The fiction was created by fictional people for a fictional reality.

As with the proverbial thousand monkeys typing on a thousand typewriters a thousand realities artificial would probably create the same fiction.

But of course that can be controlled by software parameters. The software functions I have worked with to produce random values do not actually produce random variables. According to the documentation, a person familiar with the underlying algorithm, which I am not familiar with on a code basis, can predict the values in a set of random values created by that software function.

Now if I could just discover that point where I see the silhouette of the wizard behind the curtain.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess

To: Kerry Burgess

Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2006 11:04:15 AM

Subject: Re: Journal May 21, 2006

And I was thinking about how convincing Kurt Russell's character was in Vanilla Sky as he was arguing that he was a real person.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 21 May 2006 excerpt ends]

- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 7:45 PM Pacific Time USA Sunday 19 August 2012