I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Monday, May 27, 2013
He's very gay, Jim.
Chicago Tribune
High Drama On The White House Lawn
November 27, 1991 By Bob Greene.
Government officials, politicians and journalists in Washington sometimes express puzzlement over why the rest of the country regularly displays such contempt for their city.
They wonder aloud: What`s so wrong with Washington that everyone hates us?
White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater was asked by the press to interpret the meaning of Bush aiming his thumb toward the sky the day before. Fitzwater, speaking on the record, gave his interpretation of the thumb.
Barbara Bush was asked if she and the president planned on giving Sununu a Christmas present. Mrs. Bush replied: ``If we were giving presents, I`d give him one.``
The Internet Movie Database
Memorable quotes for
Gremlins (1984)
Kate: And that's how I found out there was no Santa Claus.
The official website of The British Monarchy
Christmas Broadcast 1991
This time last year we were thinking of the servicemen and women in the Gulf, and of the hostages in captivity. Our prayers for their safe homecoming have largely been answered.
The Seattle Times
Sunday, May 5, 1991
Wall St. Recap
Time To Become Resolute About Those Financial Matters
By Greg Heberlein
Ever meet one of those people lucky at everything? The kind who, when it was their turn to give an oral book report and they were unprepared, didn't have to because of a fire drill? The kind who closed his eyes and still hit a home run? Who vacated the building just before the bomb went off?
Meet George W. Bush, a director of Harken Energy Corp. He has just been awarded the Lucky Insider Award from The Insiders, an investment newsletter.
Bush sold 212,140 Harken shares, or two-thirds of his holdings, at $4 apiece. His timing was incredible. Harken sank like a rock after that June 22 sale, bottoming at $1.25.
That was amazingly fortuitous, The Insiders reported, but all by itself fell short of meritorious attention. Bush's report to the Securities and Exchange Commission was due July 10. The report only recently was filed, 10 months late.
"Luckily for Mr. Bush, the SEC almost never bothers to enforce its insider reporting requirements," The Insiders said. "At worst, late filers get a polite reminder letter. In this case, we will wager that the miscreant will be fortunate enough to avoid even that nuisance. Hence, our Lucky Insider Award."
And yes, George is the President's eldest son, brother to Neil of savings-and-loan stardom.
Date: TUE 11/09/1993
Governor hopeful Bush: Look past personalities
Fledgling gubernatorial candidate George W. Bush, priming for battle with personally popular incumbent Ann Richards, urged voters on Monday to look beyond personalities in the governor's race.
"Our leaders should be judged by results, not by entertaining personalities or clever sound bites," Bush told about 300 supporters
The Seattle Times
Tuesday, December 3, 1991
Infighting In The White House -- Noose Around Sununu's Neck After Bush's Son Suggests He Resign
By Ann Devroy
Washington Post
WASHINGTON - President Bush's eldest son has informed White House Chief of Staff John Sununu that he has lost much of his support in the Republican political community, prompting an intense effort by Sununu to retain his job by demonstrating his GOP backing, White House and Republican sources said yesterday.
George W. Bush, the president's son, told Sununu last Wednesday
The president has long used his eldest son as his eyes on the Republican community. A highly placed source said George W. Bush "sketched out for Sununu" problems the president is encountering because of Sununu. "He was told . . . the handwriting was on the wall," the source said.
Chicago Tribune
Sununu On Thin Ice, Insiders Say
November 27, 1991 By Timothy J. McNulty, Chicago Tribune.
WASHINGTON — Despite public declarations of faith in his chief of staff, President Bush now believes John Sununu is a liability in his re-election campaign
The president is uncomfortable in confronting Sununu, according to the sources, and instead would prefer his chief of staff to ``get the message.``
George Herbert Walker Bush (born June 12, 1924), was the forty-first President of the United States, serving from 1989 to 1993. Before his presidency, Bush was the forty-third Vice President of the United States
an effeminate boy or man.
a timid or cowardly person.
George W. Bush
Born July 6, 1946
a weak, effeminate, and often cowardly man.
Chicago Tribune
High Drama On The White House Lawn
November 27, 1991 By Bob Greene.
Government officials, politicians and journalists in Washington sometimes express puzzlement over why the rest of the country regularly displays such contempt for their city.
They wonder aloud: What`s so wrong with Washington that everyone hates us?
If they need instruction, the events of last weekend at the White House make an ideal case study.
We`re not talking here about the already dreary controversy surrounding President Bush, Chief of Staff John Sununu, and the credit-card-interest-rate debate. That`s one of those Washington issues that seem to flare up every two weeks or so, and then disintegrate into well-deserved nothingness.
No, our example-while tangentially concerning the credit-card flap-is more specific. It has to do with what happened when Bush returned from a short trip to Camp David. If the Washington power elite were to pay close attention to this, they might understand why they are considered so alien by people who live elsewhere.
The background for the weekend: Sununu, in a TV interview, made most of official Washington gasp in alarm when he said his boss, President Bush, had ad-libbed a line in a speech concerning the credit-card rates.
In the rest of the country, there are enough terrible problems to gasp about-violent crime, drugs, street gangs, unemployment-that most people would not have the inclination to gasp at the assertion that someone ad-libbed something. In Washington, though, Sununu`s contention that Bush ad-libbed the line seemed to be fraught with great symbolic weight.
So as the weekend began, Sununu was said to be in trouble.
Bush flew in a helicopter to Camp David. When he returned, the high drama began.
Well ... maybe you wouldn`t consider it to be high drama. But in Washington, it provided more titillation than when Gary Cooper faced down the Miller gang in ``High Noon.``
Bush`s helicopter returned from Camp David ... and Sununu was waiting on the White House lawn.
So what, you say? The guy works there, so why wouldn`t he be on the lawn? Aha. You don`t understand gripping Washington drama.
The elite of the national and international press corps were on hand to take note of every gesture and every nuance, and to flash the news around the world. Grown men and women who make their livings as political analysts watched and listened breathlessly.
And what did the world learn?
The world learned that Sununu was smiling when Bush got out of the helicopter.
(What was Sununu expected to do when he saw his boss-snarl?)
A reporter called to Bush: Do you plan to keep Sununu as your chief of staff?
Bush gave the thumbs-up sign. This made the waiting observers swoon.
(What was Bush supposed to do when he saw Sununu-stick his finger down his own throat and make retching noises?)
Then-and this was reported in newspapers around the globe-Barbara Bush kissed Sununu on the cheek.
The kiss on the cheek was considered an electrifying breakthrough moment in the drama. Correspondents dashed to telephones to convey the news of the kiss to their offices, along with the information that Sununu was wearing a green sweater.
The Seattle Times
Sunday, March 8, 1992
Nation -- News In Brief
Times News Services
WASHINGTON - President Bush's eldest son sold $848,560 of his stock in a Texas company just before the share prices began to plunge because of poor earnings reports, according to U.S. News and World Report.
The magazine reports in this week's issue that at the time of the sale last June 22, George W. Bush was a member of a committee formed by the Dallas-based Harken Energy Co. to study likely effects of corporate restructuring.
The magazine says Bush's stake in Harken, and his insider role, stemmed from Harken's takeover of another oil company that Bush helped found.
The magazine said Bush, as a member of a committee looking into a restructuring of Harken, had "detailed knowledge of the financial pressure Harken was under and of the demands being placed on the company by its creditors."
A week after Bush sold a large portion of his stock - he still owns 105,012 shares worth $400,000 - Harken reported a quarterly loss of $21 million.
THURSDAY, SEP 9, 2004 04:45 PM PDT
A swarm of new media stories on young George W. Bush's dereliction of duty pops his heroic-leadership bubble.
On Feb. 13, as controversy swirled around President Bush’s service in the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam War, the White House released more than 400 pages of documents on the press corps, proving, it claimed, that Bush had served honorably and fulfilled his commitment. The sudden rush of records
According to a criminal Complaint unsealed today, on or about February 12, 2004, Microsoft learned that significant portions of the source code for both Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 – which Microsoft considers the "crown jewels" of the company – were misappropriated (the "Stolen Source Code") and unlawfully released onto, and distributed over, the Internet without its authorization. That same day, according to the Complaint, GENOVESE posted a message on his Web site, "illmob.org," which announced that he had obtained a copy of the Stolen Source Code and was offering it for sale.
Organized crime
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Organized crime or criminal organizations are transnational, national, or local groupings of highly centralised enterprises run by criminals for the purpose of engaging in illegal activity, most commonly for monetary profit. Some criminal organisations, such as terrorist organisations, are politically motivated. Sometimes criminal organisations force people to do business with them, as when a gang extorts money from shopkeepers for so-called "protection". Gangs may become disciplined enough to be considered organised.
Los Angeles Times
Bush's 1976 Arrest in Maine Is Revealed
Campaign: GOP nominee confirms he pleaded guilty to driving drunk. 'I regret that it happened,' he says, questioning the timing of release of the information.
Responding to reports Thursday
Bush repeatedly questioned the timing of the Maine news reports. "I think that's an interesting question," he told reporters. "Why now? . . . I've got my suspicions."
Lt. George W. Bush 1972-'73
Texas Air National Guard flight status
Memo ordering Bush's suspension from the 111th Fighter Interceptor Squadron "due to failure to perform to USAF/TexANG standards and failure to meet annual physical examination (flight) as ordered."
August 10, 1972
Source: The White House and CBS News
a person who is sexually attracted to members of the same sex
To forsake one's duty or post, especially to be absent without leave from the armed forces with no intention of returning.
Crime in Mexico
Crime is among the most urgent concerns facing Mexico, as Mexican drug trafficking rings play a major role in the flow of cocaine, heroin, and marijuana transiting between Latin America and the United States.
Blow (2001)
Diego Delgado: George! How are you, my brother?
George: No more brothers, Diego.
Diego Delgado: What do you mean? Of course we are brothers, George.
George: You fucked me.
Lt. George W. Bush 1972-'73
Texas Air National Guard flight status
Memo ordering Bush's suspension from the 111th Fighter Interceptor Squadron "due to failure to perform to USAF/TexANG standards and failure to meet annual physical examination (flight) as ordered."
The Seattle Times
Tuesday, May 12, 1992
Politics - Texas Style -- Bush, Perot Sons Use Public Money For Private Gain
By Barbara Demick
Knight-Ridder Newspapers
DALLAS - Each is the spitting image of his father. Each carries his father's name.
George W. Bush, 45, and Ross Perot Jr., 33, are both up-and-coming players in the Dallas business community. Both men - friends, in fact - have been trying to emerge from the shadows cast by their famous fathers.
But the two sons also find themselves under the spotlight of the presidential campaign with questions raised about their use of public money for private gain.
David Chappell, a Fort Worth council member, says he sees an irony in GOP complaints about the Perot airport when "you've got little George (Bush) taking public money from the city of Arlington for a stadium."
In Arlington, a city situated in the snarl of highways between Dallas and Fort Worth and best known as the home of the Texas Rangers baseball team, quite a few Bush critics agree.
"You have got two favorite-son projects going on. It's just that one has the stroke to pull the plug on the other one's money," says Tyler Pierson, the owner of a dry-cleaning business in Arlington.
"Many of us in Arlington look at this (stadium) as a pork-barrel project for the president's son."
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 11/1/2006 3:14 PM
May 4, 2005, was the day I went to the Kent Police department for help. I named George W. Bush specifically as one of the people harassing me. The policeman didn’t ask me any questions. He dumped me off at the St. Francis hospital in Federal Way where the first thing they did was secretly drug my food. I found it very hard to restrain the urge to laugh shortly after I had eaten.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 01 November 2006 excerpt ends]
The Seattle Times
Tuesday, December 3, 1991
Infighting In The White House -- Noose Around Sununu's Neck After Bush's Son Suggests He Resign
By Ann Devroy
Washington Post
WASHINGTON - President Bush's eldest son has informed White House Chief of Staff John Sununu that he has lost much of his support in the Republican political community, prompting an intense effort by Sununu to retain his job by demonstrating his GOP backing, White House and Republican sources said yesterday.
George W. Bush, the president's son, told Sununu last Wednesday that he had alienated members of the Cabinet, the White House staff and the Republican community, putting his effectiveness in significant doubt, the sources said.
The message to the chief of staff was meant to be taken as a suggestion that Sununu offer to resign, according to one highly placed source, but instead Sununu is seeking to prove to the president that his supporters outnumber his critics and that he should remain in his post. "My sense is the jury is still out" on whether Sununu "can hold on," the source said.
From 4/21/1926 ( my biological not-maternal grandmother Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II ) To 5/15/1952 ( premiere US film "Red Planet Mars" ) is 9521 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/27/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the George Walker Bush statement about chief of staff John Sununu as global mass communication scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 9521 days
From 2/6/1911 ( my biological maternal grandfather Ronald Reagan ) To 3/27/1963 ( premiere US film "Come Fly with Me" ) is 19042 days
19042 = 9521 + 9521
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/27/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the George Walker Bush statement about chief of staff John Sununu as global mass communication scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 9521 days
From 3/24/1970 ( George Walker Bush was never a pilot qualified or even capable of controlled flight in any jet aircraft of any branch of the United States of America military ) To 11/27/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the George Walker Bush statement about chief of staff John Sununu as global mass communication scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 7918 days
7918 = 3959 + 3959
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/4/1976 ( George Walker Bush the purveyor of illegal drugs strictly for his personal profit including the trafficking of massive amounts of cocaine into the United States arrested again by police in the United States ) is 3959 days
From 9/4/1976 ( George Walker Bush the purveyor of illegal drugs strictly for his personal profit including the trafficking of massive amounts of cocaine into the United States arrested again by police in the United States ) To 11/27/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the George Walker Bush statement about chief of staff John Sununu as global mass communication scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 5562 days
5562 = 2781 + 2781
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/14/1973 ( premiere US film "Shaft in Africa" ) is 2781 days
From 10/10/1986 ( premiere US film "Iran: Adrift in a Sea of Blood" ) To 11/27/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the George Walker Bush statement about chief of staff John Sununu as global mass communication scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 1874 days
1874 = 937 + 937
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 5/27/1968 ( United States Title 18 Treason - the fraudulent enlistment by George Walker Bush in the Texas Air National Guard ) is 937 days
From 10/10/1986 ( premiere US film "Jumpin' Jack Flash" ) To 11/27/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the George Walker Bush statement about chief of staff John Sununu as global mass communication scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 1874 days
1874 = 937 + 937
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 5/27/1968 ( United States Title 18 Treason - the fraudulent enlistment by George Walker Bush in the Texas Air National Guard ) is 937 days
From 10/10/1986 ( premiere US film "Deadly Friend" ) To 11/27/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the George Walker Bush statement about chief of staff John Sununu as global mass communication scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 1874 days
1874 = 937 + 937
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 5/27/1968 ( United States Title 18 Treason - the fraudulent enlistment by George Walker Bush in the Texas Air National Guard ) is 937 days
From 3/21/1962 ( Matthew Broderick ) To 4/14/1988 ( the minefield and Soviet Union-George Bush torpedo damage to United States Navy warship USS Samuel B. Roberts FFG 58 and crew because my biological brother United States Navy Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan the United States Navy SEAL was onboard that United States Navy warship USS Samuel B. Roberts FFG 58 while I US Navy FC2 Kerry Wayne Burgess was somewhere in the area in my assignment onboard the US Navy warship USS Wainwright CG 28 ) is 9521 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/27/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the George Walker Bush statement about chief of staff John Sununu as global mass communication scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 9521 days
From 9/27/1956 ( premiere US film "Toward the Unknown" ) To 11/27/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the George Walker Bush statement about chief of staff John Sununu as global mass communication scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 12844 days
12844 = 6422 + 6422
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/3/1983 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - premiere US film "WarGames" ) is 6422 days
From 9/8/1975 ( premiere US TV series "The Invisible Man" ) To 11/27/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the George Walker Bush statement about chief of staff John Sununu as global mass communication scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 5924 days
5924 = 2962 + 2962
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/12/1973 ( premiere US film "The Last Detail" ) is 2962 days
From 1/21/1976 ( my biological brother Thomas Reagan the civilian and privately financed astronaut bound for deep space in his privately financed nuclear-pulse propulsion spaceship this day was his first landing the planet Mars and his documented and lawful exclusive claim to the territory of the planet Mars ) To 11/27/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the George Walker Bush statement about chief of staff John Sununu as global mass communication scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 5789 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/8/1981 ( Hideki Yukawa - deceased ) is 5789 days
From 6/13/1928 ( John F. Nash Jr ) To 8/1/1980 ( premiere US film "The Final Countdown" ) is 19042 days
19042 = 9521 + 9521
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/27/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the George Walker Bush statement about chief of staff John Sununu as global mass communication scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 9521 days
From 4/2/1917 ( Woodrow Wilson requests declaration of war against Germany ) To 5/21/1969 ( the Princeton University doctor of medicine degree graduation of my biological brother Dr Thomas Reagan MD ) is 19042 days
19042 = 9521 + 9521
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/27/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the George Walker Bush statement about chief of staff John Sununu as global mass communication scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 9521 days
From 3/4/1941 ( premiere US film "A Girl, a Guy, and a Gob" ) To 11/27/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the George Walker Bush statement about chief of staff John Sununu as global mass communication scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 18530 days
18530 = 9265 + 9265
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/16/1991 ( date hijacked from me:my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate Columbia South Carolina ) is 9265 days
From 7/16/1963 ( Phoebe Cates the wife of my biological brother Thomas Reagan ) To 8/9/1989 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - premiere US film "The Abyss" ) is 9521 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/27/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the George Walker Bush statement about chief of staff John Sununu as global mass communication scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 9521 days
From 4/9/1986 ( --- ) To 11/27/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the George Walker Bush statement about chief of staff John Sununu as global mass communication scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 2058 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/22/1971 ( premiere US TV series episode "CBS Reports"::"POWs: Pawns of War - Part I" ) is 2058 days
From 11/8/1964 ( premiere US TV series "Profiles in Courage" ) To 11/27/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the George Walker Bush statement about chief of staff John Sununu as global mass communication scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 9880 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/20/1992 ( the scheduled terrorist attack by force of violence by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-George Bush the International War Criminal and the cowardly violent criminal to destroy Her Majesty's Windsor Castle London England ) is 9880 days
Bush Son Said to Warn Staff Chief; Told He Has Lost Much GOP Support, Sununu Lobbies Hill
The Washington Post
December 3, 1991 Ann Devroy
One of President Bush's sons has informed White House Chief of Staff John H. Sununu that he has lost much of his support in the Republican political community, prompting an intense effort by Sununu to retain his job by demonstrating his GOP backing, administration and Republican sources said yesterday.
Sununu was told on Wednesday by George W. Bush that he had alienated members of the Cabinet, the White House staff and Republican political community, creating a situation that puts his effectiveness in significant doubt, the sources said.
The message to the chief of staff was meant to be taken as a suggestion that Sununu offer to resign
The Seattle Times
Tuesday, December 3, 1991
Infighting In The White House -- Noose Around Sununu's Neck After Bush's Son Suggests He Resign
By Ann Devroy
Washington Post
WASHINGTON - President Bush's eldest son has informed White House Chief of Staff John Sununu that he has lost much of his support in the Republican political community, prompting an intense effort by Sununu to retain his job by demonstrating his GOP backing, White House and Republican sources said yesterday.
George W. Bush, the president's son, told Sununu last Wednesday that he had alienated members of the Cabinet, the White House staff and the Republican community, putting his effectiveness in significant doubt, the sources said.
The message to the chief of staff was meant to be taken as a suggestion that Sununu offer to resign, according to one highly placed source, but instead Sununu is seeking to prove to the president that his supporters outnumber his critics and that he should remain in his post. "My sense is the jury is still out" on whether Sununu "can hold on," the source said.
Release dates for
Toward the Unknown (1956)
Country Date
USA 27 September 1956 (New York City, New York)
Brink of Hell (1956)
"Toward the Unknown" (original title)
William Holden ... Maj. Lincoln Bond
Brink of Hell (1956)
The screen's first story of man-piloted rocket ships, U.S.A.!
Brink of Hell (1956)
Brig. Gen. Bill Banner: [to Maj. Lincoln Bond] Even with torture, you're not the kind to crack.
Release dates for
Red Planet Mars (1952)
Country Date
USA 15 May 1952
Document for April 2nd:
Joint Address to Congress Leading to a Declaration of War Against Germany
President Wilson's Declaration of War Message to Congress, April 2, 1917
On April 2, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson delivered this address to a joint session of Congress and called for a declaration of war against Germany. The resulting congressional vote brought the United States into World War I.
Statement on Humanitarian Assistance to Bosnia
October 2, 1992
All Americans, and people of compassion everywhere, remain deeply troubled by the cruel war in Bosnia and the broader turmoil in what was Yugoslavia. We took several important initiatives in August, and today I am announcing further steps to help ease this conflict.
I want the American people to know what the United States intends to do to help prevent this dreadful forecast from becoming a tragic reality. I have decided to take a number of further steps:
Fourth, we will offer to the United Nations and the Red Cross help in transporting and caring for those who are being freed from detention camps. We have already provided $6 million for this purpose.
The Last Boy Scout (1991)
Sheldon 'Shelly' Marcone: Joe, have you ever heard of the Senate's Commission to Investigate Gambling in Professional Sports?
Joe Hallenbeck: Is that who you're payin' off?
Sheldon 'Shelly' Marcone: The commission's gonna vote next March. I got every one of 'em in my hip pocket, except Senator Calvin Baynard. I tried to bribe that son of a bitch, Joe. He gave it back because it wasn't enough.
Joe Hallenbeck: [chuckles] What's he want?
Sheldon 'Shelly' Marcone: Six million. Or he'll go straight to the police.
Release dates for
The Last Boy Scout (1991)
Country Date
USA 12 December 1991 (Westwood, California) (premiere)
The Last Boy Scout (1991)
Jimmy Dix: Wow, an actual house. I was thinking a cave
Release dates for
The Abyss (1989)
Country Date
USA 9 August 1989
The Abyss (1989)
Virgil: [regarding Lindsey Brigman] God, I hate that bitch.
Alan "Hippy" Carnes: Probably shouldn't have married her then, huh?
The Abyss (1989)
Lt. Coffey: It went straight for the warhead, and they think it's cute.
The Internet Movie Database
Memorable quotes for
The Final Countdown (1980)
Commander Dan Thurman: For Christ's sake! What is this, some half-assed Princeton debating society?
Interview with John Nash: Hearing Voices
Initially I did not hear any voices. Some years went by before I heard voices and -- I became first disturbed in 1959, and I didn't hear voices until the summer of 1964 I think, but then after that, I heard voices, and then I began arguing with the concept of the voices.
And ultimately I began rejecting them and deciding not to listen, and, of course, my son has been hearing voices, and if he can progress to the state of rejecting them, he can maybe come out of his mental illness.
The consequence of rejecting the voices is ultimately not hearing the voices. You're really talking to yourself is what the voices are, but it's also parallel to a dream. In a dream it's typical not to be rational.
I had some philosophical ideas that were involved. I found myself thinking in political terms, but then I found myself able to criticize this thinking -- that it wasn't very valuable to think in political terms. Even now, I sometimes have a new realization that it can be not so good to think in political terms about some of the current issues. One can leave that to others.
So in rejecting some of the political ideas, that had a relation to the voices, so I could think of a voice maybe as presenting what was analogous to a political argument, and then I could say, I don't want to listen to that.
Interview with John Nash: Discovering Math
I was in grade school. I would be doing arithmetic, and I found myself working with larger numbers than other students would be using. I would have several digits, and they would have maybe two or three digits. I would do multiplication and basic operation, but with larger numbers.
Later on in adolescence, I got some practice in using a calculator machine, where you could multiply and add, subtract and divide really large numbers like 10 digits.
You don't have to be a mathematician to have a feel for numbers. A movie, by the way, was made -- sort of a small-scale offbeat movie -- called Pi recently. I think it starts off with a big string of digits running across the screen, and then there are people who get concerned with various things, and in the end this Bible code idea comes up. And that ties in with numbers, so the relation to numbers is not necessarily scientific, and even when I was mentally disturbed, I had a lot of interest in numbers.
I began to think more scientifically as to the years like the 80s, and maybe the later 70s. And so there's a transition from really having more of an enthusiasm for the numbers, like maybe magical or representing a divine revelation, and just a more scientific appreciation of numbers, and these not necessarily entirely far apart.
Interview with John Nash: Non-Conformity
Somebody suggested that I was a prodigy. Another time it was suggested that I should be called "bug brains", because I had ideas, but they were sort of buggy or not perfectly sound. So that might have been an anticipation of mental problems. I mean, taking it at face value.
There wasn't any insanity though at the time. There were some non-conforming behaviors. I would do odd things one way or another. So there's the total pattern. To some extent, sanity is a form of conformity. And to some extent, people who are insane are non-conformists and society and their family wishes, like Alicia and I wish with Johnny, that they would live what appear to be useful lives. They would work. They would earn money.
They'd be ready to have family life. They would continue the family tree and that sort of thing. But there are always people who are not doing that, and it may be that they're in insane asylums or without being in an asylum, they're in the category of the mentally ill.
But of course society doesn't need that everybody is behaving in the full normal way. So society goes along and people can do different things, and they can't somehow contribute. So there are these people who in a way seem not to contribute at all. They could be like people who are maybe accepted if they're in some religious institution some role that's accepted like maybe a Buddhist monastery, so they could just do prayers and follow a daily ritual and wear a certain robe, and it's considered quite appropriate. But they're not doing much in terms of the gross national product.
But I think the eccentricity may also connect with the irrational -- maybe people who are minimally eccentric are maybe least likely to go into insanity or something, it could be. Of course, for this, you need statistics.
Interview with John Nash: Misconceptions about Mental Illness
I think mental illness or madness can be an escape also. People don't develop a mental illness because they are in the happiest of situations usually. One doctor observed that it was rare when people were rich to become schizophrenic. If they were poor or didn't have too much money, then it was more likely. And this is natural, if things are very good, you can find satisfaction with the world as it is, as it seems to be. If things are not so good, you may be one to imagine something better.
For me, I was able to imagine myself as in a role of greater importance than I would seem to be ordinarily. At the time, I had some recognition. I was making some progress professionally, but I wasn't really at the top. I didn't have top level recognition, and so when I started thinking irrationally, I imagined myself as really on a Number 1 level. I was the most important person of the world, and people like the Pope would be just like enemies, who would try to put me down in some way or another, or the president.
People are always selling the idea that people who have mental illness are suffering. And that the therapist and doctors, all the establishment, everyone who is working with them can do the good of releasing their suffering in one way or another, that maybe if they're given some drugs, then it will make them less suffering and they can be brought to another level of existence.
Interview with John Nash: My Experience with Mental Illness
I don't claim to understand mental illness and the causes and all the details about it. Of course, I don't think anybody does. They are trying to find things. It's very popular nowadays to find chemical explanations and genetic explanations and maybe whatever can be observed by imaging. Imaging studies of the brain and differences in the sizes of particular areas in the brain. So this is the popular area -- but I don't think it's so simple that all cases are necessarily the same. The symptoms are very coordinated, so that you can define schizophrenia or manic depressive illness in terms of symptoms, which are observed in behavior.
McLean Hospital
I knew where I was, but I was there on observation, but I was able to think that I was like a victim of a conspiracy. So I didn't accept the type of thinking that I would have been considered right thinking for me, probably how I should think at that time.
Later on, I did make such an adjustment -- first, on a temporary basis, after a certain hospitalization. Then I came out and I worked. And I worked in mathematics. But I wasn't in the McLean [Hospital] long enough.
See, what had happened was when I was brought back like that, it was usually quite a period of time, and then I began to realize that I would not be getting out of the hospital unless I conformed and behaved normally. So in part I would do, except I would be sweeping the delusions under a rug, and they were able to come out later on, and could be triggered, and I would move very quickly to accepting it again, after having put it aside for a while.
Visual Hallucinations
Something like this may appear in the movie [A Beautiful Mind], but of course the delusion pattern in the movie is going to be somewhat different, because the person sees things that aren't there. It's not just ideas or the idea of a plot or something, he thinks he sees certain persons.
I never saw anything, but my son has said that he sees things, and I don't know what it's really like, because he doesn't say it very often. I'm rather suspicious of him that he might like to say that.
Interview with John Nash: Delusional Thinking
In madness, I thought I had a very important role, and, of course, that includes the messenger-type function. That is a Muslim concept particularly with Muhammad. He's the messenger of Allah. That's, I think, a standard phrase. So I saw myself as being a messenger or having a special function. I saw it in terms of there being supporters, but also of opponents, and so I would think that if I was put in the hospital, it would be a coup d'etat by the opponents.
I had this feeling of persecution. I had the idea that some of the people -- I think Eisenhower was still president then -- and the Pope and the powers that be might be unsympathetic to me. I envisioned a hidden world where the Communists and the non-Communists were into this thing -- they were sort of schemers.
At a very early time I got the idea that I would receive a message somehow. Later on I felt that I might get a divine revelation by seeing a certain number that would appear. A great coincidence could be interpreted as a message from heaven.
People & Events: John Nash (1928 - )
John Nash was born on June 13, 1928
He was accepted into Princeton University, which at the time was to mathematicians what Detroit was, and still is, to cars.
In January 1961 the despondent Alicia, John's mother, and his sister Martha made the difficult decision to commit him to Trenton State Hospital in New Jersey where he endured insulin-coma therapy, an aggressive and risky treatment, five days a week for a month and a half. After his discharge later that year, Princeton colleagues secured him a research position, but he soon left for Europe again, this time alone, sending cryptic letters home.
The Internet Movie Database
Biography for
John Nash
Date of Birth
13 June 1928, Bluefield Sanitarium; Bluefield, West Virginia; USA
Birth Name
John Forbes Nash Jr.
The Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize
John F. Nash Jr.
Born: 13 June 1928, Bluefield, WV, USA
Affiliation at the time of the award: Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA
Prize motivation: "for their pioneering analysis of equilibria in the theory of non-cooperative games"
Field: Game theory
Contribution: Introduced the distinction between cooperative games, in which binding agreements can be made, and non-cooperative games, where binding agreements are not feasible. Developed an equilibrium concept for non-cooperative games that now is called Nash equilibrium.
The Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1949
Hideki Yukawa
Born: 23 January 1907, Tokyo, Japan
Died: 8 September 1981, Kyoto, Japan
Affiliation at the time of the award: Kyoto Imperial University, Kyoto, Japan, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
Prize motivation: "for his prediction of the existence of mesons on the basis of theoretical work on nuclear forces"
Hideki Yukawa
Hideki Yukawa FRSE (23 January 1907 – 8 September 1981), was a Japanese theoretical physicist and the first Japanese Nobel laureate.
In 1935 he published his theory of mesons, which explained the interaction between protons and neutrons, and was a major influence on research into elementary particles. In 1940 he became a professor in Kyoto University. In 1940 he won the Imperial Prize of the Japan Academy, in 1943 the Decoration of Cultural Merit from the Japanese government. In 1949 he became a professor at Columbia University, the same year he received the Nobel Prize in Physics, after the discovery by Cecil Frank Powell, Giuseppe Occhialini and César Lattes of Yukawa's predicted pion in 1947. Yukawa also worked on the theory of K-capture, in which a low energy electron is absorbed by the nucleus, after its initial prediction by G. C. Wick.
Final Countdown The
If this wasn't happening to me, I wouldn't believe it.
- Who the hell are these people? - The navy.
Yeah, the navy, yeah. But what part of it?
I've never seen machines like they got onboard this thing.
And where have they been developing aircraft like that?
The navy would have to appear before my committee
and I've never even heard a whisper about it.
Rocket planes and that thing they pulled us out of the sea with.
And naming this ship after Chester Nimitz, an active-duty admiral.
What the hell's going on here?
Yeah, Roosevelt. He owns the military.
That's it.
That's exactly who.
F.D.R. has wanted the United States in this war since it started
but he knows there's no way it's gonna happen
except in response to an attack.
- You always said the Japanese would attack. - That's right.
And who's sitting out here with no press
while the White House takes all the credit for raising the alarm
and being ready to hit back?
- Obviously, we are.
Release dates for
A Girl, a Guy, and a Gob (1941)
Country Date
USA 4 March 1941 (Honolulu, Hawaii) (premiere)
The Navy Steps Out (1941)
"A Girl, a Guy, and a Gob" (original title)
Release dates for
Come Fly with Me (1963)
Country Date
USA 27 March 1963
Come Fly with Me (1963)
Three air-hostesses combine their work crossing the Atlantic with searching for a rich handsome man to marry.
From Immediate Release
spl to The Houston Post
and The Houston Chronicle
Office of Information
147th Combat Crew Training Group
Texas Air National Guard
Houston, Texas 77034
Ellington AFB, Tex., March 24, 1970---George Walker Bush is one member of the younger generation who doesn't get his kicks from pot or hashish or speed. Oh, he gets high, all right, but not from narcotics[;he just does not call it narcotics but it has always been narcotics. ]
After his [ FRAUDULENT AND NON-EXISTENT FLIGHT ]solo, a milestone in the career of any fighter pilot, Lt. Bush couldn't find enough words to adequately express the feeling of [ FRAUDULENT AND NON-EXISTENT FLIGHT ]solo flight.
The Internet Movie Database
Release dates for
Shaft in Africa (1973)
Country Date
USA 14 June 1973
The Internet Movie Database
Memorable quotes for
The Last Detail (1973)
Buddusky: Boy, they really stuck it to ya, didn't they, kid! Stick it in and break it off. Up your giggy with a wah-wah brush, stick it in an' break it off.
Last Detail The
Is that true what the chief said? You're getting...
...eight years and a dishonourable discharge for stealing $40?
-I didn't get no $40. -You didn't get it?
No. They caught me while I was lifting it from the box. I didn't get it.
Jesus Christ!
Eight years in a DD for $40, and you didn't even get it?
-They really stuck it to him, Mule! -They sure as hell did!
-They really stuck it to you, kid. -Yes, sir.
Stick it in and break it off!
Up your giggy with a wawa brush and break it off.
-Leave the kid alone. -I ain't bothering him.
-Am I bothering you? -No, sir.
I ain't bothering him, man.
Just trying to be helpful.
So tell me, how are you gonna help him?
Meadows, I want to ask you a few questions. You don't have to answer.
-But maybe I can help you. -Shit.
Come on!
Now before this polio thing, did you have a record?
Not with the Navy. I got in trouble a couple times with the cops...
...before I enlisted.
I see. Well....
Was it in the nature of a serious offense?
Was it in the nature of a felony, or a misdemeanour?
It was in the nature of shoplifting.
But I never was in jail if that's what you mean.
Yeah, well....
You know, Meadows, this eight years...
...it ain't necessarily eight years.
-It isn't? -No, it isn't.
They're gonna knock two years off for good behaviour.
The Choice 2000
CLAY JOHNSON, Andover Classmate: He was telling me the story about his mother giving him a thesaurus as a going-away present and explaining to him what a thesaurus is used for, and be sure not to use the same word all the time in an essay.
And so he- his first English assignment at Andover was to write about some highly emotional time in his life, and he was writing about the time when his sister had died. And he was talking about it had made him cry, and he had used the word "tears" several times already in his essay. And he decided- remembering what his mother told him, he decided he needed to find another word for t-e-a-r-s.
So he got out his thesaurus and looked up t-e-a-r-s, and his next sentence was, "And the lacerates ran down my cheek." He turned in his paper, got it back two days later with this big, bold pen circled around, "See me immediately." And George said that the first thought that entered his mind was, "My God. I've been here one week. I may not make it to week two."
PETER BOYER: George W. made his way at Andover, but not in the fashion that Senator Prescott Bush or George Herbert Walker Bush might have imagined. He did not become senior class president or a star baseball player like his father, but he did discover his own persona: a cheerleader with an antic streak.
a person who is sexually attracted to members of the same sex
1973 film "The Last Detail" DVD video:
Budduskey: Just imagine that your hands are the hands of a clock. "A" is twenty to six. "B" is quarter to six. "C" ten to six. "D" straight up six o'clock -
Mulhall: Come on, man! We're watching the movie.
Budduskey: Meadows, you want to learn how to be a signalman?
Meadows: [ nods affirmative ]
Mulhall: After the movie, man!
Budduskey: I always tell a new semaphore personality this to ensure that you send a more perfect semaphore. Ready? I don't expect you to get it perfect. This just happens to require a great deal of manual dexterity, Meadows. All right. That was very good, Meadows. Very good indeed. You must have a flair for this sort of thing. Some people do. I do, for instance. I have a flair for this sort of thing.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 5:01 PM Pacific Time Seattle USA Monday 27 May 2013