I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Monday, May 13, 2013
"Now the first thing we've got to do when we get home is find out who that boy's proper family is."
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
To: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Thu, May 4, 2006 3:12:00 PM
Subject: Re: Sleep journal 5/4/06
Kerry Burgess wrote:
After my short nap yesterday late evening, when back to sleep after midnight and slept pretty soundly until after 7. Had a dream that seemed to occur just before I woke up. I was inside some kind of missile. Seems like it was an SM2-ER on the Wainwright's launcher and it was going to send me into orbit or outer space maybe. When I woke up, I heard lyrics from that song:
Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Can you hear me, Major Tom?
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 04 May 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2006 2:39 PM
To: Anne_
Subject: Re: Your Medical Records from the VA Hospital
Kerry Burgess wrote:
The first appointment I had was with Dr. Raney
He told me that I had a service connected disability and that I would be getting some help.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 28 June 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2006 2:39 PM
To: Anne_
Subject: Re: Your Medical Records from the VA Hospital
Kerry Burgess wrote:
I met with Dr. Raney on 4/27/06
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 28 June 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
To: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Tuesday, May 9, 2006 6:01:15 PM
Subject: Right
I wonder if this is where that guy painting the picture was standing?
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 9 May 2006 excerpt ends]
156 4th Ave N, Seattle, WA, United States
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
To: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Fri, May 19, 2006 10:21:01 PM
Subject: Re: Journal May 19, 2006
Kerry Burgess wrote:
My memory, which I am growing increasingly certain is false beyond a certain date
I wonder where the divergence point is in history? When did I become Kerry Burgess and who am I really?
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 19 May 2006 excerpt ends]
"Take The Long Way Home"
So you think you're a Romeo
playing a part in a picture-show
Take the long way home
Take the long way home
Cos you're the joke of the neighborhood
Why should you care if you're feeling good
Take the long way home
Take the long way home
But there are times that you feel you're part of the scenery
all the greenery is comin' down, boy
And then your wife seems to think you're part of the
furniture oh, it's peculiar, she used to be so nice.
When lonely days turn to lonely nights
you take a trip to the city lights
And take the long way home
Take the long way home
You never see what you want to see
Forever playing to the gallery
You take the long way home
Take the long way home
And when you're up on the stage, it's so unbelievable,
unforgettable, how they adore you,
But then your wife seems to think you're losing your sanity,
oh, calamity, is there no way out?
Does it feel that you life's become a catastrophe?
Oh, it has to be for you to grow, boy.
When you look through the years and see what you could
have been oh, what might have been,
if you'd had more time.
So, when the day comes to settle down,
Who's to blame if you're not around?
You took the long way home
You took the long way home...........
A Fish Called Selma
Original Airdate in N.A.: 24-Mar-96
"The Dr. Zaius Song"
Ape: Help, the human's about to escape.
Troy: Get your paws off me, you dirty ape.
Apes: [gasping] He can talk!
Apes: [in unison, rythmed]
He can talk
He can talk
He can talk
He can talk
He can talk
He can talk
Troy: [singing] I can siiiiiing!
New Kids on the Blecch
Original Airdate on FOX: 25-Feb-2001
% It's going to take more than just Smash to make these boys stars.
% It's also going to take the help of a professional choreographer,
% who teaches the boys the proper way to bust a move. The boys are
% quick studies; soon their 'tudes are fly and their threads are dope.
% But as for their singing ... well, that's another question
% altogether. Smash hands the boys some sheet music.
Bart: [reading aloud] Party Posse, we rule the earth, The greatest band since music's birth?
Nelson: Isn't this song a little boastful?
Milhouse: No one told me there was going to be boasting.
Smash: Just take it from the top.
Posse: [singing, if you can call it that] Party Posse, we rule the earth, The greatest band since music's birth.
Smash: [to himself] Eugh. [walks to a voice-enhancement machine] Thank you, NASA.
The American Presidency Project
Ronald Reagan
XL President of the United States: 1981 - 1989
Address at the United States Naval Academy Commencement Exercises in Annapolis, Maryland
May 22nd, 1985
Congresswoman Holt, Secretary Lehman, Admiral Watkins, General Davis, Admiral Larson, distinguished guests, members of the class of 1985, ladies and gentlemen: I am so proud and honored to be here and to have a 22-gun salute. [Laughter]
But it's an honor for any President to commemorate the graduation of new officers from our service academies, but today is a special privilege for me. I was reminded on the way up here that we have a lot in common. You were the first class to enter the Naval Academy during my term in office, and you might say we've finished a 4-year course together. Now we're both about ready for the real stuff. [Laughter] One thing bothers me, though. I still seem to be climbing that greased monument and you only had to do it once, 3 years ago. 1 [Laughter]
1 The President was referring to the Herndon Monument, an obelisk which freshmen must scale on the first afternoon of Commissioning Week.
Well, looking out over your faces in this inspiring and historic setting gives reason for confidence in our nation's future. These last 4 years have been spent preparing you to assume responsibility for the protection of our country and all that we stand for. You're part of a noble tradition.
America's independence and freedom, since we were but 13 Colonies huddled along the Atlantic coast, have relied on the bravery, the good sense, and leadership of her officer corps. We've leaned heavily on men of the sea, on our Navy and Marine Corps. Your careers will be no less significant to future generations of Americans than those of past naval heroes.
You will hear during your career, as I've heard during times in my life, that maintaining the military at peak readiness-keeping our forces trained and supplied with the best weapons and equipment—is too costly. Well, I say it is too costly for America not to be prepared. As Presidents since Washington have noted: The way to prevent war is to be prepared for it.
And as obvious as that is, it's not always appreciated. There's a story about John Paul Jones' chief gunners mate. It was during the gore and thunder of that most historic battle. He was loading and firing cannon and carrying the wounded to the medical officer, cutting away the tangled rigging. And apparently in the midst of that first fight, John Paul Jones went below momentarily and changed into a new uniform. And as he emerged on deck a voice rang out through the smoke and fire—it was the British captain asking, "Have you struck your colors?" And the gunners mate, sweat and blood dripping from his body, turned and saw Jones now in his fresh uniform reply: "I have not yet begun to fight." And the gunners mate said, "There's always somebody who didn't get the word."
Now, my chief of staff, Don Regan, is a marine, and he keeps telling me that story's incorrect—that it was a marine in the rigging and not the gunners mate that said that.
Well, today as throughout our history, it is strength not weakness, resolve not vacillation, that will keep the peace. It's about time that those who place their faith in wishful thinking and good intentions get the word.
During the 1930's I saw America, disillusioned by the First World War, permit our military power to decline. The lack of will on the part of the Western democracies encouraged the totalitarians of that day. Churchill called what followed the most avoidable of all wars, and it turned out to be the most costly of all wars, both in terms of resources and in terms of human suffering.
Americans were spared much of the direct ravages of the Second World War due to geography, the grace of God, and the incredible skill and unmatched courage of our Armed Forces in the desperate months after Pearl Harbor. Fighting a delaying action, often against overwhelming odds, they bought the time needed to build our forces. Coral Sea, Midway, Guadalcanal are names that have gone down in the annals of truly historic battles. I couldn't help but see those names up there on the stadium. Many good men gave their lives in the 1940's for America's unwillingness to prepare in the 1930's. Let me promise you: As long as I'm President that will not happen again.
Since the end of the Second World War, American military might has been an immensely positive force in the world. We used our economic resources to help rebuild the devastated homelands of our allies and of our former enemies as well. Those people, wherever they are in this world, who've enjoyed the rights to speak and to pray and to direct the course of their government through democratic elections owe their freedom to one degree or another to the protection of the United States military. It doesn't take much imagination to know how different things would be had the Soviet Union, not the United States, militarily and economically dominated the world after 1945.
There are some who analyze world events who operate under the assumption that the United States and the Soviet Union are morally equivalent. This reasoning does a great disservice to our forefathers and all the brave individuals throughout our history who have fought and died to keep this country free. The United States is a democratic nation of free people. We are a far more moral and decent land than any totalitarian state, and we should be proud of it.
During the last decade, perhaps as a result of confusion stemming from the Vietnam war, America again permitted its military strength to decline. For the Navy this meant going from almost 1,000 ships in the late 1980's—or 1960's, I should say—to under 500 by 1980. In real terms, our overall military spending dropped by 20 percent in the 1970's.
And how did the Soviets seize this historic opportunity for better relations? They raced forward with the largest peacetime military expansion in history. They built almost three times as many ships as we did in the 1970's, turning what had once been a navy aimed at coastal defense into an offensively designed, blue-water navy—a formidable threat to peace and stability throughout the world. The Soviet's Pacific fleet alone now has more than 500 vessels, including two aircraft carriers and more than 130 submarines.
There had been theories that Soviet belligerence would wane as their relative strength to the United States increased. Those theories went by the wayside in the late 1970's as Soviet advisers and military equipment, along with thousands of Cuban surrogate troops, poured into Africa; Soviet tanks invaded Afghanistan. A weaker America did not mean a more peaceful world. That's about as likely as Army stealing the statue of Tecumseh. [Laughter] .
Four years ago, when you were entering Annapolis, we were putting in place a program to rebuild America's weakened defenses, and I'm proud to say that much progress has been made. I know you're ready for the Navy, and I can tell you the Navy is now much more ready for you. And thanks to Secretary of the Navy John Lehman's aggressive leadership, we now have 532 battle-force ships in commission. In 1984 alone, the Navy took delivery of 25 ships. We currently have 102 battle-force ships under construction or conversion in 21 shipyards. By the end of the decade, we'll realize our goal of a 600-ship Navy, which will include 15 deployable aircraft carriers.
And we've taken the steps necessary to make certain that our ships are in fighting trim and able to accomplish their mission. We've moved forward to ferret out waste and inefficiency. And by the way, that's why you hear those stories about outrageously expensive hammers or bolts and things of that kind. We're finding the waste and cutting it out. Those press stories are actually success stories, because by and large they represent our efforts to make the best use of our defense dollar. To make sure our military is ready, we've purchased spare parts, ammunition, better and more efficient equipment, and top-of-the-line weapons systems. Most important, we've got the best darn bunch of officers and crews this Navy or any navy has ever had.
By the end of the 1970's many of our military personnel were demoralized. The purchasing power of their pay had eroded, as had public recognition of their service. Enlisting quality personnel was increasingly difficult, and the reenlistment rates plummeted. We had ships that couldn't leave port for lack of a full crew.
Today that situation has been dramatically reversed. We've not only been meeting our recruitment goals but we're bringing in individuals fully capable of handling the sophisticated equipment and high-tech weapons systems of the modern Navy. Reenlistment rates are up in all of the services. And testing among our sailors and marines suggests that drug use, once a major problem, has dropped more than anyone would have predicted possible. And I've heard of your excellent record in this area, and I commend you for it.
Although I'm an old horse cavalryman myself, I've always had a soft spot in my heart for the Navy. Back in my former profession, I played a naval officer in "Hellcats of the Navy." And Nancy was a Navy nurse in the same picture. [Laughter] Now, speaking for myself only, if they should send me another script, it probably would be for "Old Man and the Sea." [Laughter]
"Hellcats" was about the submarine force, and I had an experience down in San Diego where we made most of that picture. The submarine training base down there taught me a little about the Navy. It seems that just about the same time we were making the picture, the fly-boys over there at the naval air station came over and invited the officers, the submariners, to come over and kind of learn a little about their occupation.
And having gotten them there and then strapped in, they took them up and gave them the works, the whole load. Well, this group of somewhat upset officers— [laughter] —returned to the naval base. And then they thought they should return the favor, so they invited the fly-boys to come over and learn something about the submarine service.
And they took them out in the submarine, and they were below, and they dived. And then all of a sudden, bells began ringing, and sirens sounding, and fellows were running back and forth, and there were red lights flashing. And it seemed that there was a dial there that said that they were not coming out of their dive. They were going on down. And worriedly they pointed out to these flyers what this meant—that if it passed that red point on the dial, that was below the ability of the submarine to withstand the pressure.
And then in the midst of all of that excitement, and as it got closer and closer to that red line, one fellow just climbed the ladder into the conning tower and opened the hatch. [Laughter] They were still tied to the dock. [Laughter]
Well, that was just a movie
Release dates for
Take Me Back to Oklahoma (1940)
Country Date
USA 11 November 1940
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 11:51 PM Pacific Time Seattle USA Monday 13 May 2013