I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
I am thinking of changing the title of my blog. The title "Homeless Veteran of Microsoft" made a lot of sense when I published my first post here on 30 August 2005.
After they kicked into that homeless shelter in Pioneer Square in downtown Seattle I deleted the content of my blog and that range was from 30 August 2005 to 24 September 2005. I didn't republish those postings but I still have text file backups of that worthless information from a time I was still hazed from that time the VA hospital doped me out of my mind.
All because I filed a police report.
Well, lately I have been given more thought to what that medical doctor told me in April 2004 when he told me I have a service-connected disability. I have always remembered that but only recently did I start giving some mental crunch to that phrase: service-connected disability.
I remember sitting there in his office in that building in downtown Seattle, where I had passed the US Navy officer with the judge advocate general emblems on his tropical dress white uniform, uncommon for me to see a US Navy officer walking around in downtown Seattle and I've walked a lot on those sidewalks, and that doctor, I have been thinking again specifically recently, seemed to have been referring to a blog post I made on 15 September 2005 and that I titled "Series Finale." I wrote about getting hit on the back of the head by a group of thieves who wanted to steal the coins from my pocket.
See, he couldn't just come right out and tell me about it at the time. What would be the point to any of this.
That was just a random thought in my mind at the time. Sometime later I was watching the DVD for the 1991 film "The Last Boy Scout" and that is what happens in there. The actor Bruce Willis is talking to himself about being a "low-life" and then he bends over to pick up some coins from the pavement and then the bad guys club him in the head and knock him out.
So anyway, the title isn't so much important to me anymore. I have changed other stuff before. The background image and the formatting of this page is different from how it used to be. Really, the only important detail is the URL.
For a while I have been thinking that if I change the title of this page then I might call it: Hopeful Veteran of Mind-Control
And then finally, today is Freaked-Out NCIS Tuesday. I wonder what weird and wacky observations I will make today. Not certain if I will be awake to watch those double-episode season finale episodes of "NCIS" tonight though.
There are some real people in the United States Navy associated with that CBS racketeering production and they are going to United States federal prison for a very very very very long time.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 04:51 AM Pacific Time Seattle USA Tuesday 21 May 2013