I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
They know the future.
They know the future.
They are creating variables.
Defining variables.
The variables are the short-form description for a notion I have described before as 'time-traveler effect variables.'
3 + a = 7
The variable 'a' would equal 4.
Or it could be that a = 1 + 3.
a = b + c
Those are variables.
So I am sitting here thinking again about it all and I started thinking that I should be able to predict the future based on the certainty of observations I have been making.
I mean, obviously *somebody* is working with me out there and that notion is what got me to believe in the first place about my so-called time-traveler effect.
I didn't start beginning to believe in my so-called time-traveler effect until I began to believe that I am destined to become a time-traveler.
So after I began to believe I am destined to become a time-traveler did I start to perceive the world around me as being shaped by my effect as a time-traveler.
I began to believe there are people out there right now who have absolute proof that I am a time-traveler and they are communicating with me. They communicate to me in the form of my so-called time-traveler effect variables.
See, they know the full picture. If they are playing by the rules then they know why the rules exist at all.
So they have reasons.
Now I am sitting here and I am thinking about how a few months ago, after I seemed to have been poisoned by the kill teams that inhabit fast food restaraunts in King County Washington State, that I have already proved that I can predict the future based on my observations about those variables.
And yet it proves nothing at this point. All I proved is that I documented something in my private journal. That private journal is part of the information I intend to transfer to the past when I become a time-traveler.
So my observations that seem to be time-traveler effect variables do not necessarily prove the future. They prove only that I am thinking about something.
Did I write here about how primitive people back in the 18th century were probably dazzled by manufactured mirrors? I think I wrote about here. I haven't gone back to check. I am feeling again this all is a similar exercise. I see my effect reflecting back at me and so what does that do for me?
I am thinking again about it because I am trying to think of a way to predict something that will happen tomorrow. Anything. I can't think of anything to try to predict though.
I think of stuff I want to do and I think again, almost counter-balanced to that, of my "Abandon All Hope" statement about reality artificial.
And I am so damned tired of being here.
I am really stuck. I mean, I am really at a dead-end. There is no place to go from here.
I started this blog in a drug-induced haze from those hospital drugs they tricked me into taking and now I am still here. I have made no progress. I have literally just made my future worse, despite how incredibly relevant are the reports I have generated. I have no future if I remain on this course.
And they didn't just trick me into a simple mistake at that hospital. They didn't just trick me into taking brain medication when I thought I was taking aspirin. I mean, the notion of medication was farthest from my mind. They secretly drugged the food they gave me. I had agreed to stay there a few days in the hospital so I knew I was going to eat there. I had no idea they were going to drug me.
And drug me they did. You just wouldn't believe how doped up I was by that hospital. The doctors kept talking to me and I kept telling them the same thing: people are following me. My apartment is bugged. People on the television know what I am saying.
After three days they let me out and I was just thinking a few days ago about how bad that was.
I knew the city I was in but that was it.
They discharged me and directed me to another building next to the hospital and they told me to go there to get refills of the prescription drugs they had me doped out on and I did go over and I can still remember sitting there waiting for the pharmacist to fill the order and I remember thinking that the guy behind the counter looked suspicious.
Then I was walking around outside and I had no idea where I was. They had taken me there in the back of an ambulance three days earlier when I was still lucid.
Now I am doped out of my mind after three days inside that first hospital and I just start walking. I have no idea where I am. I am walking along a sideroad and I just keep walking.
I looked it up on a map the other day. I still remember the route I took.
I am actually kind of amazed at how efficient was the route I took off on.
I could have wandered around those backroads for days and days and walked around in there and had no idea where in the hell I was or where I was going.
Instead I followed a very efficient walking route after about two or more turns, first right and then left, until I was walking and I was about two miles north of the hospital and I recognized a hamburger place I had eaten at one time before in the near past. Sometime in recent weeks or months I had gone to that hamburger place to eat and that was the only time I had been there before or since.
I recognized Monster Burgers, as I just looked it up on Google Streetview, and I remembered that I had been there before.
I don't know what's so amazing about that, thinking about it again now, because I still had no real idea where I was. My Jeep was still parked at the Kent police department, as far as I knew, and I had no idea how to get there.
What I did see though was a metro bus stop and so the first metro bus that came along I got on and I remember the bus driver was wearing a Korea war veteran hat and he didn't make me pay the full fare because I only had dollar bills and the fare back then was, I think, $1.25.
I just rode that bus until I recognized something again and then I got off the bus and I looked that up recently too on the map again and I walked for over three miles back to the Kent police department and I found my Jeep was parked there.
Things only got worse for me after that.
Any person who was looking directly at me would not have know it but I was in real trouble then because of what they did to me at that hospital and I almost didn’t make it back. You would not have even noticed it just by looking at me. I wasn’t talking to anyone. I wasn’t acting strange. If you followed me around for a few hours though and then watched me for a couple more days then you might have guessed that I was in trouble. And in my mind I knew I was in trouble. After fighting back that effect the doctor’s drugs had on my mind I staggered to the police station in another town where I had been living and they took me to the hospital and I was in the military veterans hospital where they drugged me again for several months inpatient and outpatient.
So that was a bad thing.
Lately I have been thinking I was learning a lesson that the local and national police cannot and will not provide any kind of assistance to me. They are the wrong source to ask for assistance. They don't want to help and they can't do anything even if they wanted to. The same with hospitals. I would actually go back to the hospital now and explain what I think is the problem with my mind but that is the wrong course too. They don't know what to do and instead could only make things worse for me. I remember all too well those days after they let me out of that first hospital. I was lucky to survive. And then it got much worse after that. They knew they couldn't beat the information from me they want to steal. They can't beat it out of me. They won't seriously try to kill me because (a) Corbis Microsoft Bill Gates al Qaida believes whole-heartedly they cannot kill me and (b) even if they did kill me then their chances of getting the information they want me from would be lost forever.
So I guess that's where many of you past and future victims of Corbis Microsoft Bill Gates al Qaida global terrorism victims come in.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 04:26 AM Pacific Time Seattle USA Wednesday 15 May 2013