I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Delta Force
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 9/12/2006 11:27 AM
Was I part of the group that is known as Delta Force? That would make sense. It would also explain why people have been trying so hard to get me killed. Bush knows that he couldn’t get away with conveniently declassifying somebody’s cover with that group. But he would try though if he thought I wasn’t going to remember any of it. He thought that I would never remember which meant he wouldn’t get caught. A lot of the people who knew me probably didn’t know what was going on or if they were watching the conversation going on about me in secret, they thought it was part of my operation.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 12 September 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: posted by H.V.O.M at 11:21 PM Sunday, September 11, 2005
[ internet news article hyperlink lost ] The truckers are suspicious of everything else. Any piece of roadside trash might be hiding a bomb, the soldiers said. Anyone from an Iraqi police officer at a checkpoint to a ditch digger might be collaborating with the insurgents.
Despite the dangers, Howe said many of his soldiers would rather go on missions than stay on the base.
"Guys get hooked on it. They gotta go," he said. [ internet news article hyperlink lost ]
I can relate to this. It sounds a lot like my life for the past year or so. Except I don't know for certain there are people wanting to shoot at me. All I see is people following me and that seem to be watching me. The craziest time was after that incident in Wal-Mart where I carried away what I thought was a bomb. That was last summer some time. After that, I really started thinking hard about all those people. Every person on a street corner with a cell phone was someone talking about me. I could just imagine there was someone sitting back somewhere else writing something in a log book: "Passed 2nd and Main at 12:33pm heading north." There were two types of cell phone talkers. One type had their faces partially covered and the other type would have their back to me so they would be facing me as I passed, I guess to see my license plate. After I decided that the suspected bomb had actually been a test, I realized they knew to put out the bag where I would see it because they were tracking me all the way into the store.
Up till then it had been kind of a game. I was still optimistic and that I would shortly know what was going on. It was a game to shake the people following me. There was one time I used a quarter-tank of gas just to drive 3 miles to Starbucks to get coffee. It was then I realized I couldn't afford to play that game for very long.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 11 September 2005 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 8:27 PM Saturday, August 18, 2007
I was also illustrating paths that I could take so that the people stalking me would know that "Bush sucks" as they mapped out the actual paths I drove as they followed me around everywhere.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 18 August 2007 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: August 1, 2006
I remember at work when Sharon was talking with Eddy about that third Austin Powers when it came out. I wonder if I remember these things because it means something. If I know people associated with Austin Powers, for example, then people at work were talking about such things around me because they knew it.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 01 August 2006 excerpt ends]
EPA debunks 'chemtrails,' further fueling conspiracy theories
The EPA has weighed in on the 'chemtrails' controversy, saying it is 'not aware of any deliberate actions to release chemical or biological agents into the atmosphere.' Still, the theory persists.
Christian Science Monitor By Brad Knickerbocker
4 hours ago [ Retrieved 10:45 AM Saturday 14 March 2015 Pacific Time USA ]
They’re etched across the sky at high altitude, lines of white, ethereal substance gradually dispersing into wisps and eventually disappearing.
Aviation officials call them “contrails” – condensation trails of frozen water vapor that’s part of the exhaust from aircraft engines, harmless byproducts of flight. Others insist that they’re “chemtrails” – chemical or biological agents sprayed from above for secret or even sinister purposes, such as changing the weather or controlling populations.
Now, the US Environmental Protection Agency has weighed in on the side of what critics of chemtrail conspiracies call reason and science.
Recommended: How safe is flying? Take the aviation safety quiz
On its web page about greenhouse gas emissions from aircraft, the EPA points readers to an “Aircraft Contrails Factsheet,” which states plainly:
“Contrails are line-shaped clouds or ‘condensation trails,’ composed of ice particles, that are visible behind jet aircraft engines, typically at cruise altitudes in the upper atmosphere. Contrails have been a normal effect of jet aviation since its earliest days. Depending on the temperature and the amount of moisture in the air at the aircraft altitude, contrails evaporate quickly (if the humidity is low) or persist and grow (if the humidity is high). Jet engine exhaust provides only a small portion of the water that forms ice in persistent contrails. Persistent contrails are mainly composed of water naturally present along the aircraft flight path.”
“EPA is not aware of any deliberate actions to release chemical or biological agents into the atmosphere,” the agency states, noting that the ice particles in contrails melt and evaporate as they fall to earth, posing no threat to human health.
The EPA does note one potentially harmful effect of contrails: “Contrail cloudiness might contribute to human-induced climate change. Climate change may have important impacts on public health and environmental protection.” That will depend on flight traffic and routes in coming decades as well as other weather changes tied to global warming.
Such assertions do not satisfy the proponents of theories about chemtrails, some of whom hold other beliefs about shadowy attempts by big government to control peoples’ lives.
Mark Pitcavage, director of investigative research at the Anti-Defamation League, who has studied antigovernment radical groups for many years, points to the case of Jerad and Amanda Miller – the couple who shot and killed two police officers at lunch and a third person in a Las Vegas Wal-Mart before being killed themselves.
“If you examine Jerad Miller’s Facebook page, you will see his references to the New World Order, as well as all the subsidiary conspiracy theories: that the government will declare martial law, that it will or already has set up concentration camps for Americans, that there will be gun confiscation, that the government is poisoning the American people using chemtrails, etc.,” Mr. Pitcavage told the Monitor last summer.
Of course, most believers in chemtrails are not violent criminals nor do they necessarily hold to other government conspiracies. But they do insist that what appears to be simple water vapor from aircraft exhaust, crystallized at high altitude, is something else.
Under the headline “Chemtrails Exposed: A History of the New Manhattan Project,” Peter Kirby of the Centre for Research on Globalization in Quebec recently writes: “Evidence suggests that today’s chemtrail spraying operations consist of airplanes saturating our atmosphere with nano-sized particles influenced by electromagnetic energy for the purpose of weather modification.”
“Motives are plenty. Most notably, significant direct benefits can be gained by playing financial markets which rise and fall with the weather such as the weather derivatives and catastrophe reinsurance markets; not to mention agricultural and energy commodities,” Mr. Kirby writes. “Weather routinely changes the course of human history. It determines what we do every day. It determines the outcomes of wars and influences elections. Control of the weather is God-like power. Money and power junkies want it.”
The web site abovetopsecret.com includes a lively discussion of chemtrails.
Still, most scientists side with the EPA.
“Chemtrails are said to last much longer than normal contrails from before 1995, but proponents are curiously oblivious of photographs of long-lasting contrails from as far back as World War II,” writes Dave Thomas, research scientist at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, in the journal Skeptical Inquirer. “The supposedly ominous ‘grid patterns’ of contrails are easily explained as the expected effect of wind movement across frequently used east/west and north/south aircraft travel lanes. And one of the defining characteristics of ‘chemtrails’ – gaps in the trails, supposedly caused by turning the ‘sprayers’ on and off – is quite simply explained as normal humidity variations in the atmosphere.”
EPA scientists may reject the notion of chemical or biological agents released into the atmosphere. But if you have any doubts, they say, “Please email us at otaq@epa.gov or call the contrail information line at 734-214-4432.”
Tom Clancy
Red Storm Rising
22– Ripostes
"Contrails, Doghouse, we have contrails overhead, looks like twenty or so. Passing overhead right now."
"Can you get an ID?"
"Negative. Large aircraft with no engines visible on the wings, but I can't be sure of the type. They're pretty high, heading south. Can't gauge the speed, either-no sonic booms, though if they were busting Mach 1, we should have heard it by now."
"Repeat your count," Doghouse ordered.
"I count twenty-one sets of contrails, two-one sets, heading about one-eight-zero. All the fighters at Reykjavik lifted off and went north about thirty minutes before they passed overhead. They still haven't landed back here yet, but we do not know where they are. The bombers do not appear to be escorted. Nothing else new to report."
"Roger, Beagle. Let us know when the fighters land. Might be nice to get a feel for their cycle time. Out." The major turned to his sergeant. "Get that one out in the printer right now. Confirm the one-regiment Backfire raid downbound, over Reykjavik right now, estimated course one-eight-zero. Possibly with fighter escort . . . yeah, better put that in, too."
The NATO communications center was about the only thing working as planned. The communications satellites in their as-yet unreachable orbits over the equator were supplying information to units all over the world, and here in Scotland was one of the main "nodes," military parlance for a high-tech telephone exchange.
A good day for contrails, Morris saw. Just the right mixture of temperature and humidity at high altitude, it would cause condensation in the hot exhaust from aircraft engines. They could see the tracks of air traffic crossing the Atlantic. The big twenty-power binoculars usually kept on the bridge wings for surface lookout work had been moved to the flying bridge atop the forward superstructure, and his lookouts were using them to identify the aircraft. They were mainly looking for Bears, the Soviet search aircraft that scouted targets for the Backfires.
Everyone was tense, and no relief was in sight. The submarine threat was bad enough, but with the carrier group savaged the day before, the convoy was virtually naked to air attack. They were too far at sea for any hope of land-based fighter protection. Pharris had only the most rudimentary air defenses. She could barely protect herself and was of no use whatever to anyone else. The ships equipped with surface-to-air missiles were now assembling in line on the north side of the convoy, twenty miles south of the frigate, while Pharris continued her antisubmarine search. All the frigate could do was keep watch on her threat-warning instruments and radio any data developed. They were sure that Ivan would be using his own Big Bulge search radars aboard the Bears to locate and classify the target. The convoy commander's plan was to use the SAM-ships as an additional row of targets, formed up just like the merchantmen. With luck, an especially curious Bear might mistake them for unarmed ships and be lured in for a visual search. A long shot, it was the only card they had to play . . .
"Contact! We have a Big Bulge radar bearing zero-zero-nine. Signal strength is low."
"Miss us, you bastard," the tactical action officer breathed.
"Not much chance of that," Morris said. "Get the data to the escort commander."
"Red Storm Rising"
The Bear was on a southerly heading, using its radar only two minutes out of every ten as it approached the convoy. Soon another was detected slightly to the west. Plotting teams estimated their positions, and a report was sent via satellite to CINCLANTFLT in Norfolk with an urgent request for assistance. Norfolk receipted their message; ten minutes later they learned that no help was available.
The American Presidency Project
George W. Bush
XLIII President of the United States: 2001 - 2009
Memorandum on Certification Permitting Rescission of Iraq as a Sponsor of Terrorism
September 24, 2004
Presidential Determination No. 2004-52
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Subject: Certification Permitting Rescission of Iraq as a Sponsor of Terrorism
On September 13, 1990, Acting Secretary of State Eagleburger designated Iraq as a state sponsor of terrorism (55 Fed. Reg. 37793-01).
Consistent with section 6(j)(4)(A) of the Export Administration Act of 1979, Public Law 96-72, as amended, and as continued in effect by Executive Order 13222 of August 17, 2001, 66 Fed. Reg. 44025, I hereby certify that:
(1) There has been a fundamental change in the leadership and policies of the Government of Iraq;
(2) Iraq's government is not supporting acts of international terrorism; and
(3) Iraq's government has provided assurances that it will not support acts of international terrorism in the future.
Accordingly, the prerequisites for your determination to rescind Iraq's designation as a state sponsor of terrorism will be satisfied once you have transmitted this certification to the Congress.
This certification shall also satisfy the provisions of section 620A(c)(1) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, Public Law 87-195, as amended, and section 40(f)(1)(A) of the Arms Export Control Act, Public Law 90-629, as amended.
You are authorized and directed to report this certification to the Congress and to arrange for its publication in the Federal Register.
George W. Bush
From 12/25/1971 ( George Walker Bush the purveyor of illegal drugs strictly for his personal profit including the trafficking of massive amounts of cocaine into the United States confined to federal prison in Mexico for illegally smuggling narcotics in Mexico ) To 9/24/2004 is 11962 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 8/3/1998 ( Tom Clancy "Rainbow Six" ) is 11962 days
From 2/1/1933 ( premiere US film "Revenge at Monte Carlo" ) To 12/25/1971 ( George Walker Bush the purveyor of illegal drugs strictly for his personal profit including the trafficking of massive amounts of cocaine into the United States confined to federal prison in Mexico for illegally smuggling narcotics in Mexico ) is 14206 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/24/2004 is 14206 days
From 6/24/1977 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - George Walker Bush fraudulently incorporates Arbusto ) To 9/24/2004 is 9954 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/2/1993 ( premiere US TV series episode "Frontline"::"What Happened to the Drug War?" ) is 9954 days
From 6/24/1977 ( premiere US film "Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo" ) To 9/24/2004 is 9954 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/2/1993 ( premiere US TV series episode "Frontline"::"What Happened to the Drug War?" ) is 9954 days
From 6/19/1952 ( the Special Forces of the United States Army first activated ) To 5/12/1991 ( I was the winning race driver at the Formula One Monaco Grand Prix ) is 14206 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/24/2004 is 14206 days
From 2/29/1964 ( US President Lyndon Johnson publicly reveals the existence of the US CIA and Lockheed A-12 reconnaissance jet aircraft ) To 9/24/2004 is 14818 days
14818 = 7409 + 7409
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/14/1986 ( premiere US film "The Delta Force" ) is 7409 days
From 6/4/1945 ( Harry Truman - Executive Order 9562 - Termination of the Office of Civilian Defense ) To 9/24/2004 is 21662 days
21662 = 10831 + 10831
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/29/1995 ( the Mir space station docking of the United States space shuttle Atlantis orbiter vehicle mission STS-71 includes my biological brother United States Navy Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan the spacecraft and mission commander and me Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps officer and United States STS-71 pilot astronaut ) is 10831 days
From 1/17/1991 ( the date of record of my United States Navy Medal of Honor as Kerry Wayne Burgess chief warrant officer United States Marine Corps circa 1991 also known as Matthew Kline for official duty and also known as Wayne Newman for official duty ) To 9/24/2004 is 4999 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/11/1979 ( US NASA deorbits the US Skylab space station ) is 4999 days
From 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) To 9/24/2004 is 4999 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/11/1979 ( US NASA deorbits the US Skylab space station ) is 4999 days
From 7/3/1951 ( premiere US film "Strictly Dishonorable" ) To 5/25/1990 ( premiere US film "Fire Birds" ) is 14206 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/24/2004 is 14206 days
From 5/25/1990 ( premiere US film "Fire Birds" ) To 9/24/2004 is 5236 days
5236 = 2618 + 2618
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/2/1973 ( premiere US TV series pilot "Firehouse" ) is 2618 days
From 5/25/1990 ( premiere US film "Fire Birds" ) To 9/24/2004 is 5236 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/4/1980 ( premiere US TV series "The Big Show" ) is 5236 days
From 1/18/1991 ( premiere US film "Flight of the Intruder" ) To 9/24/2004 is 4998 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/10/1979 ( Jimmy Carter - Proclamation 4667 - National Energy Supply Shortage ) is 4998 days
From 12/31/1953 ( premiere US film "Money from Home" ) To 9/24/2004 is 18530 days
18530 = 9265 + 9265
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/16/1991 ( my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate Columbia South Carolina ) is 9265 days
From 11/18/1996 ( premiere US film "Star Trek: First Contact" ) To 9/24/2004 is 2867 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/8/1973 ( premiere US TV series "Star Trek"::series premiere episode "Beyond the Farthest Star" ) is 2867 days
From 1/15/1960 ( premiere US TV series episode "The Twilight Zone"::"I Shot an Arrow into the Air" ) To 12/7/1998 ( my first day working at Microsoft Corporation as the known official Chief Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and the active duty United States Marine Corps lieutenant colonel circa 1998 ) is 14206 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/24/2004 is 14206 days
From 12/7/1998 ( my first day working at Microsoft Corporation as the known official Chief Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and the active duty United States Marine Corps lieutenant colonel circa 1998 ) To 9/24/2004 is 2118 days
2118 = 1059 + 1059
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/26/1968 ( premiere US TV series "Hawaii Five-O" ) is 1059 days
From 1/19/1993 ( in Asheville North Carolina as Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess I was seriously wounded by gunfire when I returned fatal gunfire to a fugitive from United States federal justice who was another criminal sent by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal in another attempt to kill me the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/24/2004 is 4266 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/8/1977 ( premiere US film "The Bad News Bears in Breaking Training" ) is 4266 days
From 12/20/1994 ( in Bosnia as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps captain this day is my United States Navy Cross medal date of record ) To 9/24/2004 is 3566 days
3566 = 1783 + 1783
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/20/1970 ( premiere US TV series "The Young Rebels" ) is 1783 days
From 2/1/1953 ( premiere US TV series "General Electric Theater" ) To 12/25/1991 ( as United States Marine Corps chief warrant officer Kerry Wayne Burgess I was prisoner of war in Croatia ) is 14206 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/24/2004 is 14206 days
From 3/12/1914 ( George Westinghouse deceased ) To 12/25/1991 ( as United States Marine Corps chief warrant officer Kerry Wayne Burgess I was prisoner of war in Croatia ) is 28412 days
28412 = 14206 + 14206
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/24/2004 is 14206 days
From 9/25/1921 ( premiere US film "The Idle Class" ) To 8/17/1960 ( premiere US film "The Time Machine" ) is 14206 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/24/2004 is 14206 days
From 9/25/1921 ( premiere US film "The Idle Class" ) To 8/17/1960 ( the Soviet Union trial of the United States Central Intelligence Agency pilot Gary Powers begins in Moscow Russia Soviet Union ) is 14206 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/24/2004 is 14206 days
From 3/4/2002 ( premiere US film "The Time Machine" ) To 9/24/2004 is 935 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 5/25/1968 ( the first flight Grumman and US Navy EA-6B Prowler ) is 935 days
From 10/11/1946 ( the United States military draft halted ) To 9/24/2004 is 21168 days
21168 = 10584 + 10584
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/25/1994 ( Susan Smith kills her two children and dumps them in her car in the John D. Long Lake near Union South Carolina ) is 10584 days
From 8/14/1933 ( Franklin Roosevelt - Letter to James A. Moss of the United States Flag Association on their Crusade Against Crime ) To 7/6/1972 ( George Walker Bush's last flight physical - George Walker Bush was always a communist asset against the United States of America and George Walker Bush was never a pilot qualified or even capable of controlled flight in any jet aircraft of any branch of the United States of America military - expired without renewal ) is 14206 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/24/2004 is 14206 days
From 10/15/1894 ( Alfred Dreyfus is arrested ) To 7/30/1972 ( premiere US film "Deliverance" ) is 28412 days
28412 = 14206 + 14206
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/24/2004 is 14206 days
For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
September 24, 2004
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Presidential Determination No. 2004-52
SUBJECT: Certification Permitting Rescission of Iraq as a Sponsor of Terrorism
On September 13, 1990, Acting Secretary of State Eagleburger designated Iraq as a state sponsor of terrorism (55 Fed. Reg. 37793-01).
Consistent with section 6(j)(4)(A) of the Export Administration Act of 1979, Public Law 96-72, as amended, and as continued in effect by Executive Order 13222 of August 17, 2001, 66 Fed. Reg. 44025, I hereby certify that:
(1) There has been a fundamental change in the leadership and policies of the Government of Iraq;
(2) Iraq's government is not supporting acts of international terrorism; and
(3) Iraq's government has provided assurances that it will not support acts of international terrorism in the future.
Accordingly, the prerequisites for your determination to rescind Iraq's designation as a state sponsor of terrorism will be satisfied once you have transmitted this certification to the Congress.
This certification shall also satisfy the provisions of section 620A(c)(1) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, Public Law 87-195, as amended, and section 40(f)(1)(A) of the Arms Export Control Act, Public Law 90-629, as amended.
You are authorized and directed to report this certification to the Congress and to arrange for its publication in the Federal Register.
Two Bad Neighbors
Original airdate in N.A.: 14-Jan-96
Bart: Hello, Mr. Bush! [skateboards in, knocking a sheet from the memoirs loose] Whatcha doin'?
George: Now, don't upset the desk there -- careful! Don't want to horse around with --
Bart: [spying outboard] Hey, cool! What does this do?
George: Now don't you pull that cord, young man -- [Bart pulls it anyway; the motor runs around the room] No! Hey -- Bar! My motor's gone loco! [crash!] Ohh, the birdhouse. My prize orchids! [the motor stops; Bart taps it and it starts up again] [it stops once again; a lightbulb falls on it and it restarts] No, not the memoirs. Don't even think about it. Not going to happen --
[he can't prevent it from happening]
Bart: Whoa, man.
George: Whoa, nothing. I'm going to do something your daddy should have done a long time ago.
Deliverance (1972)
Bobby: Weee!
Date: TUE 11/09/1993
Governor hopeful Bush: Look past personalities
Fledgling gubernatorial candidate George W. Bush
"Our leaders should be judged by results, not by entertaining personalities or clever sound bites," Bush told about 300 supporters
Deliverance (1972)
Release Info
USA 30 July 1972
Deliverance (1972)
Full Cast & Crew
Ned Beatty ... Bobby
Nation & World: Wednesday, November 08, 2006
By The Associated Press
Bush seemed stoic about the election, proclaiming: "This isn't my first rodeo."
Chronology of the Dreyfus Affair
October 15, 1894
After consulting reputable handwriting experts, but still lacking incriminating evidence, General Mercier along with the heads of the General Staff, General de Boisdeffre and his deputy in charge of Intelligence, General Gonse, are now convinced that Dreyfus has been privy to the information leaked to the Germans. In order to obtain an irrefutable handwriting sample, Commandant du Paty de Clam, placed in charge of the investigation, calls Dreyfus and feigns to dictate him a letter based on the wording of the "bordereau." Since the two documents appear to match, Dreyfus is accused of spying and arrested, despite his protestations of innocence. He is sent immediately to the Cherche-Midi military prison.
The American Presidency Project
Franklin D. Roosevelt
XXXII President of the United States: 1933-1945
126 - Letter to James A. Moss of the United States Flag Association on their Crusade Against Crime.
August 14, 1933
My dear Colonel Moss:
I acknowledge with thanks your telegram in which the Steering Committee of the National Council of '76 of The United States Flag Association pledges cooperation to the Department of Justice and assures support in our efforts to free the country of its scourge of frightful crime.
I am deeply interested in and heartily endorse the crusade against crime which the Association is conducting under the sponsorship of its National Council of '76. It is a fine patriotic undertaking of the greatest importance which deserves, and I am confident will receive, the support of all loyal citizens.
Will you please convey to the members of the Steering Committee my deep appreciation of their fine spirit of cooperation?
Very sincerely yours,
Colonel James A. Moss,
President General,
The United States Flag Association,
Washington, D.C.
Posted 2/15/2004 11:03 PM Updated 2/16/2004 9:37 AM
Why Bush stopped flying remains a mystery
By Dave Moniz and Jim Drinkard, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — Officers who flew fighter-jet patrols in the early 1970s with George W. Bush describe him as a gung-ho warrior and a gifted pilot who was popular in his Texas Air National Guard unit.
"He was a hell of a good pilot," one of Bush's former commanding officers, Walter B. "Buck" Staudt, recalled in December 2000, shortly after Bush was elected president. In 1971, he rated among the top 10% of fellow pilots. (Related: President Bush's military records)
The positive descriptions of Bush's military service make his sudden decision to quit flying in the spring of 1972 — two years before his pilot commitment was up — all the more puzzling.
Why 1st Lt. Bush stopped flying F-102 fighters remains murky despite the release on Friday of more than 400 pages of records detailing his Guard service from the time he enlisted until he was discharged.
An examination by USA TODAY of all the Bush records released to the public and interviews with pilots, Bush's Guard comrades and military personnel experts suggests Bush was treated differently from most pilots:
Bush was accepted into pilot school even though he scored in the 25th percentile on a standardized test. The test was given to all prospective pilots and there was no specific score that disqualified a candidate. In addition, Bush had two arrests for college pranks and four traffic offenses before applying for pilot training. Former and current military pilots say it was uncommon for an applicant to be approved for training with such a record.
There is no record of a formal procedure called a "flying evaluation board," which normally would have been convened once Bush stopped flying in April 1972.
Bush's records do not show he was given another job in the Air Guard once he quit flying. Pilots and Bush comrades say his records should reflect some type of new duties he was assigned.
Asked for an explanation about why Bush stopped flying, the White House said Bush "served admirably" in the Guard, was given permission by commanders to fulfill his obligations in ways that did not involve flying and was honorably discharged. "President Bush is proud of his service," said Dan Bartlett, communications director.
'Highly unusual' circumstances
Bush, whose father was in Congress at the time, was selected for Air Force pilot training, a highly competitive process, despite the speeding tickets and automobile accidents. He had also been arrested for two incidents considered college pranks: stealing a wreath in New Haven, Conn., and rowdiness at a college football game.
The combination of arrests and traffic violations and the score in the bottom quarter of those who took the pilot exam usually would have cast doubt on most applicants who were applying for pilot training, four former and current National Guard fighter pilots and one former Air Force pilot said. All served in the 1970s.
After Bush stopped flying fighter jets in April 1972 and did not take an annual physical examination required of all pilots, the Air Force should have required a hearing known as a flying evaluation board to determine his fitness to fly. Because the federal government spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to train each pilot, it typically did not allow them to stop flying without a formal proceeding. Bush's records do not mention a flying evaluation board.
The president's advisers and friends have explained that Bush stopped flying because his unit was phasing out the F-102 in 1972. They also say he was not able to get a required flight physical in Alabama, where his records show he was granted permission to train in the fall of 1972. Bartlett said there was no need for a physical exam because Bush stopped flying.
Guard records, however, show pilots in Bush's unit in Texas were still flying the F-102 in 1974, a year after Bush left the Guard.
And Bush would likely have been able to get a flight doctor in Alabama to give him a physical. The White House released records last week showing that Bush had received a dental exam at Dannelly Air National Guard Base in Montgomery, Ala., in January 1973.
Pilots who stop flying are given other Guard duties. In Air Force jargon, it's called DNIF, or Duties Not to Include Flying, which is a written order. There is no indication in Bush's records that his supervisors assigned him another job. Aides say Bush has told them that once he stopped flying, he performed "odds and ends" for commanders whose names he can't recall.
So far just one Alabama Guard member, John Calhoun, has come forward with specific recollections of seeing Bush on duty at Dannelly. He said he saw him eight to 10 times from May to October 1972.
John Richardson, a former Air Guard, Air Force and Air Reserve fighter pilot who served from 1978 to 2001, said regulations for Air Guard pilots during the early 1970s were much more relaxed than they are today. But even by the standards of the time, Richardson said, Bush's selection for pilot training and the circumstances under which he stopped flying are "highly unusual."
When Bush joined the National Guard in 1968, the United States was losing more than 250 troops a week in the Vietnam War. The combat deaths disproportionately excluded the sons of privileged families, some of whom used family connections to enlist in the Guard, which was rarely called for Vietnam duty. At that time, before the all-volunteer military was created, the Pentagon used draftees to fill its need for forces in Vietnam.
When Bush applied for membership in the Texas Air National Guard, it was collegial, almost exclusively white and, like other Air Guard units around the USA, far less professional than today.
"The attitude of a typical unit was more like a flying club than a professional military organization," said Chuck Devlaming, a Florida attorney who served two tours of duty in Vietnam and flew fighters for the Air Force and Air Guard from 1968 to 1988.
Devlaming also said, however, that it would be inaccurate to describe Bush or his comrades as performing safe duty during wartime. Flying a fighter jet anywhere, he said, is inherently dangerous.
The unit that Bush was assigned to in Texas, the 147th Fighter Group, defended the continental USA from enemy bomber attacks. Its pilots flew a hard-to-fly fighter jet called the F-102 Delta Dagger. Because most pilots who flew for the Air Guard were part-time officers who had other jobs, commanders were more lax about records and the whereabouts of pilots than Air Force pilots.
Bush's peers remember him as a good flier who, in his first two years as a pilot in 1970-71, flew his share of missions from Ellington Air Force Base in Houston.
Failed to retake physical
Then something happened.
In the spring of 1972, Bush's records show he stopped showing up for drills at his unit in Texas at about the time he requested a transfer to an Alabama Air National Guard unit. Military records indicate he requested the transfer so he could work for the political campaign of Winton "Red" Blount, a Republican candidate for the Senate and a friend of Bush's father.
Bush's last flight physical, taken in 1971, expired on July 6, 1972. He did not renew it, as required of all military pilots, which is noted in his National Guard records. He was suspended from flying in August for missing the exam.
Strictly Dishonorable (1951)
Release Info
USA 3 July 1951
Frontline Season 11 Episode 10
What Happened to the Drug War?
Aired Tuesday 9:00 PM Feb 02, 1993 on PBS
AIRED: 2/2/93
For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
September 24, 2004
Remarks by the President at Victory 2004 Rally
General John J. Pershing Park
Racine, Wisconsin
4:20 P.M. CDT
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Thanks for coming out. (Applause.) You can tell, I've been traveling your good state by bus. (Applause.) Nothing better than taking a bus trip throughout southern Wisconsin. (Applause.) What a fantastic, beautiful part of the world, full of great people. And a great place to end is right here in Racine. Thanks for coming out today. (Applause.)
Listen, the reason I'm traveling around by bus is because I'm asking for the vote. I'm here to ask for your vote, and I'm here to ask for your help. (Applause.) I think it's really important for you to convince your friends and neighbors to go to the polls. We live in a free society and we have an obligation to vote in a free society. (Applause.) So the first thing I'm doing -- I'm going to ask you to do, is to register your friends and neighbors. And make sure as you register your friends and neighbors, to register discerning Democrats like Zell Miller. (Applause.) And then, after you register them to vote, head them to the polls. And when you get them to the polls, tell them, if they want a safer, stronger and better America, to put me and Dick Cheney back in office. (Applause.)
AUDIENCE: Four more years! Four more years! Four more years!
THE PRESIDENT: I'm sorry that Laura is not here. I wish she were here. She is a great wife, a wonderful mother, and a great First Lady. (Applause.) And I appreciate my running mate, Dick Cheney. (Applause.) Look, he doesn't have the waviest hair in the race. (Laughter.) I didn't pick him for his hair. (Laughter.) I picked him for his experience, his judgment, and the fact that he get the job done for the American people. (Applause.)
Listen, I'm proud of my Secretary of Health and Human Services. (Applause.) You've trained him well. (Applause.) You taught Tommy Thompson a lot. He is a great friend, and he's doing a terrific job on behalf of our country. I'm proud to be traveling with Congressman Paul Ryan. (Applause.) He is a breath of fresh air. He's a good, honest man who, like me, married well. (Laughter.) I appreciate Congressman Mark Green being here today, too. (Applause.) Both of them represent your state well. The State Treasurer is with us; Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker. (Applause.) I call him Scott W. (Laughter.) A lot of state and local officials here -- Tim Michels, running for the United States Senate is here. (Applause.) I look forward to working with him in the United States Senate. (Applause.)
I appreciate my friend, Rick Graber, who is the party chairman of Wisconsin. I appreciate him being here. Mary Buestrin is the national committeewoman. Listen, what I'm doing is I'm telling you thanks for the grassroots activists. (Applause.) All of the people who have put the signs and get on the telephones and encourage people to register and vote, thank you for what you're doing, and thank you for what you're going to do as you're coming down the stretch. We're going to carry the state of Wisconsin. (Applause.)
I appreciate Charlie Sykes who emceed this program. (Applause.)
Listen, today, on the bus, I had the honor of meeting with Casey Perry and some other state -- members of the National Troopers Coalition. These are law enforcement officers who are out there every single day to protect the people of Wisconsin and around the country. (Applause.) I always found, when you're riding down the highway, it's good to have some troopers with you. (Laughter.) These -- these men were here to inform me that the National Troopers Coalition endorsed my candidacy for President. I am honored to have their endorsement. (Applause.) I'm honored to have it because of the risks they take. I'm honored to have it because of the values they stand for. I'm honored to have it because of the kind of people they are. I'm proud to have you by my side. God bless you all. Thank you. (Applause.)
You know, I'm looking forward to this campaign. I've been coming to Wisconsin a lot. I suspect I'll be coming some more. (Applause.) I enjoy coming here. I'm looking forward to coming back. (Applause.) I want to tell you where I stand, what I believe, and where I intend to lead this nation for four more years. (Applause.) I believe every child can learn and that every school must teach. That's what I believe. I went to Washington to challenge the soft bigotry of low expectations. See, like you, I was tired of that practice of just shuffling the kids through the schools, year after year, grade after grade, without teaching them the basics. I believe every child can learn, and I expect every school to teach. That's why we've raised the standards. That's why we're measuring early before it's too late to solve problems. That's why we believe in local control of schools. And that's why we're closing an achievement gap in America, and we're not turning back. (Applause.)
I believe we have a moral responsibility to honor our seniors with good health care. (Applause.) Medicine was changing, but Medicare wasn't. I went to Washington to solve problems. We had a problem in Medicare. See, Medicare would pay nearly $100,000 for the heart surgery, but would not pay one dime for the prescription drugs to prevent the heart surgery from being needed in the first place. That didn't make any sense. Medicare needs to be modernized. I worked with Republicans and Democrats. We've strengthened Medicare. Seniors will get prescription drugs in 2006, and we're not going to turn back to the old days. (Applause.)
I believe in the energy, innovative spirit of America's workers, small business owners, farmers. And that's why we unleashed that energy with the largest tax cut in a generation. (Applause.) When you're out rounding up the vote, remind people what this economy has been through. It's been through a recession. As a matter of fact, the stock market started to head down about five months before we showed up in Washington. Then there was a recession. And then we found out some of our citizens didn't tell the truth. There were some corporate scandals. We passed new laws, and we made it abundantly clear we're not going to tolerate dishonesty in the boardrooms of America. (Applause.)
And then we got attacked, and that hurt our economy. But our economy is strong and growing stronger. We'll overcome these obstacles. We've got great workers, great farmers. The entrepreneurial spirit is strong, and the tax cuts made a difference. (Applause.)
We've added about 1.7 million new jobs since August of '03. We've added 107,000 manufacturing jobs since January. The national unemployment rate is 5.4 percent, which is lower than the average of the '70s, the '80s, and the 1990s. (Applause.) And right here in Wisconsin, your unemployment rate is 4.8 percent. (Applause.) This economy is strong, it's getting stronger, and we're not turning back. (Applause.)
I believe the most solemn duty of the American President is to protect the American people. If we show uncertainty and weakness in this decade, the world will drift toward tragedy. This isn't going to happen on my watch. (Applause.) I'm running for President with a clear and positive plan to build a safer world and a more hopeful America. I'm running with a compassionate conservative philosophy that governments should help people improve their lives, not try to run their lives. (Applause.) I believe this nation wants steady, consistent principled leadership. And that is why with your help we'll carry Wisconsin and win a great victory in November. (Applause.)
The world in which we live is changing. The generation of our dads and granddads -- in that generation, a man generally had one job, one career, and moms stayed at home. But times have changed a lot since then. Many workers have more than one job and more than one career, and many women work inside the house and outside the house. And yet the systems of our government, the most fundamental systems -- the tax code, health coverage, pension plans, worker training, labor law was all designed for yesterday, not tomorrow. In the next four years, we'll work to transform these systems so that all citizens are equipped, prepared, and thus truly free to be able to make your own choices and to realize the great promise of America. (Applause.)
I fully understand a hopeful society is one that has a growing economy. I have a plan to make sure this recovery is lasting prosperity. If you want to keep jobs here in America, America must be the best place in the world to do business. (Applause.) As simple as that. That means less regulations on the employers and job creators. (Applause.) That means less frivolous lawsuits on the employers and job creators. (Applause.)
If we want to keep jobs here in America, Congress needs to pass my energy plan. I sent up a plan that encourages conservation, encourages the use of renewables like ethanol and biodiesel, that says we got to modernize our electricity grid, that says we'll use clean coal technology, that we'll explore for natural gas in environmentally friendly ways. In order to keep jobs here in America, this country must be less dependent on foreign sources of energy. (Applause.)
In order to make sure this economy grows and people in Racine, Wisconsin can find work, we've got to open up markets. See, we open up our markets for goods from other countries. If you got more products to choose from, you're likely to get the product you want at a better price and better quality. That's why Republicans and Democrat administrations have opened up our markets. So I'm saying to places like China, is you treat us the way we treat you. See, we can compete with anybody, any time, anywhere so long as the rules are fair. (Applause.)
In order to make sure this economy grows we got to be wise about how we spend your money in Washington. And we got to keep your taxes low. (Applause.) Taxes are an issue in this campaign, make no mistake about it. The fellow I'm running against has promised $2.2 trillion in new federal spending -- so far.
THE PRESIDENT: I say, so far, because we still got October to go. (Laughter.) $2.2 trillion is a lot even for a senator from Massachusetts. (Laughter.) So I said, how are you going to pay for it? He said, that's easy, we'll just tax the rich. We've heard that before, haven't we? First of all, you can't raise enough money by taxing the rich to pay for $2.2 trillion in new spending, so there's a tax gap. Guess who usually gets stuck with filling the tax gap. Secondly, when you hear that language, tax the rich, hold on to your wallets, because the rich hire lawyers and accountants for a reason. So you get stuck.
The good news is, we're not going to let him tax you, because we're going to win in November. (Applause.)
Let me say something else about the tax code. It's a complicated mess. It's a million pages long. The American people spend six billion hours a year filling out the tax forms. In a new term, I'm going to bring Republicans and Democrats together to simplify the tax code so you're treated more fairly. (Applause.)
Today, down the road, I talked about making sure workers have the skills necessary to fill the jobs of the 21st century. Our work force is changing. Sometimes workers don't have the skills necessary to fill the jobs of the 21st century. That's why I'm such a big believer in the community college system here in Wisconsin and around the world. We're going to spend more federal money to make sure community colleges are more accessible.
Do you realize most jobs, or new jobs, are filled by people with at least two years of college, yet only about one in four of our students gets there. That's why I believe, in our high schools, we should fund early intervention programs to help at-risk students. We need to place special emphasis on math and science. Over time, we'll require a rigorous exam before graduation. By raising performance in our high schools, and by expanding Pell grants for low-and middle-income American families, we'll make sure more families -- more workers start their career with a college diploma. (Applause.)
We're going to do something about our health care system, too. But I promise you this; when we reform health care, we're going to let you make the decisions. (Applause.) There's a fundamental difference in this campaign; there is a philosophical divide. My opponent wants government to dictate to you.
THE PRESIDENT: I think that's the wrong approach to health care. See, we're going to make sure the poor and the indigent get good health care by expanding community health centers in every poor county in America. That makes sense. We'll make sure the children's health programs for low-income Americans are fully subscribed to by those who qualify. That makes sense. We have a practical, commons-sense plan. I understand half the working uninsured work for small businesses. There's a reason why they're uninsured. Small businesses are having trouble affording health care. And one of the reasons having -- having trouble affording health care is because they can't pool risk. So I think we ought to allow small businesses to pool together across jurisdictional boundaries so they can buy health care at the same discounts big companies get theirs. (Applause.)
We'll expand tax-free health savings accounts. We'll give small business tax credits to encourage them to put money into health savings accounts for their employees. In order to make sure that health care is available and affordable in Wisconsin and around the country. We've got to do something about these frivolous lawsuits that are driving good doctors out of practice and running up your costs. (Applause.)
There's a difference of opinion in this campaign. You cannot be pro-doctor, pro-patient, pro-hospital, and pro-trial lawyer at the same time. I think you have to make a choice. My opponent made his choice, and he put a trial lawyer on the ticket. I made my choice. I am for medical liability reform now. (Applause.)
Listen, we have a common-sense, practical plan to make sure health care is available and affordable. In all we do to make sure medicine works in America, we will make sure that the decisions are made by doctors and patients, not by bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. (Applause.)
In times of change, in a changing world, it helps if somebody owns something to bring stability in their lives. The home ownership rate is at an all-time high under my administration. More and more people from all walks of life are able to open up the door where they live and say, welcome to my home, welcome to my piece of property. (Applause.) And over the next four years, we'll continue to expand home ownership to every corner of our country.
In terms of our retirement systems, they were designed for yesterday. They need to be designed for tomorrow. If you're on Social Security today, you have nothing to worry about. You will get your check. I don't care what the political rhetoric is in a campaign, you're going to get paid. You remember, four years ago in Wisconsin, they were saying, if George W. gets in, the seniors aren't going to get their checks. You might remember that? Yes, well -- (laughter) -- that's what happened. Seniors got paid. You will get paid again. If you're a baby boomer -- if you're a baby boomer, you're fine. We're fine. There's enough money in the trust to take care of us. But we need to worry about our younger workers. We need to worry about our children and our grandchildren. (Applause.) I think in order to make sure Social Security is around for a new generation, younger workers ought to be able to take some of their own money and set up a personal savings account that they can call their own. (Applause.)
The world has changed. Some things won't change, the values we try to live by: courage and compassion, reverence and integrity. In times of change, we will support the institutions that give our lives direction and purpose: our families, our schools, our religious congregations. We stand for a culture of life in which every person matters and every being counts. (Applause.) We stand for marriage and family, which are the foundations of our society. (Applause.) I stand for the appointment of federal judges who know the difference between personal opinion and the strict interpretation of the law. (Applause.)
This election will also determine how America responds to the continuing danger of terrorism. Since the terrible morning of September the 11th, 2001, we have fought the terrorists across the globe not for pride, not for power, but because the lives of citizens are at stake. Our strategy is clear. We're defending the homeland. We're transforming our military. We're strengthening our intelligence-gathering services. We're staying on the offensive. We are striking the terrorists abroad so we do not have to face them here at home. (Applause.)
We will -- we will continue to work to advance liberty in the broader Middle East, and around the world. And we'll prevail. Our strategy is succeeding. Our strategy is succeeding. Think about the world only four short years ago. Afghanistan was the home base of al Qaeda. Pakistan was a transit point of terrorist groups. Saudi Arabia was fertile ground for terrorist fundraising. Libya was secretly pursuing nuclear weapons. Iraq was a gathering threat, and al Qaeda was largely unchallenged as it planned attacks.
Because we acted, the government of a free Afghanistan is fighting terror. Pakistan is capturing terrorist leaders. Saudi Arabia is making raids and arrests. Libya is dismantling its weapons programs. The army of a free Iraq is fighting for freedom, and more than three-quarters of al Qaeda's key members and associates have been brought to justice. (Applause.)
THE PRESIDENT: We have led, many have joined, and America and the world are safer.
This progress involved careful diplomacy, clear moral purpose, and some tough decisions. And the toughest came on Iraq. We knew Saddam Hussein's record of aggression and support for terror. We knew he had harbored Abu Nidal, the leader of a terrorist organization that carried out attacks in Asia and Europe. We knew Abu Abbas had been in Iraq -- he's the fellow that killed Leon Klinghoffer. We knew Zarqawi had been in Baghdad. He's the person now beheading our citizens in order to shake our will. We knew that -- we knew his long history, Saddam's history of pursuing and even using weapons of mass destruction. He was firing at our pilots enforcing the world's sanctions. Saddam Hussein was a threat. It is important this country never forget the lessons of September the 11th. We must take threats seriously before they fully materialize. (Applause.) We cannot forget that lesson.
So I went to the Congress. The Congress looked at the intelligence, the same intelligence I looked at, remembered the same history I remembered, and concluded that Saddam Hussein was a threat and authorized the use of force. My opponent looked at the same intelligence I did, concluded that Saddam was a threat, and voted "yes" when it came to the authorization of force.
Before the Commander-in-Chief commits troops into harm's way, he must try all options to solve a problem. And so I was hopeful that diplomacy would work. I was hopeful that we wouldn't have to commit our troops. And so I went to he United Nations, and I gave a speech there, and I said, we see a threat. They looked at the same intelligence, they remembered the same history, and they concluded that Saddam Hussein was a threat. As a matter of fact, by a U.N. Security Council resolution, they voted 15 to nothing to say, disclose, disarm, or face serious consequences. I believe when an international body speaks, it must mean what it says. (Applause.)
Saddam Hussein wasn't about to listen to the demands of the free world. He had ignored the demands of the free world for over a decade. I think this was maybe the 17th resolution that had been passed. He doubted whether or not the international body would keep its word. He defied the inspectors the U.N. sent in. So I have a choice to make at this point in time. Diplomacy has failed, Saddam Hussein was given a last chance. Do I forget the lessons of September the 11th and trust a madman --
THE PRESIDENT: -- or do I take action to defend this country? Given that choice, I will defend America every time. (Applause.)
Listen, we didn't find the stockpiles we all thought would be there, but Saddam Hussein had the capability of manufacturing weapons, and he could have passed that capability on to an enemy. And after September the 11th, that is a risk we could not afford to take. Knowing what I know today, I would have made the same decision. (Applause.) And America and the world are safer with Saddam Hussein sitting in a prison cell. (Applause.)
Because we acted in our self-interests, 50 million people in Afghanistan and Iraq are now free. (Applause.) Think about Afghanistan, what life was like there less than four years ago. Think about it. Young girls were not allowed to go to school. The Taliban was so dark in their vision that they'd haul their mothers out in the public square and whip them if they didn't toe their line. They didn't believe in freedom at all. Their mind-set was the exact opposite of what America stands for. Today, because we acted, 10 million citizens in Afghanistan, 41 percent of whom are women, have registered to vote in the upcoming presidential election. (Applause.) Fantastic. This society is going from darkness to light because the people are free, and we're better off for it. Afghanistan is an ally in the war on terror.
In Iraq, despite ongoing acts of horrible violence, that country has got a strong Prime Minister and it's going to have elections in January. (Applause.) It's in our interests that Iraq be free. Free societies will be hopeful societies. Free societies will not breed resentments and export for terror. Free societies will fight terrorists instead of harboring them. Our strategy is clear -- we'll help the Iraqis and the Afghans defend themselves by training citizens -- their own citizens so they can do the hard work. We'll help them get on the path of stability and democracy as quickly as possible, and our troops will come home with the honor they have earned. (Applause.)
We got a great military. (Applause.) I want to thank the veterans who are here for having set such a great example to those who wear the uniform. We appreciate your service. (Applause.) I've had the privilege of meeting those who wear the uniform at bases here at home and across the world. I know their courage, and their unselfish decency. Ladies and gentlemen, the cause of freedom is in really good hands. (Applause.)
And we owe our troops and their loved ones the full support of the federal government. That's why I went to -- that's why I went to the Congress last September a year ago to ask for $87 billion of supplemental funding to support our troops in harm's way. This was really important legislation. This was vital money, money for spare parts and ammunition, for body armor, for hazard pay, for health benefits. It's the kind of thing that you'd want your troops to have, and the troops not only in Iraq, but Afghanistan, as well. We received great bipartisan for that funding request, so strong that only 12 United States senators voted against it -- two of whom are my opponent and his running mate.
THE PRESIDENT: When you're out there campaigning tell people about this statistic: Only four United States senators voted to authorize the use of force, and then voted against funding for our troops. And two of those four are my opponent and his running mate. They asked him, of course, you know this, he said his answer to why he voted the way he did, he said, I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it. (Laughter.) You've heard that. They then said -- they then said, well -- they kept pressing him. He said he was proud of his vote. And finally, he just said, the whole thing was a complicated matter. There's nothing complicated about supporting our troops in combat. (Applause.)
We've got hard work to do in Iraq. And it's tough, and it's hard. I know it's hard. The terrorists over there cannot defeat our military. The only tool they've got is the ability to shake our will. We care for human rights and human dignity. Every life matters to the American people. And therefore, when we see people beheaded on our screens, we cry and we weep. And the terrorists know that. They know we've got a conscience. And we know they don't have a conscience. We must not allow them to shake our will. It's important that we succeed in Iraq. It's important for our security and for the peace of the world that we defeat the terrorists there. This is a central, central front in the war on terror.
Fortunately, we've got a partner, a strong partner in Iraq. He's named Prime Minister Allawi. (Applause.) I was with him yesterday in the Oval Office, had a great visit with him. When I was in New York and saw him, I asked him, is it true that -- about the story I had heard. He said, it's true. He told me the story about the night he woke up in a bed in a flat in London. See, he had been -- he had left the country because Saddam Hussein wanted to kill him. And he woke up one night -- this is a true story -- his wife in his bed next to him, and there was two people next to his bed with axes, sent by Saddam Hussein. They were trying to axe him to death. He survived. He's now the Prime Minister of that country. He's a tough guy who understands. He understands we must not yield. (Applause.) We'll stand with him. When America gives its word, America must keep its word. (Applause.)
If we expect to win this war on terror and secure the homeland, we must be clear about what we say. And the President must mean what he says. (Applause.) That's why you can't keep changing positions based upon polls. My opponent has had seven or eight different positions on Iraq. He can't decide if we should be there or not be there. You cannot lead if you don't know where you want to lead. You cannot lead if you don't know what you believe. You cannot lead if you -- if you get blown around by the political winds. Yesterday, he criticized the Prime Minister of Iraq.
THE PRESIDENT: Right after the Prime Minister spoke to the United States Congress, right after he gave an important speech, Senator Kerry went out and stood in front of the cameras and questioned Prime Minister Allawi's credibility.
THE PRESIDENT: Earlier this week, he said he would prefer the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein to the situation in Iraq today.
THE PRESIDENT: In order for us to succeed in Iraq, the Iraqi people must believe the American people will stand with them. (Applause.) In order to have credibility with those people who are fighting for freedom, the leaders of this country must not send mixed signals. They must earn the credibility of the Iraqi people. Twenty-five million people want to be free in that country. And when they're free, we're better off for it. I'll continue to lead this country with clarity. When I say something, I'll mean what I say. (Applause.)
AUDIENCE: Four more years! Four more years! Four more years!
THE PRESIDENT: Part of our strategy -- part of our strategy is to continue working with our friends and allies. I was on the phone this morning with Prime Minister Tony Blair. (Applause.) He understands -- he understands that Iraq is a central front in the war on terror. He understands the stakes. He understands the need for leaders to stand up and lead, and he is a leader. And I appreciate him -- I thank him every time I have a chance to for joining this coalition. (Applause.) Do you realize we've got over 40 nations involved in Afghanistan, some 30 nations involved in Iraq. Over the next four years, I'll continue to work to strengthen alliances, but I will never turn over America's national security decisions to leaders of other countries. (Applause.)
THE PRESIDENT: I believe -- I believe in the transformational power of liberty. That's what I believe. The wisest use of American strength is to advance freedom. Recently in New York, I had a visit with Prime Minister Koizumi of Japan. I said, I tell you, I'm traveling the country talking about you. He said, fine, make sure you tell them I like Elvis. (Laughter.) And so I do talk about him because I find it really interesting, really interesting. And I want the youngsters to understand -- to listen to this because I think it will give you some clarity about why I decide what I decide -- is that I sit down and talk with the leader of a country that we were at war with some 60 years ago. That's a lot of time if you're 58 like me. (Laughter.) It seems like forever. (Laughter.) It's not a lot of time, though, in the march of history. It wasn't all that long ago in other words, that we were at war with Japan. My dad fought against the Japanese. I promise you a lot of folks out here relatives fought against the Japanese, too, in what was one tough war. A lot of people lost their lives.
After World War II, my predecessor Harry S. Truman believed that we should work with the Japanese to build a democracy. A lot of people in this country questioned the wisdom. You can understand why. There was a lot of bitterness toward the Japanese. They were our enemy. We had just fought them. But there were folks in this country that believed in the power of liberty to transform an enemy into an ally. And so they did the hard work after World War II, developing that country, and to build that country into a democracy. And because of that work, today I talk to Prime Minister Koizumi, talking about the peace we all want, talking about how to make the world more peaceful.
So when you hear me say, I believe in the transformational power of liberty, think about the fact that the American President and the leader of Japan are working together for peace. Some day -- some day -- (applause) -- some day an American President and a duly-elected leader of Iraq will sit down at the table to talk about peace, and our children and our grandchildren will be better off for it. (Applause.)
I believe -- I believe that millions in the Middle East plead in silence for their freedom. I believe women in the Middle East long to be free. I believe they want their young daughters to be able to grow up in a hopeful society. I believe that, if given a chance, the people in the broader Middle East will embrace the most honorable form of government ever devised by man. And I believe these things because freedom is not America's gift to the world; freedom is the Almighty God's gift to each man
and woman in this world. (Applause.)
This young century will be liberty century. By promoting freedom at home and abroad, we'll build a more safer world and a more hopeful America. By reforming our systems of government, we'll help more Americans realize their dreams. We'll spread ownership and opportunity to every corner of this land. We'll pass the enduring values of our country on to a new generation. We'll continue to lead the cause of freedom and peace. (Applause.)
For all Americans, these years in our history will always stand apart. There are quiet times in the life of a nation when little is expected of its leaders. This isn't one of those times. This is a time when we need firm resolve, clear vision, and a deep faith in the values that makes us a great nation. (Applause.)
None of us will ever forget that week when one era ended and another began. On the bus we were talking to troopers about that day, September the 14th, 2001, when we stood in the ruins of the Twin Towers. It's a day I know I'll never forget. There were workers in hard hats there yelling at the top of their lungs, "Whatever it takes." I remember talking to a guy who came out of the rubble, had blood-shot eyes and he's exhausted for trying to find his buddies and people that were hurt. And he looked me right in the eye and said, "You don't let me down." I wake up every morning since that day trying to better figure out how to protect our country. I will never relent in defending the security of America, whatever it takes. (Applause.)
Four years ago, as I traveled your great state and our country, I made a pledge that if you gave me the chance to serve I would uphold the honor and the dignity of the office to which I have been elected. With your hard help, with your hard work and your help, I will continue to do so for four more years. God bless. Thank you all for coming. (Applause.) On to victory. Thank you all. Thanks for coming. (Applause.)
END 5:04 P.M. CDT
The Idle Class (1921)
Release Info
USA 25 September 1921
The Idle Class (1921)
Plot Summary
The conflict here is between Charlie the wealthy and alcoholic husband and Charlie the Tramp: the idle rich and the idle poor. In the opening scene wealthy Edna descends from a Pullman car while the Tramp crawls out from under another one. At a fancy masquerade ball Edna's husband appears as a knight whose visor is stuck closed. The Tramp shows up, running from the law, and is mistaken for the husband. Edna finds the new "husband" more to her liking than the real one. When true identities are revealed, a fight breaks out and the Tramp is ejected.
The Idle Class (1921)
Full Cast & Crew
Charles Chaplin ... Tramp / Husband (as Charlie Chaplin)
Everything for Sale (1921)
Release Info
USA 25 September 1921
The Rage of Paris (1921)
Release Info
USA 25 September 1921
Springfield! Springfield!
Time Machine, The (2002)
But I picked it up for $5 at Macy's. Silly, isn't it? Very silly. I like it.
The Time Machine (2002)
Release Info
USA 4 March 2002 (premiere)
The Time Machine (2002)
Full Cast & Crew
Guy Pearce ... Alexander Hartdegen
Encyclopædia Britannica
George Westinghouse
American inventor and industrialist
George Westinghouse, (born Oct. 6, 1846, Central Bridge, N.Y., U.S.—died March 12, 1914, New York City), American inventor and industrialist who was chiefly responsible for the adoption of alternating current for electric power transmission in the United States.
After serving in both the U.S. Army and the navy in the Civil War, Westinghouse received his first patent in late 1865 for a rotary steam engine. Though the engine proved impractical, he later applied the same principle to develop a water meter. In that same year he invented a device for placing derailed freight cars back on their tracks.
Westinghouse’s interest in railroads in general led to his first major invention, an air brake, which he patented in 1869 (eventually he received more than 100 patents); in the same year he organized the Westinghouse Air Brake Company. With additional automatic features incorporated into its design, the air brake became widely accepted, and the Railroad Safety Appliance Act of 1893 made air brakes compulsory on all American trains. As the use of his automatic air brake spread to Europe, Westinghouse saw the advantages of standardizing all air-brake equipment so that the apparatus on cars of different lines would work together and improved designs could be used on earlier models. He thus became one of the first to adopt the modern practice of standardization.
Westinghouse then turned his attention to the problems of railroad signaling. By purchasing patents to combine with his own inventions, he was able to develop a complete electrical and compressed-air signal system. In 1883 he began to apply his special knowledge of air brakes to the problem of safely piping natural gas, and within two years he obtained 38 patents for piping equipment.
Although the electrical system being developed in the United States in the 1880s used direct current (DC), in Europe several alternating-current (AC) systems were being developed. One of the most successful, first demonstrated in 1881 in London, was devised by Lucien Gaulard of France and John Gibbs of England. Four years later, Westinghouse imported a set of Gaulard-Gibbs transformers and a Siemens AC generator and set up an electrical system in Pittsburgh. With the aid of three American electrical engineers, he altered and perfected the transformer and developed a constant-voltage AC generator. In 1886 he incorporated the Westinghouse Electric Company, which three years later was renamed the Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company. He purchased the patents of Nikola Tesla’s AC motor and hired Tesla to improve and modify the motor for use in his power system. When the system was ready for the American market, the advocates of DC power immediately set out to discredit AC power. Their attacks culminated in charges that the use of AC power was a menace to human life; to support their argument, they introduced a standard Westinghouse AC generator as the official means of executing death sentences in the state of New York. This tactic was insufficient to suppress AC power, however, and in 1893 the Westinghouse company was retained to light the World’s Columbian Exposition at Chicago. In addition, Westinghouse secured the rights to develop the great falls of the Niagara River with AC generators. His business flourished until 1907, when a financial panic resulted in his losing control of the company. By 1911 he had severed all connections with his companies. His health failed soon thereafter.
General Electric Theater Season 1 Episode 1
Aired Unknown Feb 01, 1953 on CBS
AIRED: 2/1/53
Revenge at Monte Carlo (1933)
Release Info
USA 1 February 1933
Frontline Season 11 Episode 10
What Happened to the Drug War?
Aired Tuesday 9:00 PM Feb 02, 1993 on PBS
AIRED: 2/2/93
In His Own Words: 'Excitement in the Air'
The Washington Post
Friday, July 30, 1999; Page A21
The following are excerpts of interviews with George W. Bush conducted by Washington Post reporters. The interviews took place May 11 and June 7, 1999, in Austin.
You incorporated Arbusto on June 24, 1977. And the next month you, as an independent oil producer, announce your candidacy for the congressional seat. But you didn't start active operations of the company until March of 1979.
That sequence suggests to me that you wanted Arbusto most immediately as a credential for the congressional race.
Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo (1977)
Release Info
USA 24 June 1977
United States Army Special Operations Command
10th SFG (A) History
The 10th SFG was activated on June 19,1952 at Fort Bragg, N.C., with Col. Aaron Bank in command. Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 10th SFG was activated on 19 May 1952, preceding the activation of the Group proper.
The first class of the Special Forces Course graduated in 1952 and the Group grew to an aggregate strength of 1,700 personnel over the next year. In September 1953, following intensive individual and team training, 782 members of the Group, deployed to Germany and established Group headquarters at Lengries in Bavaria. An additional 99 personnel deployed to Korea where they were assigned to the 8240th Army Unit which was training anti-Communist North Korean partisans (called the United Nations Partisan Forces Korea) on the off-shore islands.
The remaining personnel stayed at Fort Bragg where they formed the core of the 77th Special Forces Group. In 1968, the majority of the Group redeployed to Fort Devens, Massachusetts. The 1st Battalion remained in Germany as part of Special Forces Detachment-Europe, and is currently located at Panzer Kaserne in Stuttgart. Between 1994 and 1995, 10th SFG moved to Fort Carson, Colorado, where three line battalions, 2nd, 3rd and 4th, plus a Group Support Battalion, operate today.
The group's mission was to conduct partisan warfare behind enemy lines in the event of a Soviet invasion of Europe. The 10th Special Forces Group originally attracted many former members of the OSS, Rangers and Airborne units from World War II
Orlando Sentinel
At 99, Green Beret Still Takes On Mission
April 7, 2002 By Tom Berg, Orange County (Calif.) Register
MISSION VIEJO, Calif. -- His mind is fading, his memory is failing and his 99-year-old body -- long a vessel of strength and stamina -- is following.
But this soldier has one more mission in him: to board a plane and fly east this spring to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Army's Special Forces -- the elite commando group that he created and led in 1952.
Only his beefy hands retain the vigor of his past.
Aaron Bank grips a cane with those hands and taps it on the floor as he sits on a couch. "You mean the Special Forces?" he replies when asked whether he feels pride that his creation is now leading the war on terrorism in Afghanistan. "Of course I do. I feel proud about it."
He should.
He is called the Father of the Green Berets -- the name the Special Forces took in 1961.
And he has just been recommended to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor. "His unit spawned the Green Berets, the Navy SEALs, the Marine Corps' Force Recon and the Army's Delta Force. It's high time he received this recognition," says Rep. Christopher Cox, R-Calif., who requested the award from President Bush last month.
In World War II, Bank worked behind enemy lines for the Office of Strategic Services -- at one point, enlisting the help of more than 200 German prisoners of war to assist in trying to capturing Adolf Hitler.
In 1952, Bank moved to the Pentagon, where he created the model for the Special Forces. Based on his OSS experience, it was designed to operate behind enemy lines, using guerrilla tactics and often working with resistance fighters.
"Some people thought it was insignificant," he says, and the voice of the man known to most as simply "The Colonel" is all breath and no boom. "But it has proven itself."
Now, it is his wife of 54 years, Catherine, 83, who does most of the talking for Bank.
She relays the details of his life: the time he parachuted behind enemy lines to help the French resistance; the time he met a young Ho Chi Min in Vietnam; the time they were dating and he started pursuing a Russian spy in a Jeep chase across Wiesbaden, Germany.
Occasionally she pauses to ask him a fact. He says nothing, or, "I can't remember."
But oh, when he dons his old uniform for a special event, the women of their assisted-living complex swoon.
"The whole building comes out to see him," his wife says. "Some of them run to their rooms to get their cameras."
Until his 75th birthday, he ran several miles a day and swam around the San Clemente pier -- even on days when the lifeguards wouldn't go in. He still rides his stationary bike four days a week.
He was 50 when he took command of the first Special Forces unit at Fort Bragg, N.C., on June 19, 1952.
The Delta Force (1986)
Release Info
USA 14 February 1986
Flight of the Intruder (1991)
Release Info
USA 18 January 1991
The American Presidency Project
Jimmy Carter
XXXIX President of the United States: 1977 - 1981
National Energy Supply Shortage Message to the Congress on the Implementation of Energy Conservation Contingency Plan No. 2.
July 10, 1979
To the Congress of the United States:
Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, I have found and proclaimed (copy of the Proclamation is enclosed) that a severe energy supply interruption currently exists with respect to the supply of imported crude oil and petroleum products and have implemented the authority vested in me to impose emergency building temperature restrictions as set forth in Standby Energy Conservation Contingency Plan No. 2.
The Plan will become effective as of July 16, 1979. A copy of the final Department of Energy regulations which more fully explain the manner for the exercise of the Plan is enclosed.
The White House,
July 10, 1979.
Money from Home (1953)
Release Info
USA 31 December 1953
Money from Home (1953)
Plot Summary
Herman owes a lot of gambling debts. To pay them off, he promises the mob he'll fix a horse, so that it does not run. He intends to trick his animal-loving cousin, Virgil, an apprentice veterinarian, into helping him. Of course, he doesn't tell Virgil what he is really up to. Mistaken identities are assumed, while along the way, Virgil meets a female vet and Herman falls for the owner of the horse. Goons and mobsters are also lurking around; so beware!
Money from Home (1953)
Full Cast & Crew
Dean Martin ... Herman 'Honey Talk' Nelson
Jerry Lewis ... Virgil Yokum
Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
Release Info
USA 18 November 1996 (Hollywood, California) (premiere)
Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
Full Cast & Crew
James Cromwell ... Zefram Cochran
Star Trek: The Animated Series Season 1 Episode 1
Beyond the Farthest Star
Aired Saturday 10:30 AM Sep 08, 1973 on NBC
AIRED: 9/8/73
The Twilight Zone Season 1 Episode 15
I Shot an Arrow into the Air
Aired Unknown Jan 15, 1960 on CBS
(Closing Narration)
Narrator: Practical joke perpetrated by Mother Nature and a combination of improbable events. Practical joke wearing the trappings of nightmare, of terror, of desperation. Small human drama played out in…the Twilight Zone.
The Young Rebels Season 1 Episode 1
Father and I Went Down to Camp
Aired Sunday 7:00 PM Sep 20, 1970 on ABC
Following the devastating loss at the battle of Brandywine, three young patriots anonymously assist the American retreat by helping to prevent pursuit by the British, and also aid the wounded General Lafayette, who has been separated from his troops. During the battle, the British had captured 18 guns of the line, effectively crippling the American forces, but with Lafayette's help, the rebels devise a plan to retrieve the cannon and return them to the rebel troops.
AIRED: 9/20/70
"All These Things That I've Done"
All these things that I've done
The EA-6B Prowler provides an umbrella of protection for strike aircraft, ground troops and ships by jamming enemy radar, electronic data links and communications.
The Prowler is a long-range, all-weather aircraft with advanced electronic countermeasures capability. Manufactured by the Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation, it is a twin-engine, mid-wing configured aircraft that has a side by-side cockpit arrangement. The EA-6B war fighting systems includes the ALQ-99 on board receiver, the ALQ-99 pod mounted jamming system, the USQ-113 communications jamming system and the HARM missile. Two significant upgrades now in development are the Improved Capability (ICAP III) and the Multifunctional Information Distribution System (MIDS). The ICAP III, approved for Low Rate Initial Production in June 2003, upgrades the on board receiving system, providing an accurate threat emitter geo-locator and a selective reactive jamming capability against modern threat systems. The ICAP III upgrade includes new cockpit displays, improved systems connectivity, and improved system reliability. The MIDS upgrade provides the ability to receive and utilize data via the Link 16 tactical data link. The Initial Operational Capabilities are planned for March and November 2005, respectively.
The primary mission of the EA-6B Prowler is Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses in support of strike aircraft and ground troops by interrupting enemy electronic activity and obtaining tactical electronic intelligence within the combat area.
Navy and Marine Corps
General Characteristics
Primary Function: Electronic countermeasures.
Contractor: Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation.
Date Deployed: First Flight: 25 May 1968; Operational Capability: July 1971.
Northrop Grumman EA-6B Prowler
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Northrop Grumman (formerly Grumman) EA-6B Prowler is a twin-engine, mid-wing electronic warfare aircraft derived from the A-6 Intruder airframe. The EA-6A was the initial electronic warfare version of the A-6 used by the United States Marine Corps in the 1960s. Development on the more advanced EA-6B began in 1966. An EA-6B aircrew consists of one pilot and three Electronic Countermeasures Officers, though it is not uncommon for only two ECMOs to be used on missions. It is capable of carrying and firing anti-radiation missiles (ARM), such as the AGM-88 HARM missile.
The Free Library > Science and Technology > Military and naval science > Air Power History > March 22, 2012
Suddenly, the lights began to go off. One of the pilots mused, "I think they know we are here." Thirty seconds prior, the Apache crews turned on their ranging lasers.
You Tube
AH64 Apache Acrobatic combat
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 01/05/08 4:00 AM
This photo often reminds me of my artificial memories of roller skating. I could not roller skate backwards, but I could roller skate very fast and I was very good at maneuvering very fast through large groups of other roller skaters that were moving slower than I was.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 05 January 2008 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 01/05/08 4:02 AM
I have also wondered on quite a few occassions just how much foot pedal pressure I would need to make in order to makes those rolling maneuvers the Blue Angels perform. I have a lot of other vague thoughts associated with those thoughts but I don't really understand it.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 01/05/08 4:04 AM
I have vague thoughts about how to let off the pedal in time to complete the roll with perfection. I wonder about the effects of wind on the control of the aircraft.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 05 January 2008 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 05/01/08 10:42 AM
I just had a dream that I feel somewhat compelled to record but I am also left with the lingering sense of how there is not too much point into going into a lot of detail about the dream and something else, I guess, about not trying too hard to articulate the details in the dream and that seems important in itself.
There was more detail than I can remember, but the dream seemed to be centered on my driving a large freight truck and I had to leave it parked out on a 4-lane highway that did not have much traffic on it. The truck was one of those large semi rigs. There is a notion from the dream that I was getting better at driving it backwards.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 01 May 2008 excerpt ends]
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The AGM-88 High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile (HARM) is a tactical, air-to-surface missile designed to home in on electronic transmissions coming from surface-to-air radar systems.
The AGM-88 can detect, attack and destroy a radar antenna or transmitter with minimal aircrew input. The proportional guidance system that homes in on enemy radar emissions has a fixed antenna and seeker head in the missile's nose. A smokeless, solid-propellant, booster-sustainer rocket motor propels the missile at speeds over Mach 2. HARM, a U.S. Navy-led program, was initially integrated onto the A-6E, A-7 and F/A-18 and later onto the EA-6B.
Springfield! Springfield!
Flight Of The Intruder (1991)
You're getting pretty good
at this, aren't you?
I watch my BN a lot.
I sort of picked it up.
If I'm wrong, I don't know...
What do you think?
Springfield! Springfield!
Flight Of The Intruder (1991)
That's good food man, good food.
You're my favorite pilot, Jake.
Did you know that?
I thought you were
your favorite pilot.
Hey, Sammy, how you doing
out there, man?
You enjoying yourself?
How's the doc?
I think Mad Jack's asleep.
No, I'm not.
Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training
Moments in U.S. Diplomatic History
The Show Trial of U-2 Pilot Francis Gary Powers
Exaggerated accounts of his “crime” were more than enough to warrant execution
Later, they invited the Ambassador to attend the trial of Francis Gary Powers, the U-2 pilot. Obviously, he did not go, but he sent two of his junior officers, Vice Consul Lewis Bowden, and myself….
That trial has been written up at vast length, but there’s one part of it which I have never seen in print, and that was about a part of Francis Gary Powers’ behavior in the course of that trial. There he was, on trial for his life so far as he could tell. He had been held for something like three months with no access to anyone except Soviet authorities, interrogators, and a “planted” cellmate. No Americans nor any foreigners. He’d been held completely isolated from information except what the Soviet authorities provided, and that seems to have been exaggerated accounts of the staggering consequences of his “crime,” more than enough to warrant execution….He was being interrogated for intelligence and being prepared to be put on show at the trial….
They wanted to have total control of what he knew, no surprises or conflicting information at the trial. It was to be as nearly totally scripted as they could manage. He was isolated from the world except as they wished him to think it. Outside, the Soviet propaganda machine was, of course, grinding full speed and at very high volume. Besides, Powers knew no Russian.
So there was Powers, on stage, for a Moscow theatrical, called a trial; the full panoply of press from all the world in the balconies, provided with every technical facility; and a packed and picked Soviet audience below, largely KGB and military, plus some carefully selected foreigners, Lew Bowden and myself. The Powers family was there, with their lawyers. I don’t know about others except for the press corps, which was international and included a large American contingent. The more press, the more cameras, the more microphones, the better. Anybody that would serve their propaganda purposes….
Remember, this trial was staged for world-wide propaganda. Otherwise they could easily have tried Power in a closed, secret court, as they did with many dissidents.
powers-routeI believe what follows has never been published. After introductory remarks by the Judge/Prosecutor the trial moved to presentation of evidence, and that is my topic. One bit of evidence presented was Powers’ flight map, with commentary stressing that the routing over Soviet cities was for bombing run practice to wreak future havoc and slaughter.
At the end of the official presentation the judge asked Powers if he had anything to say. To his surprise Powers rose and asked to see the map. It was the size of a newspaper page. Holding it up with his left hand, he examined it carefully, tracing his flight path with the index finger of his right. The map never shook. It was absolutely still and steady. Satisfied, he confirmed that it was his flight map, and handed it back.
Two things struck me: on trial for his life he was suggesting by his request and action that he, at least, thought this court capable of presenting false or tampered evidence; and that he must have nerves of steel not to show the slightest tremor while doing so.
The Court then called a series of learned, scientific commissions, each of which had been tasked to examine other pieces of evidence. Each Commission, in turn, was introduced with elaborate recitations of the members’ impressive credentials. Most were members of the Soviet National Academy of Sciences. To support the weight of their testimony and findings. The first commission had been asked to examine his pistol, and they concluded that Powers had been given the pistol to murder innocent Soviet citizens.
The judge, having set the precedent, again turned to Powers and asked “Is that your pistol?” The pistol was brought to him, Powers rose, looked at it and replied “Yes, that’s my 22-calibre pistol.” He then went on to explain that it was part of his survival gear, if down in the some wilderness, to be able to shoot small game such as birds, rabbits or squirrels, for food. The 22-caliber was well known in the Soviet Union. Common in most of the world, it is a plinking gun. One that’s not much good for anything larger than a woodchuck, or porcupine, if that….
If your purpose were really to go murder people, which includes innocent Soviet citizens, you wouldn’t take a .22 — in the 1950s, more like a standard army Colt .45, as the Moros taught us in the Philippine War. So here’s Powers, on trial for his life, discrediting the learned commission and its testimony, and undermining the validity of the court….But risking his life by undermining the credibility of the Court.
The Bad News Bears in Breaking Training (1977)
Release Info
USA 8 July 1977
The American Presidency Project
Harry S. Truman
XXXIII President of the United States: 1945-1953
Executive Order 9562 - Termination of the Office of Civilian Defense
June 4, 1945
By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows:
1. The Office of Civilian Defense (hereinafter referred to as the Office), established by Executive Order No. 8757 of May 20, 1941, is terminated. The functions of the Office and of the Director thereof are abolished, except to the extent that they are transferred by this order. The property, the records, and personnel of the Office are transferred as hereinafter indicated.
2. All protective property of the Office, acquired under the act of January 27, 1942, 56 Stat. 19, the act of February 21, 1942, 56 Stat. 98, or otherwise, is transferred to the Department of Commerce. All functions heretofore vested in the Office or in the Director thereof incident to the storage, care, transportation, inspection, and disposition of such property are transferred to the Secretary of Commerce, and shall be exercised by him in consonance with the Surplus Property Act of 1944 and the regulations and designations of the Surplus Property Board under that Act. The Secretary may carry out such functions through such agencies and personnel of the Department of Commerce as he shall designate. So much of the personnel, records, and other property of the Office as the Director of the Bureau of the Budget shall determine to be necessary for carrying out the purposes of this paragraph shall be transferred to the Department of Commerce.
3. The Secretary of the Treasury, acting through the Bureau of Accounts of the Treasury Department and such personnel of the Bureau of Accounts as he shall designate, shall, except as otherwise provided in paragraph 2 hereof, wind up the affairs of the Office. This shall include, but not be limited to, the separation of any excess personnel of the Office from the service; the liquidation of obligations incurred by the Office under its appropriations; the maintenance of expired appropriation accounts of the Office; the handling of residual pay-roll matters of the Office, including final payments to employees and action required with respect to bonds under the pay-roll deduction plan, withheld taxes, and retirement accounts; the effecting of collections and disposition of special deposit accounts relating to the Office; the clearance of post-audit exceptions and claims of the Office; and the disposition of such records of the Office as relate to the said affairs. All functions of the Office and of the Director thereof which are necessary to the effectuation of the provisions of this paragraph are transferred to the Secretary of the Treasury. So much of the funds, records, and property of the Office as the Director of the Bureau of the Budget shall determine, shall be transferred to the Treasury Department for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this paragraph.
4. Such further measures and dispositions as may be determined by the Director of the Bureau of the Budget to be necessary to effectuate the purposes and provisions of this order shall be carried out in such manner as the Director may direct and by such agencies as he may designate.
5. All prior Executive orders which are in conflict with this order are amended to the extent of such conflict.
6. This order shall become effective at the close of business June 30, 1945.
June 4, 1945
1964 in aviation
February 29 – U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson reveals the existence of the CIA's Lockheed A-12 reconnaissance aircraft
The American Presidency Project
Lyndon B. Johnson
XXXVI President of the United States: 1963-1969
201 - The President's News Conference
February 29, 1964
The United States has successfully developed an advanced experimental jet aircraft, the A-11, which has been tested in sustained flight at more than 2,000 miles an hour, and at altitudes in excess of 70,000 feet.
The performance of the A-11 far exceeds that of any other aircraft in the world today. The development of this aircraft has been made possible by major advances in aircraft technology of great significance for both military and commercial application. Several A-11 aircraft are now being flight tested at Edwards Air force Base in California.
The existence of this program is being disclosed today to permit the orderly exploitation of this advanced technology in our military and commercial programs. This advanced experimental aircraft, capable of high speed and high altitude, and long-range performance at thousands of miles, constitutes a technological accomplishment that will facilitate the achievement of a number of important military and commercial requirements.
The A-11 aircraft now at Edwards Air force Base are undergoing extensive tests to determine their capabilities as long-range interceptors. The development of a supersonic commercial transport aircraft will' also be greatly assisted by the lessons learned from this A-11 program. for example, one of the most important technical achievements in this project has been the mastery of the metallurgy and fabrication of titanium metal which is required for the high temperatures experienced by aircraft traveling at more than three times the speed of sound.
Arrangements are being made to make this and other important technical developments available under appropriate safeguards to those directly engaged in the supersonic transport program.
This project was first started in 1959. Appropriate Members of the Senate and the House have been kept fully informed on the program since the day of its inception. The Lockheed Aircraft Corporation at Burbank, Calif., is the manufacturer of the aircraft. The aircraft engine, the 1-58, was designed and built by the Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Division of the United Aircraft Corporation. The experimental fire control and air-to-air missile system for the A-11 was developed by the Hughes Aircraft Company.
In view of the continuing importance of these developments to our national security, the detailed performance of the A-11 will remain strictly classified and all individuals associated with the program have been directed to refrain from making any further disclosure concerning this program.
I do not expect to discuss this important matter further with you today but certain additional information will be made available to all of you after this meeting.
Lockheed A-12
The Lockheed A-12 was a reconnaissance aircraft built for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) by Lockheed's famed Skunk Works, based on the designs of Clarence "Kelly" Johnson. The A-12 was produced from 1962 through 1964, and was in operation from 1963 until 1968. The single-seat design, which first flew in April 1962, was the precursor to both the twin-seat U.S. Air Force YF-12 prototype interceptor and the famous SR-71 Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft. The aircraft's final mission was flown in May 1968, and the program and aircraft retired in June of that year. Officially secret for over forty years, the CIA began declassifying A-12 program details for release in 2007.
Design and development
With the failure of the CIA's Project Rainbow to reduce the radar cross section of the U-2, preliminary work began inside Lockheed in late 1957 to develop a follow-on aircraft to overfly the Soviet Union. Under Project Gusto the designs were nicknamed "Archangel", after the U-2 program, which had been known as "Angel". As the aircraft designs evolved and configuration changes occurred, the internal Lockheed designation changed from Archangel-1 to Archangel-2, and so on. These nicknames for the evolving designs soon simply became known as "A-1", "A-2", etc.
These designs had reached the A-11 stage when the program was reviewed. The A-11 was competing against a Convair proposal called Kingfish, of roughly similar performance. However, the Kingfish included a number of features that greatly reduced its radar cross section, which was seen as favorable to the board. Lockheed responded with a simple update of the A-11, adding twin canted fins instead of a single right-angle one, and adding a number of areas of non-metallic materials. This became the A-12 design. On 26 January 1960, the CIA ordered 12 A-12 aircraft. After selection by the CIA, further design and production of the A-12 took place under the code-name Oxcart.
After development and production at the Skunk Works, in Burbank, California, the first A-12 was transferred to Groom Lake test facility, where on 26 April 1962, Lockheed test pilot Lou Schalk took the A-12 on its shakedown flight. Many internal documents and references to individual aircraft used Johnson's preferred designation, using the prefix, "the Article" for the specific examples. Thus on the A-12's first flight, the subject aircraft was identified as "Article 121". The first official flight occurred on 30 April. On its first supersonic flight, in early May 1962, the A-12 reached speeds of Mach 1.1.
The first five A-12s, in 1962, were initially flown with Pratt & Whitney J75 engines capable of 17,000 lbf (76 kN) thrust each, enabling the J75-equipped A-12s to obtain speeds of approximately Mach 2.0. On 5 October 1962, with the newly developed J58 engines, the A-12 flew with one J75 engine, and one J58 engine. By early 1963, the A-12 was flying with J58 engines, and during 1963 these J58-equipped A-12s obtained speeds of Mach 3.2. Also, in 1963, the program experienced its first loss when, on 24 May, "Article 123" piloted by Kenneth S. Collins crashed near Wendover, Utah.
The reaction to the crash illustrated the secrecy over, and importance of, the project. The CIA called the aircraft an F-105 as a cover story; local law enforcement and a passing family were warned with "dire consequences" to keep quiet about the crash. Each was also paid $25,000 in cash ($179,335 today) to do so; the project often used such cash payments to avoid outside enquiries into its operations. The project received ample funding; contracted security guards were paid $1,000 monthly ($7,173 today) with free housing on base, and chefs from Las Vegas were available 24 hours a day for steak, Maine lobster, or other requests.
In June 1964, the last A-12 was delivered to Groom Lake, from where the fleet made a total of 2,850 test flights. A total of 18 aircraft were built through the program's production run. Of these, 13 were A-12s, three were prototype YF-12A interceptors for the Air Force (not funded under the OXCART program), and two were M-21 reconnaissance drone carriers. One of the 13 A-12s was a dedicated trainer aircraft with a second seat, located behind the pilot and raised to permit the Instructor Pilot to see forward. The A-12 trainer "Titanium Goose", retained the J75 powerplants for its entire service life.
Operational history
Although originally designed to succeed the U-2 in overflights over the Soviet Union and Cuba, the A-12 was never used for either role. After a U-2 was shot down in May 1960, the Soviet Union was considered too dangerous to overfly except in an emergency (and overflights were no longer necessary due to spy satellites) and, although crews trained for the role, U-2s remained adequate for Cuba.
After lengthy debate, the CIA decided to deploy the A-12s to Asia. The first A-12 arrived at Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, Japan, on 22 May 1967. With the arrival of two more aircraft (24 May, and 27 May) the unit was declared operational on 30 May, and began Operation Black Shield on 31 May. Mel Vojvodich flew the first Black Shield operation, over North Vietnam, photographing Surface-to-air missile (SAM) sites, flying at 80,000 ft (24,000 m), and at Mach 3.1. From Kadena, during 1967, the A-12s conducted 22 operations in support of the Vietnam War. During 1968, Black Shield conducted operations in Vietnam and also supported the Pueblo Crisis with North Korea. The operational use of the A-12 was nearly a decade after the original conception of the Oxcart program.
The New York Times
Article Preview
JOHNSON REVEALS A 2,000-M.P.H. JET; SEES MAJOR GAINS; FIVE-YEAR SECRET President Says Plane Has Commercial and Military Application JOHNSON REVEALS 2,000-M.P.H. PLANE
By JACK RAYMONDSpecial to The New York Times ();
March 01, 1964,
, Section , Page 1, Column , words
WASHINGTON, Feb. 29 -The United States has developed, in unusual secrecy, an advanced experimental jet airplane capable of flying more than 2,000 miles an hour in sustained flight and at an altitude of more than 70,000 feet.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 12:07 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Tuesday 24 March 2015