I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Friday, March 13, 2015
Lousy subtitling.
NCIS Season 9 Episode 18
The Tell
Aired Tuesday 8:00 PM Mar 20, 2012 on CBS
Following a leak of classified information, the Secretary of the Navy partners NCIS with PsyOps to solve the mysterious case.
AIRED: Mar 20, 2012
Springfield! Springfield!
The Tell
Come on, Gibbs, don't make me do it for you.
You thought Wickes was innocent the minute you left that first interview and based on the lack of evidence we have against him and the indicators in the room with Jarvis, you were right.
We need to focus on Baylor.
You need to say it.
We all thought he might be clean, none of us knew for sure.
I knew for sure.
- That's why you need to say it.
- What? That I was wrong, Gibbs, and I'm never wrong.
And today of all days, I was wrong.
Today, Doc, is as good a day as any.
No, it's not.
I keep telling myself Wickes looked at this picture for a reason, but he didn't.
Not once have I thought this man anything but guilty.
- What kind of person does that make me? - Human.
Hey, Doc, your black belt in badgering people pays off once again.
Ridgeway's AUTEC report sans redactions.
You find anything? In the late '70s, Ridgeway was paid to keep quiet about a classified technology he inadvertently saw while at AUTEC.
The Farewell Dossier
During the Cold War, and especially in the 1970s, Soviet intelligence carried out a substantial and successful clandestine effort to obtain technical and scientific knowledge from the West. This effort was suspected by a few US Government officials but not documented until 1981, when French intelligence obtained the services of Col. Vladimir I. Vetrov, "Farewell," who photographed and supplied 4,000 KGB documents on the program. In the summer of 1981, President Mitterrand told President Reagan of the source
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 10:56 PM TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 2012 - http://hvom.blogspot.com/2012/03/alltech.html
The Internet Movie Database
Memorable quotes for
Full Metal Jacket (1987)
Door Gunner: Git some! Git some! Git some, yeah, yeah, yeah! Anyone who runs, is a VC. Anyone who stands still, is a well-disciplined VC! You guys oughta do a story about me sometime!
Private Joker: Why should we do a story about you?
Door Gunner: 'Cuz I'm so fuckin' good! I done got me 157 dead gooks killed. Plus 50 water buffalo too! Them's all confirmed!
Private Joker: Any women or children?
Door Gunner: Sometimes!
Private Joker: How can you shoot women or children?
Door Gunner: Easy! Ya just don't lead 'em so much! Ain't war hell?
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 20 March 2012 excerpt ends]
Springfield! Springfield!
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010)
you would never drive like I'm driving.
Then I look forward to it
together to drive.
Are you in, Mr. Moore?
Springfield! Springfield!
Verax Global Security? One of the top contractors for the U.S. military? Sounds like a conspiracy theory.
The Simpsons Season 16 Episode 4
She Used to Be My Girl
Aired Sunday 8:00 PM Dec 05, 2004 on FOX
Homer: Woohoo! The circus!
Lisa: The MEDIA Circus.
Homer: Woohoo! I don't know the difference!
Springfield! Springfield!
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010)
Hey fruitcake, you sometimes want to die?
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 12:19 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Friday 13 March 2015