Wednesday, August 01, 2012


What's funny is that I recently dreamed while asleep about a new book. Was that the last time I was sleeping? I think so. I don't think that could have been two days ago. I have given it a lot of thought but there was nothing really specific about it. I just recall trying to read a book. It seemed to be some kind of technical manual. I didn't see enough detail to describe why I think it was a technical manual but there is some detail that I cannot now articulate from the dream that left me with the sense after waking that it was a technical manual. Someone I couldn't see seemed to say around that point that I must have got a new book. Oh, and yeah, that was right around the first time I saw Princess Anne in a sleeping dream. She told me she had seen me, in the context of she had seen me in some specific place. I might have known the place she was referring to in the dream but I don't think I was ever aware of that detail after waking. I think she spoke to me when I was walking away, perhaps from a library, which is a detail that has faded, but I feel certain I was carrying that book when she spoke to me and I turned around to face her when she spoke. I think I spoke to her and we had a pleasant but brief conversation.

I have the DVD paused, as I watch it for the first time. The dialog below refers to when he teleports himself for the first time and then I have it paused after he teleports back to that library.

When he teleports for the first time, he has fallen through the ice-covered river, after walking out on it parallel to a low-bridge, because, as he says, he is a "chump, just like you." He had given a snowglobe to a girl he apparently liked at his school and then a bully grabs the snowglobe from the girl and throws it out onto the ice-covered river.

Those bully's that every pathetic Microsoft Bill Gates transvestite hates. You just know the bully will get his come-uppance from that Jon Langdon-lookalike that is the younger "David Rice."

So anyway, "David Rice" has predictably fallen through the ice and then with a great wave of water he appears on the floor of the local library.

When he teleports himself back there again you can see that the aisles are blocked off and there are signs warning of water danger.

You see weird waves of displacement associated with his teleportation and the local area suffers disruption due to his appearance by teleportation, which included the first time, a great deal of water that surrounded him as he was drowning.

Ah, Ann. I didn't catch that until I wrote the dialog about Ann Arbor, which I didn't do until after I wrote the preceding sentence.




David Rice: [ narrating ] And that's how it happened the first time. One second I'm a goner and the next thing I know I'm at the Ann Arbor public library.


Release dates for


Country Date

USA 11 February 2008 (New York City, New York) (premiere)


Published online 7 September 2011 | Nature | doi:10.1038/news.2011.525

News: Explainer

Fukushima's reactor cores still too hot to open

Six months after the disaster that caused three meltdowns, efforts to stabilize the Japanese nuclear power plant continue.

Geoff Brumfiel

On 11 March, a magnitude-9.0 earthquake struck off the coast of Sendai in Japan, knocking out power at the nearby Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. In the hours and days that followed, three of the plant's six reactors melted down, triggering a series of explosions and fires at the site. Six months later, what progress has been made to stabilize the plant, and what is yet to be done?

What is happening at the site right now?

On any given day, 2,500-3,000 workers are on site. Many are cleaning up radioactive debris scattered by the explosions. Others are installing and operating systems to decontaminate radioactive water. Still others are erecting a shroud over the Unit 1 reactor, to prevent further contamination from the meltdown spreading to the environment. Similar covers may follow at Units 2 and 3, which also melted down (see Video).

Are the reactors stable?

Not entirely, but they are much more stable than they were six months ago. After the earthquake, the three reactors operating at the time shut down, but their uranium fuel continued to decay and release heat. The systems that keep the fuel cool in an emergency stopped working, and in the first hours after the accident the fuel became so hot that it probably melted. The melting is thought to have created a mess at the bottom of the reactors and released hydrogen gas that eventually ignited, causing explosions.


The Internet Movie Database

Release dates for

Dr. No (1962)

Country Date

UK 5 October 1962 (London) (premiere)


Memorable quotes for

Dr. No (1962)

Dr. No: The Americans are fools. I offered my services, they refused. So did the East. Now they can both pay for their mistake.

James Bond: World domination. The same old dream. Our asylums are full of people who think they're Naploeon. Or God.


Memorable quotes for

Dr. No (1962)

James Bond: Good evening, sir.

M: It happens to be 3 a.m. When do you sleep, 007?

James Bond: Never on the firm's time, sir.

- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 02:54 AM Pacific Time USA Wednesday 01 August 2012