I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Sunday, February 09, 2014
Converter, Signal Data MK 75
There's a bunch of other neat stuff here on this topic I ran the numbers for but my program for creating these reports is still pretty primitive and I don't feel like putting in all the effort of creating a full report. The program I use now is something I have worked on for maybe 5 or six days at most over the past decade. The current version is something I think of a version 4 and is the work of just one day about two years ago, something I noted in my blog when I started to create it. What I think of as the first version is when I was publishing all that 0.3359 stuff, a version that has largely disappeared from the legacy code of the MS Outlook VBA project I created it in. On that second day a couple years ago when I created the version I use now I then created a MS Visual Basic 2008 project in Visual Basic.Net that has some much needed improvements but that is not fully completed and there are some concepts I would need to figure out but I did not continue work on it and for the past couple years have worked with a less-automated version that could be better. All the blog reports I have published here in that past two years or so has been from that version I created in one day about two years ago, although none of that would have been possible if not for the database file that Imdb.com provides for free and that I downloaded from their free website. Their file is just simply a text file with all the dates and names in it and and then my code is the complicated part and that is what the Visual Basic interface is formed from, my code. Anyway, even now I spent a hell of a lot more time on this pointless, although sentimental, report here than I wanted to.
I mean, what's the point? I could win - win this war - and what's the point? Those Bill Gates Microsoft Corbis Al Qaida forces will kill me dead dead dead the minute they see my bank account become substantial because they know - THEY KNOW - I am capable of generating billions of United States dollars. Those whores those whores that Microsoft Bill Gates the Soviet Union whore controls do not - CANNOT - believe that good old fashioned United States American labor is capable of generating a substantial cash flow.
In the pervert-controlled America of Chris Christie and his Twinkie pals only the whores of Microsoft Bill Gates and his drug mules George Walker Bush the homosexual child sexual abuse victim of George H.W. Bush are allowed to succeed and live in peace.
The Andromeda Strain
At least they could've
sent a licensed driver
to meet me at that crummy airstrip.
They keep personnel to a minimum
for obvious reasons.
You're lost!
No one's been down
this goat path for years.
From 4/10/1955 ( premiere US film "An Annapolis Story" ) To 8/17/1960 ( premiere US film "The Time Machine" ) is 1956 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/12/1971 ( premiere US film "The Andromeda Strain" ) is 1956 days
From 4/10/1955 ( premiere US film "An Annapolis Story" ) To 8/17/1960 ( the Soviet Union trial of the United States Central Intelligence Agency pilot Gary Powers begins in Moscow Russia Soviet Union ) is 1956 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/12/1971 ( premiere US film "The Andromeda Strain" ) is 1956 days
From 3/12/1964 ( premiere US film "A Tiger Walks" ) To 7/20/1969 ( my biological brother United States Navy Commander Thomas Reagan was United States Apollo 11 Eagle spacecraft United States Navy astronaut landing and walking on the planet Earth's moon ) is 1956 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/12/1971 ( premiere US film "The Andromeda Strain" ) is 1956 days
The Andromeda Strain (1971)
Release Info
USA 12 March 1971
An Annapolis Story (1955)
Release Info
USA 10 April 1955
The Andromeda Strain
That body analyzer!
I want to be there when
the A.M.A. Gets wind of it.
So far it's only been used by NASA
to diagnose astronauts in space.
You doctors better start
making house calls again.
A Tiger Walks (1964)
Release Info
USA 12 March 1964
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2006 6:41 PM
To: Kerry Burgess
Subject: Re: Journal June 23, 2006, Supplemental
Kerry Burgess wrote:
Theda's mother was named Betty Davis and her father was Coleman Newman. Betty's second husband was William Homer Burgess. What was Betty's middle, or first, name? I want to say it was Elizabeth but I'm not sure about that. For a while now, something has been whispering that name to me, as though a voice on the wind.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 23 June 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: August 28, 2006
Something just looks unexplainably familiar when I look at photos of F-16s in the air. Something very familiar that I can't explain. Just now the thought of a memory of something similar just entered my mind. It was about a little car with a standard transmission that homer bought. I can't remember the brand. The memory is of a time when he and Betty drove in it from Antlers to where we lived in at Randy Romine's house in De Queen. I remember standing next to it thinking with absolute certainty that I could drive it if I tried. I must have been in the 7th grade at the time and didn't actually start learning to drive until I was in the 9th grade.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 28 August 2006 excerpt ends]
The Andromeda Strain
At least they could've
sent a licensed driver
to meet me at that crummy airstrip.
They keep personnel to a minimum
for obvious reasons.
You're lost!
No one's been down
this goat path for years.
That's how it's supposed to look.
They spent $50,000 on it.
Putting in the potholes?
Getting rid of the tread marks.
Those big tractors leave
a lasting impression.
A lot of heavy equipment
has passed this way.
Where's our leader?
We'll catch up to him
and Hall very soon now.
Why'd they pick Hall?
He's no scientist.
Who needs an overpriced M. D?
Relax and enjoy your cigarette.
It's your last.
It starts here.
It's a great place to grow pot.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 09/17/07 9:45 AM
Tobie. That is the name of Warren's wife. I have thought often about when I saw her with the rest of them when I was there in Oklahoma for the funeral. Nothing really I can explain. Just some things I puzzle over but can't articulate.
Reading this stuff makes me feel incredibly lonely.
Ms. Cates is the mother of the actress Phoebe Cates, from whom she is estranged, the actress's manager, Tobie Haggerty, said Thursday.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 09/17/07 9:47 AM
I would have spelled her name as Toby Newman. And maybe it is spelled that way. I would like to think they are the same woman, though. So anyway, I "remember" when we were near that farm Betty and Homer lived at, but something is strange about that memory. I keep wanting to say something is missing. I can't explain why we were sitting there in Thedia's Blazer vehicle on the side of the road in front of their farm, which was actually well back into the woods. It would make sense if we had gone into the farm to the house, but I don't think we did. It is confusing. There just seems to be something missing. So anyway, Toby, or was it Troby?, was standing there talking to me but I can't remember what she was talking about. Maybe she was talking to Thedia, I don't remember. But then why was Thedia getting impatient that Toby/Troby wouldn't quit talking to me? I have no idea why she was talking to me with such.....something. I had known her for many years since she and Warren married, but we had rarely talked, so what was so important for her to talk to me then? I remember that Thedia was getting impatient so she hit the gas pedal slightly and the Blazer moved forward and Toby/Troby looked at her with a startled look on her face. It would have been a few minutes earlier that Warren had been asking me some questions about a computer system he was considering buying. The day started with us all at restaraunt in Antlers that I could probably find again on the map and would definitely recognize if I was there in Antlers. I don't remember the trip out there though. I'm not sure if we drove there that morning from Ashdown. I must have rode out there with Melissa and Bobby.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 17 September 2007 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 9/9/2006 6:16 PM
So who died in 1999? I remember going back to Arkansas and Oklahoma when Theda’s mother, Betty, died. Did that really happen? Was I pulled out of hibernation to go on a special operation? Or is that memory literal in the sense that I was really there, but it was all staged. It was staged to see if I was really living as Kerry Burgess in my mind. They were probably watching to see if I did or did not remember people that I had never met but were actually people Kerry Burgess would remember well, such as my grandfather and other family members. I can’t remember the date I went out there but I think it was summer. I remember Jayne Donovan was still my manager. I remember it was very green in Oklahoma. I thought about the difference between Washington and Oklahoma in terms of the trees. The foliage was very bright green there while it is dark green here. That memory of those woods outside Antlers evokes some low-level feeling of anxiety in my mind. I imagine the woods were crawling with snakes. I started thinking then that the problem with being able to stealthily travel very well through the woods is that you sneak up on the snakes. Then I remember something I have been thinking about for a while. I have been thinking about why dogs annoy me. It is because dogs are the worst enemy of a sniper. This all conceptually the same of those tense dreams I was describing. They have blanked my memory but some of the lingering effects of stressful situations stayed with me. Conversely, it was probably my memories of Michelle Wie as a baby that saved me last year because I knew……something…..there was some reason to keep going and……just one more day. That was what it all came down to. Just one more day. Make it through one more day. My mind was constantly telling me to just make it through one more day.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 09 September 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 11/2/2006 7:51 PM
Betty Burgess was buried not too far from that place she and Homer lived but I don’t remember enough to find it on the map. I am quite certain Thedia drove down Coffey Creek road that day though, either going there or coming back. For some reason, we were driving on that road in front of Homer’s place that is labeled Hall Road. The reason that seems unusual is because I can’t remember what we were doing out there. I don’t think we went through the woods to Homer and Betty’s old place. I do remember something about the trailer that had lived in had burned down. At some point on the road, not far from the entrance to their old place, we were in Thedia’s Suburban pointed towards Antlers and parked on the side of the road, talking to Warren and his wife Trobey. Thedia seemed impatient that Trobey wanted to keep talking. Warren asked me some computer stuff about a mini-mainframe that I can’t remember the name of now. Before the funeral, we were at some restraunt in Antlers and I remember something about pancakes. I do remember the general area Betty was buried in and it was somewhere on the opposite of Highway 3 from where Homer and Betty used to live. Looking at the map, I see that Coffey Creek Road intersects with Highway and I assume we were following it as we drove past their old place. As I wrote earlier, the woods were very green and I thought about that for a long time.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 02 November 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 11/16/2006 11:23 AM
When I was at Betty’s funeral in 1999, I couldn’t bring myself to actually view her in the coffin. I told Thedia I didn’t want to remember her that way.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 16 November 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 12/25/06 12:20 AM
And I’ll bet that her mother was named Betty because it signifies Elizabeth. I guess they gave that name to my maternal grandmother so that it wouldn’t be too obvious.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 12/25/06 12:40 PM
This must be Thedia’s mother. I thought she spelled her name differently. I have been trying to remember her other name but it won’t come to me. I also noticed that Fletcher and Homer’s father, James Ambrose Burgess, was buried in Hall Cemetery. According to the map, there is a Hall Cemetery Road next to Homer’s farm outside Antler’s. I don’t think Betty, or Bettie, Newman was buried there and was instead a cemetery north of Highway 3. I also don’t think she was buried as Burgess. I remember Thedia telling me something about how she went back to using Newman, I think it was, as her last name.
BURGESS, Bettie Newman --- May 13, 1999
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 12/25/06 2:59 PM
I have been plagued the past few hours with, even more than usual over the past few months, a strong sense of loneliness that I was dating Julia Roberts after I returned from Africa in 1987.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 25 December 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 01/01/07 12:45 AM
Freda was the name of that friend of Thedia's in Ashdown. Freda worked for that lawyer, Mickey-something. I was talking with them, according to my "memory" in 1995, because he told me he had just bought Windows 95. I think I took grandma Betty to lunch in Texarkana that same day because I "remember" the shirt I was wearing. Melissa told me that Mickey had just got married to a younger woman and she told me to promise to not get involved with his wife, which made no sense to me why she would think in the first place that I was going to have an affair with his wife.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 01 January 2007 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 07/15/07 1:00 PM
When did I go to Texas for Thedia's wedding? It must have been early 1998. I was doing an initial assessment of using Microsoft Project for that project Ken Burns wanted and I was stressed out about it because I wasn't sure if it would work. I can still visualize working there on my laptop at that place Thedia had in Canton, I think was the name of that place. And I assume that was when I was there for her wedding. I don't think I made more than one trip back there during that time frame. I "remember" flying there to Texas and I assume it was for the wedding. They bumped me into first class. I can "remember" reading the Wall Street Journal newspaper. I talked a lot to the woman sitting next to me. I can't "remember" arriving in Texarkana, though, which is where I assume I went to. Maybe I'm thinking of Betty's funeral, as I realized that I was going to write that Bobby had picked me up at the airport, but that was for Betty's funeral.
And the thoughts are occurring to me that I puzzle over: what am I not going to get? Why do I keep thinking that?
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 07/15/07 1:09 PM
I can visualize sitting there alone on Christmas Eve in my Whitehall apartment so that must have been 1997. I wanted to say it was snowing outside, but then I started to have doubts that was Christmas Eve. I can visualize seeing it snowing outside, but I am not sure if that was Christmas Eve.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 15 July 2007 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: August 2, 2006
I would have certainly been involved in the computer from an early age too, along with my apparent involement with aircraft. I wrote a long time ago about how Homer Burgess, my great-uncle and then later my maternal grandmother's second husband, was the one who suggested when I was 7 years old to pursue a career as a "data processor."
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 02 August 2006 excerpt ends]
The Andromeda Strain
You talk like you've been brainwashed.
You don't understand.
Germ warfare people, Dad?
A lab accident?
Thank you.
It's different this time.
Don't pack, Claire,
I won't need anything.
A hippie. He's going to a love-in.
I give up.
One minute you're fed up.
You talk about retiring to Alaska yet!
Now you've turned into
a cloak-and-dagger man.
My glasses.
Here they are, Dad.
Can't you at least tell me who phoned
at this ungodly hour?
Grandpa, there's a car,
and they got guns.
Do they now?
Well, that's serious.
I'll watch out.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: August 2, 2006
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 02 August 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 02/21/07 3:38 PM
The time I "remember" calling Grandma Betty on the phone and she answered. I said "Grandma?" and she said "No, you must have the wrong number." And I said, "No, Grandma, it's me."
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 21 February 2007 excerpt ends]
The Andromeda Strain
Oh, you two know
each other, don't you?
By reputation only.
Ah, yes, up to now we've
had to worship from a far.
Be good, Ruth.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 10/16/2006 2:50 PM
I started looking at the map trying to figure out why my “father,” Joseph Wayne Burgess, is listed on my birth certificate as being born himself in Albany, Oregon. Then I started to wonder if it meant something about Albany, NY.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 16 October 2006 excerpt ends]
From 1/28/1955 ( premiere US film "Carolina Cannonball" ) To 4/18/1988 ( the United States Navy Operation Praying Mantis - my biological brother US Navy Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan and I US Navy FC2 Kerry Wayne Burgess are both at the same time onboard the United States Navy warship USS Wainwright CG 28 when it evaded a Harpoon anti-ship missile from hostile Iran-Bill Gates-Microsoft-George Bush-Axis of Evil-Soviet Union-Communist forces but 2 United States Marine Corps aviators launched from USS Wainwright CG 28 killed this day ) is 12134 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/22/1999 ( premiere US TV series episode "Stargate SG-1"::"The Fifth Race" ) is 12134 days
[ See also: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2013/02/the-fighting-marines.html ]
[ See also: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2013/04/boston-marathon-microsoft-steve-ballmer.html ]
Stargate SG-1 Season 2 Episode 15 The Fifth Race
While on the planet P3R-272, SG-1 comes across an ancient device that downloads a vast amount of knowledge into Jack’s brain. Jack has the task of helping Daniel solve ancient mysteries while trying to save himself from braindeath due to the overwhelming stress.
AIRED: 1/22/99
WALLACE: What is all this?
BRODY: We've modified the interface. We're hoping it will allow us to use the Chair without causing damage to the subject ...
YOUNG (pointedly): And?
BRODY: Rush is the first subject.
YOUNG: Let's wake him up.
BRODY: I can't. Severing the connection externally could be very dangerous. He has to do it himself.
(Young looks at T.J. who shrugs.)
BRODY: Look, with or without me, Rush still would have done it.
JOHANSEN: Even after what happened to Franklin?
BRODY: This is the only way to unlock control of this ship. The code has to be in the data bank somewhere.
YOUNG: Let's forget about Rush for a second. If he wants to kill himself, so be it. How do you know this modification you've made's not gonna backfire and put the whole ship in jeopardy?
BRODY: ... I don't.
WALLACE: How does this new interface work?
BRODY: We created a buffer to slow down the transfer of information. We also limited the connection to a narrow range of the subject's subconscious. That should protect the vast majority of his brain. Now, worst case, we hope only the memories that we targeted could be lost. If it works, the data stored in the ship's computer should be made available to Rush through a dream.
WALLACE: A dream?!
BRODY: A semi-lucid one; sort of a stimulated recall of the memories in question.
WALLACE: How does he wake up?
BRODY: There's a built-in trigger. It should appear to him as a distinctive door. All he has to do is open it and walk through.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 11/2/2006 4:40 PM
I was wondering the other day about the town of Coffey Creek, Montana, and looking back now, I see that it has a zip code of 59424, which reminds me that Operation Eagle Claw was on 4/24/80.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 11/2/2006 4:51 PM
That nearby airport is designated 80F. I found another runway lay out of 17/35 but I can’t remember which one it was now.
80F Antlers Municipal Airport
Antlers, Oklahoma, USA
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 02 November 2006 excerpt ends]
The Andromeda Strain
Mr. Jackson?
Now, don't be scared.
I'm a doctor.
Where am I?
A special laboratory in Nevada.
We brought you here from Piedmont.
You're sick.
The Andromeda Strain
So you're a Sterno drinker, huh?
Works good.
Give him squeeze.
What's the baby's name, Mr. Jackson?
You the nurse?
The Internet Movie Database
Beyonce Knowles Sighting In New York City
6 photos
The Internet Movie Database
Beyonce Knowles Sighting In New York City
Photo 4 of 6
15 June 2006
Names: Beyoncé Knowles
The Andromeda Strain (1971)
Grimes: [smugly, speaking of the President of the United States] The boss'll be pleased to know that he made the right decision on 7-12 in the first place.
Springfield! Springfield!
Father Goose (1964)
I did it on purpose.
The Andromeda Strain
They should've dropped the bomb.
They should've dropped it
two days ago, General.
This Phantom crashed a good 60 miles
beyond the cordoned area.
Men on the ground can't
cordon off airspace, sir.
I just don't understand
why the Wildfire Team
hasn't beefed about
the delay in 7-12.
It's been almost 24 hours,
and not a word from them.
I don't think Piedmont had anything
to do with this crash, Manchek.
It was a fluke.
That plane was only over the W.F. Area
for two minutes at 23,000 feet.
It's a routine training
mission accident, I bet you.
Pilot error.
Let's go.
Check with Wildfire
Message Center, Delta Five.
Make sure everything there is nominal.
Send me word on scrambler
at Big Head crash base.
Checklim program completed.
All circuit banks nominal.
Same thing on the M.C.N. Console, Captain.
Just a
minute, Dr. Robertson.
You're saying Stone's
$90 million facility,
which you recommended,
was knocked out
by a sliver of paper?
You tell that
to the taxpayers!
These were highly-trained
electronics men, Senator,
looking for an electronic fault.
The trouble was purely mechanical
of the simplest kind.
But for them, it was like trying to see
an elephant through a microscope.
The sliver had peeled from the roll
and wedged between the bell and striker,
preventing the bell from ringing.
I'm convinced we're
being held in communicado.
Very flattering.
We don't know much more
than when we got here.
We know about Scoop now.
It's possible what Scoop
found was no accident.
I suspect they were looking for
the ultimate biological weapon.
WarGames (1983)
General Beringer: Goddammit, I'd piss on a spark plug if I thought it'd do any good!
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 10:03 PM Pacific Time somewhere near Seattle Washington USA Sunday 09 February 2014