I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Monday, February 24, 2014
Solve for December 7 1998
Memorable quotes for
Training Day (2001)
Jake: You've been planning this all day?
Alonzo Harris: I've been planning this all week, son.
Sioux Blood (1929)
Release Info
USA 20 April 1929
Martin Rodbell
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Reflecting the increasingly common analogies between computer science and biology in the 1960s, Rodbell believed that the fundamental information processing systems of both computers and biological organisms were similar. He asserted that individual cells were analogous to cybernetic systems made up of three distinct molecular components: discriminators, transducers, and amplifiers (otherwise known as effectors). The discriminator, or cell receptor, receives information from outside the cell; a cell transducer processes this information across the cell membrane; and the amplifier intensifies these signals to initiate reactions within the cell or to transmit information to other cells.
His Own Worst Enemy Bill Gates flops on video. The judge rebukes a Microsoft lawyer. An Intel exec testifies for the feds. In round two of our coverage of U.S. v. Microsoft, software's heavyweight takes it on the chin.
(FORTUNE Magazine)
By Joseph Nocera
December 7, 1998
(FORTUNE Magazine) – Monday, Nov. 2: Something's up. Today is unfolding differently from most mornings in the Microsoft trial. Usually the press and public enter the courtroom just before 10 A.M. But today at 10 the lawyers and Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson are in a closed-door hearing, and it's another half-hour before the public is finally let in. Moments after the judge enters the courtroom, he and lawyers for both sides have a short, private sidebar. Then Jackson calls a recess. A half-hour later, the lawyers are shepherded into his chambers. When the judge finally reappears, it's almost noon.
"Gentlemen," he says, "this is fairly easy. Both of your designations are appropriate....So I would ask the plaintiffs to have videos made of the counterdesignation that [Microsoft's lawyers] have made, and we will see it all."
We will see it all. When Jackson utters those magical words, everything becomes clear. The lawyers have been arguing about Bill Gates' infamous videotaped deposition--the tape we were promised twice last week by David Boies, the government's chief lawyer, but never got to see. Darkly, the press suspected that Microsoft's lawyer, John Warden, dragged out his questioning of witnesses to prevent the video from being shown. Today, however, Boies has decided to show some of it before the next witness takes the stand. Microsoft has been arguing this morning that portions it wants shown should be seen by the court alongside the government's "designations." Finally, the judge has ruled: We will see it all.
Thus it comes to pass that on the first day of the third week of the Microsoft trial, nearly two hours of the much anticipated Gates video are screened. You've no doubt seen some of it by now, since bits have been playing on TV ever since. You saw the person widely viewed as one of the world's sharpest businessmen claiming not to recall E-mails he wrote, professing ignorance of important company goals, behaving as if he can barely remember his name. You may have seen the bit where Gates, when asked who attended a Microsoft executive staff meeting, replied, "Probably members of the executive staff." Or maybe you saw where Gates is asked: "Do you believe that QuickTime [an Apple program that is an important point of contention here] competes with any software distributed by Microsoft?" Sounding eerily Clintonesque, Gates replies, "Depends on what you mean by 'compete.'"
What couldn't have been clear in the snippets you saw on TV was the sheer awfulness of the thing in its totality. The long pauses before Gates answered the simplest of queries. The hint of contempt in his voice. His repeated refusal to even try to explain straightforward statements in his E-mails--statements like: "Do we have a clear plan on what we want Apple to do to undermine Sun?" Even in the one area where Gates and Boies (the interrogator on the video) have a substantive argument--over whether the "key" goal in doing a 1996 Apple deal was settling a $1.2 billion patent dispute (as Gates contends) or getting Apple to load Microsoft's browser into the Macintosh operating system (as the government alleges)--Gates fares poorly. The fact that some of these video clips are portions Microsoft wanted played is astonishing. From where I'm sitting in the second row, it all looks bad.
Here's what else you didn't see. You didn't see Judge Jackson shake his head in amazement at some of Gates' responses. You didn't see spectators guffawing in several places. And you didn't see Boies. As the tape rolls, he stands at the podium, watching Gates on the biggest of the video monitors. For most of the afternoon, he grins contentedly as he listens to himself querying the Microsoft CEO. At moments when he knows a particularly juicy exchange is just around the corner, his smile gets even broader. "You look like you're enjoying yourself," someone says to him at the break. "I am," he replies.
show trial
Definition of SHOW TRIAL
a trial (as of political opponents) in which the verdict is rigged
Op/Ed 8/25/2013 @ 11:48AM
The Chinese Can't Stage a Decent Show Trial
The trial of the decade — against former party heavyweight, Bo Xilai – has become a disaster for the new Chinese leadership. The charismatic Bo’s forceful assertions of innocence against charges of petty corruption and misuse of office have enlivened his supporters and made his accusers look weak and petty.
Joseph Stalin mastered the political show trial. His first, against sixteen of Lenin’s deputies and Trotsky allies, lasted five days. His second, against seventeen party officials, lasted a week. The third, against the twenty-one members of the “Bloc of Rightists and Trotskyites,” lasted almost two weeks in the presence of invited diplomats and journalists.
Stalin orchestrated his show trials as carefully staged rituals. In each, the defendants’ confessions were extracted well before the trial. They dutifully confessed in public court to horrendous crimes of murder, espionage, and treason. Official newsreels showed the repentant traitors begging for mercy. With few exceptions the defendants received the death penalty and were shot within a day or two of the trial. The Soviet press condemned the “mad dogs” in incessant drumbeats of vitriol. Factory workers organized “spontaneous” meetings to demand the supreme penalty. Confused diplomats and journalists, many of whom did not understand Russian, sat in the court room as interpreters whispered in their ears. They concluded that the show trials had exposed real plots against a Soviet Union, which had narrowly averted overthrow by sinister forces from within and without. What a success for Mr. Stalin!
The Seattle Times
Monday, December 7, 1998
Gates: Smile Would Have Helped, But He Told Truth
By James V. Grimaldi
Seattle Times Washington Bureau
WASHINGTON - Bill Gates said he wished he'd smiled more during his videotaped deposition taken before the Microsoft antitrust trial started, but that he stands by all of his answers' to questions posed by government prosecutors.
Gates, speaking to reporters here via satellite today, doused speculation that Microsoft lawyers would call him a witness. He challenged the government to put him on the stand. So far, neither side has him on the witness list.
Gates attacked David Boies, the U.S. Department of Justice's lead attorney in the case.
"I answered truthfully every single question that was put forth," Gates said. "You have to understand that Mr. Boies made it clear in the negotiations leading up to the case that he is really out to destroy Microsoft. He is really out to make all the good work we've done - and make us look very bad. He's a lawyer asking questions using ambiguous terms."
Boies said today that Gates' comments about him were irrelevant. He again suggested that Gates present himself to the court.
"If his lawyers choose to call him at trial, he will have an opportunity to testify again under oath and I will have another opportunity to cross-examine him," Boies said.
Gates said he didn't realize that the videotaped deposition would ever become public. The deposition occurred over "three long days over 20 hours," Gates said. "I do have to say what's gone on with the use of that deposition does seem very strange to me. First of all, at the time it was given, the rules were that no videotape would be used in court." However, Marc Wurzel, spokesman for New York Attorney General Dennis Vacco, said no such an agreeement was reached.
Gates, in his deposition, often forgets about meetings he attended and e-mails he sent or received.
Gates said today that had not been prepared to answer questions about the e-mails presented to him. He reiterated what his spokesmen have said that he gets 10,000 pieces of e-mail a year. But he acknowledged that did not come across as well as he would have liked.
"Would I have smiled a little bit?" Gates asked? "Would I have made sure that the camera (made him look better) . . . if I had known that the rules were going to change subsequent to the deposition? Absolutely."
Gates said, though, that his deposition is not the issue in the case. Instead, the key issue is Microsoft being permitted to offer consumers choices
Fargo (1996)
Carl Showalter: So, how long you been with the escort service?
Escort: I don't know, a few months.
Carl Showalter: Find that work interesting, do ya?
The Seattle Times
Monday, October 10, 1994
Nobel Prize In Medicine Goes To 2 Americans
By Thomas Ginsberg
STOCKHOLM, Sweden - Two Americans won the Nobel Prize in medicine today for discovering an internal "switchboard" in cells that has helped scientists understand such killer diseases as diabetes and cholera.
Alfred Gilman and Martin Rodbell, who will split the $930,000 prize, were the first to identify proteins called G-proteins and the role they play in letting cells react to signals from other cells, said a statement from the Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institute.
"It is like a key component in a telephone switchboard," said Dr. Bertil Fredholm, a professor of pharmacology at the Karolinska Institute. Their discovery was "a complete surprise and it solved a number of problems," he said.
Gilman, 53, works in the department of pharmacology at the University of Texas in Dallas.
Rodbell, 68, works at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in North Carolina. Rodbell received his doctorate in biochemistry from the University of Washington in 1954.
[Enterprise-E engineering]
DATA: Tell me. Are you using a polymer-based neuro-relay to transmit the organic nerve impulses to the central processor in my positronic net? If that is the case, how have you solved the problem of increased signal degradation inherent to organosynthetic transmission across...
BORG QUEEN (OC): Do you always talk this much?
DATA: Not always, ...but often.
BORG QUEEN: Why do you insist on utilising this primitive linguistic communication? Your android brain is capable of so much more.
DATA: Have you forgotten? I am endeavouring to become more human.
BORG QUEEN: Human! We used to be exactly like them. Flawed, weak, organic, but we evolved to include the synthetic. Now we use both to attain perfection. Your goal should be the same as ours.
DATA: Believing oneself to be perfect is often the sign of a delusional mind.
BORG QUEEN: Small words, from a small being, trying to attack what he doesn't understand.
DATA: I understand that you have no real interest in me. That your goal is to obtain the encryption codes for the Enterprise computer.
BORG QUEEN: That is one of our goals, one of many.
1905 in aviation
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
16 October – The Wright brothers complete their 1905 test flight program, making their last flight until May 1908.
World Aviation in 1905
16 October
The Wright brothers complete their current series of test flights. They will not fly again until May 1908.
Wright Brothers Stories
The next day the Dayton Daily News reported that the Wrights were making spectacular flights. John Tomlinson of the paper, offered $50 to Henry Webbert to keep him informed when the Wrights would be flying.
The Wrights now had the practical airplane they were working for and so they began decreasing the number of times they flew as the increasing crowd of spectators made them nervous that they might compromise their secrets of flight.
Then they decided to stop altogether until they had a contract in hand. Their last flight was on October 16, 1905. They would not fly again for the next 31 months. This made marketing their airplane more difficult, but it was a price that they chose to pay to protect what they had invented.
Wright State University
Research & Sponsored Programs
Winter 1999 Vol 30 No 2
Notes from the Director
I just finished reading a compilation of the letters of Wilbur and Orville Wright. They tell a fascinating story. Of particular interest to me was the letter the Wrights sent to the U.S. War Department from Dayton on October 9, 1905. By this date the Wright Brothers had flown hundreds of trips at Huffman prairie (the future site, of course, of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base). The longest of these flights was 24.5 miles lasting 38 minutes 3 seconds.
Here is the letter:
We are prepared to furnish a machine on contract, to be accepted only after trial trips in which the conditions of the contract have been fulfilled; the machine to carry an operator and supplies of fuel, etc., sufficient for a flight of one hundred miles; the price of the machine to be regulated according to a sliding scale based on the performance of the machine in the trial trips.
This is the response they received:
Washington, D.C., October 16, 1905
TO: Wilbur Wright and Orville Wright
FROM: Major General J.C. Bates, President,
Board of Ordnance and Fortification
I have the honor to inform you that, as many requests have been made for financial assistance in the development of designs for flying machines, the Board has found it necessary to decline to make allotments for the experimental development of devices for mechanical flight, and has determined that, before suggestions with that object in view will be considered, the device must have been brought to the stage of practical operation without expense to the United States.
This was actually the second rejection the Wrights received from the War Department and they were shortly to receive one more. Their fourth proposal, submitted over three years later and after many European countries had already placed orders for Wright flyers, was finally accepted.
Sometimes, the most extraordinary inventions take time to be appreciated by the broader community. I provide one historical example below---that of the Wright brothers---who attempt to offer their remarkable flying machine to the US War Department.
I've excerpted quotes below, and the full text of the correspondence follows. This is a transcription of the letters on display at the US Air Force Museum in Dayton, OH.
Oct. 16, 1905 Letter From Washington
Washington, D. C.
October 16, 1905.
Messrs. Wilbur and Orville Wright,
1127 West Third Street,
Dayton, Ohio.
Your letter of the 9th instant of the Honorable Secretary of War has been referred to this Board for action. I have the honor to inform you that, as many requests have been made for financial assistance in the development of designs for flying machines the Board has found it necessary to decline to make allotments for the experimental development of devices for mechanical flight, and has determined that before suggestions with that object in view will be considered, the device must have been brought to the stage of practical operation without expense to the United States.
Before the question of making a contract with you for the furnishing of a flying machine is considered it will be necessary for you to furnish this Board with the approximate cost of the completed machine, the date upon which it would be delivered, and with such drawings and descriptions thereof as are necessary to enable its construction to be understood and a definite conclusion as to its practicability to be arrived at. Upon the receipt of this information, the matter will receive the careful consideration of the Board.
Very respectfully,
(Sgd.) J .G. Bates
Major general, General Staff,
President of the Board.
Oct. 19, 1905 Letter To Washington
Wilbur Wright
Orville Wright
Established In 1892
1127 West Third Street
Dayton, Ohio
October 19, 1905.
President of Board, Ordnance and Fortification,
War Department
Washington, D.C.
Dear Sir:
Your communication of October 16th has been received. We have no thought of asking financial assistance from the government. We propose to sell the results of the experiments finished at our own expense.
In order that we may submit a proposition conforming that we nearly as possible to the ideas of your Board, it is desirable that we be informed what conditions you would wish to lay down as to the performance of the machine in the official trials, prior to acceptance of the machine. We can not w.. fix a price, nor a time for delivery, till we have your idea of the qualifications necessary to such a machine. We ought also to know whether you would wish to reserve a monopoly on the use of the invention, or whether you would permit us to accept orders for similar machines from other governments, and give public exhibitions, etc.
Proof of our ability to execute an undertaking of the nature proposed will be furnished whenever desired.
Respectfully yours,
(Signed in ink) Wilbur and Orville Wright's
(Initialed in ink) O.W.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 11/07/07 9:54 PM
That would also seem to explain why I am the test subject.
I have been thinking that I am the test subject because I have been a test pilot for so many years but maybe it is for both reasons; because I am a test pilot and because I am also a neurosurgeon. Am I spelling that word correctly?
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 07 November 2007 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 11/07/07 10:15 PM
What is it with the bicycle there in the desert in "Black Hawk Down" in the scene where he meets the helo?
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 11/07/07 10:16 PM
What is it with the "Who's hungry?" scene?
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 11/07/07 10:18 PM
There's that one actor, who I guess portrays a Delta Force soldier, that always reminds me of a younger Warren Newman.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 07 November 2007 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 11/07/07 10:23 PM
This is the guy that always reminds me of Warren Newman:
Richard Tyson
Date of Birth: 13 February 1961
Black Hawk Down (2001) .... Busch
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 07 November 2007 excerpt ends]
Kindergarten Cop (1990)
Joyce: Cullen.
Cullen Crisp: Rachael.
The Seattle Times
Thursday, December 10, 1998 - Page updated at 12:00 AM
Hazel Bishop, a chemist who invented kissproof lipstick in the 1940s, died Saturday in New York City. She was 92.
Martin Rodbell, 73, a biomedical researcher at the National Institutes of Environmental Health Science who won the 1994 Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine, died Monday in Chapel Hill, N.C.
The Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1994
Alfred G. Gilman, Martin Rodbell
Banquet Speech
Martin Rodbell's speech at the Nobel Banquet, December 10, 1994
Your Majesties, Your Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Life, like the first blooming, emerges tantalizing to the curious:
Why, How, When, Where;
Interlocked questions arising from the mysterious
encompassing matters quite serious.
What, for example, is signal transduction?
Haven't you heard, the computer chips proclaim,
Surely it's all in the silicon, that's been all along their refrain.
But is life really built on sand
slipping and sliding down its slippery slope
moving 30 degrees toward eternity, with limited scope.
Enter the letter G, lucky seven in the alphabet
the starting point for everything surely profound
remember God, Gustav - V and VI prior crowned
and now Carl Gustav, whom we gather here to celebrate.
Gilman and Rodbell are delighted to communicate
with receptors dancing to our tuning forks,
Proclaiming all hail to the Swedish Majesties
for giving us the Gustav G
and to Nobel our Gratitude
for the opportunity to express also our homage
to Nature's use of GTP.
Hail to our friends and colleagues,
to our families, to this hall filled with nobility
Borne on the winds of Nobelwisdom
Signal Transduction which, in inciting whispers between cells,
lends this evening for those still awake
what surely binds us all in this most felicitous state.
Tack, Tack, we say to all before it becomes too late.
Tom Clancy
"Looks pretty good. Gil,
The Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1994
Alfred G. Gilman, Martin Rodbell
Martin Rodbell
Born: 1 December 1925, Baltimore, MD, USA
Died: 7 December 1998, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Affiliation at the time of the award: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA
Prize motivation: "for their discovery of G-proteins and the role of these proteins in signal transduction in cells"
Field: cell physiology
Tom Clancy
Popov arrived at Dublin Airport before lunch. There he purchased a ticket to Gatwick for the hour's flight back to England. He found himself missing the G-V business jet. A very convenient way to travel, liberating from the hustle of the airports. It rode every bit as well as a jumbo jet - but he'd never have enough money to permit him to indulge himself that much, and so he struck the thought from his mind. He'd have to settle for mere first-class travel, the Russian grumbled to himself, sipping some wine as the 737 climbed to cruising altitude. Now, again. he had some thinking to do, and he'd found that the solitary time in the first-class cabin of an aircraft helped.
Did he want Grady to succeed? More to the point, did iris employer want Grady to succeed? It hadn't seemed so for Bern and Vienna, but was this a different matter? Maybe Henriksen thought so. He'd given Popov that impression in their discussions. Was there a difference? If so, what was it?
Henriksen was former FBI. Perhaps that explained it. Like Popov, he wouldn't court failure in anything. Or did he really want this Rainbow group damaged to the point that it couldn't couldn't what? Interfere with some operation?
Again the brick wall, and again Popov struck his head against it. He'd started two terrorist operations, and the only purpose for them he could discern was to raise the international consciousness about terrorism. Henriksen had an international consulting company in that area, and Henriksen wanted the consciousness raised so that I could win contracts-but on the surface it seemed an expensive and inefficient way of doing it, Popov reflected. Certainly the money to be gained from the contract won would be less than the money Popov had already expended-or pocketed. And again he reminded himself that the money had come from John Brightling and his Horizon Corporation-perhaps from Brightling himself-not Henriksen's GlobalSecurity, Inc. So, the two companies were related in their objectives, but not their financial support.
Therefore, Popov thought, sipping his French Chablis, the operation is entirely Brightling's doing, with Henriksen as a support service, providing expertise and advice
–but, one objective was to get Henriksen the consulting contract for the Sydney Olympics, to start in only a few weeks. That had been very important to both Brightling and Henriksen. Therefore, Henriksen was doing something of great importance to Brightling, doubtless in support of the latter's goal, whatever the hell that was.
But what did Brightling and his company do? Horizon Corporation and all of its numerous international subsidiaries were in the business of medical research. The company manufactured medicines, and spent a huge amount of money every year to invent new ones. It was the world leader in the field of medical research. It had Nobel Prize winners working in its labs, and, his Internet research had determined, it was working in some very exciting areas of potential medical advancement. Popov shook his head again. What did genetic engineering and pharmaceutical manufacturing have to do with terrorism?
Tom Clancy
"Hello," Popov said, after a second. It was as though Killgore had forgotten he was there.
"Oh, sorry, Dmitriy. Kirk Maclean, this is Dmitriy Popov. John sent him out to us a couple days ago."
"Howdy, Dmitriy." Handshakes were exchanged. "Russian?" Maclean asked.
"Yes." A nod. "I work directly for Dr. Brightling. And You?"
"I'm a small part of the Project," Maclean admitted.
"Kirk's a biochemist and environmental engineer," Killgore explained. "Also so good-looking that we had him do another little thing for us," he teased. "But that's over now. So, what broke you loose so early, Kirk?"
"Remember Mary Bannister?"
"Yeah, what about her?"
"The FBI asked me if I knew her. I kicked it around with Henriksen, and he decided to send me out a little early. I take it she's…"
Killgore nodded matter-of-factly. "Yeah, last week."
"So `A' works?"
"Yes, it does. And so does `B.' "
Tom Clancy
"Dr. Brightling spent a lot of money to build this establishment."
"That he did," Dawson agreed. "But it's worth it, trust me." He drove up the highway/runway to the lab building and stopped. "Come with me."
Popov followed without asking why. He'd never appreciated the power of a major American corporation. This could and should have been a government facility. with all the land and the huge building complex. The hotel building in which he'd spent the night could probably hold thousands of people and why build such a place here? Was Brightling going to move his entire corporation here, all his employees? So far from major cities, airports, all the things that civilization offered. Why here? Except. of course, for security. It was also far from large police agencies, from news media and reporters. For the purposes of security, this facility might as easily have been on the moon.
The lab building was also larger than it needed to be. Dmitriy thought, but unlike the others, it appeared to be functioning at the moment. Inside was a desk, and a receptionist who knew David Dawson. The two men proceeded unimpeded to the elevators, then up to the fourth floor, and right to an office.
"Hi, Doc," Dawson said. "This is Dmitriy. Dr. Brightling sent him to us last night. He's going to be here awhile," the security chief added.
"I got the fax." The physician stood and extended his hand to Popov. "Hi, I'm John Killgore. Follow me." And the two of them went through a side door into an examining room, while Dawson waited outside. Killgore told Popov to disrobe down to his underwear, and proceeded to give him a physical examination, taking blood pressure, checking eyes and ears and reflexes, prodding his belly to make sure that the liver was non-palpable, and finally taking four test tubes of blood for further examination. Popov submitted to it all without objection, somewhat bemused by the whole thing, and slightly intimidated by the physician, as most people were. Finally, Killgore pulled a vial from the medicine cabinet and stuck a disposable syringe into it.
"What's this?" Dmitriy Arkadeyevich asked.
"Just a booster shot," Killgore explained, setting the vial down.
Popov picked it up and looked at the label, which read "B2100 11-21-00" and nothing else. Then he winced when the needle went into his upper arm. He'd never enjoyed getting shots.
"There, that's done," Killgore said. "I'll talk to you tomorrow about the blood work." With that done, he pointed his patient to the hook his clothing hung on. It was a pity, Killgore thought, that the patient couldn't be appreciative for having his life saved.
"He might as well not exist," Special Agent Sullivan told his boss. "Maybe somebody comes in to check his mail, but not in the past nine or ten days."
"What can we do about that?"
"If you want, we can put a camera and motion sensor inside the box, like the FCI guys do to cover dead-drops. We can do it, but it costs money and manpower to keep an agent or two close if the alarm goes off. Is this case that important?"
"Yes, it is now," the Assistant Special Agent in charge of the New York field division told his subordinate. "Gus Werner started this one off, and he's keeping a personal eye on the case file. So, talk to the FCI guys and get them to help you cover the P.O. box."
Sullivan nodded and concealed his surprise. "Okay, will do."
"Next, what about the Bannister case?"
"That's not going anywhere at the moment. The closest thing to a hit we've gotten to this point is the second interview with this Kirk Maclean guy. He acted a little antsy. Maybe just nerves on his part, maybe something else-we have nothing on him and the missing victim, except that they had drinks and talked together at this bar uptown. We ran a background on him. Nothing much to report. Makes a good living for Horizon Corporation he's a biochemist by profession, graduated University of Delaware, master's degree, working toward a doctorate at Columbia.
Tom Clancy
"So, what do you do, Mark?"
"Molecular biochemistry, Ph.D., in fact."
"What's that mean?"
"Oh, figuring out how life happens. Like how does a bear smell so well," he went on, lying. "It can be interesting, but my real life is coming out to places like this, hunting, meeting people who really understand the game better than I do. Guys like you," Mark concluded, with a salute of his glass. "What about you?"
"Ah, well, retired now. I made some of my own. Would you believe geologist for an oil company?"
"Where'd you work?"
"All over the world. I had a good nose for it, and the oil companies paid me a lot for finding the right stuff, y'know? But I had to give it up. Got to the point-well, you fly a lot, right?"
"I get around," Mark confirmed with a nod.
"The brown smudge," Foster said next.
"Come on, you see it all over the damned world. Up around thirty thousand feet, that brown smudge. Complex hydrocarbons, mainly from passenger jets. One day I was flying back from Paris - connecting flight from Brunei, I came the wrong way 'round 'cuz I wanted to stop off in Europe and meet a friend. Anyway, there I was, in a fuckin'747, over the middle of the fucking Atlantic Ocean, like four hours from land, y'know? First-class window seat, sitting there drinking my drink, lookin' out the window, and there it was, the smudge - that goddamned brown shit, and I realized that I was helpin' make it happen, dirtyin' up the whole fuckin' atmosphere.
"Anyway," Foster went on, "that was the moment of my… conversion, I guess you'd call it. I tendered my resignation the next week, took my stock options, cashed in half a mil worth, and bought this place. So, now, I hunt and fish, do a little guide work in the fall, read a lot, wrote a little book about what oil products do to the environment, and that's about it."
It was the book that had attracted Mark's attention, of course. The brown-smudge story was in its poorly written preface. Foster was a believer, but not a screwball. His house had electricity and phone service. Mark saw his high-end Gateway computer on the floor next to his desk. Even satellite TV, plus the usual Chevy pickup truck with a gun-rack in the back window… and a diesel-powered backhoe. So, maybe he believed, but he wasn't too crazy about it. That was good, Mark thought. He just had to be crazy enough. Foster was. Killing the fish-and-game cop was proof of that.
Foster returned the friendly stare. He'd met guys like this during his time in Exxon. A suit, but a clever one, the kind who didn't mind getting his hands dirty. Molecular biochemistry. They hadn't had that major at the Colorado School of Mines, but Foster also subscribed to Science News, and knew what it was all about. A meddler with life… but, strangely, one who understood about the deer and elk. Well, the world was a complex place.
Tom Clancy
The videotaping was done in the Project's media center, where they'd hoped to produce nature tapes for those who survived the plague. The end of the Project as an operational entity hit its members hard. Kirk Maclean was especially downcast, but he acted his role well in explaining the morning rides that he, Serov, Hunnicutt, and Killgore had enjoyed. Then Dr. John Killgore told of how he'd found the horses, and then came Maclean's explanation of how the body was found, and the autopsy Killgore had personally performed, which had found the.44 bullet that had ended Foster Hunnicutt's life. With that done, the men joined the others in the lobby of the residence building, and a minibus ferried them to the waiting aircraft.
It would be a 3,500-mile flight to Manaus, they were told on boarding, about eight hours, an easy hop for the Gulfstream V. The lead aircraft was nearly empty, just the doctors Brightling, Bill Henriksen, and Steve Berg, lead scientist for the Shiva part of the Project. The aircraft lifted off at nine in the morning local time. Next stop,the Amazon Valley of central Brazil.
It turned out that the FBI did know where the Kansas site was. A car and two agents from the local resident agency drove out in time to see the jets lift off, which they duly reported to their base station, and from there to Washington. Then they just parked at the side of the road, sipped at their drinks, ate their McDonald's burgers and watched nothing happening at all at the misplaced buildings in the middle of wheat country.
Tom Clancy
"Looks pretty good. Gil, I have to run over to the uplink center." The complex also had a lavish collection of satellite communications systems.
"Use the air lock." Trains pointed.
"See you later," the super said on his way out.
"Sure thing, Charlie."
It wasn't pleasant. They now had eleven people, healthy ones, eight women and three men-segregated by gender, of course-and eleven was actually one more than they'd planned, but after kidnapping them you couldn't very well give them back. Their clothing had been taken away in some cases it had been removed while they'd been unconscious-and replaced with tops and bottoms that were rather like prison garb, if made of somewhat better material. No undergarments were permitted-imprisoned women had actually used bras to hang themselves on occasion, and that couldn't be allowed here. Slippers for shoes, and the food was heavily laced with Valium, which helped to calm people down somewhat, but not completely. It wouldn't have been very smart to drug them that much, since the depression of all their bodily systems might skew the test, and they couldn't allow that either.
"What is all this?" the woman demanded of Dr. Archer.
"It's a medical test," Barbara replied, filling out the form. "You volunteered for it, remember? We're paying you for this, and after it's over you can go back home."
"When did I do that?"
"Last week," Dr. Archer told her.
"I don't remember."
"Well, you did. We have your signature on the consent form. And we're taking good care of you, aren't we?"
"I feel dopey all the time."
"That's normal," Dr. Archer assured her. "It's nothing to worry about."
She-Subject F4-was a legal secretary. Three of the women subjects were that, which was mildly troubling to Dr. Archer. What if the lawyers they worked for called the police? Letters of resignation had been sent, with the signatures expertly forged, and plausible explanations for the supposed event included in the text of the letters. Maybe it would hold up. In any case, the kidnappings had been expertly done, and nobody here would talk to anybody about it, would they?
Stephen King
The Stand - The Complete & Uncut Edition [ RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 ]
Chapter 4
Starkey pushed a button under the middle screen and the picture flashed on with the unnerving suddenness of solid state components. It showed the western California desert, looking east. It was desolate, and the desolation was rendered eerie by the reddish-purple tinge of infrared photography.
It’s out there, straight ahead, Starkey thought. Project Blue.
The fright tried to wash over him again. He reached into his pocket and brought out a blue pill. What his daughter would call a “downer.” Names didn’t matter; results did. He dry-swallowed it, his hard, unseamed face wrinkling for a moment as it went down.
Project Blue.
He looked at the other blank monitors, and then punched up pictures on all of them. 4 and 5 showed labs. 4 was physics, 5 was viral biology. The vi-bi lab was full of animal cages, mostly for guinea pigs, rhesus monkeys, and a few dogs. None of them appeared to be sleeping. In the physics lab a small centrifuge was still turning around and around. Starkey had complained about that. He had complained bitterly. There was something spooky about that centrifuge whirling gaily around and around and around while Dr. Ezwick lay dead on the floor nearby, sprawled out like a scarecrow that had tipped over in a high wind.
They had explained to him that the centrifuge was on the same circuit as the lights, and if they turned off the centrifuge, the lights would go, too. And the cameras down there were not equipped for infrared. Starkey understood. Some more brass might come down from Washington and want to look at the dead Nobel Prize winner who was lying four hundred feet under the desert less than a mile away. If we turn off the centrifuge, we turn off the professor. Elementary. What his daughter would have called a “Catch-22.”
He took another “downer” and looked into monitor 2. This was the one he liked least of all. He didn’t like the man with his face in the soup. Suppose someone walked up to you and said: You will spend eternity with your phiz in a bowl of soup. It’s like the old pie-in-the-face routine: it stops being funny when it starts being you.
Steve Buscemi
Date of Birth 13 December 1957 , Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA
Birth Name Steven Vincent Buscemi
From 12/13/1957 ( Steve Buscemi ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 12088 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/7/1998 is 12088 days
From 11/26/1976 ( my biological brother Thomas Reagan the civilian and privately financed astronaut in solar system deep space in his privately financed atom-pulse propulsion spaceship this day makes his first landing the Jupiter moon Callisto ) To 12/7/1998 is 8046 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/13/1987 ( premiere US film "The Running Man" ) is 8046 days
From 11/26/1976 ( my biological brother Thomas Reagan the civilian and privately financed astronaut in solar system deep space in his privately financed atom-pulse propulsion spaceship this day makes his first landing the Jupiter moon Callisto ) To 12/7/1998 is 8046 days
8046 = 4023 + 4023
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/7/1976 ( premiere US TV series episode "The Six Million Dollar Man"::"The Bionic Boy" ) is 4023 days
From 10/19/1976 ( United States Public Law 94-553 - Copyright Act of 1976 ) To 12/7/1998 is 8084 days
8084 = 4042 + 4042
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/26/1976 ( my biological brother Thomas Reagan the civilian and privately financed astronaut in solar system deep space in his privately financed atom-pulse propulsion spaceship this day makes his first landing the Jupiter moon Callisto ) is 4042 days
From 3/14/1948 ( Thomas Allen Coburn ) To 12/7/1998 is 18530 days
18530 = 9265 + 9265
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/16/1991 ( date hijacked from me:my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate Columbia South Carolina ) is 9265 days
From 2/9/1958 ( premiere US film "Man from God's Country" ) To 3/16/1991 ( date hijacked from me:my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate Columbia South Carolina ) is 12088 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/7/1998 is 12088 days
From 2/9/1958 ( premiere US TV series episode "The Twentieth Century"::"D-Day Attack" ) To 3/16/1991 ( date hijacked from me:my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate Columbia South Carolina ) is 12088 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/7/1998 s 12088 days
From 12/20/1994 ( in Bosnia as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps captain this day is my United States Navy Cross medal date of record ) To 12/7/1998 is 1448 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/20/1969 ( premiere US film "Battle of Britain" ) is 1448 days
From 3/8/1996 ( premiere US film "Fargo" ) To 12/7/1998 is 1004 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 8/2/1968 ( premiere US film "The Satanist" ) is 1004 days
From 12/29/1929 ( Wilhelm Maybach dead ) To 3/8/1996 ( premiere US film "Fargo" ) is 24176 days
24176 = 12088 + 12088
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/7/1998 is 12088 days
From 9/20/1961 ( premiere US film "Man-Trap" ) To 10/25/1994 ( Susan Smith kills her two children and dumps them in her car in the John D. Long Lake near Union South Carolina ) is 12088 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/7/1998 is 12088 days
From 9/20/1961 ( premiere US film "The Steel Claw" ) To 10/25/1994 ( Susan Smith kills her two children and dumps them in her car in the John D. Long Lake near Union South Carolina ) is 12088 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/7/1998 is 12088 days
From 12/23/1940 ( Eddie August Schneider dead ) To 12/7/1998 is 21168 days
21168 = 10584 + 10584
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/25/1994 ( Susan Smith kills her two children and dumps them in her car in the John D. Long Lake near Union South Carolina ) is 10584 days
From 10/25/1994 ( Susan Smith kills her two children and dumps them in her car in the John D. Long Lake near Union South Carolina ) To 12/7/1998 is 1504 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/15/1969 ( premiere US film "A Dream of Kings" ) is 1504 days
From 4/3/1961 ( Eddie Murphy ) To 5/8/1994 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - premiere US TV miniseries Stephen King's "The Stand"::miniseries premiere episode "The Plague" ) is 12088 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/7/1998 is 12088 days
From 1/28/1963 ( Harvey Gantt enrolls at Clemson College ) To 12/7/1998 is 13097 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/11/2001 ( the scheduled terrorist attack by force of violence to destroy the New York City World Trade Center and the Headquarters of the United States Department of Defense "The Pentagon" by Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal with massive fatalities and destruction ) is 13097 days
From 1/28/1963 ( Jean Piccard dead ) To 12/7/1998 is 13097 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/11/2001 ( the scheduled terrorist attack by force of violence to destroy the New York City World Trade Center and the Headquarters of the United States Department of Defense "The Pentagon" by Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal with massive fatalities and destruction ) is 13097 days
From 9/18/1956 ( premiere US TV series "Noah's Ark" ) To 12/7/1998 is 15420 days
15420 = 7710 + 7710
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/12/1986 ( premiere US film "The Golden Child" ) is 7710 days
From 9/18/1956 ( premiere US TV series episode "Jane Wyman Presents The Fireside Theatre"::"The Way to Heaven" ) To 12/7/1998 is 15420 days
15420 = 7710 + 7710
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/12/1986 ( premiere US film "The Golden Child" ) is 7710 days
From 4/3/1977 ( premiere US TV miniseries "Jesus of Nazareth" ) To 12/7/1998 is 7918 days
7918 = 3959 + 3959
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/4/1976 ( George Walker Bush the purveyor of illegal drugs strictly for his personal profit including the trafficking of massive amounts of cocaine into the United States arrested again by police in the United States ) is 3959 days
From 4/3/1977 ( premiere US TV miniseries "Jesus of Nazareth" ) To 12/7/1998 is 7918 days
7918 = 3959 + 3959
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/4/1976 ( the unpublished true birthdate of Destiny's Child singer Beyonce Knowles ) is 3959 days
From 7/19/1989 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-George Bush kills 111 passengers and crew of United Airlines Flight 232 and destroys the United Airlines Flight 232 aircraft because I was a passenger of United Airlines Flight 232 as United States Navy Petty Officer Second Class Kerry Wayne Burgess and I was assigned to maintain custody of a non-violent offender military prisoner of the United States ) To 12/7/1998 is 3428 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/23/1975 ( premiere US TV series pilot "Ellery Queen" ) is 3428 days
From 4/20/1929 ( premiere US film "Sioux Blood" ) To 6/29/1995 ( the Mir space station docking of the US space shuttle Atlantis orbiter vehicle mission STS-71 includes my biological brother US Navy Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan the spacecraft and mission commander and me Kerry Wayne Burgess the US Marine Corps officer and STS-71 pilot astronaut ) is 24176 days
24176 = 12088 + 12088
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/7/1998 is 12088 days
From 10/3/1993 ( the Battle of Mogadishu Somalia begins ) To 12/7/1998 is 1891 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/6/1971 ( the United States Marine Corps accepts delivery of the first AV-8 Harrier ) is 1891 days
From 11/17/1994 ( premiere US film "Star Trek Generations" ) To 12/7/1998 is 1481 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/22/1969 ( the United States Navy warship USS Roark DE 1053 redesignated USS Roark FF 1053 commissioned into United States Navy battle force fleet active service ) is 1481 days
From 11/7/1940 ( the Tacoma Narrows bridge collapse ) To 12/7/1998 is 21214 days
21214 = 10607 + 10607
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/17/1994 ( premiere US film "Star Trek Generations" ) is 10607 days
From 11/21/1947 ( premiere US film "The Lost Moment" ) To 12/7/1998 is 18644 days
18644 = 9322 + 9322
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 5/12/1991 ( I was the winning race driver at the Monaco Grand Prix ) is 9322 days
From 11/21/1947 ( premiere US film "Where There's Life" ) To 12/7/1998 is 18644 days
18644 = 9322 + 9322
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 5/12/1991 ( I was the winning race driver at the Monaco Grand Prix ) is 9322 days
From 8/24/1946 ( premiere US film "Spook Busters" ) To 12/7/1998 is 19098 days
19098 = 9549 + 9549
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/25/1991 ( as United States Marine Corps chief warrant officer Kerry Wayne Burgess I was prisoner of war in Croatia ) is 9549 days
From 12/16/1959 ( premiere US film "Journey to the Center of the Earth" ) To 1/19/1993 ( in Asheville North Carolina as Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess I was seriously wounded by gunfire when I returned fatal gunfire to a fugitive from United States federal justice who was another criminal sent by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal in another attempt to kill me the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) is 12088 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/7/1998 is 12088 days
From 1/19/1993 ( in Asheville North Carolina as Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess I was seriously wounded by gunfire when I returned fatal gunfire to a fugitive from United States federal justice who was another criminal sent by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal in another attempt to kill me the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/7/1998 is 2148 days
2148 = 1074 + 1074
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/11/1968 ( my biological brother United States Navy Commander Thomas Reagan was United States Apollo 7 spacecraft United States Navy astronaut entering orbit of the planet Earth ) is 1074 days
From 1/19/1993 ( in Asheville North Carolina as Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess I was seriously wounded by gunfire when I returned fatal gunfire to a fugitive from United States federal justice who was another criminal sent by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal in another attempt to kill me the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/7/1998 is 2148 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/20/1971 ( premiere US TV series episode "Gunsmoke"::"Phoenix" ) is 2148 days
From 11/18/1996 ( premiere US film "Star Trek: First Contact" ) To 12/7/1998 is 749 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/21/1967 ( premiere US TV series pilot "The Outsider" ) is 749 days
From 9/10/1930 ( premiere US film "Under Montana Skies" ) To 11/18/1996 ( premiere US film "Star Trek: First Contact" ) is 24176 days
24176 = 12088 + 12088
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/7/1998 is 12088 days
From 7/29/1983 ( premiere US film "Private School" ) To 12/7/1998 is 5610 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/13/1981 ( premiere US film "Modern Romance" ) is 5610 days
From 9/7/1961 ( DeWitt Clinton Ramsey deceased ) To 12/7/1998 is 13605 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/1/2003 ( the scheduled terrorist attack by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-NASA-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal reportedly destroying the United States space shuttle Columbia killing all United States and foreign national astronauts onboard United States Columbia spacecraft but I suspect that was all an elaborate hoax by NASA and those people are hiding somewhere to this day and probably in hiding somewhere with Saddam Hussein the material witness against George Herbert Walker Bush and George Walker Bush and their criminal co-conspirators against the United States of America ) is 13605 days
From 12/7/1998 To 2/1/2003 ( the scheduled terrorist attack by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-NASA-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal reportedly destroying the United States space shuttle Columbia killing all United States and foreign national astronauts onboard United States Columbia spacecraft but I suspect that was all an elaborate hoax by NASA and those people are hiding somewhere to this day and probably in hiding somewhere with Saddam Hussein the material witness against George Herbert Walker Bush and George Walker Bush and their criminal co-conspirators against the United States of America ) is 1517 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/28/1969 ( Linus Torvalds ) is 1517 days
From 12/25/1971 ( George Walker Bush the purveyor of illegal drugs strictly for his personal profit including the trafficking of massive amounts of cocaine into the United States confined to federal prison in Mexico for illegally smuggling narcotics in Mexico ) To 12/7/1998 is 9844 days
9844 = 4922 + 4922
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/25/1979 ( premiere US film "Manhattan" ) is 4922 days
From 10/16/1905 ( the Wright brothers complete their test flight program ) To 12/25/1971 ( George Walker Bush the purveyor of illegal drugs strictly for his personal profit including the trafficking of massive amounts of cocaine into the United States confined to federal prison in Mexico for illegally smuggling narcotics in Mexico ) is 24176 days
24176 = 12088 + 12088
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/7/1998 is 12088 days
Star Trek: Insurrection
GALLATIN: They're following the kelbonite deposits. Using the interference to block our transporters.
RU'AFO: Recommendations?
DOUGHERTY: Take me down. Let me talk to Picard.
RU'AFO: Talk! We should send down an assault team and take them by force.
DOUGHERTY: That is not an acceptable option. If people get hurt, all the support we have in the Federation...
RU'AFO: Federation support, Federation procedures, Federation rules. ...Look in the mirror, Admiral. The Federation is old. In the past twenty-four months, they've been challenged by every major power in the Quadrant. The Borg, the Cardassians, the Dominion. They all smell the scent of death on the Federation. That's why you've embraced our offer, because it will give your dear Federation new life. Well, how badly do you want it, Admiral? Because there are hard choices to be made. Now! If the Enterprise gets through with news about their brave Captain's valiant struggle on behalf of the defenceless Ba'ku, your Federation politicians will waver, your Federation opinion polls will open a public debate, your Federation allies will want their say. ...Need I go on?
Los Angeles Times
Bush's 1976 Arrest in Maine Is Revealed
Responding to reports Thursday
Bush repeatedly questioned the timing of the Maine news reports. "I think that's an interesting question," he told reporters. "Why now? . . . I've got my suspicions."
Manhattan (1979)
Release Info
USA 25 April 1979
Manhattan (1979)
Full Cast & Crew
Woody Allen ... Isaac
Manhattan (1979)
Plot Summary
In Manhattan, Isac Davis is a divorced writer of TV shows unhappy with his job. His ex-wife left him to live with another woman and is writing a book about her relationship with Isac. He presently dates a seventeen years old high-school student, Tracy, who is in love with him, but he does not like her. When he meets Mary Wilkie, the mistress of his married best friend Yale, he has a crush on her. He finishes with Tracy and has an affair with Mary, affecting the lives of many persons including his own.
THURSDAY, SEP 9, 2004 04:45 PM PDT
A swarm of new media stories on young George W. Bush's dereliction of duty pops his heroic-leadership bubble.
On Feb. 13, as controversy swirled around President Bush’s service in the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam War, the White House released more than 400 pages of documents on the press corps, proving, it claimed, that Bush had served honorably and fulfilled his commitment. The sudden rush of records, often redundant, jumbled and out of chronological order, generally left reporters baffled. From Bush’s point of view, the document dump was a political success, as the controversy cooled and the paper trail ran dry.
In retrospect, it’s doubtful that even White House aides understood all the information embedded in the records, specifically the payroll documents. It’s also unlikely they realized how damaging the information could be when read in the proper context. Seven months later, the document dump is coming back to haunt the White House, thanks to researcher Paul Lukasiak, who has spent that time closely examining the paperwork, and more important, analyzing U.S. statutory law, Department of Defense regulations, and Air Force policies and procedures of the 1960s and 1970s. As a result, Lukasiak arrived at the overwhelming conclusion that not only did Bush walk away from his final two years of military obligation, coming dangerously close to desertion, but he attempted to cover up his absenteeism through swindle and fraud.
Lukasiak’s findings, detailed on his Web site the AWOL Project, have since been bolstered and augmented by independent research by the Boston Globe and the Associated Press. On Wednesday, CBS News reported what may be among the most damaging details yet: that Bush’s squadron commander, the late Col. Jerry Killian, complained he was being pressured by higher-ups to give Bush a favorable evaluation after he suspended him from flying for failure to take his annual physical exam. Titled “CYA,” Killian’s memo concluded, “I’m having trouble running interference and doing my job.”
a person who is sexually attracted to members of the same sex
Lt. George W. Bush 1972-'73
Texas Air National Guard flight status
Memo ordering Bush's suspension from the 111th Fighter Interceptor Squadron "due to failure to perform to USAF/TexANG standards and failure to meet annual physical examination (flight) as ordered."
August 10, 1972
Source: The White House and CBS News
To forsake one's duty or post, especially to be absent without leave from the armed forces with no intention of returning.
Crime in Mexico
Crime is among the most urgent concerns facing Mexico, as Mexican drug trafficking rings play a major role in the flow of cocaine, heroin, and marijuana transiting between Latin America and the United States.
Blow (2001)
Diego Delgado: George! How are you, my brother?
George: No more brothers, Diego.
Diego Delgado: What do you mean? Of course we are brothers, George.
George: You fucked me.
Desert News
Bush back on track after DUI flap
By Peter Nicholas
Knight Ridder Newspapers
Published: Sunday, Nov. 5 2000 12:00 a.m. MST
PHILADELPHIA — The Bush campaign's 757 was grounded briefly in St. Louis as mechanics fixed one of the plane's eight brakes. "There's no stopping us now," joked Bush's communications director, Karen Hughes.
In the span of a few hours, the campaign would snag on something far more serious: Thursday's disclosure of a drunken-driving conviction in Bush's past.
By Saturday, the campaign was back on track. Bush aides believed they had patched the problem quickly and neutralized the damage by aggressively raising questions about Democratic "dirty tricks."
St. Petersburg Times ONLINE TAMPA BAY
Of fact, fiction: Bush on 9/11
His morning started in a Sarasota elementary school, but accounts of the hours after the attacks carry contradictions and confusion.
By SUSAN TAYLOR MARTIN, Times Senior Correspondent
Published July 4, 2004
SARASOTA - Looking back on that day, columnist Robert Plunket wonders why the president of the United States seemed among the last to know about the worst terrorist attack in American history.
Former U.S. Rep. Dan Miller wonders why communications were so bad the president had to use a cell phone to reach Washington.
And bartender Darlene Sievers wonders what Mohamed Atta, the lead hijacker, was doing in her lounge just a few weeks before Sept. 11, 2001.
On a day of unthinkable horror, President Bush's visit to a Sarasota elementary school was overshadowed by the tragedies elsewhere. Yet questions quickly arose about the president's actions that morning, along with those of the Secret Service, the agency charged with protecting him.
Until recently, the controversy over Bush's brief time in Florida has been largely confined to conspiracy-minded Internet sites. But now it has burst into prominence with Fahrenheit 9/11, the new Michael Moore film that shows a blank-looking Bush holding a children's book - My Pet Goat - for several minutes as a national disaster unfolds.
Critics of the film say it is grossly unfair to the president. Bush told the 9/11 commission, which is investigating the attacks and the government's response, that he felt he should "project strength and calm until he could better understand what was happening."
From his testimony and that of others, a slightly fuller picture has emerged of the president's morning. The St. Petersburg Times also conducted numerous interviews and examined public records in an effort to separate fact from fiction.
But to this day the story remains fraught with confusion, contradictions and questions. Among them: How much in command was the commander in chief?
On the night of Sept. 10, Bush and his entourage stayed at the Colony Beach and Tennis Resort on Longboat Key, the narrow barrier island of luxury homes and condos fringing the Gulf of Mexico.
According to the official schedule, the motorcade was to leave the Colony at 8:30 the next morning for the drive to Emma E. Booker Elementary School, 20 minutes and a world away in a predominantly black area of Sarasota.
If the motorcade was on time or even a few minutes late, Bush would have been in his limousine, with its advanced communications, when the first plane hit the World Trade Center at 8:46 a.m. and CNN began almost immediate coverage. Yet Bush didn't learn of the crash until after he arrived at the school, where journalists' cell phones already were ringing with the news.
"It mystifies me why they didn't call the president - he's totally surrounded by state of the art communications equipment and nobody tells him," says Plunket, a Sarasota Magazine columnist waiting at the school.
Of the many accounts of how Bush learned about the first crash, the most baffling comes from the president himself. At least twice he has said that he was watching TV when the first plane hit.
"I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower," Bush told a town hall meeting in Orlando that December. "And I used to fly myself, and I said, "Well, there's one terrible pilot.' And I said it must have been a horrible accident."
Bush repeated the story a month later at a similar forum in California, even though his version seems impossible - no footage of American Airlines 11 hitting the north tower surfaced until the next day.
Encyclopædia Britannica
Linus Torvalds
Linus Torvalds, (born December 28, 1969, Helsinki, Finland), Finnish computer scientist who was the principal force behind the development of the Linux operating system.
At age 10 Torvalds began to dabble in computer programming on his grandfather’s Commodore VIC-20. In 1991, while a computer science student at the University of Helsinki (M.S., 1996), he purchased his first personal computer (PC). He was not satisfied, however, with the computer’s operating system (OS). His PC used MS-DOS (the disk operating system from Microsoft Corp.), but Torvalds preferred the UNIX operating system he had used on the university’s computers. He decided to create his own PC-based version of UNIX. Months of determined programming work yielded the beginnings of an operating system known as Linux. In 1991 he posted a message on the Internet to alert other PC users to his new system, made the software available for free downloading, and, as was a common practice among software developers at the time, he released the source code, which meant that anyone with knowledge of computer programming could modify Linux to suit their own purposes. Because of their access to the source code, many programmers helped Torvalds retool and refine the software, and by 1994 Linux kernel (original code) version 1.0 was released.
Reading about them riding in that small transport plane for debriefing reminds me of something similar in my memory, I'm pretty sure I wrote about this a couple years ago. I was leaving the Wainwright to return to the States for the end of my enlistment. We were anchored off Monaco
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: August 17, 2006
Jim Shea told me one day on the Wainwright, as I was showing him my latest creation in BASIC on the Commodore, something about how I would be successful working in some back room somewhere writing software like that.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 17 August 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 10/12/07 5:34 AM
As I was looking at this photo of the Apollo lunar lander, I starting thinking of that switchboard that was there above that small workstation in Missile Plot on Wainwright. It was that one next across from the primary ladder into the workspace and where we would sit on the transformer next to the table. I also remembered, as I have several times in recent memory for some reason, sitting there with Larry Johnson as he was playing that Apache helicopter game on my Commodore computer.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 12 October 2007 excerpt ends]
DVD DISC - Season 1, Disc 1
McKAY: Major, think about where we are in the solar system.
(A holographic three dimensional map of a star system appears above Sheppard's head. Everyone gazes up at it. Weir smiles in delight. Sheppard looks up at the map, frowning.)
SHEPPARD: Did I do that?
Find A Grave
DeWitt Clinton Ramsey
Birth: Oct. 2, 1888
Arizona, USA
Death: Sep. 7, 1961
Pennsylvania, USA
United States Navy Admiral. A graduate from the Annapolis Naval Academy in 1912, he was commissioned Navy Aviator in 1917. In World War I, he served as Inspection Officer for United States Navel Air Station, France and on the Allied Armistice Commission. After the war he served on various naval aviation staffs, commanded ships and as Assistant Chief of Plans. During World War II he commanded the carrier USS Saratoga at the Battle of the Coral Sea in May 1942, the Battle of Midway in June 1942, and the U.S. air landings on Guadalcanal, Solomons in August 1942. For his actions against Japanese naval forces he was awarded the Navy Cross and the Distinguished Service Medal with gold star. For the remainder of the war he served as Chief of BuAer. In January 1946 he was appointed Vice Chief of Naval Operations, serving until 1948 when he took command of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, Hawaii. His last duty was as Commissioner of Trust Territory of the Pacific, retiring as full Admiral on May 1, 1949.
DICTIONARY of American Naval Fighting Ships
WASHINGTON DC 20374-5060
DeWitt Clinton Ramsey was born on 2 October 1888 at Whipple Barracks, Ariz. Graduated from the Naval Academy, he was commissioned Ensign in June 1912. In 1917 he qualified as a naval aviator. During World War I, he was Inspection Officer for United States Naval Air Stations in France, and a member of the Inter-Allied Armistice Commission.
During the interwar period, Ramsey served as a naval aviator on various naval staffs and ships. Reporting on board Saratoga (CV-3) in 1938, he was her executive officer into 1939. Later that year, he headed the Plans Division of the Bureau of Aeronautics in the Navy Department. In 1941 he became Assistant Chief of the Bureau of Aeronautics.
During World War II, he commanded Saratoga (CV-3) in the Battle of the Coral Sea on 7 and 8 May 1942, in the Battle of Midway 4 to 6 June, and during the landings against Guadalcanal, Solomons, in August. For his skillful use of airpower against Japanese naval forces in the Solomons, he won the Navy Cross. In Saratoga, he next commanded a task force that included a British carrier, Victorious.
Ramsey received the Distinguished Service Medal as Chief of the Bureau of Aeronautics from 6 August 1943 to 1 June 1945, and a Gold Star as Vice Chief of Naval Operations from 15 January 1946 to 3 January 1948. After commanding the Pacific Fleet, he served as Commissioner of U.S. Trust Territory in the Pacific, until retiring 1 May 1949. Admiral Ramsey died 7 September 1961
Manhattan (1979)
Isaac Davis: I had a mad impulse to throw you down on the lunar surface and commit interstellar perversion.
Green Mountains
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Vermont Republic, also known as the Green Mountain Republic, existed from 1777 to 1791, at which time Vermont became the 14th state.
Vermont not only takes its state nickname ("The Green Mountain State") from the mountains, it is named after them. The French Verts Monts is literally translated as Green Mountains.
Private School (1983)
Release Info
USA 29 July 1983
Private School (1983)
Full Cast & Crew
Phoebe Cates ... Christine Ramsey
Enemy at the Gates (2001)
Nikita Khruschev: I have to report this to the Boss.
Nikita Khruschev: Perhaps you'd prefer to avoid the red tape.
Modern Romance (1981)
Release Info
USA 13 March 1981
Modern Romance (1981)
Full Cast & Crew
Albert Brooks ... Robert Cole
Kathryn Harrold ... Mary Harvard
Modern Romance (1981)
Robert Cole: [selecting a prop for the space film he's working on] How much would you say this weighs?
Head Mixer: I don't know. Maybe it doesn't weigh anything - did you ever think of that? Maybe it's on one of those planets that doesn't have any gravity.
Private School (1983)
Betsy: I'm gonna give Bubba another chance.
Christine Ramsey: After what he did?
Betsy: What the hell. If I'm gonna forgive Bubba you can forgive Jim. Compared to Bubba Jim's a saint.
Solar System: Fri 1976 Nov 26
Welcome to OnlineConversion.com
All Length and Distance Conversions
4.037 astronomical unit = 375 261 843.41 mile [survey, US]
The Running Man
Reporter: (on TV) We interrupt Captain Freedom's Work-out to bring you this urgent news bulletin.
Female Reporter: (on TV) The city police are engaged in a door-to-door search for a Benjamin A. Richards. Known as the Butcher of Bakersfield, Richards, a former police officer, was the helicopter pilot who went berserk eighteen months ago firing without warning on a crowd of innocent civilians. If you see this man do not approach him, contact your local law enforcement agency. He is considered armed and dangerous. We will now return...
(Ben comes up to Amber and puts a hand over her mouth.)
Ben: Don't make a sound, you understand? Who are you? A friend of my brothers?
(Amber slaps Ben's hand away.)
Amber: What are you talking about?
Ben: This is his apartment.
Amber: I moved in last month. They said the last tenant was taken away for...
Ben: Yes?
Amber: For re-education.
The Running Man (1987)
Release Info
USA 13 November 1987
The Six Million Dollar Man Season 4 Episode 8
The Bionic Boy (1)
Aired Friday 8:30 PM Nov 07, 1976 on ABC
AIRED: 11/7/76
Copyright Law of the United States of America
and Related Laws Contained in Title 17 of the United States Code
Circular 92
The Constitutional Provision Respecting Copyright
The Congress shall have Power ... To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.
United States Constitution, Article I, Section 8
This edition is dedicated to Marybeth Peters, the eleventh Register of Copyrights of the United States, who served in that capacity from 1994 until the end of 2010. As the Register of Copyrights for over sixteen years, Marybeth was instrumental in the consideration and enactment of most of the forty amendments to Title 17 that were enacted during her tenure, including the most recent amendments incorporated into this edition. Her advice and counsel on copyright law and policy matters were, and continue to be, valued by Members of Congress on both sides of the aisle and by the copyright community at large.
[Copyright Act of 1976], Pub. L. No. 94-553, 90 Stat. 2541 (for the general revision of copyright law, title 17 of the United States Code, and for other purposes), October 19, 1976.
Biographical Directory of the United States Congress
COBURN, Thomas Allen, (1948 - )
COBURN, Thomas Allen, a Representative and a Senator from Oklahoma; born in Casper, Wyo., March 14, 1948
elected as a Republican to the One Hundred Fourth and to the two succeeding Congresses (January 3, 1995-January 3, 2001); elected as a Republican to the U.S. Senate in 2004; reelected in 2010 for the term ending January 3, 2017.
Man from God's Country (1958)
Release Info
USA 9 February 1958
Man-Trap (1961)
Release Info
USA 20 September 1961
The Steel Claw (1961)
Release Info
USA 20 September 1961 (New York City, New York)
The Steel Claw (1961)
Full Cast & Crew
George Montgomery ... Capt. John Larsen
The Steel Claw (1961)
Plot Summary
A Marine stationed in the Philippines loses a hand in an accident and is discharged from the Corps. When the Japanese invade the Philippines, he is called back into service to rescue a general held by Filipino guerrillas behind Japanese lines. Attaching a steel prosthetic in place of his missing hand, he and his men set out on the mission, which turns out to be not quite what he was told it was.
A Dream of Kings (1969)
Release Info
USA 15 December 1969 (New York City, New York)
Stephen King's The Stand Season 1 Episode 1
The Plague
Aired Sunday 12:00 AM May 08, 1994 on ABC
AIRED: 5/8/94
Eddie Murphy
Date of Birth 3 April 1961 , Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA
Birth Name Edward Regan Murphy
Stephen King
The Stand - The Complete & Uncut Edition
Chapter 48
“What they call you, boy?”
“The Trashcan Man.”
“The whut?” For one horrible moment the dead doll’s eyes rested on Trashcan’s face. “You jokin me, boy? Ain’t nobody jokes The Kid. An you better believe that happy crappy.”
“I do believe it,” Trashcan said earnestly, “but that’s what they call me. Because I used to light fires in people’s trashcans and mailboxes and stuff. I set old lady Semple’s pension check on fire. I got sent to the reformatory for it. I also burned down the Methodist Church in Powtanville, Indiana.”
“Didja? ” The Kid asked, delighted. “Boy, you sound as crazy as a rat in a shithouse. That’s okay. I like crazy people. I’m crazy myself. Tripped right outta my fuckin gourd. Trashcan Man, huh? I like that. We make a pair. The fucking Kid and the fucking Trashcan Man. Shake, Trash.”
The Kid offered his hand and Trash shook it as quick as he could so that The Kid could put both hands back on the wheel. They whizzed around a bend and there was a Bekins semi nearly blocking the whole highway and Trashcan put his hands over his face, prepared to make an immediate transition to the astral plane. The Kid never turned a hair. The deuce coupe skittered along the left side of the highway like a waterbug and they skinned by the cab of the truck with a coat of paint to spare.
“Close,” Trashcan said when he felt he could speak without a quaver in his voice.
“Hey, boy,” The Kid said flatly. Then one of his doll’s eyes closed in a solemn wink. “Don’t tell me—I’ll tell you. How’s that beer? Pretty fuckin gnarly, ain’t it? Hits the spot after ridin that kiddy-bike, don’t it?”
“It sure does,” Trashcan Man said, and took another big swallow of warm Coors. He was insane, but not yet insane enough to disagree with The Kid while he was driving. Nowhere near.
“Well, no sense beatin around the motherfuckin bush,” The Kid said, reaching back over the seat to get his own can of suds. “I guess we’re goin to the same place.”
“I guess so,” Trash said cautiously.
“Gonna jine up,” The Kid said. “Goin west. Gonna get in on the motherfuckin ground floor. You believe that happy crappy?”
“I guess so.”
“You been gettin dreams about that boogeyman in the black flight-suit, ain’tcha?”
“You mean the priest.”
“I always mean what I say an say what I mean,” The Kid said flatly. “Don’t tell me, ya fuckin bug, I’ll tell you. It’s a black flight-suit, and the guy’s got goggles. Like in a John Wayne movie about Big Two. Goggles so big you can’t see his motherfuckin face. Spooky old cock-knocker, ain’t he?”
“Yeah,” Trashcan said, and sipped his warm beer. His head was beginning to buzz.
The Kid hunched over the orange steering wheel and began to imitate a fighter pilot—one who had done his stuff in Big Two, presumably—in a dogfight. The deuce coupe rollercoastered alarmingly from one side of the road to the other as he imitated loops and dives and barrel rolls.
“Neeeeyaaaahhhh… eheheheheheh… budda-budda-budda… take that, ya fuckin kraut… Cap’n! Bandits at twelve o’clock!… Turn the air-cooled cannon on em, ya fuckin dipstick… takka… takka… takka-takka-takka! We got em, sir! All clear… HowOOOGAH! Stand down, fellers! HowOOOOOOOGAH! ”
His face gained no expression as he went through this fantasy; not a single well-oiled hair fell from grace as he jerked the car back into its lane and pounded on up the road. Trashcan Man’s heart thudded heavily in his chest. A light sheen of sweat had oiled his body. He drank his beer. He had to make wee-wee.
“But he don’t scare me,” The Kid said, as if the former topic of conversation had never lapsed. “Fuck no. He’s a hard baby, but The Kid has handled hard babies before. I shut em up and then I shut em down, just like The Boss says. You believe that happy crappy?”
“Sure,” Trash said.
“You dig The Boss?”
“Sure,” Trash said. He hadn’t the slightest idea who The Boss was or had been.
“Fuckin better dig The Boss. Listen, you know what I’m gonna do?”
“Go west?” Trashcan Man hazarded. It seemed safe.
The Kid looked impatient. “After I get there, I mean. After. You know what I’m gonna do after?”
“No. What?”
“I’m gonna lay low for a while. Check out the situation. Can you dig that happy crappy?”
“Sure,” Trash said.
“Fuckin A. Don’t tell me, I’ll fuckin tell you. Just check it out. Check out the big man. Then…”
The Kid fell silent, brooding over the top of his orange steering wheel.
“Then what?” Trashcan asked hesitantly.
“Gonna shut him down. Send him around dead man’s curve. Put him out to pasture on the motherfuckin Cadillac Ranch. You believe it?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“I’m gonna take over,” The Kid said confidently. “Gonna strip his gears and leave him at the Cadillac Ranch. You stick with me, Trashman or whatever the fuck ya call yaself.
The Golden Child (1986)
Release Info
USA 12 December 1986
2003 US television miniseries "Battlestar Galactica" DVD video: [ RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 ]
Number 6: What are you thinking?
Dr. Gaius Baltar: I'm thinking someone else might need to be implicated as a Cylon agent.
Number 6: He doesn't seem the type.
Aaron Doral - Colonial Public Relations: [ indistinct conversation with Petty Officer Second Class Dualla ]
Number 6: And I don't remember seeing him at any of the Cylon parties.
Dr. Gaius Baltar: He's a civilian. He's an outsider. And he's been aboard this ship for weeks with virtually unlimited access to this very room.
University of Minnesota Archives
Jean Felix Piccard Papers, 1932-1952
Historical Sketch of Jean Felix Piccard (1884-1963)
Jean Felix Piccard, Dipl. Ing. Chem. (1907), Dr. Sc. (1909), Swiss Institute of Technology (Zurich). Professor of Aeronautical Engineering at the University of Minnesota (1936-1952). Pioneer in the field of stratospheric flight and cosmic ray research.
Jean Felix Piccard was born on January 28, 1884 in Basle, Switzerland. He was educated in Basle and at the Swiss Institute of Technology in Zurich where he received the degree of Dr. Sc. in 1909. He moved to the United States in 1916 where he taught at the University of Chicago. In 1919, he married Jeannette Ridlon, who worked with her husband in many of his studies and experiments. She would, in 1935, receive her Ph. D. from the University of Minnesota. Together, they had three sons; John, Paul, and Donald. Jean Felix Piccard joined the University of Minnesota faculty in 1936 as a lecturer in the Department of Aeronautical Engineering where he remained until his retirement in 1952. He was considered a pioneering stratosphere balloonist and cosmic ray research scientist.
The Piccard family was internationally known for scientific achievement. His father, Jules Piccard, was Head of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Basle. His twin brother, Auguste Piccard, later became the inventor of the stratosphere balloon, and made the first stratosphere flight in Europe in 1931. He is equally noted for his development of equipment for undersea exploration.
Jean Felix and Jeannette Piccard's famous stratosphere flight in 1934 was made in a balloon that left the Ford Airport in Dearborn, Michigan. It was the first flight made in the United States to study cosmic rays. In 1937, they boarded the "Pleiades" at Soldiers Field in Rochester, Minnesota to make another successful flight.
Piccard retired from the University of Minnesota in 1952 as professor emeritus, and died eleven years later on his birthday in 1963.
U.S. Centennial of Flight Commission
Jean Piccard
Jean Piccard, twin brother of Auguste, was born in Basel, Switzerland, on January 28, 1884. From a young age, he showed an interested in high-altitude balloon flight. He became an organic chemist and aeronautical engineer and earned a doctorate in natural science from the Swiss Institute of Technology. Although physically separated from his brother, he often collaborated with Auguste on his investigations into the stratosphere.
In 1913, while still in Switzerland, Jean Piccard made his first balloon ascent with his brother. In 1926, he moved to the United States, where he became a U.S. citizen in 1931. In 1933, he led a research team on the first flight of the Century of Progress that investigated cosmic rays. On October 23, 1934, he and his wife and partner in research Jeanette made a second ascent in the Century of Progress from Dearborn, Michigan, reaching an altitude of 57,979 feet (17,672 meters). During that flight, they carried out further cosmic ray research and also tested a liquid oxygen system. As a result, Piccard was instrumental in the development of a liquid oxygen converter for use in balloons and high-flying aircraft.
In 1936, Piccard developed and launched the first plastic film balloon, which was the forerunner of modern balloons. He devised the multiple balloon concept, and in 1937, made the first manned ascent, climbing to 11,000 feet (3,350 meters) using a cluster of 92 balloons attached to the metal gondonla of the Pleiades. He also worked on the Helios project for the Office of Naval Research—a project in which a cluster of balloons would carry a sealed gondola as high as 100,000 feet (30,480 meters).
In the 1940s, Piccard worked with balloon designer Otto Winzen to design a polyethylene high-altitude balloon that was only 1/1000 of an inch (0.0254 millimeters) thick. Later he developed a frost-resistant window for balloon gondolas and aircraft and an electronic system for emptying ballast bags.
Piccard also taught at the University of Minnesota until his retirement in 1952. He died in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on January 28, 1963.
Sep 11, 2001:
Attack on America
At 8:45 a.m. on a clear Tuesday morning, an American Airlines Boeing 767 loaded with 20,000 gallons of jet fuel crashes into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. The impact left a gaping, burning hole near the 80th floor of the 110-story skyscraper, instantly killing hundreds of people and trapping hundreds more in higher floors. As the evacuation of the tower and its twin got underway, television cameras broadcasted live images of what initially appeared to be a freak accident. Then, 18 minutes after the first plane hit, a second Boeing 767--United Airlines Flight 175--appeared out of the sky, turned sharply toward the World Trade Center, and sliced into the south tower at about the 60th floor. The collision caused a massive explosion that showered burning debris over surrounding buildings and the streets below. America was under attack.
etv south carolina
The Education of Harvey Gantt
Friday - February 01, 2013
About This Show
On January 28, 1963 a young black man named Harvey Gantt enrolled at Clemson College, becoming the first African American accepted to a white school in South Carolina. A new ETV documentary, The Education of Harvey Gantt, chronicles this pivotal story of desegregation in the South.
Harvey Gantt and the Desegregation of Clemson University, 1960-1963
Dr. H. Lewis Suggs
Professor of American History
Clemson University
It is often said that history is the lengthening shadow of one man. In Clemson University’s case this man was Harvey Gantt. The desegregation of Clemson University by Gantt on January 28, 1963
[Montana settlement]
LILY: Come on.
COCHRANE: Good night Eddie. (to Lily) ...Go home.
LILY: You're gonna regret this tomorrow.
COCHRANE: Well, what I think you should have learned about me by now is that I don't have regrets. ...Come on, Lily, one more round.
LILY: Z, you've had enough. I'm not going up in that thing with a drunken pilot.
COCHRANE: But I sure as hell's not going up there sober.
The Golden Child (1986)
Kee Nang: Gompa, I have ruined myself with the American. He is a fool.
The Old Man: But he's brave.
Kee Nang: He is irresponsible.
The Old Man: But he's generous.
Kee Nang: He thinks of nothing but protecting his own feelings.
The Old Man: But if you touch his heart, there's nothing he wouldn't do for you.
Kee Nang: He believes in nothing.
The Old Man: Yet, still he does what is right.
Kee Nang: He is a callous, thoughtless, undisciplined fool.
The Old Man: [chuckles] Yes. I, too, like him very much. It's very hard not to.
The Golden Child (1986)
Chandler Jarrell: Hey Bird - Did you just see a little Hare-Krishna midget in the tree, floatin'?... Or is it me?
Jesus of Nazareth Season 1 Episode 1
Part I
Aired Unknown Apr 03, 1977 on NBC
In Roman-occupied Palestine, a baby boy is born in the town of Bethlehem and is spirited away to Egypt to avoid an edict that directs soldiers to kill all infant males aged two and younger. Given the name of Jesus, he grows up to become an extraordinary but controversial Rabbi, gathering together followers while preaching new interpretations of scripture. He eventually captures the attention of the local religious leaders after allegedly performing miracles and proclaiming to be the messiah.
AIRED: 4/3/77
Noah's Ark Season 1 Episode 1
Jack Webb Presents
Aired Tuesday 8:30 PM Sep 18, 1956 on NBC
AIRED: 9/18/56
The Jane Wyman Show Season 2 Episode 4
The Way to Heaven
Aired Tuesday 9:00 PM Sep 18, 1956 on NBC
AIRED: 9/18/56
Jun 29, 1995:
U.S. space shuttle docks with Russian space station
On this day in 1995, the American space shuttle Atlantis docks with the Russian space station Mir
Naval Vessel Register
ROARK (FF 1053)
(ex-DE 1053)
Class: FF 1052
Status: Disposed of by scrapping, dismantling
Keel Date: 02/02/1966
Launch Date: 04/24/1967
Commission Date: 11/22/1969
Decommission Date: 12/14/1991
DICTIONARY of American Naval Fighting Ships
WASHINGTON DC 20374-5060
William Marshall Roark was born on 23 October 1943 at Sioux City, Iowa. Appointed to the U.S. Naval Academy in 1956, he graduated and was commissioned ensign on 8 June 1960 and advanced to the rank of lieutenant, 1 June 1964. He attended the naval flight school at Pensacola, Fla., and Corpus Christi, Tex., and subsequently reported for duty in Attack Squadron 153 on board Coral Sea (CVA-43). Lieutenant Roark was killed in action 7 April 1965 while on a bombing mission over North Vietnam.
Roark (DE-1053) was laid down on 2 February 1966 by the Todd Shipyards Corp., Seattle, Wash.; launched 24 April 1967; sponsored by Mrs. William M. Roark and Mrs. Frank F. Roark; and commissioned 22 November 1969
History of Sioux City, Iowa
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The region that would become Sioux City, Iowa was inhabited by the ancestors of native Americans for thousands of years. Europeans first came into contact with the native people during the eighteenth century, when Spanish and French furtrappers plied the Missouri River. In 1803, during the presidency of Thomas Jefferson, France sold a vast portion of central North America to the United States of America. This "Louisiana Purchase" was largely unexplored. Jefferson sent out the Corps of Discovery, under Lewis and Clark, to scientifically document the territory. In 1804 the Lewis and Clark expedition traveled up the Missouri and set-up camp near what would become Sioux City, Iowa.
Star Trek Generations
KIRK: I must have jumped that fifty times.
Washington State Department of Transportation
"Galloping Gertie" Collapses November 7, 1940
One fateful day changed the course of many lives and bridge engineering history
The Fateful Day Unfolds
In the early morning hours of November 7, 1940 strong winds blew through the Narrows from the southwest. They blasted Gertie broadside, directly against the deck's solid plate girder. The bridge began undulating, "galloping," with several waves 2 to 5 feet high. At 7:30 a.m. the wind measured 38 miles per hour. Two hours later, engineers clocked the wind at 42 miles per hour near the bridge's east end. But, near the west end, fishermen reported the wind speed was "substantially" higher than that.
Around 8:30 a.m. engineer Clark Eldridge drove across the bridge. The center span was doing its familiar wave, less than other days. He returned to his office a mile away.
About 9:30 a.m. Professor F. B. Farquharson arrived at the bridge, after an hour drive from Seattle. He began taking motion picture footage and still photos of Gertie's "ripple" for his engineering studies.
Between 9:30 and 9:50 a.m. the last cars to safely cross Galloping Gertie paid their tolls and drove west toward Gig Harbor.
About this time, a college student from the University of Puget Sound, Winfield Brown, walked onto the moving bridge to get "a thrill for a dime." Brown reached the west tower and returned. Then, he turned and again walked west, hoping to get a look at the Coast Guard vessel Atlanta that soon would pass beneath the bridge.
Just before 10:00 a.m., a delivery van for the Rapid Transfer Company paid its toll at the plaza and drove westward. Next came Leonard Coatsworth, a news editor for the Tacoma News Tribune. Coatsworth was driving to the family's summer cottage on the Peninsula. In the back seat rode his daughter's dog, a black spaniel named "Tubby." Coatsworth paid the toll and drove onto the rippling span.
10:03 a.m. Suddenly, the roadway began a "lateral twisting motion." At first the movement was small. By 10:07 the movement became gigantic. The roadway tilted up to 28 feet on one side then the other at an angle up to 45 degrees. Every 5 seconds the bridge deck rose and fell violently with the twisting wave.
On the other end of the bridge, near the West Tower, sat the Rapid Transfer Company van with passengers Ruby Jacox and Walter Hagen. They jumped from the van just seconds before the tilting roadway tipped it over. The two clung to the curb for dear life.
When the galloping-twist began, highway officials and State Police quickly closed the bridge. They allowed only the press and Professor Farquharson onto the rolling span. Two workmen, J. K. Smith and W. H. Kreiger, were at their jobs inside the East Tower. The noise became so loud and disturbing they fled to safety at the toll plaza.
Coatsworth had just passed the East Tower when the road tilted sideways and threw his car against the curb. He climbed through an open window and sprawled onto the road. He began crawling to the East Tower, 150 yards away. Coatsworth tried hollering to Brown. The two haltingly staggered toward the tower.
From the East Tower, Coatsworth got to his feet and stumbled toward to the Tacoma end of the span, some 480 yards distant. He reached the toll plaza, told the attendant about the dog in his car, then telephoned his office.
The Tacoma News Tribune immediately dispatched photographer Howard Clifford and reporter Bert Brintnall. The Tribune contacted freelance photographer James Bashford, who hastily headed for the bridge.
Farquharson remained near the East Tower taking motion picture footage. Walter Miles telephoned Clark Eldridge to tell him to come to the bridge because it was "about to go."
Around 10:15 a.m., Clark Eldridge arrived at the bridge. He saw it "swaying wildly" with the bottom side visible as it tilted. Several people were struggling off the roadway at the east end. He joined Farquharson at the East Tower to discuss the situation. They returned to the east anchorage to warn people to stay off the span.
Around 10:30 a.m., a large chunk of concrete dropped out and fell from a section on the west side of the center span. On the west end workmen backed a truck out onto the rolling bridge to rescue Ruby Jacox and Walter Hagen.
On the east end, Farquharson continued taking photos. Clifford, Bashford, and Brintnall arrived. Clifford began taking photographs and ventured onto the span, joining Farquharson. Now, another cameraman, Barney Elliott from The Camera Shop, stood on the twisting bridge taking motion picture footage.
For a short period, the wind subsided and the span steadied itself. Photographer Howard Clifford ventured onto the center span to save Tubby, but had to turn back. He stopped at the East Tower and resumed taking photos.
Farquharson continued his observations, taking photographs and motion pictures from the vicinity of the East Tower. He still believed that the bridge would settle down.
About 10:55 a.m., some 6 minutes before the bridge began to fail, Farquharson (who loved dogs) decided to try to save Tubby. But, when he reached into the car, the terrified dog bit his finger. The professor stumbled back to the East Tower just in time.
By 11:00 a.m. the extreme twisting waves of the roadway, magnified by the aerodynamic effect of wind on the sides of the bridge, began to rip the span. Huge chunks of concrete broke off "like popcorn" (in the words of one witness) and fell into the chilly waters far below. Massive steel girders twisted like rubber. Bolts sheered and flew into the wind. Six light poles on the east end broke off like matchsticks. Steel suspender cables snapped with a sound like gun shots, flying into the air "like fishing lines," as Farquharson said.
The strange sounds of the bridge's writhing filled the air. When the tie-down cables failed, the side spans began to work the main cables back and forth. The movement shifted the steel covers where the cables entered the anchorage, producing a metallic shrieking wail. By now, several hundred bystanders stood on the eastern shore of the Narrows. From the bluff, a workman on a pile driver repeatedly tooted his whistle to try to warn the approaching Coast Guard cutter, Atlanta, which passed under the bridge. The shrill whistle blasts mixed with the howl of gusting winds and the grinding and screeching of metal and concrete. The wild noises gave onlookers a sense of dread and impending calamity.
At 11:02, a 600-foot long section of roadway in the eastern half of the center span (the "Gig Harbor quarter point") of the heaving bridge broke free. With a thunderous roar, the massive section wrenched from its cables in a cloud of concrete dust, flipped over, and plummeted 195 feet into Puget Sound. A mighty geyser of foam and spray shot upward over 100 feet. Great sparks from shorting electric wires flew into the air.
Farquharson ran from the East Tower toward the Toll Plaza, covering the 1,100 feet of the side span length as fast as his legs could carry him. He followed the centerline, where he knew there was least motion. Twice, the roadway dropped 60 feet, faster than gravity, then bounced upward, finally settling into a 30-foot deep sag. Just in front of him Howard Clifford ran, fell, and scrambled up the roadway.
Successive deck sections rapidly fell out toward each tower. Coatsworth's car and Tubby followed the plunging roadway into the wind-swept Narrows.
By 11:10 a.m. it was over. The cold waters churned, eddied, and swirled. The heart of Galloping Gertie sank beneath whitecaps, coming to rest on the bottom of Puget Sound.
The Lost Moment (1947)
Release Info
USA 21 November 1947
The Lost Moment (1947)
Lewis Venable: Had Jeffrey Ashton once lived in this cold, forbidding house? I felt the past close in around me like a fog. The door to the present shut behind me.
The Lost Moment (1947)
Lewis Venable: In that fearfully incredible moment I knew I had plunged off a precipice into the past. That here was Juliana beyond belief, beautiful, alluring, alive. How strange this was, this Tina, who walked dead among the living and living among the dead, filling me with a nameless fear! I had a sudden impulse to turn and leave, and then I remembered the letters.
Where There's Life (1947)
Release Info
USA 21 November 1947
Where There's Life (1947)
Full Cast & Crew
Bob Hope ... Michael Joseph Valentine
Where There's Life (1947)
Plot Summary
In a far off country, their king is critically wounded after an assassination attempt and the only heir is a timid New York radio personality, Bob Hope. After reluctantly traveling to his father's homeland, Bob is not happy with becoming the target of the same terrorist organization that attacked the king.
Spook Busters (1946)
Release Info
USA 24 August 1946
Gunsmoke Season 17 Episode 2
Aired Unknown Sep 20, 1971 on CBS
AIRED: 9/20/71
The Outsider Season 1 Episode 0
The Outsider
Aired Wednesday 10:00 PM Nov 21, 1967 on NBC
David Ross is an ex-con turned private detective. He takes a case to look into company funds for embezzling and soon finds a lot of trouble, all aimed at him, including being accused of murder.
AIRED: 11/21/67
Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
Release Info
USA 18 November 1996 (Hollywood, California) (premiere)
Under Montana Skies (1930)
Release Info
USA 10 September 1930
Page 76
The Marine Corps’ first AV-8A Harrier was accepted on January 6, 1971. The Harrier is shown here during carrier suitability trials aboard Coronado (LPD-11) in April of that year. USMC A701621
Page 25
Marine Corps/Navy’s first AV-8 Harrier was accepted by Major General Homer S. Hill, USMC, at Dunsfold, England, on January 6, 1971. The Harrier was the first vertical short takeoff and landing (V/STOL) fixed-wing aircraft ever accepted for use as a combat aircraft by U.S. armed forces.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 10/14/2006 5:14 PM
From what I’ve read so far, they started that phrase during the marketing for Windows 95. In my “memory,” I remember talking to a lawyer that Thedia was friends with in Ashdown. His first name was, I think, Mickey. Can’t remember his last name. I think he specialized in real estate. Thedia’s friend, Freda, worked in his office. I was back there in Ashdown on vacation around the time Windows 95 released and I remember Mickey showing me a copy of Windows 95 he had just bought. I went to work as a contractor about two months after Windows 95 released. It was in those first days I worked there when that guy named Lex asked me what I thought about the new series “JAG.”
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 14 October 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 10/24/2006 10:12 PM
I may have been investigating defense contractors before my fugue state started in 1998. I remember early on when I was working for Richard Molck, he was trying to get some business with a former Admiral out of Raleigh. I remember the former Admiral wanted to know how junior, he then corrected himself so that he wouldn’t sound arrogant by saying “how senior,” Richard was. I told the MPCSI salesman I worked with that was talking to the Admiral, they must have been on speakerphone, that Richard had been an E-6.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 24 October 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 03/18/07 1:09 PM
As best I can recall, my first day on that Windows 95 telephone support assignment was 10/23/95, but I am not entirely certain of that date. All I remember is something about how I started work there precisely 2 months after Windows 95 released, but I don't see how that can be if it released 8/24/95. Maybe that release date is wrong. I do remember that I was in that first class for my 30th birthday on 11/2/95. I also remember sitting there at a computer during an exercise that used an image of Bill Gates. I edited the photo to make him look like a clown. Carol was sitting next to me, as she also did at the other desks, and laughed and told me I had missed my calling. I have puzzled over that comment occasionally over these past years I've been deployed.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 18 March 2007 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: July 13, 2006
46,62,72 : Atlantis,Columbia,Endeavour : A.C.E.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 13 July 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: July 13, 2006
Now I know why Ken Bennett commented to me about how everyone seemed to know me. He seemed to be amazed. That was the same day he said something about me being a SEAL.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 13 July 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: July 15, 2006
I wonder why Ken Bennett was showing me that sword at his house that time? Seems like that was one time I was over there for New Years Eve.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 15 July 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: July 17, 2006
I have also been thinking of Endeavour STS-72, which was in space from 1/11/96 to 1/20/96. I remember being at Microsoft at the time, but I have some memories about being away that I am wondering about. One is about being annoyed at Ken Bennett for taking vacation time. Another is about an ice storm that happened in, I think, January 1996 and I think we were out of the office for a period of time.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 17 July 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 10/22/2006 1:03 PM
As I have written at least once, this really makes sense why Ken Bennett commented to me that day at Microsoft, in 2002 I think, that “everyone” knew who I was. That was also the time he told another guy that I was a SEAL. There was that other guy saying that too but I can’t remember his name. Clarence, maybe. He was sitting across the aisle from me in Issaquah for a while.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 22 October 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 01/09/07 11:44 AM
I think the guy who had the RPG explode above his head was the character Ewan Gregor portrayed. I sense some connection too with his portrayal of "Obi-Wan Kenobi" in the latest "Star Wars." There was that comment Ken Bennett made that time comparing me with the character that was "Obi-Wan's" mentor in Episode 1.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 09 January 2007 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 01/23/07 2:20 PM
I believe George W. Bush may be deranged enough to think I am some kind of second coming of Jesus Christ and that was why "Jesus Day" preceded June 11, which is the 59th day after 4/14, which I believe is the day I returned to Earth in 1977. I also find that I have been thinking a lot about something Ken Bennett talking about how Jesus could have flown to other planets or galaxies. I think that was when I worked at Microsoft Charlotte in 1995. I remember thinking how silly it sounded of Jesus "flying" to another planet.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 23 January 2007 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 11/08/07 1:26 AM
If I am a neurosurgeon, among my other qualifications, that would explain some artificial and symbolic memories I have of explaining to Ken Bennett that time in 1995 or 1996 how brain cells work. I was describing axions and dendrites and I think it started in response to something he said about memories. He said he believe that everyone retained every single detail about every thing they have seen through their eyes and I countered that couldn't be true, for one reason, because brain cells only live for about 25 years. I also feel that is a dumb notion about how all that information is stored in the memory but I can't remember how I know that. I went on to describe axions and dendrites at that point and how that those neurons form the brain.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 11/08/07 1:40 AM
There was probably a sinister reason for Ken Bennett making that comment. Something to do with their piracy of my identity.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 11/08/07 1:42 AM
The axions and dendrites are components of a brain cell. I can't remember for certain which is which, but there is only one of those for each brain cell, while the brain cell can have more than one of the other. They are both connected to other brain cells. If memory serves, the brain cell has one axion and can have many dendrites. I think that the axion is the receptor from other brain cells and the dendrite is something like a transmitter to the other brain cells.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 08 November 2007 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 12/21/07 8:32 AM
I remember that Ken Bennett and his wife ran into me in November 1998 at the airport as I was returning to South Carolina after the Microsoft interview and I was wearing a trenchcoat.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 21 December 2007 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 10/26/08 12:35 PM
Microsoft employee Ken Bennett said that to me one day. He commented that I was hard to get in touch with. I spoke to Microsoft employee Ken Bennett many times when I traveled out to Charlotte to meet the company based on Riverside in Ottawa for a business trip just after the 9/11 attacks. I remember my first week there in Charlotte was when the "Star Trek: Enterprise" series premiered. The trip had been arranged before the 9/11 attacks and was timed so that I was be traveling across the United States on a civilian airliner in the days after the 9/11 attacks and at a time when established national traitor George W. Bush was standing in front of the cameras with a furrowed brow and pounding his fist on the podium and the 2nd wave of attacks. Microsoft employee Ken Bennett was also one of the Microsoft employees spreading rumors that I was U.S. Navy SEAL, which I denied and which I discouraged discussion about when I heard it. I remember Ken Bennett and I were at the Microsoft building in Charlotte playing pool in the hours before I flew back to Seattle from that 2001 trip.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 26 October 2008 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 2:33 PM Pacific Time Seattle USA Tuesday 19 February 2013 - http://hvom.blogspot.com/2013/02/genius-at-work.html
During the 8 PM hour 23 October 2012 the television series episode for the original “NCIS” series was about helicopter crash survivors washing ashore in their raft and there was a whole lot of contrived dialog about how they were suffering adverse effects from dehydration after being lost at sea for 4 days, along with presumably drinking their own urine from a canteen that was found in the raft, and one of the agents suggested that the survivor still hospitalized could not communicate because he had brain damage caused from being lost at sea in a raft for 4 days. One of the villains in the episode reminded me a lot of a guy named Ken Bennett that I knew for a long time at Microsoft. He was the one who suggested I go to work there in 1998. I remember he told me he had become qualified to fly propeller aircraft. If I recall correctly he and another friend I used to hang around with in the late 1990s owned together a propeller-driven aircraft. The “NCIS” episode was about a US Navy helicopter crew faking a crash landing at sea and then selling the intact helicopter for three hundred thousand dollars divided among the four conspirators. The pilot wouldn’t go along with it and the scrap dealer shot him dead. Then the scrap dealer dumped the four Navy conspirators into a life raft and left them adrift on the ocean.
So that's sound like effective mob propaganda for influencing certain people to not cooperate with law enforcement authority.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 19 February 2013 excerpt ends]
Battle of Britain (1969)
Release Info
USA 20 October 1969 (New York City, New York)
From: Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Manpower and Reserve Affairs)
1. Purpose. To provide guidance and regulations concerning awards available for recognizing individuals and units in the Naval Service.
2. Navy Cross
a. Authorization. 10 U.S.C. S6242.
b. Eligibility Requirements
(1) Awarded to individuals who, while serving in any capacity with the Navy or Marine Corps, distinguish themselves by extraordinary heroism, not justifying the award of the Medal of Honor.
(a) While engaged in an action against an enemy of the United States;
(b) While engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing foreign force; or
(c) While serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in an armed conflict against an opposing armed force, in which the United States is not a belligerent party.
(2) To warrant this distinctive decoration, the act or execution of duty must be performed in the presence of great danger, or at great personal risk, and must be performed in such a manner as to set individuals apart from their shipmates or fellow Marines. An accumulation of minor acts of heroism normally does not justify the award. The high standards SECNAVINST 1650.1H demanded must be borne in mind when recommending the award.
DOUGHERTY: The Prime Directive doesn't apply. These people are not indigenous to this planet. They were never meant to be immortal.
Man from God's Country (1958)
Release Info
USA 9 February 1958
The Satanist (1968)
Release Info
USA 2 August 1968 (Champaign, Illinois)
Fargo (1996)
Release Info
USA 8 March 1996 (limited)
Fargo (1996)
Jerry Lundegaard: I told ya. We haven't had any vehicles go missing.
Marge Gunderson: Okay! But are ya sure? 'Cause I mean, how do you know? Do you do a count, or what kind of a routine do you have here?
Jerry Lundegaard: [growing uncomfortable with this questioning] Ma'am, I answered your question!
Marge Gunderson: [long pause] I'm sorry, sir?
Jerry Lundegaard: Ma'am, I answered your question! I answered the darned... I'm cooperatin' here!
Marge Gunderson: Sir, you have no call to get snippy with me! I'm just doing my job here.
Jerry Lundegaard: I'm... I'm not arguing here! I'm cooperating. So there's no need to... we're doin' all we can here.
Find A Grave
Eddie August Schneider
Birth: Oct. 20, 1911
New York County
New York, USA
Death: Dec. 23, 1940
Kings County
New York, USA
Eddie August Henry Schneider (1911-1940) was a record holding aviator. He was the youngest licensed pilot and the youngest licensed airplane mechanic in the United States when he received his licenses. In 1930 he set the east-to-west and west-to-east transcontinental airspeed record for pilots under age 18. In 1931 he won the Great Lakes Trophy. In 1937 he fought for the Loyalists in the Spanish Civil War with Bert Acosta. He died in a plane crash in 1940 when a Navy trainer clipped the tail of his aircraft and he crashed.
Eddie was at one time the youngest licensed commercial pilot and competed in air races and meets with men far more experienced and older than he was, after carrying off first honors. In the Ford National Reliability Tours of 1930 and 1931. Schneider with his red Cessna, carried off the Great Lakes Trophy one year, and then took first place the next year.
Bill H. R. 5290 for the relief of Mrs. Eddie A. Schneider from November 7, 1941
2013-05-24 20:17:39 GMT+0000 (UTC)
77th Congress, 1st session } HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES { Report No. 1403
November 7, 1941 to the Committee of the Whole House and ordered to be printed. Mr. Keogh, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following
[To accompany H. R. 5290]
The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the bill (H. R. 5290) for the relief of Mrs. Eddie A. Schneider, having considered the same, report favorably thereon without amendment and recommend that the bill do pass.
The purpose of the proposed legislation is to pay the sum of $10,000 to Mrs. Eddie A. Schneider, of 3250 Ninety-third Street, Jackson Heights, Long Island, N. Y., in full settlement of all claims against the United States for the death of her husband, Eddie A. Schneider, who was killed by the collision of the United States Navy plane with a private plane piloted by him, near Floyd Bennett Field, N. Y., on December 23, 1940.
Statement of Facts
It appears that on December 23, 1940, a private plane piloted by Eddie Schneider was struck by a Navy plane, piloted by Ensign Kenneth A. Kuehner, United States Naval Reserve, in the vicinity of Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn, N. Y., causing the death of Eddie Schneider and completely demolishing his plane.
Eddie August Schneider
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Eddie August Henry Schneider (October 20, 1911 – December 23, 1940) was an American aviator who set three transcontinental airspeed records for pilots under the age of twenty-one in 1930. His plane was a Cessna Model AW with a Warner-Scarab engine, one of only 48 built, that he called "The Kangaroo". He set the east-to-west, then the west-to-east, and the combined round trip record. He was the youngest certificated pilot in the United States, and the youngest certified airplane mechanic. He was a pilot in the Spanish Civil War in the Yankee Squadron. He died in an airplane crash in 1940 while training another pilot, when a Boeing-Stearman Model 75 belonging to the United States Navy Reserve overtook him and clipped his plane's tail at Floyd Bennett Field.
Spanish Civil War
In 1936, Eddie left for Spain to fly in the Yankee Squadron for the Spanish Loyalists in the Spanish Civil War with Frederic Ives Lord, Bertrand Blanchard Acosta, and Gordon Berry. They were recruited by a lawyer in New York City. Time magazine wrote on December 21, 1936:
Hilariously celebrating in the ship's bar of the Normandie with their first advance pay checks from Spain's Radical Government, six able U.S. aviators were en route last week for Madrid to join Bert Acosta, pilot of Admiral Byrd's transatlantic flight, in doing battle against Generalissimo Francisco Franco's White planes.
He was living at 50 Jones Street in Jersey City at the time he was recruited. He was promised he would be paid $1,500 ($24.4 thousand today) each month and given a bonus of $1,000 ($16.2 thousand today) for every rebel plane he shot down.
Another American flyer, Hilaire du Berrier, was already is Spain by time they arrived. Frederic Ives Lord became their squadron commander, and he tried to convince the Loyalist authorities that the planes they were given were too dilapidated to fly. When the commandant insisted that the planes were safe, Lord took him up for a test flight, and at two thousand feet up one of the four wings broke off. The commandant motioned Lord to climb higher so they could escape by using their parachutes. Lord wanted to try to land with the remaining lower wings intact. He landed the plane safely but he was arrested and was going to be shot. The airplane mechanics intervened and explained that his loss of the wing was accidental, not intentional. Things became so difficult and dangerous for the Americans that each time one of them landed they pulled out their pistols in case someone was coming to arrest them. They went to Valencia, Spain to complain to the air ministry, but the ministry was only interested in reading to the flyers the reports on Bertrand Blanchard Acosta and his heavy drinking. Berry, Lord, Acosta and Schneider decided it was time to demobilize and return to the United States. Acosta, Schneider and Lord planned to escape from Bilbao to Biarritz, France by motorboat after they had been refused a promised Christmas leave. Their plan was discovered and the pilot of their boat was arrested and executed. The pilots were then jailed for 18 hours.
On returning to New York City in January 1937, Schneider claimed he was never paid in full. Spain claimed that they were paid in full, and were not owed any money. Others who flew for the loyalists included: Bert Acosta, Gordon Berry, and Frederic Ives Lord. When he returned he was questioned by Chief Assistant United States Attorney, John F. Dailey on January 15, 1937 in New York. Eddie's lawyer was Colonel Lewis Landes. On January 20, 1937, Eddie, Bert, and Gordon flew to Washington, D.C. and had to testify again. When talking to reporters Eddie said:
"I was broke, hungry, jobless... yet despite the fact that all three of us are old-time aviators who did our part for the development of the industry, we were left out in the cold in the Administration's program of job making. Can you blame us for accepting the lucrative Spanish offer?"
He later said "This was a mess... and there was always that never-ending jockeying for the power among the factions to contend with, it got to the point where we did not know who we were fighting and why, and you can say that we are damn glad to be back." The flyers had their passports confiscated, and they were to be returned when they attested that they had never forsworn allegiance to America.
Fargo (1996)
Jerry Lundegaard: [answering the phone] Jerry Lundegaard.
Carl Showalter: [voice over the phone] Alright, Jerry, you got the phone to yourself? Are you alone?
Jerry Lundegaard: [into the phone] Well, yeah.
Carl Showalter: [voice] You know who this is?
Jerry Lundegaard: Well, yeah, I got an idea. How's that Ciera working out for ya?
Carl Showalter: [voice] Circumstances have changed, Jerry.
Jerry Lundegaard: Well, what do ya mean?
Carl Showalter: [voice] Things have changed, circumstances, Jerry... force majeure, acts of God.
Jerry Lundegaard: How's Jean?
Carl Showalter: [puzzled] Who's Jean?
[ Laughs ] I'M SURE THEY DO,
Fargo (1996)
Airport Lot Attendant: There's a minimum charge of four dollars. Long-term parking charges by the day.
Carl Showalter: I guess you think you're... you know, like an authority figure, with that stupid fuckin' uniform, huh buddy? King clip-on-tie there, big fuckin' man, huh?
Wilhelm Maybach
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wilhelm Maybach (9 February 1846 – 29 December 1929) was an early German engine designer and industrialist. During the 1890s he was hailed in France, then the world centre for car production, as the "King of constructors".
From the late 19th century Wilhelm Maybach, together with Gottlieb Daimler, developed light, high-speed internal combustion engines suitable for land, water, and air use.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An automobile, autocar, motor car or car is a wheeled motor vehicle used for transporting passengers, which also carries its own engine or motor. Most definitions of the term specify that automobiles are designed to run primarily on roads, to have seating for one to eight people, to typically have four wheels, and to be constructed principally for the transport of people rather than goods.
The year 1886 is regarded the year of birth of the modern automobile - with the Benz Patent-Motorwagen, by German inventor Karl Benz.
Mercedes 35 hp
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Mercedes 35 HP (German: Mercedes 35 PS) was a radical early car model designed in 1901 by Wilhelm Maybach and Paul Daimler, for Emil Jellinek. Produced in Stuttgart, Germany, by Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft (DMG), it began the Mercedes line of cars (since 1926 re-branded Mercedes-Benz). Its name is derived from the power of the car,[clarification needed] 35 Pferdestärke (26 kW, approximately 35 horsepower:49).
A significant advancement over the previous generation of automobiles, which were modified stagecoaches, the Mercedes 35 HP is regarded as the first modern car.
Origin of the name "Mercedes"
Emil Jellinek was a wealthy Austrian businessman and Austro-Hungarian diplomat living in Nice on the French Riviera. His daughter Adriana Manuela Ramona Jellinek, 10 years old at the car's construction, was given the pet name "Mercédès". Jellinek used to name his possessions after her, such as his mansions, the automobiles he sold, his racing car team, etc.. He himself was often known as Monsieur Mercedes.
Encyclopædia Britannica
Wilhelm Maybach
Wilhelm Maybach, (born Feb. 9, 1846, Heilbronn, Württemberg [Germany]—died Dec. 29, 1929, Stuttgart, Ger.), German engineer and industrialist who was the chief designer of the first Mercedes automobiles (1900–01).
Domestic Disturbance (2001)
Ray Coleman: You're lucky it was just me who figured it. Otherwise you would have had all three of us for wedding guests.
Domestic Disturbance (2001)
Release Info
USA 30 October 2001 (premiere)
Domestic Disturbance (2001)
Full Cast & Crew
Steve Buscemi ... Ray Coleman
The New York Times
Ford Family Takes the Helm; Effort to Overcome Rift At Troubled Company
Published: October 31, 2001
DEARBORN, Mich., Oct. 30— The Fords, one of the most prominent and enduring families in American business, reasserted control today of the Ford Motor Company for the first time in more than two decades.
But William Clay Ford Jr. -- the family member who took over as the company's sole chief executive, ending an awkward power sharing arrangement with the ousted Jacques A. Nasser -- assumes leadership of a company mired in deep trouble.
From 8/29/1928 ( premiere US film “Husbands Won't Tell” ) To 8/15/1964 ( Melinda French Gates the known active participant of al-Qaida violently against the United States of America ) is 13135 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/19/2001 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the University of Washington Department of Genome Sciences established as severe criminal activity against the United States of America & all University of Washington activity ) is 13135 days
From 8/15/1964 ( Melinda French Gates the known active participant of al-Qaida violently against the United States of America ) To 8/1/2000 ( premiere US film "Space Cowboys" ) is 13135 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/19/2001 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the University of Washington Department of Genome Sciences established as severe criminal activity against the United States of America & all University of Washington activity ) is 13135 days
From 3/1/1931 ( premiere US film “The Bride's Mistake” ) To 2/1/2003 ( the scheduled terrorist attack by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-NASA-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal reportedly destroying the United States space shuttle Columbia killing all United States and foreign national astronauts onboard United States Columbia spacecraft but I suspect that was all an elaborate hoax by NASA and those people are hiding somewhere to this day and probably in hiding somewhere with Saddam Hussein the material witness against George Herbert Walker Bush and George Walker Bush and their criminal co-conspirators against the United States of America ) is 26270 days
26270 = 13135 + 13135
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/19/2001 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the University of Washington Department of Genome Sciences established as severe criminal activity against the United States of America & all University of Washington activity ) is 13135 days
From 11/2/1940 ( premiere US film “Always a Bride” ) To 10/19/2001 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the University of Washington Department of Genome Sciences established as severe criminal activity against the United States of America & all University of Washington activity ) is 22266 days
22266 = 11133 + 11133
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/26/1996 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - at Overlake hospital in Bellevue Washington State the announced birth of Jennifer Katharine Gates the daughter of Melinda Gates and Microsoft Bill Gates the transvestite and Microsoft Bill Gates the 100% female gender as born and Microsoft Bill Gates the Soviet Union prostitute ) is 11133 days
From 6/29/1942 ( premiere US film "Flight Lieutenant" ) To 10/19/2001 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the University of Washington Department of Genome Sciences established as severe criminal activity against the United States of America & all University of Washington activity ) is 21662 days
21662 = 10831 + 10831
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/29/1995 ( the Mir space station docking of the United States space shuttle Atlantis orbiter vehicle mission STS-71 includes my biological brother US Navy Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan the spacecraft and mission commander and me Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps officer and STS-71 pilot astronaut ) is 10831 days
From 7/27/1997 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - premiere US TV series "Stargate SG-1"::series premiere episode "Children of the Gods" ) To 10/19/2001 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the University of Washington Department of Genome Sciences established as severe criminal activity against the United States of America & all University of Washington activity ) is 1545 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/25/1970 ( premiere US film "MASH" ) is 1545 days
From 3/16/1991 ( date hijacked from me:my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate Columbia South Carolina ) To 10/19/2001 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the University of Washington Department of Genome Sciences established as severe criminal activity against the United States of America & all University of Washington activity ) is 3870 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/7/1976 ( my biological brother Thomas Reagan the civilian and privately financed astronaut in deep space of the solar system in his privately financed nuclear-pulse propulsion spaceship this day was his first landing the Saturn moon Phoebe and the Saturn moon Phoebe territory belongs to my brother Thomas Reagan ) is 3870 days
From 1/4/1955 ( premiere US TV series episode "Cavalcade of America"::"The Marine Who Was Two Hundred Years Old" ) To 10/19/2001 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the University of Washington Department of Genome Sciences established as severe criminal activity against the United States of America & all University of Washington activity ) is 17090 days
17090 = 8545 + 8545
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/26/1989 ( premiere US TV series "Quantum Leap" ) is 8545 days
[ See also: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2013/04/boston-marathon-microsoft-steve-ballmer.html ]
UW consolidates departments to form Department of Genome Sciences
The UW Board of Regents, at its Oct. 19 meeting, approved the consolidation of the Department of Genetics in the College of Arts and Sciences and the Department of Molecular Biotechnology in the School of Medicine. The merger creates the new Department of Genome Sciences in the School of Medicine.
Professor Stan Fields, noted for developing the two-hybrid system to analyze protein interactions, is the acting chair of the new department. He is working with Dr. Maynard Olson, acting chair of the former Department of Molecular Biotechnology, and Dr. Breck Byers, chair of the former Department of Genetics, both of whom played leadership roles in launching the new department.
The Seattle Times Search
Thursday, April 24, 2003
Gates gives $70 million for genome work at UW [ RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 ]
By Luke Timmerman
Seattle Times business reporter
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, in the largest donation ever to a Northwest university, today is announcing a $70 million gift to strengthen the University of Washington's already renowned center for human-genome research.
The money will be used to help build a state-of-the-art research building to foster scientific collaboration and lure more star scientists to his hometown, Bill Gates said in an interview.
"This will cement the leadership role the university is in, and holds great promise for pushing forward the contribution that genomics work will make to all kinds of diseases," said Gates, co-founder of Microsoft. "It also shows a commitment on my part, the foundation's part, to keep Seattle pre-eminent in these areas."
Gates said the bulk of his gift, $60 million, will go toward a new building on campus for the Department of Genome Sciences and Department of Bioengineering.
Wednesday, October 31, 2001
Great-grandson of Ford founder takes over as CEO
By Bill Koenig
Bloomberg News
DETROIT — Ford Motor Chairman William Clay Ford Jr. pledged to keep the second-largest automaker focused on the business it knows best, after pushing out Chief Executive Officer Jacques Nasser and taking control of the company he was born to run.
"The company that builds the best products wins," the 44-year-old great-grandson of founder Henry Ford told cheering workers at company headquarters in Dearborn, Mich.
The company this month reported a $692 million third-quarter loss and halved dividends to conserve cash, costing the controlling family at least $40 million a year.
"When you cross the Ford family, it's curtains," said Gerald Meyers, a University of Michigan business professor and a one-time chief executive officer of American Motors.
"Everything is up for review — every asset, every piece of geography," Ford said. "There's no point in keeping any part of our business that isn't adding to the strength of our business. ... We won't hesitate to pull the trigger."
One reason cited for the chairman's greater daily involvement in July was to improve the flow of information to the board. Some of the changes announced yesterday expanded on that idea.
Home » Publications » U.S. newspapers and newswires » U.S. newswires » PR Newswire » Oct - Dec 2001 » October 30, 2001
Ford Motor Company Announces Senior Management Changes.
Publication: PR Newswire Publish date: October 30, 2001
DEARBORN, Mich., Oct. 30 /PRNewswire/ --
This is a redistribution of Ford Motor Company's (NYSE: F) senior management changes announced earlier today:
The Board of Directors of Ford Motor Company today announced that William Clay Ford Jr. has been named chief executive officer and continues as chairman of the board.
Home » Publications » U.S. newspapers and newswires » U.S. newswires » AP Online » Oct - Dec 2001 » October 30, 2001
Ford CEO Jacques Nasser Ousted
Publication: AP Online Publish date: October 30, 2001 Author: ED GARSTEN, AP Auto Writer
ED GARSTEN, AP Auto Writer
AP Online
Ford CEO Jacques Nasser Ousted
DEARBORN, Mich. (AP) -- Jacques Nasser has been ousted as CEO of the slumping Ford Motor Co., replaced by the great-grandson of founder Henry Ford, the company told employees Tuesday.
The move to install chairman William Clay Ford Jr. as chief executive puts a Ford family member in charge of the automaker's day-to-day management for the first time since 1979, when Henry Ford II resigned.
``We've been given an amazing legacy, and we're going to build an even better one,'' Ford Jr., 44, told company employees at an auditorium at company headquarters.
Domestic Disturbance (2001)
Ray Coleman: I'm sick of you stalling me, Jack!
Synopsis for
Domestic Disturbance (2001)
Rick drives to a small motel and picks up a man named Ray Coleman (Steve Buscemi), who'd earlier attended the wedding unannounced, claiming to be an ex-business associate of Rick. Rick and Ray had also met earlier at the motel and had a discussion about their time in prison together and some money that Rick owed Ray. Rick drives Ray to a brickworks warehouse, telling Ray that he had hidden the money there, but once inside the building, Rick stabs Ray to death and he places the body in a kiln and incinerates it.
Danny witnesses all this and was nearly discovered, first by Ray and then by Rick, but he manages to escape outside in the rain and runs to Frank's house. Frank hears the story and takes Danny to the police department to report the murder.
Rick is widely considered a pillar of the local community, as he has invested plenty of money in the area, whereas Danny has a history of lying and misdemeanors. Plus, there's no evidence that Ray Coleman existed or had been murdered. So, Rick is not arrested.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2006 6:41 PM
To: Kerry Burgess
Subject: Re: Journal June 23, 2006, Supplemental
Kerry Burgess wrote:
Theda's mother was named Betty Davis and her father was Coleman Newman.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 23 June 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 07/15/07 1:00 PM
When did I go to Texas for Thedia's wedding? It must have been early 1998. I was doing an initial assessment of using Microsoft Project for that project Ken Burns wanted and I was stressed out about it because I wasn't sure if it would work. I can still visualize working there on my laptop at that place Thedia had in Canton, I think was the name of that place. And I assume that was when I was there for her wedding. I don't think I made more than one trip back there during that time frame. I "remember" flying there to Texas and I assume it was for the wedding. They bumped me into first class. I can "remember" reading the Wall Street Journal newspaper. I talked a lot to the woman sitting next to me. I can't "remember" arriving in Texarkana, though, which is where I assume I went to.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 15 July 2007 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 6:20 AM Tuesday, May 17, 2011
She was there for that cosmetics trade show in Bellevue Washington. My car was stolen just a day or two earlier before her arrival.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 17 May 2011 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: July 17, 2006
I have also been thinking about something Tracie Rhodes Crooks told me about how cosmetic surgeons can cover up scars.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 17 July 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 06/22/09 3:40 PM
That first week I was working at Microsoft beginning Monday, 12/7/1998, the group of people I worked with went to see the premiere of "Star Trek: Nemesis" during the workday, which I think was a Wednesday or it could have been a Thursday. I don't think it was Friday but I cannot recall for certain. Anyway, I had that white van from Avis that they gave me to drive until my car arrived as it was being shipped from South Carolina with the rest of my household items and I drove several people from that group at Microsoft to the theatre. I remember Ken Burns was there and Wally Simpson and Rhonda Halfmann I think, I remember Ken Burns for certain maybe Wally. I might be thinking Rhonda was there because she was with us in Texas a few weeks later and I was driving a van down there as well. So anyway I think it was Ken Burns that was commenting about the movie after it was over and we got back to the van and I was driving us back to the office and my first comment in the conversation after watching the film was that I complained about how they did not even go to "warp" speed during the movie.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 22 June 2009 excerpt ends]
US Marshals
Newman came in|and he just walked right into it.
Walked right into it.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 8:47 PM Pacific Time somewhere near Seattle Washington USA Monday 24 February 2014