I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here
The Right Stuff (1983)
Alan Shepard: Not very funny, John.
John Glenn: Well, I thought it...
Alan Shepard: I do appreciate, John. I surely do.
John Glenn: Vaya con Dios, Jose.
Stephen King
The Stand - The Complete & Uncut Edition [ RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 ]
Chapter 5
“Do you know how much this party’s costing you?”
“Sure,” Larry said.
“You didn’t rent the house for less than a thousand.”
“Yeah, that’s right.” It had actually been $1,200 plus a $500 damage deposit. He had paid the deposit and half the month’s rent, a total of $1,100 with $600 owing.
“How much for dope?” Wayne asked.
“Aw, man, you got to have something. It’s like cheese for Ritz crackers—”
“There was pot and there was coke. How much, come on?”
“The fucking DA,” Larry said sulkily. “Five hundred and five hundred.”
“And it was gone the second day.”
“The hell it was!” Larry said, startled. “I saw two bowls when we went out this morning, man. Most of it was gone, yeah, but—”
“Man, don’t you remember the Deck?” Wayne’s voice suddenly dropped into an amazingly good parody of Larry’s own drawling voice. “Just put it on my tab, Dewey. Keep em full.”
Larry looked at Wayne with dawning horror. He did remember a small, wiry guy with a peculiar haircut, a whiffle cut they had called it ten or fifteen years ago, a small guy with a whiffle haircut and a T-shirt reading JESUS IS COMING & IS HE PISSED. This guy seemed to have good dope practically failing out of his asshole. He could even remember telling this guy, Dewey the Deck, to keep his hospitality bowls full and put it on his tab. But that had been… well, that had been days ago.
Wayne said, “You’re the best thing to happen to Dewey Deck in a long time, man.”
“How much is he into me for?”
“Not bad on pot. Pot’s cheap. Twelve hundred. Eight grand on coke.”
For a minute Larry thought he was going to puke. He goggled silently at Wayne. He tried to speak and he could only mouth: Ninety-two hundred?
“Inflation, man,” Wayne said. “You want the rest?”
Larry didn’t want the rest, but he nodded.
“There was a color TV upstairs. Someone ran a chair through it. I’d guess three hundred for repairs. The wood paneling downstairs has been gouged to hell. Four hundred. With luck. The picture window facing the beach got broken the day before yesterday. Three hundred. The shag rug in the living room is totally kaput—cigarette burns, beer, whiskey. Four hundred. I called the liquor store and they’re just as happy with their tab as the Deck is with his. Six hundred.”
“Six hundred for booze?” Larry whispered. Blue horror had encased him up to the neck.
“Be thankful most of them have been scoffing beer and wine. You’ve got a four-hundred-dollar tab down at the market, mostly for pizza, chips, tacos, all that good shit. But the worst is the noise. Pretty soon the cops are going to land. Les flics. Disturbing the peace. And you’ve got four or five heavies doing up on heroin. There’s three or four ounces of Mexican brown in the place.”
“Is that on my tab, too?” Larry asked hoarsely.
“No. The Deck doesn’t mess with heroin. That’s an Organization item and the Deck doesn’t like the idea of cement cowboy boots. But if the cops land, you can bet the bust will go on your tab.”
“But I didn’t know—”
“Just a babe in the woods, yeah.”
The American Presidency Project
XLII President of the United States: 1993 - 2001
Remarks on Naming Bill Frenzel as Special Adviser to the President for NAFTA and an Exchange With Reporters
September 3, 1993
The President. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. A few days ago, as all of you know, I announced that Bill Daley in Chicago would be Special Counselor to the President to coordinate our effort to pass the North American Free Trade Agreement in the Congress. It is my great pleasure today to announce that Bill will be joined in our team by the gentleman to my left—probably an uncomfortable position for him—[laughter]—the distinguished former ranking minority member of the House Ways and Means Committee, Bill Frenzel from Minnesota, who for 20 years in Congress established a welldeserved record and is a genuine expert on this use of trade. He is now a guest scholar at the Brookings Institution, and he has agreed to come aboard as Special Adviser to the President for NAFTA while we work through this effort in Congress.
I also want to point out that we have just received a letter signed by 283 economists, among them liberals and conservatives and 12 Nobel laureates, reinforcing the position that I have taken strongly for over a year now, which is that this agreement, especially coupled with the side agreements, means more jobs, not fewer jobs, for the American people. This is a jobs issue.
Since the late 1980's, over half of our net new jobs have come from expanding exports. And one of the biggest deterrents to our expanding the job base in America today is declines in exports because of the flat economy in Europe, the flat economy in Japan. Latin America, as a whole, is the second fastest growing area of the world. Mexico is leading that growth. I believe this is a very good move for the United States. It means more jobs. And I want to thank Bill Frenzel for his willingness to come aboard to make clear to all of America that this is a truly bipartisan effort and also to make it clear that we are serious about getting as many votes from Members of both parties as we can in the United States Congress. I thank you.
Congressman, I invite you to make a few remarks.
[At this point, Representative Frenzel thanked the President and reaffirmed his commitment to NAFTA.]
Q. Mr. President, do you think it will pass? And also, is there some intramural fight on whether health care should go first or you should focus on NAFTA first?
The President. Yes, I think it will pass, and no, there isn't one. We believe that it is the challenge, obviously, to present any kind of a major initiative to the Congress. But there is quite a difference between the two issues. Once the bill is ready for introduction under the laws governing NAFTA, it must be voted on in a certain amount of time. So there is a legislative timetable that will control that. The health care issue—the timetable for that will be largely determined by how quickly a consensus can be reached and by how much time the individual Members of the Congress are willing to put into mastering what is clearly the most complex public policy issue facing the United States today.
Nevertheless, I continue to believe strongly that the two issues complement each other; I do not think they conflict. I think that there is an enormous amount of bipartisan interest in doing something to control health care costs as a way of stimulating the economy as well as providing health security to all Americans. And it gives people something to be for, and it puts in the larger context that all these things are being done to try to provide the American economy and bring the American people into a stronger position as we face the 21st century. So I just don't buy the conflict argument. I feel good about this.
Health Care Reform
Q. Mr. President, do you think that the fact the Congress won't let you go forward with any additional broad-based taxes to pay for health care reform, that that's going to force you to so scale back the universal health care that you once envisaged that it won't have the kind of effect that you thought it would originally?
The President. No, not at all. If you go back to my February address, I have never wanted to have any big, broad-based taxes to pay for health care. I have never thought that was right, and I've never understood why you can justify taxing the American people as a whole to pay to cover those who aren't covered, when more than half of the American people are paying more for their health care than they'll be paying today. And when we are paying now almost 40 percent more of our income for our health care than any other advanced nation, I just don't think you can justify that. So I'm quite comfortable with that, and I think when we put out our ideas and others put theirs out, that the American people will see pretty quickly we can do comprehensive coverage and without a big, new tax.
Q. Do you think Mr. Kantor is big enough to take on Mr. Perot?
The President. Yes, he's wanted to—show them your—he's already wounded, but even wounded, Mr. Kantor is a formidable fighter. Now he's got a lot of good help, too.
Oval Office Redecoration
Q. What do you think of your new surroundings?
The President. I like them very much. I think it's a beautiful rug. I like the couch. I like it.
Q. How much input did you have in this? I mean, is this you?
The President. I like it a lot. A little input. I thought a darker rug would be pretty and would lift the room, and something other than white couches. I like it.
You ought to sit on the couches. He also made them stronger so people don't sink in when they come in here. Did you ever go into an office and sink into the couch, you know? I don't think that's very good, so I wanted people to feel good.
Helen [Helen Thomas, United Press International], when Mickey opened his coat, did you think of President Johnson? [Laughter]
NOTE: The President spoke at 2:37 p.m. in the Oval Office at the White House. A tape was not available for verification of the content of these remarks.
Mickey Kantor
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Michael "Mickey" Kantor (born August 7, 1939) is an American politician and lawyer. After serving as the Clinton-Gore campaign chair in 1992, Kantor was appointed United States Trade Representative, holding that office from 1993 to 1996.
An advocate of free trade, Kantor, as Trade Representative, led U.S. negotiations that created the World Trade Organization (WTO), such as the Uruguay Round, and North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). His efforts were broadly criticized by organized labor and environmentalists alike, for refusing to consider fundamental worker and environmental health issues in the core agreements. President Clinton later acknowledged the errors of his administration in relegating these key economic concerns to legally weak side agreements, while favoring large business interests in the NAFTA treaty document. "I think it was a mistake. I think it was part of a global trend that was wrong-headed."
Stephen King
The Stand - The Complete & Uncut Edition
Chapter 48
“And do you think they’re makin any more Coors these days, Trash? That seem very fuckin likely to you?”
“No,” Trashcan whispered. “Guess not.”
“You’re fuckin right. It’s a dangered spee-shees.” He raised the gun slightly. Trashcan Man thought it was the end of his life, the end of his life for sure. Then The Kid lowered the gun again… slightly. He had an absolutely vacant look on his face. Trashcan guessed this expression indicated deep thought. “I’ll tell you what, Trash. You get you another can, and you chug it. If you can chug the whole thing, I won’t send you to the Cadillac Ranch. You believe that happy crappy?”
“What’s… what’s chugging?”
“Jesus Christ, boy, you as dumb as a stone boat! Drink the whole can without stoppin, that’s what chuggin is! Where you been spendin your time, motherfuckin Africa? You want to get on the stick, Trashy. If I have to put one inya, it goes right in your eye. I got this sucker loaded up with dumdums. Open you right the fuck up, turn you into a fuckin buffet dinner for the cockroaches in this dump.” He gestured with the pistol, his red eyes fixed on Trash. There was a speckle of beer-foam on his upper lip.
Trashcan went to the cardboard carton, selected a beer, and popped the top.
“Go on. Ever drop. And if you puke it back up, you’re a gone fuckin goose.”
Trashcan Man upended the can. Beer gurgled out. He swallowed convulsively, his Adam’s apple going up and down like a monkey on a stick. When the can was empty he dropped it between his feet, fought a seemingly endless battle with his gorge, and won his life back in one long, echoing belch. The Kid threw his small head back and laughed with tinkling delight. Trash swayed on his feet, grinning sickly. All at once he was a lot drunk instead of a little.
The Kid holstered his piece.
“Okay. Not bad, Trashcan Man. Not too motherfuckin shabby.”
The Kid continued to drink. Squashed cans piled up on the motel bed. Trash held a can of Coors between his knees and sipped on it whenever The Kid seemed to be looking at him with disapproval. The Kid muttered on and on, his voice growing ever lower and more Southern as the empties piled up. He talked of places he had been. Races he had won. A load of dope he had run across the border from Mexico in a laundry truck with a 442 hemi engine under the hood. Nasty stuff, he said. All dope was nasty motherfuckin stuff. He never touched it himself, but boy-howdy, after you muled a few loads of that shit, you could wipe your ass with gold toilet-paper. At last he began to nod off, the little red eyes closing for longer and longer periods, then coming reluctantly back to halfmast.
“Gonna get him, Trashy,” The Kid muttered. “I’ll go out there, check it out, keep kissin his motherfuckin ass until I see how the land lays. But nobody orders this Kid around. No-fuckin-body. Not for long. I don’t do piecework. If I’m on a job, I run it. That’s just my style. I dunno who he is or where he comes from or how he can broadcast into our motherfuckin thinkin-machines, but I’m gonna run him right the fuck”—huge yawn—“outta town. Gonna shut him down. Gonna send him to the Cadillac Ranch. Stick with me, Crash, or whoever the fuck y’are.”
Top Gun (1986)
Viper: I flew with your old man. VF-51, the Oriskany. You're a lot like he was. Only better... and worse. He was a natural heroic son of a bitch that one.
Maverick: So he did do it right.
Viper: Yeah, he did it right... Is that why you fly the way you do? Trying to prove something? Yeah, your old man did it right. What I'm about to tell you is classified. It could end my career. We were in the worst dogfight I ever dreamed of. There were bogeys like fireflies all over the sky. His F-4 was hit, and he was wounded, but he could've made it back. He stayed in it, saved three planes before he bought it.
Maverick: How come I never heard that before?
Viper: Well, that's not something the State Department tells dependents when the battle occurred over the wrong line on some map.
Maverick: So you were there?
Viper: I was there. What's on your mind?
From 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 960 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/19/1968 ( the 1st United States Navy Medal of Honor date of record of my biological brother Thomas Reagan the United States Navy officer and Thomas Reagan is the only United States of America military fighter jet ace-in-single-day during the Vietnam War ) is 960 days
From 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 960 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/19/1968 ( premiere US film "Mail Order Confidential" & premiere US film "The Secret Files of Detective 'X'" & premiere US film "Where Were You When the Lights Went Out?" ) is 960 days
From 4/5/1943 ( premiere US film "My Son, the Hero" ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 18414 days
18414 = 9207 + 9207
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 9207 days
From 7/11/1958 ( premiere US TV series "E.S.P." ) To 5/12/1986 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - premiere US film "Top Gun" ) is 10167 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 10167 days
From 2/23/1944 ( premiere US film "The Purple Heart" ) To 12/25/1971 ( George Walker Bush the purveyor of illegal drugs strictly for his personal profit including the trafficking of massive amounts of cocaine into the United States confined to federal prison in Mexico for illegally smuggling narcotics in Mexico ) is 10167 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 10167 days
From 5/21/1981 ( premiere US TV movie "Bugs Bunny: All American Hero" ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 4488 days
4488 = 2244 + 2244
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/25/1971 ( George Walker Bush the purveyor of illegal drugs strictly for his personal profit including the trafficking of massive amounts of cocaine into the United States confined to federal prison in Mexico for illegally smuggling narcotics in Mexico ) is 2244 days
From 5/21/1981 ( premiere US TV movie "The Girl, the Gold Watch & Dynamite" ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 4488 days
4488 = 2244 + 2244
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/25/1971 ( George Walker Bush the purveyor of illegal drugs strictly for his personal profit including the trafficking of massive amounts of cocaine into the United States confined to federal prison in Mexico for illegally smuggling narcotics in Mexico ) is 2244 days
From 5/21/1981 ( premiere US TV movie "Free Amerika Broadcasting" ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 4488 days
4488 = 2244 + 2244
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/25/1971 ( George Walker Bush the purveyor of illegal drugs strictly for his personal profit including the trafficking of massive amounts of cocaine into the United States confined to federal prison in Mexico for illegally smuggling narcotics in Mexico ) is 2244 days
From 3/11/1980 ( premiere US TV series "United States" ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 4924 days
4924 = 2462 + 2462
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/30/1972 ( premiere US film "Deliverance" ) is 2462 days
From 1/19/1993 ( in Asheville North Carolina as Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess I was seriously wounded by gunfire when I returned fatal gunfire to a fugitive from United States federal justice who was another criminal sent by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal in another attempt to kill me the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 227 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/17/1966 ( Jason Patric ) is 227 days
From 7/31/1987 ( premiere US film "The Lost Boys" ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 2226 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/7/1971 ( premiere US TV movie "If Tomorrow Comes" ) is 2226 days
From 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) To 10/3/1993 ( the Battle of Mogadishu Somalia begins ) is 30 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/2/1965 ( premiere US film "That Darn Cat!" ) is 30 days
From 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) To 10/3/1993 ( the Battle of Mogadishu Somalia begins ) is 30 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/2/1965 ( premiere US film "The Restless Ones" ) is 30 days
From 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) To 10/3/1993 ( the Battle of Mogadishu Somalia begins ) is 30 days
30 = 15 + 15
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/17/1965 ( premiere US film "The War Lord" ) is 15 days
From 10/3/1978 ( Stephen King "The Stand" ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 5449 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/3/1980 ( premiere US film "Oh, God! Book II" ) is 5449 days
From 10/3/1978 ( Stephen King "The Stand" ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 5449 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/3/1980 ( premiere US film "Somewhere in Time" ) is 5449 days
From 9/26/1971 ( Susan Smith ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 8013 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/11/1987 ( premiere US TV series "Women in Prison" ) is 8013 days
From 11/25/1943 ( premiere US film "The Heat's On" ) To 9/26/1971 ( Susan Smith ) is 10167 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 10167 days
From 11/25/1943 ( premiere US film "Way Down Yonder in the Corn" ) To 9/26/1971 ( Susan Smith ) is 10167 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 10167 days
From 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) To 10/25/1994 ( Susan Smith kills her two children and dumps them in her car in the John D. Long Lake near Union South Carolina ) is 417 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/24/1966 ( premiere US TV series episode "Death Valley Days"::"The Hero of Apache Pass" ) is 417 days
From 9/23/1988 ( premiere US film "Patty Hearst" ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 1806 days
1806 = 903 + 903
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/23/1968 ( Timothy James McVeigh ) is 903 days
From 4/23/1968 ( Timothy James McVeigh ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 9264 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/15/1991 ( premiere US film "The Perfect Weapon" ) is 9264 days
From 4/23/1968 ( Timothy James McVeigh ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 9264 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/15/1991 ( premiere US film "True Colors" ) is 9264 days
From 4/23/1968 ( Timothy James McVeigh ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 9264 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/15/1991 ( premiere US film "If Looks Could Kill" ) is 9264 days
From 4/23/1968 ( Timothy James McVeigh ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 9264 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/15/1991 ( premiere US film "Class Action" ) is 9264 days
From 3/19/1964 ( premiere US film "The World of Henry Orient" ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 10760 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/19/1995 ( Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-Corbis-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal in a scheduled terrorist attack destroys the Oklahoma City Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building with many fatalities and massive destruction to the United States of America Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building and the local area ) is 10760 days
From 8/17/1939 ( premiere US film "The Man They Could Not Hang" ) To 4/19/1995 ( Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-Corbis-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal in a scheduled terrorist attack destroys the Oklahoma City Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building with many fatalities and massive destruction to the United States of America Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building and the local area ) is 20334 days
20334 = 10167 + 10167
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 10167 days
From 7/31/1968 ( premiere US film "Hang Em High" ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 9165 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/6/1990 ( Saddam Hussein announces the release of his hostages in Iraq ) is 9165 days
From 12/25/1991 ( as United States Marine Corps chief warrant officer Kerry Wayne Burgess I was prisoner of war in Croatia ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 618 days
618 = 309 + 309
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/7/1966 ( premiere US TV series "The Man Who Never Was" ) is 309 days
From 7/19/1989 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-George Bush kills 111 passengers and crew of United Airlines Flight 232 and destroys the United Airlines Flight 232 aircraft because I was a passenger of United Airlines Flight 232 as United States Navy Petty Officer Second Class Kerry Wayne Burgess and I was assigned to maintain custody of a non-violent offender military prisoner of the United States ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 1507 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/18/1969 ( premiere US film "Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here" ) is 1507 days
From 7/19/1989 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-George Bush kills 111 passengers and crew of United Airlines Flight 232 and destroys the United Airlines Flight 232 aircraft because I was a passenger of United Airlines Flight 232 as United States Navy Petty Officer Second Class Kerry Wayne Burgess and I was assigned to maintain custody of a non-violent offender military prisoner of the United States ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 1507 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/18/1969 ( premiere US film "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" ) is 1507 days
From 9/17/1961 ( premiere US TV series "Car 54, Where Are You?" ) To 7/19/1989 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-George Bush kills 111 passengers and crew of United Airlines Flight 232 and destroys the United Airlines Flight 232 aircraft because I was a passenger of United Airlines Flight 232 as United States Navy Petty Officer Second Class Kerry Wayne Burgess and I was assigned to maintain custody of a non-violent offender military prisoner of the United States ) is 10167 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 10167 days
From 3/16/1991 ( date hijacked from me:my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate Columbia South Carolina ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 902 days
902 = 451 + 451
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/27/1967 ( premiere US film "Hot Rods to Hell" ) is 451 days
From 5/12/1991 ( I was the winning race driver at the Monaco Grand Prix ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 845 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/25/1968 ( premiere US TV movie "The Young Loner" ) is 845 days
From 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) To 5/1/1994 ( Ayrton Senna killed in auto racing incident ) is 240 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/30/1966 ( Lesa Lynnette Jewell Withem ) is 240 days
From 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) To 5/1/1994 ( Ayrton Senna killed in auto racing incident ) is 240 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/30/1966 ( Mike Tyson ) is 240 days
From 5/5/1954 ( premiere US film "City Story" ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 14366 days
14366 = 7183 + 7183
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/3/1985 ( premiere US film "Back to the Future" ) is 7183 days
From 10/3/1948 ( premiere US TV series "Welcome Aboard" ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 16406 days
16406 = 8203 + 8203
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/18/1988 ( the United States Navy Operation Praying Mantis - my biological brother US Navy Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan and I US Navy FC2 Kerry Wayne Burgess are both at the same time onboard the United States Navy warship USS Wainwright CG 28 when it evaded a Harpoon anti-ship missile from hostile Iran-Bill Gates-Microsoft-George Bush-Axis of Evil-Soviet Union-Communist forces but 2 United States Marine Corps aviators launched from USS Wainwright CG 28 killed this day ) is 8203 days
From 9/30/1952 ( Waldorf Astor dead ) To 8/1/1980 ( premiere US film "The Final Countdown" ) is 10167 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 10167 days
From 10/21/1983 ( premiere US film "The Right Stuff" ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 3605 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/16/1975 ( United States patent 3,906,166 - radio telephone system ) is 3605 days
From 4/3/1956 ( premiere US film "The Man Who Never Was" ) To 2/3/1984 ( the first untethered space walk operating the US NASA space shuttle Manned Maneuvering Unit ) is 10167 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 10167 days
From 2/13/1960 ( the first atomic bomb explosion by France ) To 9/3/1993 ( the Bill Clinton speech at Sussex County Opportunity Skyway high school ) is 12256 days
12256 = 6128 + 6128
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 8/13/1982 ( premiere US film "Fast Times At Ridgemont High" ) is 6128 days
Los Angeles Times
Clinton Boosts Proposal for Youth Job Training : Education: He links better preparation of young people for the work force to improved economy. 'School-to-work' plan is before Congress.
GEORGETOWN, Del. — Visiting an innovative program that teaches high school students the basics of aviation, President Clinton warned Friday that none of his initiatives to improve the economy will be successful without dramatic improvements in the way the United States prepares young people for the work force.
Clinton chose to plug his "school-to-work" initiative--now pending in Congress--at the Sussex County Opportunity Skyway program here, which trains high school students for careers as pilots, airplane mechanics, air traffic controllers and airport managers.
"Every student in America needs the opportunity to be in a program like this," Clinton told a crowd of students, local residents and officials gathered at the tiny airfield in the southern Delaware town.
His proposal would provide money to states and localities to develop and implement programs that offer students--especially the 75% who do not earn college degrees--on-the-job training to help them develop valuable skills.
"If we are going to prosper in the world toward which we are heading, we have to reach out to every one of our young people who wants a job and don't have the training to get it," the President said.
"We don't have a person to waste," he said. "And believe you me, when we waste them, the rest of us pay. We pay in unemployment. We pay in welfare. We pay in jail costs. We pay in drug costs."
As the only industrial nation without a comprehensive program helping young people make the transition from school to work, the United States stands to lose ground to its economic competitors, the President said. He added that too many American young people flounder from one low-paying job to another throughout their 20s because they do not have the skills necessary to get good jobs.
A determination to change that fact of American life, Clinton said, was one reason he ran for the presidency and it remains an essential part of his plan to reinvigorate America--along with health care reform, efforts to improve government efficiency, new crime legislation and open trade with Mexico and Canada.
"But none of them will work unless we maintain a steadfast determination to educate and train our people at world-class standards," he said.
Programs like Skyway are one key to keeping the "American Dream" alive for young people, Clinton said. Such programs will prepare the nation's youth for "a world of instant communication, supersonic transportation, worldwide technologies in global markets and a veritable explosion of knowledge and invention."
Skyway is one of a small but growing number of career-centered vocational education programs, which are designed to provide students with on-the-job training, professional mentors and clear job prospects.
Under the President's proposal, students who complete a program would receive skill certificates to aid potential employers in assessing their abilities.
Another piece of Administration legislation making its way through Congress would create a national board to determine skill standards in various fields so that certificates would be transportable.
To cover costs of the first year of the school-to-work initiative, the Administration is expected to get $68 million of the $270 million it has sought to provide grants of about $200,000 to each state to develop school-to-work programs and more sizable grants to four to six states to implement their programs, according to Administration officials.
The Administration's goal is to get $300 million in 1995 to launch programs in 25 states and $600 million in 1996 to help install programs in the remaining states, officials said.
The Clinton school-to-work proposal has been heartily endorsed by business and education leaders who have acknowledged the need to build a better bridge between school and work.
Lawrence Perlman, chairman of the Business Roundtable's Working Group on Workforce Training and Development, said that programs like Skyway are "exactly what America must do on a broad scale to meet the technological challenges" of the future.
Other similar programs include:
* Oakland, Calif., Health and Bioscience Academy, which offers 200 students a three-year program for a wide-range of careers in labs and hospitals.
* ProTech in Boston, a four-year, work-based program starting in 11th grade, which provides students permanent placement with employers who offer tuition assistance benefits for additional postsecondary education.
* Craftsmanship 2000 of Tulsa, Okla., which combines academic, technical and work-based training in a four-year program. Graduates receive a high school diploma, an associate degree in metal-working and certification for skilled employment in the metal-working industry.
Indicating his faith in such programs, Clinton had one of the students at Skyway prepare the flight plan for his return trip to the White House.
"Three or four hours from now, if I'm wandering out over the Atlantic somewhere . . ," Clinton joked with the crowd.
But after his helicopter took off, Susan Adams, a student wearing gold airplane earrings who personally prepared the President's flight plan, said that he need not worry.
"I'm totally confident," Adams, a senior who hopes to attend the Air Force Academy after getting her pilot's license through Skyway, said. "He won't end up over the Atlantic."
The Man Who Never Was (1956)
Release Info
USA 3 April 1956 (New York City, New York)
Space Shuttle
STS-41B Mission: WESTAR-VI, Manned Maneuvering Unit, PALAPA-B2, First KSC Landing
Space Shuttle: Challenger
Launched: February 3, 1984
On this mission the first untethered space walks were carried out by McCandless and Stewart, using the manned maneuvering unit.
The American Presidency Project
XLII President of the United States: 1993 - 2001
Remarks at the Opportunity Skyway School-to-Work Program in Georgetown, Delaware
September 3, 1993
Thank you. I want to say how delighted I am to be back in Delaware. You know, when I saw Governor Carper here I was reminded of the time back during the election when Senator Biden and I had a big rally in Wilmington. And I was pleased to say that I was delighted to be in a place where it was not a disadvantage to be the Governor of a small chicken-growing State.
I am delighted to be here today. I can tell all of you are happy, too. How could you not be when you see students like Chrissy and Francis making those presentations? Weren't you proud of them? They were great. Let's give them another hand. [Applause]
I also want to thank Governor Carper and my former colleague and longtime friend, now your Congressman, Mike Castle, and Senator Biden—without whom I don't think I could function as President—all of them for being here today. He is not responsible for the mistakes I make, only for the things that go right. [Laughter]
I want to thank all your State officials for coming here today and many of the local officials and all of you from the various groups. I want to say a special word of thanks to the two persons who also spoke on the program, Dorothy Shields from the AFL-CIO and my longtime friend Larry Perlman who came from a long way away. He lives in Minnesota, and he thought enough of this project to come here to represent the American business community. This is the sort of partnership that I want us to have in America. I'd like to say, too, how much I appreciate the work that has been done by this education program, and to Diane and to all the others who are here, Carlton Spitzer and others, I thank you for the work you have done.
I came here today not just to showcase these fine students but to make the point that every student in America needs the opportunity to be in a program like this. I got into the race for President because I was very concerned about the direction of my country, a direction that had been underway for 20 years under the leadership of people in both parties in Washington with forces that are beyond the reach of ordinary political solutions. In 1973, real hourly wages for most working people peaked in this country, if you adjust them for inflation. For 20 years, most Americans had been working a longer work week for the same or lower wages, once you adjust them for inflation, while they've paid more for health care, housing, and education.
We have tried a number of things to deal with this issue, to deal with the whole question of how do you keep alive the American dream; how do you offer each generation of young people a better future than their parents had. It is clear to me that we have to revive our economy, all right, and we also have to pull our people back together. And the two things are inseparable. We need to offer our people more opportunity, insist that they assume more responsibility. We need to all be reminded that we are in this together. We have to recreate the American community. That's why when you see here business and labor and government, when you see young people of different racial and ethnic groups, when you see people reaching across their party lines, you really see the future of America—if it's going to be a good future.
I picked the two Cabinet members who are here with me today because I thought they could help us to create that future. The Secretary of Labor, Bob Reich, has been a friend of mine for 25 years and I think has written more thoughtfully than any other person I know about the future of the American work force and what's happening to us in this global economy. The Secretary of Education, Dick Riley, has been my friend for about 15 years now, was my colleague and one of the best Governors I ever served with on the issues of education and economic development. In other words, one of them is at the Labor Department, the other is at the Education Department, but they both understand that if you want a good economic future, there can be no simple division between work and learning. We must do both.
In the last several months and in the months ahead, you will see a lot of publicity about other initiatives of our administration: the economic plan that reduced the deficit, increased incentives to invest, offered 90 percent of our small businesses a chance to reduce their tax burden but only if they reinvest in their businesses and gave tax relief to 20 percent of the working poor families in the State of Delaware; the reinventing Government program that the Vice President will announce next week that will help us to virtually revolutionize a lot of the things about the Federal Government to eliminate waste and inefficiency and give all of you better value for your tax dollar; the health program that the First Lady has worked on so hard for several months now, which will finally give every American family the security of knowing they won't lose their health care if they lose their jobs or someone in their family is born with a serious medical condition and will give the American business community the assurance that we're not going to bankrupt the country and wreck the economy by continuing to spend more and more and more for the same health care.
I will ask the Congress to approve, with the amendments that we secured, the trade agreement between the United States and Canada and Mexico because I believe it will create more jobs. And we'll have a vigorous debate about that, but I will tell you this: The real problem we've got right now in America in creating more jobs is rooted at least in part in the fact that our exports are not selling abroad because we have too many trade barriers in the world and slow economic growth everywhere. Latin America is the second fastest growing part of the world. They can buy more of our things, and they should.
And finally, Senator Biden and I are going to work on a new crime bill that will put more police officers on the street and take more guns out of the hands of our children.
All of these are critical to restoring opportunity, insisting on more responsibility from our people, and giving America the sense that we are one community again. But none of them will work unless we maintain a steadfast determination to educate and train our people at world-class standards. We are living in a world where what you earn is a function of what you can learn; where the average 18-year-old will change jobs seven times in a lifetime; where there can no longer be a division between what is practical and what is academic. Indeed, one of the young students back there said, "I'm learning a lot more than I used to because this is fun." Now, that sounds funny, and a lot of you clapped when Chrissy talked before, but the truth is there's a lot of very serious academic research which indicates that significant numbers of our people actually learn better in practical circumstances than they do in classroom settings. It's different for different people.
For two centuries our education system has always been adequate to the task and has helped us to keep alive the American dream—an awful lot of people here today who wouldn't be doing what you're doing if you hadn't had the opportunity to get a good education. But on the eve of this new century, when we are struggling so hard to get and keep good jobs; when we are struggling hard to reestablish the premise that people that work harder and are more productive should earn more money year-in and year-out; a world of instant communication, supersonic transportation, worldwide technologies in global markets, and a veritable explosion of knowledge and invention, we have to face the fact that we, while we still have the best system of higher education in the world, are the only advanced country without a system to guarantee that every student that doesn't go on to a 4year college institution has the opportunity to be in this program or one like it that we're celebrating here today. We don't do that.
So what happens? We see these young people talk and we see these young people demonstrate their skills, and our hearts are filled with joy, and we're proud, and we know they're going to have a decent future. What we don't see here today is that 50 percent of the high school graduates in this country do not go on to college, 75 percent of the high school graduates in this country don't finish college, and nowhere near all of them are in programs like this which should start when they are in high school. That is what this is all about today.
During the 15-year period from 1975 to 1989, the wages of young high school graduates, that is, young people who are under 25 who had only a high school diploma, dropped about 40 percent in real terms. The wages of young high school dropouts, that is, people who are working full-time, dropped even more. Why? Because of the downward pressure on those wages caused by global competition, caused by mechanization, caused by all the pressures that you all know. But young people who got at least 2 years of post-high school training related to a workplace skill for which there is a demand in this global economy were overwhelmingly more likely to get good jobs with rising incomes.
And when you look at the American economy, when you see the unemployment rate or you see the income statistics, you know that they're grossly oversimplified. If the unemployment rate is 6.8 percent, what it really means is that the unemployment rate among people over 40 with college educations is about 3.5 percent, which is almost zero. You've got almost that many people walking around at any given time. But the unemployment rate among young people who drop out of high school may be 20 percent. And if they happen to live in a place where there's already high unemployment, it may be 40 or 50 percent.
This issue that we're meeting here about today may never acquire a great deal of public attention because we're not fighting about it. The bill that I introduced shortly before the Congress left has Republican as well as Democratic cosponsors. There are labor as well as business people up here. We are not having the old fights, but the old fights have not provided the new solutions that America desperately needs. And that is what we are here today to seek.
Change is going to happen in this country. No President can promise to shield the American people from the changes going on. And anybody that tries to is simply not being candid. The real question is whether change is going to be the friend of these young people and the rest of us or our enemy. And that depends on whether we can adapt to change.
This program today is an example of what America has to do to adapt to change. We can no longer afford to be the only advanced nation in the world without a system for providing this kind of training and education to everybody who doesn't go on and get a 4-year college degree. We can do better. We can have programs like this everywhere. And that's what our legislation is designed to do.
This legislation basically will support learning in the workplace, learning in the schoolroom, and connections between the workplace and the schoolroom. It will involve all kinds of programs that are working. It is not a big Federal topdown program, but we will have some common standards: a certificate that means something when you finish a program, meaningful learning in the workplace and in the schoolroom, a real connection between work and school, and a real chance to get a job. And when combined with the other major piece of education legislation that we have in the Congress, the Goals 2000 program, which seeks to enshrine in the law the national education goals that the Governors adopted along with the previous administration of President Bush back in 1989, that legislation will establish for the first time a national system of skill standards so that you will actually know whether you're learning what you're supposed to learn by national standards and whether they stack up with the global competition. That is what we seek to achieve, not with a new Federal bureaucracy but by building on successes like this.
This bill involves a historic partnership, too, between the Departments of Education and Labor. They will sort of operate like venture capitalists. They will provide seed money to States, set the goals and the standards, give waivers to communities to give them more flexibility as they set up new programs, and require that the graduates attain real skill certificates that verify the quality of their training. But the design and planning of the programs will be left to States and communities and educational institutions who know best how to address the local possibilities. Finally, the school-to-work legislation will enable our Nation for the first time to create the kind of partnership that we so desperately need between schools, businesses, labor, and communities, so that we can connect our people to the real world. That's why the Business Roundtable, the National Association of Manufacturers, the United States Chamber of Commerce, the National Alliance of Business, the AFL-CIO, and leading Republican and Democratic legislators all support this legislation.
If we are going to prosper in the world toward which we are heading, we have to reach out to every one of our young people who want a job and don't have the training to get it. We don't have a person to waste. And believe you me, when we waste them, the rest of us pay. We pay in unemployment. We pay in welfare. We pay in jail costs. We pay in drug costs.
And when we make education come alive, as it has for these young people who showed me their plane, when we enable students to apply English, history, and science to the practical problems of the workplace, we are building a future that all of us will be a part of. We must—I will say it again—we must learn to integrate serious academic study into the workplace, starting in high school and continuing for at least 2 years thereafter, for everyone who needs it. If we do it, if we do it, we are going to do as much as anything else we could do to guarantee most Americans a real shot at a good future. And if we don't, all of our other, all of our other economic initiatives will be consigned to less than full success.
I got into this issue when I was a Governor of a State not unlike Delaware and I saw too many people working their fingers to the bone for less and less and less, too many people who were dying to go to work who could never find a job, too many people who didn't have impressive academic accomplishments but were plenty smart enough to learn anything they needed to know to compete and win in this global economy. I determined then as a Governor that if I ever had a chance to do something about this in this country, I would. And that's what we're here doing today.
I want you to support this legislation just like you support Opportunity Skyway. I want you to support the idea that the public and private sectors all over America can do for all of our young people who need it what this program has done for the young people we've heard from today: provide a smooth transition from school to work. So far, 900 high school students have participated in Opportunity Skyway. Many of them are en route to careers in aircraft maintenance, avionics, and airline piloting. Now they'll find out how much algebra and geography they've learned. And I'll say this, I'm on my way back to Washington now using a flight plan that the students prepared. Three or four hours from now, if I'm wandering out over the Atlantic somewhere—[laughter]—I'll know I wasn't very persuasive today.
There are programs like this one all over the country; we're going to build onto them. But we need your help. Next week when the Congress comes back, I hope each one of you will do what you can to encourage the United States Congress, without regard to party, to embrace this new approach to a new economy to give these young people a new future and give America a better future. We can make a real difference, folks, a real difference if we'll pass this legislation and get about providing every young people the opportunity to be as self-assured, as knowledgeable, as skilled as the two young people you heard from today. That's an important legacy we ought to leave to them.
Thank you, and God bless you all.
NOTE: The President spoke at 10:47 a.m. in the Delmarva Aircraft Hangar at Sussex County Airport. In his remarks, he referred to Opportunity Skyway participants Chrissy Thomas and Francis Orphe; Larry Perlman, chairman and CEO of Ceridian Corp. and chairman of the Business Roundtable working group on workforce training and development; and Carlton Spitzer, director, Opportunity Skyway.
The American Presidency Project
XLII President of the United States: 1993 - 2001
Proclamation 6587 - National POW/MIA Recognition Day, 1993
September 3, 1993
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation
This year we have witnessed major changes in the global political landscape. Although democracy is taking root in many new areas, the forces of repression pose continuing challenges around the world. Throughout this dynamic period, one theme rings true to all Americans: Our Nation owes a lasting debt of gratitude to all those selfless members of our Armed Forces who have risked their own freedom and safety to defend the lives and liberty of others. As a measure of our thanks and as an expression of our determination to keep faith with those who faithfully serve and defend us, we take this occasion to remember those special Americans for whom an accounting has not yet been made.
In honor of these Americans, on September 10, 1993, the flag of the National League of POW/MIA families will be flown over the White House; the U.S. Departments of State, Defense, and Veterans Affairs; the Selective Service System headquarters; and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. This black and white banner -- emblematic of America's missing -- flies as a stark reminder to the world of our Nation's resolve.
We acknowledge a continuing obligation to these casualties of war, America's missing service members and civilians. Our Nation remains committed to this cause, a matter of highest national priority. We renew our pledge to obtain the answers that the family members of these heroes deserve, recognizing the profound loss they have endured and their steadfast resolve to gain the peace of certainty.
Now, Therefore, I, William J. Clinton, President of the United States of America, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 10, 1993, as National POW/MIA Recognition Day. I urge all Americans to join in honoring former American POWs as well as those Americans still unaccounted for as a result of their service to our great Nation. I also encourage the American people to express their gratitude to the families of these missing Americans for their dedication to seeking the truth and their determination to persevere through the many years of waiting. Finally, I ask State and local officials and private organizations to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this third day of September, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and ninety-three, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and eighteenth.
The American Presidency Project
XLII President of the United States: 1993 - 2001
Message on the Observance of Labor Day, 1993
September 3, 1993
On this important occasion of Labor Day, we take time out of our active schedules to honor the working men and women of America whose diligence and energy have made this country great.
These are the men and women whose sweat and toil built this nation from the ground up. They laid the railways, highways, and runways that brought this far-flung land together. They created an industrial machine that became and still remains the envy of the world. They answered the call in every time of need and forged the military might of a superpower. And, more recently, they have led the world into a new age of communications and services. Their labors have fed, clothed, and housed this nation in good times and in bad.
Despite labor's tremendous contribution to the growth and success of our country, those who worked hard and played by the rules were once frequently unrecognized and exploited. Yet the cause of labor has advanced greatly in this century because of the determined efforts of brave labor leaders who risked their own security to bring about fair working conditions and a decent standard of living for the rank and file men and women of this country. Labor Day gives us all an opportunity to recognize the pivotal role that working men and women have played in our history.
We are now at the dawn of a new era of prosperity. On this Labor Day, let us dedicate ourselves to the idea that hard work should be justly rewarded. We still have much to do. The challenges of remaining competitive in a global economy make it all the more imperative that we continue to embrace the ideas of innovation and industry. All of us have our own contribution to make to the success of America. We don't have a single person to waste. Recognizing this, we can celebrate this day by reflecting upon the dignity of labor and the pride felt in a job well done.
Best wishes for a wonderful holiday.
The American Presidency Project
XLII President of the United States: 1993 - 2001
Executive Order 12860 - Adding Members to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States
September 3, 1993
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 (Public Law 100-418; 102 Stat. 1107), section 301 of title 3, United States Code, and in accordance with the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1993 (Public Law 102-484; 106 Stat. 2315), to designate additional members to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Executive Order No. 11858, as amended, is further amended by inserting in Section 1(a), after the title "Director of the Office of Management and Budget," the following additional titles: "(9) the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy."; "(10) the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs."; and "(11) the Assistant to the President for Economic Policy.".
Sec. 2. This order shall take effect immediately.
William J. Clinton
September 3, 1993.
The Right Stuff (1983)
Release Info
USA 21 October 1983
The Right Stuff (1983)
Full Cast & Crew
Scott Glenn ... Alan Shepard
September 1975
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
September 16, 1975 (Tuesday)
U.S. Patent No. 3,906,166 was granted to Martin Cooper and others on his team at Motorola, for the first hand-held cell phone, after it had been applied for on October 17, 1973. Cooper's team worked at reducing the original 28 pound Motorola portable device to the first hand-held mobile phone, the DynaTAC, which weighed less than three pounds, and made the world's first cell phone call on April 3, 1973.
The prototype of the Soviet Mikoyan MiG-31 jet fighter received its first test flight, with Aleksandr Fedotov at the controls. The real MiG-31 shared its name with the fictional MiG-31"Firefox featured in the Clint Eastwood film Firefox and the Craig Thomas novel upon which the film was based.
CIA Director William E. Colby admitted to the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee that the CIA had ignored a 1970 presidential order to destroy a cache of deadly poisons and lethal weapons, and the materials were still in storage.
Google Patents
Radio telephone system
US 3906166 A
Publication number US3906166 A
Publication type Grant
Publication date Sep 16, 1975
A portable duplex radio telephone system includes at least one base station transmitter having a predetermined base transmission range
USPTO Patent Full-Text and Image Database
United States Patent 3,906,166
Cooper , et al. September 16, 1975
Radio telephone system
A portable duplex radio telephone system includes at least one base station transmitter having a predetermined base transmission range, and a plurality of portable or mobile units each having a predetermined portable maximum transmission range predeterminately shorter than the base transmission range. Satellite receivers are deployed about the base station within the base station transmission range for receiving transmissions from the portable units. The base station transmitter transmits signals on a signalling channel and on at least one communications channel. Each transmitter signalling and communications channel has a frequency that is paired or associated with a receiving frequency of the satellite receivers. In a multiple base station system, the portable receiver has means for scanning the base station transmitter signalling frequencies and for tuning the portable transmitter to the signalling frequency associated with the frequency of the strongest signalling signal received from the base transmitter. When communication is initiated, the portable transmitter and receiver are automatically retuned to one of the communications channels as determined by the strongest signalling frequency received by the portable receiver and by channel availability. Means are also provided in the system to continuously locate a portable unit and switch the operating frequency thereof as the portable unit moves between base station transmitter coverage areas. Further means are provided to automatically reduce the output power of each portable transmitter to the minimum level required for satisfactory communications in order to reduce battery drain and the interference caused by the portable transmitters.
Inventors: Cooper; Martin (Glencoe, IL), Dronsuth; Richard W. (Westchester, IL), Mikulski; Albert J. (Chicago, IL), Lynk, Jr.; Charles N. (Arlington Heights, IL), Mikulski; James J. (Deerfield, IL), Mitchell; John F. (Elmhurst, IL), Richardson; Roy A. (Skokie, IL), Sangster; John H. (Hoffman Estates, IL)
Assignee: Motorola, Inc. (Chicago, IL)
Stephen King
The Stand - The Complete & Uncut Edition
Chapter 61
And in a dream of terror, Bobby Terry again heard Flagg saying: I want to send him back undamaged.
Holy God, this could be anyone. It was as if he had set out to deliberately do just the opposite of what the Walkin Dude had ordered. Two direct hits in the face. Even the teeth were gone.
Rain, drumming, drumming.
It was over here. That was all. He didn’t dare go east, and he didn’t dare stay in the West. He would either wind up riding a telephone pole bareback or… or something worse.
Were there worse things?
With that grinning freak in charge, Bobby Terry had no doubt there were. So what was the answer?
Running his hands through his hair, still looking down at the ruined face of the Judge, he tried to think.
South. That was the answer. South. No border guards anymore. South of Mexico, and if that wasn’t far enough, get on down to Guatemala, Panama, maybe fucking Brazil. Opt out of the whole mess. No more East, no more West, just Bobby Terry, safe and as far away from the Walkin Dude as his old boogie shoes could carry h—
A new sound in the rainy afternoon.
Bobby Terry’s head jerked up.
The rain, yes, making its steel drum sound on the cabs of the two vehicles, and the grumbling of two idling motors, and—
A strange clocking sound, like rundown bootheels hammering swiftly along the secondary road macadam.
“No,” Bobby Terry whispered.
My Son, the Hero (1943)
Release Info
USA 5 April 1943
Top Gun
Morning, Scott.|Morning, Wells.
Ghost Rider, we have an unknown|aircraft. Vector 090 for bogey.
- Who's up there?|- Cougar, Merlin, Maverick and Goose.
Great. Maverick and Goose.
- Talk to me, Goose.|- Roger, I got them. 900 knots closure.
- Cougar, you hear that?|- Roger.
- Merlin, you got them?|- I've got radar contact.
- I'll get a visual ID. You hook them.|- I'll clean them and fry them.
Ghost Rider, 203. I have them inbound,|bogeyheading 270 at 10 miles.
- 900 knots closure.|- Take angels 10, left, 3, 0.
- Are we expecting visitors?|- Negative, sir.
- Merlin, see if he's a single.|- Roger.
Do you see a trailer?.|Looks like he's a single.
- I'm gonna go head-to-head with him.|- Take it easy. I'll see if he's really alone.
- He's coming right at us, Mav.|- Okay, buddy. What's on your mind?
Top Gun (1986)
Release Info
USA 12 May 1986 (New York City, New York) (premiere)
Release dates for
Episode #1.1 (1958)
Country Date
USA 11 July 1958
E.S.P.: Season 1, Episode 1
Episode #1.1 (11 Jul. 1958)
Vincent Price ... Himself - Host
Release Date: 11 July 1958 (USA)
The Purple Heart (1944)
Release Info
USA 23 February 1944
The Purple Heart (1944)
Title Card: "Let it be known that he who wears the military order of the purple heart has given of his blood in the defense of his homeland and shall forever be revered by his fellow countrymen." - Geo. Washington, General and Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army, Aug. 7 1782
Bugs Bunny: All American Hero (1981 TV Movie)
Release Info
USA 21 May 1981
The Girl, the Gold Watch & Dynamite (1981 TV Movie)
Release Info
USA 21 May 1981
The Girl, the Gold Watch & Dynamite (1981 TV Movie)
Plot Summary
In this sequel to The Girl, the Gold Watch & Everything, down-on-his-luck Kirby Winter inherits a floundering business, and the magical gold watch which can stop time. But his wedding plans with Bonnie Lee Beaumont are interrupted when her mother phones them to help her save her family farm from a nasty land developer - using the gold watch's powers.
Free Amerika Broadcasting (1981)
Release Info
USA 21 May 1981
United States Season 1 Episode 1
All Our Weapons
Aired Tuesday 8:30 PM Mar 11, 1980 on NBC
AIRED: 3/11/80
Deliverance (1972)
Release Info
USA 30 July 1972
Deliverance (1972)
Full Cast & Crew
Ned Beatty ... Bobby
The Choice 2000
CLAY JOHNSON, Andover Classmate: He was telling me the story about his mother giving him a thesaurus as a going-away present and explaining to him what a thesaurus is used for, and be sure not to use the same word all the time in an essay.
And so he- his first English assignment at Andover was to write about some highly emotional time in his life, and he was writing about the time when his sister had died. And he was talking about it had made him cry, and he had used the word "tears" several times already in his essay. And he decided- remembering what his mother told him, he decided he needed to find another word for t-e-a-r-s.
So he got out his thesaurus and looked up t-e-a-r-s, and his next sentence was, "And the lacerates ran down my cheek." He turned in his paper, got it back two days later with this big, bold pen circled around, "See me immediately." And George said that the first thought that entered his mind was, "My God. I've been here one week. I may not make it to week two."
PETER BOYER: George W. made his way at Andover, but not in the fashion that Senator Prescott Bush or George Herbert Walker Bush might have imagined. He did not become senior class president or a star baseball player like his father, but he did discover his own persona: a cheerleader with an antic streak.
Deliverance (1972)
Mountain Man: [to Bobby] Them panties. Take 'em off.
Jason Patric
Date of Birth 17 June 1966 , Queens, New York, USA
Birth Name Jason Patric Miller Jr.
Grandson of legendary actor Jackie Gleason.
The Lost Boys (1987)
Michael Emerson: What's happening to me, Star?
Star: Oh, Michael. Michael, I can't tell you. I don't know how to help you.
Michael Emerson: What's happening?
Star: [whispers] I can't.
The Lost Boys (1987)
Release Info
USA 31 July 1987
If Tomorrow Comes (1971 TV Movie)
Release Info
USA 7 December 1971
Final Countdown The
- Who the hell are these people? - The navy.
Yeah, the navy, yeah. But what part of it?
I've never seen machines like they got onboard this thing.
And where have they been developing aircraft like that?
That Darn Cat! (1965)
Release Info
USA 2 December 1965
The Restless Ones (1965)
Release Info
USA 2 December 1965
The War Lord (1965)
Release Info
USA 17 November 1965
The War Lord (1965)
Full Cast & Crew
Charlton Heston ... Chrysagon
The Stand Hardcover – October 3, 1978
by Stephen King (Author)
Product Details
Hardcover: 823 pages
Publisher: Doubleday; 1st edition (October 3, 1978)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0385121687
ISBN-13: 978-0385121682
The Stand
by Stephen King (Goodreads Author)
Hardcover, 1st Edition, 823 pages
Published October 3rd 1978 by Doubleday & Company, Inc. (first published 1978)
original title The Stand
ISBN 0385121687 (ISBN13: 9780385121682)
Oh, God! Book II (1980)
Release Info
USA 3 October 1980
Women in Prison Season 1 Episode 1
Vickie Does Prison
Aired Saturday 8:30 PM Oct 11, 1987 on FOX
AIRED: 10/11/87
The Heat's On (1943)
Release Info
USA 25 November 1943 (New York City, New York)
The Seattle Times Search
Monday, December 7, 1998
Gates: Smile Would Have Helped, But He Told Truth
By James V. Grimaldi
Seattle Times Washington Bureau
WASHINGTON - Bill Gates said he wished he'd smiled more during his videotaped deposition taken before the Microsoft antitrust trial started
Stephen King
The Stand - The Complete & Uncut Edition
Chapter 39
“You’re free, Lloyd. Come on out.”
Unbelieving, Lloyd touched the bars hesitantly, as if they might burn him; and indeed, they did seem warm. But when he pushed, the door slid back easily and soundlessly. He stared at his savior, those burning eyes.
Something was placed in his hand. The key.
“It’s yours now, Lloyd.”
Flagg grabbed Lloyd’s fingers and closed them around it… and Lloyd felt it move in his hand, felt it change. He uttered a hoarse cry and his fingers sprang open. The key was gone and in its place was the black stone with the red flaw. He held it up, wondering, and turned it this way and that. Now the red flaw looked like a key, now like a skull, now like a bloody, half-closed eye again.
“Mine,” Lloyd answered himself. This time he closed his hand with no help, holding the stone savagely tight.
“Shall we get some dinner?” Flagg asked. “We’ve got a lot of driving to do tonight.”
“Dinner,” Lloyd said. “All right.”
“There’s such a lot to do,” Flagg said happily. “And we’re going to move very fast.” They walked toward the stairs together, past the dead men in their cells. When Lloyd stumbled in weakness, Flagg seized his arm above the elbow and bore him up. Lloyd turned and looked into that grinning face with something more than gratitude. He looked at Flagg with something like love.
Way Down Yonder in the Corn (1943)
Release Info
USA 25 November 1943
chron Houston Chronicle Archives
Houston Chronicle News Services
On Thursday, in an interview on the CBS News program "This Morning," Smith said that she had agreed to let the authorities search her home on Wednesday but that she did not know what they were looking for.
With her husband by her side for the interview, she denied knowing anything about the whereabouts of their two sons.
"I did not have anything to do with the abduction of my children," Smith said in the interview.
"I don't think that any parent could love my children more than I do, and I would never even think about doing anything that would harm them," she added. "It's really painful to have the finger pointed at you when it's your children involved."
Death Valley Days Season 15 Episode 11
The Hero of Apache Pass
Aired Unknown Dec 24, 1966 on
AIRED: 12/24/66
Death Valley Days (TV Series)
The Hero of Apache Pass (1966)
Release Info
USA 24 December 1966
Death Valley Days: Season 15, Episode 11
The Hero of Apache Pass (24 Dec. 1966)
TV Episode
Release Date: 24 December 1966 (USA)
Patty Hearst (1988)
Release Info
USA 23 September 1988
Encyclopædia Britannica
Timothy McVeigh
Timothy McVeigh, in full Timothy James McVeigh (born April 23, 1968, Pendleton, N.Y., U.S.—died June 11, 2001, Terre Haute, Ind.)
Stephen King
The Stand - The Complete & Uncut Edition
Chapter 48
When the Trashcan Man swam out of sleep on the evening of August 5, he was still lying on the blackjack table in the casino of the MGM Grand Hotel. Sitting backward on a chair in front of him was a young man with lank straw-blond hair and mirror sunglasses. The first thing Trash noticed was the stone which hung about his neck in the V of his open sport-shirt. Black, with a red flaw in the center. Like the eye of a wolf in the night.
He tried to say he was thirsty and managed only a weak “Gaw!” sound.
“You sure did spend some time in the hot sun, I guess,” Lloyd Henreid said.
“Are you him?” Trash whispered. “Are you—”
“The big guy? No, I’m not him. Flagg’s in L.A. He knows you’re here, though. I talked to him on the radio this afternoon.”
“Is he coming?”
“What, just to see you? Hell, no! He’ll be here in his own good time. You and me, guy, we’re just little people. He’ll be here in his own good time.” And he reiterated the question he had asked the tall man that morning, not long after Trashcan Man had stumbled in. “Are you that anxious to see him?”
“Yes… no… I don’t know.”
“Well, whichever way it turns out to be, you’ll get your chance.”
The Perfect Weapon (1991)
Release Info
USA 15 March 1991
True Colors (1991)
Release Info
USA 15 March 1991
If Looks Could Kill (1991)
Release Info
USA 15 March 1991
Class Action (1991)
Release Info
USA 15 March 1991
Stephen King
The Stand - The Complete & Uncut Edition
Chapter 48
“What do we do with him?” Ken DeMott asked.
“Let him sleep,” Lloyd answered. “Flagg wants him.”
“Yeah? Where the Christ is Flagg, anyway?” another asked. Lloyd turned to look at the man, who was balding and stood a full foot taller than Lloyd. Nonetheless, he drew back a step at Lloyd’s gaze. The stone around Lloyd’s neck was the only one that was not solid jet; in the center gleamed a small and disquieting red flaw.
“Are you that anxious to see him, Hec?” Lloyd asked.
“No,” the balding man said. “Hey, Lloyd, you know I didn’t—”
“Sure.” Lloyd looked down at the man sleeping on the blackjack table. “Flagg will be around,” he said. “He’s been waiting for this guy. This guy is something special.”
McVeigh Chronology
04.19.95-8:55 a.m.
On NW Fourth Street Tim drove west past the Federal Building and then turned north on a one-way street. On Fifth Street he turned right. At the chain link fence in front of the Firestone he pulled over and lit the five-minute fuse. (and Hankins memo dated 5.10.95)
04.19.95-8:55 a.m.
FBI interviewed three witnesses on 04.20.95 who said Unsub #1 closely resembled a person they observed who was still in front of the 5th Street entrance to the Alfred P. Murrah building. (Criminal complaint filed against Timothy McVeigh on 04.21.95.)
04.19.95-9:00 a.m.
He pulled back into the street and at the light at Harvey and NW 5th Street he lit the primary fuse. When the light turned, he pulled into the parking spot in front of the Murrah Building. Possibly two vehicles passed the Ryder truck as he was parking it. One woman looked at Tim as she was headed down the steps to walk into the Murrah Building. She was a white woman, dirty blonde hair, probably mid thirties. He still had on his hat. (and Hankins memo dated 5.10.95)
He left the vehicle in drive, turned off the ignition switch, set the parking brake, dropped the key behind the seat, opened the door, locked it, got out and shut the door behind him. He walked north across Fifth Street into the parking lot without seeing any cars. He did not see any people in the parking lot. He walked down the alley and crossed Robinson Street. He crossed over to the alley behind the YMCA. He did not see any people. He began to jog.
The World of Henry Orient (1964)
Release Info
USA 19 March 1964 (New York City, New York)
The World of Henry Orient (1964)
Full Cast & Crew
Peter Sellers ... Henry Orient
The Man They Could Not Hang (1939)
Release Info
USA 17 August 1939
The Man They Could Not Hang (1939)
Plot Summary
Mad Scientist, Dr. Henryk Savaard, is obsessed with bringing the dead back to life. The police are alerted of Savaard's activities by his assistant's girlfriend. Savaard is arrested, convicted and sentenced to hang. He vows revenge on the judge, jury and district attorney. After the hanging, his assistant claims Savaard's body and uses Savaard's technique on it. Savaard is brought back to life. Now he can seek sweet revenge on his prosecutors.
The Man They Could Not Hang (1939)
Dr. Henryk Savaard: You who have condemned me, I know your kind. Your forbears poisoned Socrates, burned Joan of Arc, hanged, tortured all those whose offense was to bring light into darkness. For you to condemn me in my work is a crime so shameful that the judgement of history will be against you for all the years to come!
The Man They Could Not Hang (1939)
Dr. Henryk Savaard: Always remember I offered you life, and you gave me death!
Hang 'Em High (1968)
Release Info
USA 31 July 1968 (premiere)
Hang 'Em High (1968)
Full Cast & Crew
Clint Eastwood ... Marshal Jed Cooper
Hang 'Em High (1968)
[after rescuing Cooper from being lynched]
Marshal Dave Bliss: Some people call this hell, but you're still in Oklahoma Territory... Save your breath. I don't know who hung you or why, but if you're innocent, the judge will set you free. And if you're not, we'll have to take the trouble to hanging you again.
Los Angeles Times
Iraq: All Hostages Can Go : Freedom May Come by Christmas
December 06, 1990 From Times Wire Services
In a dramatic announcement that appeared to signal the removal of a major obstacle to resolving the four-month-old Persian Gulf crisis, Iraq told the world today that all foreign hostages will be freed.
Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's surprise announcement was made by the official Iraqi News Agency, which published a letter from him instructing the country's National Assembly to approve the release.
"I invite you to take a just decision to end the travel ban imposed on foreigners and restore to all of them the freedom to travel. We apologize to those who may have been harmed, and from God we seek forgiveness," the letter said.
Hussein had promised to free the hostages over three months starting from Christmas Day.
In his letter to the National Assembly, he said he was bringing forward their release in response to pleas from Arab leaders, a drive by U.S. Democrats to seek congressional approval for any military action in the Persian Gulf and an invitation to Iraqi Foreign Minister Tarik Aziz to address the European Parliament.
"All these appeals have encouraged us to respond to the positive transformations which will have a great influence on Western public opinion, particularly in America, to liquidate the evil attempts by the warmongers," he said.
Hussein also said Iraq had completed its deployment in Kuwait, and therefore the hostages were no longer needed to prevent an attack. More than 400,000 Iraqi troops are deployed in the conquered emirate, facing a multinational force in the gulf that includes 330,000 American troops.
The report did not say when the foreigners would be freed, but the National Assembly routinely accepts Hussein's recommendations, and the release was expected soon after the vote--which could come as early as Friday.
Several governments and relatives of hostages quickly welcomed Hussein's announcement. The news also sent oil prices plunging to their lowest level since August, when Iraq invaded its oil-rich neighbor.
Secretary of State James A. Baker III confirmed that the United States had received official notification in Baghdad that the thousands of foreigners--900 Americans among them--would be set free.
President Bush and his Administration are trying to convince Congress that trade sanctions against Iraq will not force its withdrawal from Kuwait and that the lawmakers should support a possible military strike on Iraqi forces.
Hussein's announcement appeared to be an attempt to influence those deliberations.
The Man Who Never Was Season 1 Episode 1
One Plus One Equals One
Aired Wednesday 9:00 PM Sep 07, 1966 on ABC
AIRED: 9/7/66
Release dates for
"The Man Who Never Was"
One Plus One Equals One (1966)
Country Date
USA 7 September 1966
The Man Who Never Was: Season 1, Episode 1
One Plus One Equals One (7 Sep. 1966)
Robert Lansing ... Peter Murphy / Mark Wainwright
Release Date: 7 September 1966 (USA)
The Man Who Never Was (1956)
Lieutenant George Acres: Monty, that parachute that didn't open... Suppose we were to drop a fellow out of a plane over enemy territory, with papers on him saying we were going to invade Greece, and his parachute didn't open. The Germans would find him dead, and the papers, and "Aha," they'd say, "Look at this. Officer with secret papers, parachute didn't open... they're going to invade Greece."
Lieutenant Commander Ewen Montagu: Do we tell the man who jumps that the parachute doesn't work, or is it a sort of practical joke that he finds out on the way down?
Lieutenant George Acres: Well, of course it would have to be somebody you didn't mind much about.
The Final Countdown (1980)
Release Info
USA 1 August 1980
Encyclopædia Britannica
Waldorf Astor, 2nd Viscount Astor
Waldorf Astor, 2nd Viscount Astor, (born May 19, 1879, New York City—died September 30, 1952, Cliveden, Buckinghamshire, England), member of Parliament (1910–19) and agricultural expert whose Cliveden home was a meeting place during the late 1930s for Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and supporters of his policy of “appeasement” toward Adolf Hitler.
Car 54, Where are You? Season 1 Episode 1
Who's For Swordfish?
Aired Sunday 8:30 PM Sep 17, 1961 on NBC
AIRED: 9/17/61
Hot Rods to Hell (1967)
Release Info
USA 27 January 1967
The Young Loner (1968 TV Movie)
Release Info
USA 25 February 1968
City Story (1954)
Release Info
USA 5 May 1954
Back to the Future (1985)
Release Info
USA 3 July 1985
Welcome Aboard (TV Series)
Episode dated 3 October 1948 (1948)
Release Info
USA 3 October 1948
Welcome Aboard
Episode dated 3 October 1948 (3 Oct. 1948)
TV Episode
Release Date: 3 October 1948 (USA)
On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969)
Release Info
USA 18 December 1969
Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here (1969)
Title Card: In the summer of 1909, a member of the oldest American minority, a Paiute Indian named Willie Boy, became the center of an extraordinary historical event.
Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here (1969)
Willie Boy: Run! Run! The road leads right to them. Tell them Willie Boy is here!
Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here (1969)
Deputy Sheriff Christopher 'Coop' Cooper: My father got it from a horse thief in a Ludlow saloon that was so drunk he couldn't even stand up.
Newman: Indian wasn't it?
Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here (1969)
Willie Boy: Indian's don't last in prison. They weren't born for it like the whites.
Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here (1969)
Release Info
USA 18 December 1969 (New York City, New York)
Star Trek Generations
[Bird-of-Prey bridge]
LURSA: Where is he now?
B'ETOR: He bathed. Now he's roaming the ship. ...He must be the only Engineer who doesn't go to engineering.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 10:57 AM Pacific Time somewhere near Seattle Washington USA Sunday 23 February 2014