I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Travel plans
I had hoped to avoid stopping to make another blog post but I must make this note. I know now I will not watch on Pacific-time television the new "NCIS" episodes that broadcast new tonight for the first time in many weeks. That so-called new "blonde chick" is showing up in my sleeping dreams so I think back about my notion of how actual people are disguised in my sleeping dreams. That woman is sure cute though. Anyway, whether I will ever watch those episodes is now factored into this day, according to my theory - my testable theory - of the time-traveler effect that I cause because of hypothesis I am destined to become a time-traveler.
And I think in the first few seconds I started off making this note of how I feel I am one of those scientists I read about fictionally imagined that sit around wondering why their calculations match their predictions and that then later the "fudge factor" of their calculations is explained only by the discovery of of legitimate scientific research, notions written here non-contiguously to the thoughts in my mind this day.
Among the instances of that notion case in point is the twelve minute point of the DVD for the 1994 film and I always wonder why the scene features a troop transport with very obvious smoke billowing at the entrance of that very narrow tunnel into the side of the mountain.
And that scene where "Jackson" encounters, in the 1994 film, for the first time, that device of ancient and alien writing, always, always, reminds me of something Richard Molck said to me some in the late 1990s. That would have been 1997.
Richard Molck and I started working together back on the USS Wainwright CG 28 in July 1987. I do not now remember the details as much about him as I do Jim Shea. I am thinking Jim Shea was assigned to meet me on the quarterdeck, possibly, the very moment I checked in to the ship for my assignment. I can recall talking with him and I think now that is the first day I reported aboard. I think I can recall talking to him about how I had already been promoted to E-5 and I think that Molck was on the only petty officer in the guided missile fire control computer complex who outranked me. There was also Paul Brown, who doubled as a Master at Arms, but I am thinking he left the ship as scheduled a short time afterwards. I can still recall Paul Brown cautioning me about how I was wearing a short-sleeve shirt out on the weatherdecks when we were in the Arctic Circle in 1987. He was from the north US himself and he was explaining to me the Aurora Borealis to my amazement.
I have been thinking more recently and earlier about the 1989 film "The Abyss." I thought to note that here only towards the end of my scrambled thoughts as I try to finish this pointless note. I think again lately about how the premiere date is listed as early August 1989. That means, to me, they must have been working on it for a while. I think about, now I forget and I replace it with some other thought, there might be some other really new truth waiting for me there. I know there is but I don't see much point to simply stating that notion at this point because I do not yet have any real substantive thoughts in my mind about that notion. Oh, yeah, the 1992 "Freejack." The scene of artificial scenery of the desert that is towards the ends of the film. I thought of how that reminded me of some notion that is something I might have seen with my companion during time-displacement that happened during the year 1989 according to my calendar.
There might have been other stuff I started off to note here but then slipped my mind because these notes take one hour or two hours or even more to create some times and a lot of times.
Also, I find myself thinking more that my blog posts are more easier to understand if you have been reading the earlier blog posts I have made. That notion is true in this blog post.
Also, I am about ready to publish this note and I am not really damned sure if this note meets all the objectives I stopped here to note.
Oh, yeah, as I was scanning back I noted again his shirt. His shirt reminded me of a shirt I used to own, whether that was before or after the year 1994. I was thinking for a while about the possible time span I would have owned a shirt. I cannot recall specifics but the best I can recall, because these are habits that have lasted me through out my adult life to this point at 48 years, is I think about the years 2006 to 2009. I think about the clothes I wore during that time period and I cannot find myself questioning the possibility I would have owned a shirt for more than ten years.
Stargate: The Movie
[A government sedan approaches the guarded mountain entrance, the gates opening before it.]
[Kawalski runs his ID card through a scanner in the elevator.]
[Kawalski presses the elevator button for level 28 and smiles at Daniel, who smiles back before violently sneezing.]
Going to Level 28...4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10—
15, 16, 17, 18, 19...
[Daniel pulls out a handkerchief and blows his nose. ]
Allergies. Always happens when I travel.
[The elevator doors open and they both exit, Kawalski holding the door open.]
There you go.
[They pass other personnel entering the elevator.]
Hey, hi.
[Myers and Shore are in the corridor, carrying papers, they join Kawalski and Daniel.]
Doctor Jackson?
Doctor Gary Myers, how are you.
What is this place?
Nuclear missile silo. Now don't worry, it's been completely converted. Barbara Shore.
[Kawalski has reached the end of the corridor, where he opens double doors labeled "RESEARCH LABORATORY" and "Authorized Personnel Only". Inside are the cover stones found in 1928. Daniel stops and stares in wonder. Catherine approaches without Daniel noticing.]
Okay, Jackson.
Oh, hello!
Welcome to the well.
[They shake hands.]
Glad you decided to join us.
This is..uh...where did you find this?
(chuckling, pleased)
Giza plateau, 1928.
I've never seen anything like this.
[Catherine laughs.]
Of course you haven't. No one has.
Stargate: The Movie
Every other architectural structure at the time was covered with detailed hieroglyphics. When is the academic community going to accept the fact the pharoahs of the Fourth Dynasty did not build the great pyramids?
[Many of the audience begin to mutter amongst themselves.]
Look, look—inside the pyramid, the most incredible structure ever erected, there are no writings
Stargate: The Movie
[The storm still blows outside the city.]
[O'Neil uses his zippo lighter to light another cigarette. Skaara watches from the doorway with wonder. O'Neil hears his gasp and looks over.]
It's okay, it's just a lighter.
[He closes the lid and beckons, demonstrating. Skaara takes a seat near O'Neil.]
See? Here. Catch.
[He tosses the lighter to Skaara. Skaara tries himself and gets the flame lit.]
Yeah, it's pretty fabulous.
[Skaara sees O'Neil with his cigarette and tentatively approaches, reaching for a Marlboro from O'Neil's pack. O'Neil shrugs in permission.]
[Skaara sits back down and lights a cigarette, then trying to copy O'Neil's every move—flicking ashes, twirling the cigarette. Aware of what he's doing, O'Neil takes a large drag off his cigarette, holding it before exhaling slowly. Skaara starts to copy him, then starts choking. He coughs and shouts, dropping the cigarette and stomping it out. He turns to O'Neil with a disgusted expression as O'Neil smirks at him.]
Yeah, you're right. It's pretty stupid.
[He puts out his own cigarette. Skaara picks up the lighter again, and brushing it off, offers it back to O'Neil. O'Neil waves him off.]
Nah, you—keep it. It's yours.
[Skaara is surprised, then grins in pleasure. Curious, he reaches over the cigarettes to O'Neil's rifle. O'Neil glances over just as Skaara is pulling the gun out and slaps Skaara away.]
[A frightened Skaara backs out. Kawalski and Brown look over from the other room, surprised.]
Stargate: The Movie
Well, so why is the military so interested in 5,000 year old Egyptian tablets?
My report says 10,000.
[O'Neil, dressed in Class A uniform, stands behind them with a folder in his arm. They all turn around. Kawalski stands at attention.]
Afternoon, Colonel.
[O'Neil approaches and hands Kawalski the folder.]
Um, do I know you?
I'm Colonel Jack O'Neil from General West's office. I'll be taking over from now on.
(low, to Shore)
This figure 10,000 is ludicrous.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: August 11, 2006
I'm not sure now about what he knew I was doing. The shuttle commander knew I was doing something, but I'm sure he didn't know I was doing something that would cause me to fall out under the tires. There must be something else about George Campbell that would connect these dots, but I can't see it right now. I forget which state he was from, but I remember he had a free college education in that state because his father had been killed while fighting in WW2. He completed an MBA degree when he got out of the Navy. Jim Shea was telling him that MBAs were a dime-a-dozen and that he should do something else. He was dating a girl named Mary whom he later married and they had some kids. He started a business in a little town not far from Greenville, SC. I was trying to remember the name of the town and the first town that came to mind was Traveler's Rest. But then I decided that wasn't it. It was some town to the south and maybe west of Greenville. Looking at the map, Fountain Inn looks familar or maybe Simpsonville. Traveler's Rest is definitely not it because it is to the north. I can't think of anything else. That time he was going on about that old tv series "My Three Sons" comes to mind again.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 11 August 2006 excerpt ends]
Stargate: The Movie
I've never seen anything like this.
[Catherine laughs.]
Of course you haven't. No one has.
[Daniel moves closer and touches the stone.]
Now there's two lines of hieroglyphs. The inner track has the classic figures, but the outer track is like the cartouche in the center. It's got writing unlike what we've ever found before.
[Daniel steps back to see better.]
Those aren't hieroglyphics. Might be some form of hieratic or maybe cuneiform.
[Daniel moves to a blackboard, looking at where the hieroglyphs have already been partly translated into English.]
Well, the translation of the inner track is wrong. Must've used Budge. I don't know why they keep reprinting his books.
[He starts erasing some of the translation.]
Ex-excuse me. Wha-what are you doing?
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Sveti Rok Tunnel
23243, Jasenice, Croatia
Battle of Britain
There's a family trapped in Shaw Street.
Can we have some more volunteers?
I'll be back, luv.
Stop that bloody bell!
It came more from the back.
Not real Spitfires.
They couldn't land here.
You'll see in a minute.
Only officers fly Spitfires.
You're not a fighter pilot.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 12:23 PM Pacific Time somewhere near Seattle Washington USA Tuesday 25 February 2014