I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
I wonder if this is the location of that house Thedia and Joseph had us living in when I was very young and before we moved to De Queen Arkansas. I can still visualize living there, which would have been from the time I was born in 1965 to sometime around the time I was about 4 years old. I can visualize Melissa in her crib there.
Not really sure if that is the place. This day is the first time I went through the Google Streetview images of it, which are high-quality.
The last time I would have been there in person would be the year 1998 but I am not certain if we drove through that road. There is another route we could have taken I see now on the map.
But that stretch of road seems familiar. I can recall a conversation with Homer Burgess one time long ago as Melissa and I rode with him and we were traveling I think down the road in the direction of this image. There is an intersection ahead and the images of it seem familiar. The way I remember it we always noted that house we lived in the second half of the 1960s and I recall seeing it when it had collapsed into ruins.
I guess the ruins have been removed or I guess the location is on one of the nearby roads that has no Google Streetview images.
The way I remember it Homer, Joseph's uncle, had been using that place we lived as a barn, for storing hay I believe, and then when Joseph and Thedia married and I was born that was where we lived. I can still visualize playing in the front yard. Joseph was yelling at me one time to get in the car and I wouldn't get off the concrete foundation of the house they never finished building and that was nearby that place we lived in the 1960s. Only today did I take note of the name of that road.
The hospital they tell me I was born in Antlers Oklahoma was torn down at some point as I recall now and the hospital then rebuilt on the same site. I can still remember being there with Fletcher when his mother was dying in that same hospital. I guess I was about three years old. I forget her name. They called her Tiny. I can still find her house on the map of Antlers.
Fletcher's house is still there as shown on Google Streetview although it looks different now because of the fence. I was there at his house in the 1990s when I noted the writing on his power meter there on the side of the house near the entrance and the carport. Sangamo I think was the name of the manufacturer printed on the meter. Also printed on it was the words "Union, South Carolina". I told Fletcher a story about when I went there to Union SC to work at that same company one day on a service call. He was amazed.
I guess that was the year 1995 when I pointed out the words on his power meter. I think that was the time I wrote about when I was wearing the Atlanta Braves jersey and my sister Melissa and her kids rode with me in my white 1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee and we drove to Antlers one day to visit relatives. That could have been the year 1996 but I just cannot recall any specific details about the year 1996. As I recall we also went to Antlers when I was driving a rental car so I guess that must have been August 1994. I came back also in August 1995 and I can clearly recall driving my Jeep there from Charlotte North Carolina. I can recall my Jeep parked in Melissa and Bobby's driveway and I did something there as Melissa was standing there that makes me think about the space shuttle, as though I was staging something that might have caused some imaginative person to recognize what I was doing. So I guess that day looking at Fletcher's power meter in Antlers Oklahoma was the year 1995. There are other times I was there in Ashdown that are a little more fuzzy. One time I was at Bettie's house in Ashdown and she had recently moved into that place and that was the first time I had been there. I still remember where it is. Melissa was there and Thedia. I showed Bettie my security passcard from Microsoft. I worked as temporary employee in Charlotte at the Microsoft support office for 6 months beginning as I best I now recall from October 24 1995. So why did I still have that security passcard? Was that Thanksgiving? Did I fly into the Texarkana airport that year to spend Thanksgiving there in Ashdown? That's more fuzzy in my memory. I am not certain if I drove there. But maybe I did. The year 1997 I think was when I flew to Texarkana and I think that was when I lived at Whitehall Estates in Charlotte North Carolina. I could have been at nearby Paces Landing in Rock Hill South Carolina then but I don't recall specifically.
View Larger Map
Google Maps
N Hall Rd, Antlers, Oklahoma, United States
Address is approximate
Star Trek Generations
SORAN: Aren't you beginning to feel time gaining on you? ...It's like a predator. It's stalking you. ...Oh, you can try and outrun it with doctors, medicines, new technologies
The Andromeda Strain
Very smart.
We've had experiences
with scientists before.
The Andromeda Strain (1971)
Dr. Jeremy Stone: You're an MD, a talented surgeon who knows blood chemistries... and you're single. The Odd Man Hypothesis.
The Andromeda Strain (1971)
Pilot: [from recording] Albuquerque Center, Albuquerque Center, this is Air Force 561
Control: Go ahead, 561.
Pilot: My air hose is coming apart like it's dissolving!
Control: 561, can you...
Pilot: Everything made of rubber... is coming apart!
Pilot: [gasp] I... I feel funny.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 14:24:34 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Kerry Burgess"
Subject: Re: Sleep journal 4/6/06
To: "Kerry Burgess"
Kerry Burgess wrote:
I hope that was her in my dream, although the woman in the dream seemed to be someone unfamilar though. But I have noticed that happening with other people I know. They are represented, somehow, by a different person, but I think of them as someone specific. I feel like that is part of the manipulation. I have noticed something similar in real dreams, but I don't think it is the same here. I think they are disquising themselves in my dream for some reason.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 06 April 2006 excerpt ends]
The Andromeda Strain (1971)
Jackson: You the nurse?
Karen Anson: Uh-huh.
Jackson: Shoot! Can't see your legs.
View Larger Map
Google Maps
500 US-271, Antlers, Oklahoma, United States
Address is approximate
View Larger Map
Google Maps
314 SE D St, Antlers, Oklahoma, United States
Address is approximate
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: - posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 04:44 AM Pacific Time USA Saturday 18 August 2012 - http://hvom.blogspot.com/2012/08/coleman.html
A while back I posted some notes when I was watching for first time the DVD for one of those "Planet of the Apes" films.
I gave a lot of thought to that one DVD where the chimpanzees have time-traveled backwards in time to the Earth of the present time of that film.
What I thought extensively about writing was of how that one human being, when his character is first shown, reminded me in physical appearance of my memory of Joseph Wayne Burgess.
I composed the note in my mind I thought about posting and I thought that actor resembled Joseph Wayne Burgess in facial appearance except for that Hollywood haircut sported by that actor.
I thought about that all again tonight, and because I had not thought of it before, as I watch on internet streaming video that 1968 "Star Trek" episode "Wink of an Eye." That same actor is one of the starring guest stars of that episode, also reminding me of his unfamiliar Hollywood haircut.
The context of the 1968 premiere reminds me of something I was thinking of in the past couple days, before I had even had any idea I would just now watch this episode. The way I remember it my mother told me about when she and Joseph were still married. We all lived in a house that used to be a barn that Homer Burgess owned. Homer was her step-father. He was the brother of the father of Joseph Wayne Burgess. After my mother's father, Coleman, and her mother, Bettie, divorced, Bettie remarried to Homer and that seemed to be before I was born. She was my maternal grandmother but she had the last name of my paternal grandfather. That wasn't confusing to me at all because I never knew my paternal grandmother. Joseph Fletcher Burgess told me that his wife, the mother of Joseph Wayne Burgess, was long dead. I cannot even recall her name. She was dead before I was born. All I knew was my step-grandmother, Pauline. She and he married sometime apparently before I was born. Fletcher was a great guy. I can remember going fishing in a river near Antlers back in late 1986, I guess that was, when I was home on leave. I remember that because of something similar to the August 1986 "Red Storm Rising" that is early in the book when "Toland" is out fishing with his father-in-law and that always makes me wonder, especially considering how I seem to have a sudden source of insight sometimes. I feel certain I had not read that book until I was stationed aboard the Wainwright beginning in July 1987.
Oh yeah, as for 1968, what I wanted to note was thoughts I have had in recent days. The way I remember it, I remember my mother telling me about that time we lived in that house Homer owned just outside Antlers Oklahoma. I can still visualize certain details. The way I remember it since my sister Melissa was born in February 1968 then we must have lived there for a while after she was born. I can remember - perhaps I remember - I can visualize something - something about her in a crib while we lived there in Antlers Oklahoma and the way I remember it my mother told me that I used to drop my toys into her crib and I remember that because she said I would drop them on top of her.
Memorable quotes for
Planet of the Apes (1968)
[Taylor ties up Dr. Zaius]
Dr. Zira: Taylor! Don't treat him that way!
George Taylor: Why not?
Dr. Zira: It's humiliating!
George Taylor: The way you humiliated me? All of you? YOU led me around on a LEASH!
Cornelius: That was different. We thought you were inferior.
George Taylor: Now you know better.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 18 August 2012 excerpt ends]
Memorable quotes for
Jaws 2 (1978)
Red: We've been over this a dozen times.
Hendricks: I know, I know!
Red: How much longer?
Hendricks: Until we find something!
Red: But I'm cold, bored...
Hendricks: You're bored!
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 3:51 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Tuesday 15 July 2014