I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Guardian of Forever
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: December 27, 2008
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 12/27/08 7:55 AM
I woke up during the night clenching a knife again and the tip of my left elbow still hurts. I was thinking that I stubbed my left elbow on the upright strut of the backrest of the chair I put in front of the door during the night but after I got out of bed, I noted that I did not put the chair in front of the door so I must have dreamed that. I don't know what I hit my elbow on.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 27 December 2008 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 04/12/07 1:00 PM
Damn I am fatigued today. I woke with a clear thought in my mind: 11-14. I guess that is a date; perhaps 11/14/86. I remember a lot of clear images from my dreams, but the meaning isn't clear. I remember some of them were of President Reagan giving speeches and being photographed with people. There was one of him with a woman and it seemed to be something to do with a medal being presented for the first time and she was receiving the medal; I guess for her husband. It wasn't until I started writing this that I consciously understood the similarity to the Prisoner Of War Medal from 1986 I have been writing about, but yet, in the dream, it wasn't that medal. And I have seen that woman before, and in the dream, I spent a lot of time searching for her on the internet to figure out who she was because she was so familiar, but I never did figure out who she was. As for that medal, there is a lot from the dream I cannot articulate. I associate that speech Reagan was giving with a word I read. It was TERRAIN or EXPLORER. I can't remember which one it was, but it was written like that; in bold letters and then there was some text describing something. There is so much I can't articulate about that dream. The word just appeared in my mind that it was a 'quest' I was on later in the dream.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 12 April 2007 excerpt ends]
The City on the Edge of Forever
Stardate: 3134.0
Original Airdate: Apr 6, 1967
[Planet surface]
(The landing party is Kirk, Spock, Scott, Uhura and two security guards. Among remains of fluted columns and fragments of Greek-style buildings is an irregular dough-nut shaped object with lights in it.)
KIRK: These ruins extend to the horizon. Begin recording.
UHURA: Recording, sir.
SPOCK: And of considerable age. On the order of ten thousand centuries old.
KIRK: Detail, fan out. What is this thing, Mister Spock? It seems to be pulsating with power of some kind. Analysis, please.
SPOCK: Unbelievable, Captain.
KIRK: That's funny.
SPOCK: This single object is the source of all the time displacement.
KIRK: Explain.
SPOCK: I can't. For this to do what it does is impossible by any science I understand. It is operating even now. Putting out waves and waves of time displacement, which we picked up millions of miles away.
UHURA: Landing party to Enterprise. No sign of Doctor McCoy. Search progressing.
(And he pops up from behind a rock after she and her security guard have passed by.)
SPOCK: Incredible power. It can't be a machine as we understand mechanics.
KIRK: Then what is it?
GUARDIAN: (The doughnut pulses bright in time with the words) A question. Since before your sun burned hot in space and before your race was born, I have awaited a question.
From 10/27/1925 To 4/6/1967 is 15136 days
From 11/2/1965 To 4/12/2007 is 15136 days
Warren Christopher
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Warren Minor Christopher (October 27, 1925 – March 18, 2011) was an American lawyer, diplomat and politician. During Bill Clinton's first term as President, Christopher served as the 63rd Secretary of State. He also served as Deputy Attorney General in the Lyndon Johnson Administration, and as Deputy Secretary of State in the Carter Administration.
Secretary of State for Clinton
Serving as Secretary of State from January 20, 1993 until January 17, 1997, Christopher's main goals were expanding NATO, establishing peace between Israel and its neighbors, and using economic pressure to force China's hand on human rights practices. The major events transpiring during his tenure included the Oslo Accords, the Dayton Agreement
The City on the Edge of Forever
Stardate: 3134.0
Original Airdate: Apr 6, 1967
SPOCK: This is how history went after McCoy changed it. Here, in the late 1930s. A growing pacifist movement whose influence delayed the United States' entry into the Second World War. While peace negotiations dragged on, Germany had time to complete its heavy-water experiments.
KIRK: Germany. Fascism. Hitler. They won the Second World War.
SPOCK: Because all this lets them develop the A-bomb first. There's no mistake, Captain. Let me run it again. Edith Keeler. Founder of the peace movement.
KIRK: But she was right. Peace was the way.
SPOCK: She was right, but at the wrong time. With the A-bomb, and with their V2 rockets to carry them, Germany captured the world.
SPOCK: And all this because McCoy came back and somehow kept her from dying in a street accident as she was meant to. We must stop him, Jim.
The City on the Edge of Forever
Stardate: 3134.0
Original Airdate: Apr 6, 1967
(Kirk and Spock collect their bowls of soup and pieces of bread, and sit at one of the long tables.)
EDITH: Good evening.
(She steps up onto a small stage with a piano.)
MAN: You'll be sorry.
KIRK: Why?
MAN: You expect to eat for free or something? You got to listen to Goody Two-shoes.
EDITH: Now, as I'm sure somebody out there has said, it's time to pay for the soup.
The American Presidency Project
Ronald Reagan
XL President of the United States: 1981 - 1989
Remarks on the Observance of National Philanthropy Day
November 14, 1986
Thank you very much. I have just read a clipping this morning from the United Press that shows how the private sector is spreading and things of this kind in philanthropy; that the First Lady of the Soviet Union has been named to the board of directors of a private, and privately financed, group in the Soviet Union. But I appreciate this opportunity to be with you today in recognition of one of America's greatest national treasures: the spirit of philanthropy that is so evident among our people.
When I was a lad growing up in the Midwest in Dixon, Illinois, we took this to he Americanism. And each and every one of us knew what kind of town we had and what kind of country we had. And it was all up to us. And although we were not as well off as many in town, my mother was always involved in projects for the less fortunate. She could always find somebody that was worse off than we were. I can still remember her doing a little baking of pies and cakes, and then finding out with quite some disappointment that they were for the sick lady down the street. [Laughter]
Just like every other kid in our town, I was a beneficiary of this spirit of community. I did a lot of talking about this out on the campaign. Part of it for me meant being a member of the YMCA Boys Band; I was the drum major. And during the recent election there'd be some high school bands at the political rallies, and I would tell some of these young people the story about what happened to me in that band. We were invited to go to a smaller town nearby on Memorial Day and to march in the parade. And we found out that we were at the head of the parade. The only thing in front of us was the parade marshal on a big white horse. And we started off down the street; and I'm with that baton, which was bigger than I was. And suddenly, he rode back down the parade line to make sure that everything was coming along all right. And I'm going down the street, leading the band and the music began to sound a little faint. [Laughter] And I sneaked a glance back. He had caught up with the front of the parade just in time to turn the band down an intersection, and I was walking up the street all by myself. [Laughter] I cut across backyards and so forth and scrambled to get in front of the band about another block away.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 14:24:34 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Kerry Burgess"
Subject: Re: Sleep journal 4/6/06
To: "Kerry Burgess"
Kerry Burgess wrote:
Details about my recent sleep are very fuzzy today. Can't remember for sure when I woke up. 3 am maybe. Or maybe shortly after midnight, can't really remember as I usually can. Remember dreaming something about driving my Jeep. Then I returned to it where it was parked in a parking lot after I was traveling through some passageways, hallways in a transit facility maybe. The only part I remember clearly is where a woman, I assume was my imaginary girlfriend asked me out for drinks or something. I told her we needed to keep it really casual though because all I had to wear was sweatpants. Kind of the downside to dating a homeless person I reflect now as I write this. She told me she would wear something with holes in it. I hope that was her in my dream, although the woman in the dream seemed to be someone unfamilar though. But I have noticed that happening with other people I know. They are represented, somehow, by a different person, but I think of them as someone specific. I feel like that is part of the manipulation. I have noticed something similar in real dreams, but I don't think it is the same here. I think they are disquising themselves in my dream for some reason. Anyway, if it really was her, she actually doesn't have to worry about dressing down if we were to go out. Of course, if I have my way, it would be a moot point because why would I want to go out with her when I am in such an ugly situation? At the minimum, I would want to be back to work so that I have regained some independence. And hey, next time you are in my dreams, dear imaginary girlfriend, how about wearing a bikini? Red would be good, or yellow maybe. That would be sweet!
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 06 April 2006 excerpt ends]
From 11/2/2004 ( the United States Presidential election ) To 4/6/2006 is 520 days
From 11/2/1965 To 4/6/1967 is 520 days
The City on the Edge of Forever
Stardate: 3134.0
Original Airdate: Apr 6, 1967
MAN: Not that she's a bad-looking broad, but if she really wanted to help out a fella in need
KIRK: Shut up. Shut up. I want to hear what she has to say.
SPOCK: Yes, of course, Captain.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 9/27/2006 12:13 PM
I am pretty sure that on 12/25/91, though, I was over at Tracie’s house to meet her parents.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 27 September 2006 excerpt ends]
From 4/6/1967 To 2/29/2008 is 14939 days
From 11/2/1965 To 9/27/2006 is 14939 days
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 02/29/08 5:17 AM
I had a very clear dream about being out to sea but the progress of the events seem to be somewhat out of sequence. I have been thinking about it after waking up and I feel it is important to note that certain events happened out of sequence in the dream and I cannot now remember the sequence as I dreamed, although the sequence of events that are out of order might only span a matter of hours. One reason that seemed important after I woke up is that I was thinking I had been flying an F-14 Tomcat during that event, because that notion was strong in my mind during one dream sequence of events, but then I seemed to be dreaming that I had actually been in an A-6 Intruder.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 02/29/08 5:21 AM
So anyway, I feel certain the dream sequence started off with me floating in the ocean and I had been in the water for at least two days and there was some concern in my mind about sharks.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 02/29/08 5:22 AM
Then I noticed a ship was approaching and I was waving my arms to get their attention but I think they had already spotted me and they were approaching me to extract me from the water and they were coming so close I thought they were going to run over me.
There is also something wrong with the proportions in that dream as well, in that the ship seemed a lot smaller than it should be, or something like that. I feel certain it was a Ticonderoga-class cruiser so that would mean, if that really was the class of U.S. Navy ship, that the dream occurred during the 1980's or later. I had no other sense of time and date to the dream.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 02/29/08 5:25 AM
I remember something about identifying the bow structure of the ship and that was how I knew it was a Ticonderoga but after waking up, I have been wondering why I cannot remember other identifying details about the Ticonderoga-class, such as that large, distinctive forward superstructure or whether it had a rail-launcher or the absence of the rail-launcher, indicating it was one of the later VLS versions.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 02/29/08 5:27 AM
After the ship pulled past me as I floated in the ocean, I saw a Seahawk helo lift off from the deck, seemingly from the bow, which is odd, and then it was approaching me and I was anticipating it is winch me up as it hovered over me. Another odd detail is that it actually seemed to land, although I cannot visualize it landing, impossibly, on the ocean surface, but I recall that detail because I noted that the tail rotors almost hit me.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 02/29/08 5:30 AM
Then I was in the ship and I seemed to be in CIC, judging by all the equipment and I was sitting in chair and I was still wearing wet clothes. I can visualize one person that was talking to me more than anyone else but I cannot visualize enough detail about him to describe.
It seems it was then in the dream that I started to dream, or to think, about the events that led to me being in the ocean. I still feel a certain amount of confusion as to whether I dreamed it all in sequence as it occurred, in that this all is probably a true experience I was dreaming about, or whether I dreamed it in the sequence as I am not writing.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 02/29/08 5:33 AM
As some point in the dream, and that seems to be associated to other events in this dream sequence, I was flying in the B/N seat of an A-6 Intruder and something happened, that I never did seem to know about in the dream, and I was going to have to eject, along with the pilot. At some point since waking up, I am aware that the pilot did not survive and I recall that I never did see him again in the dream. So I don't know what happened and why we had to eject but certain details seem unrealistic, even though I can still visualize sitting there in that B/N seat. One detail is that I was not wearing any kind of harness or belt and after what ever event it was that made us eject, I pulled across an automobile seatbelt and I can still visualize clipping it in.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 02/29/08 5:38 AM
I think that was just before I noted that I seemed to be sitting in some kind of high-back desk chair and that I pulled the lever that caused the seat back to un-recline, or whatever is the proper word, and the seat back was actually causing me to lean forward.
Then when I, or we, as I can only recally myself ejecting, and similar to scenes in "Top Gun" and "Flight of the Intruder," but with different results, I was blasted through the plexiglass canopy and it shattered as I was blasted through it. I did not seem to suffer any injuries from going through the canopy and I ponder every time over that scene in "Flight of the Intruder.
I think that was the extent of my dream. I think then the dream picks up with me floating in the ocean for at least 2 days and a USN ship rescuing me.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 29 February 2008 excerpt ends]
The City on the Edge of Forever
Stardate: 3134.0
Original Airdate: Apr 6, 1967
(Edith is pouring cups of brown liquid.)
MCCOY: Oh, Miss. That coffee, it just smells wonderful.
EDITH: You look terrible! You'd better sit down. Come on.
MCCOY: I can't. I got to keep moving. I can't let them find me.
EDITH: There's a cot in the back room. They won't find you there.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 03/14/08 5:33 PM
I wonder if I just had a dream where I was at my father's house in New York. I can still visualize some of the detail but not enough details to articulate any substantial information. I remember something about the presence of Phoebe and I am confused whether that was her. I remember something about a fence and a gate, perhaps at the entrance to her family's house. I also remember there was a great deal of tree cover and it was very green and peaceful looking. I am not certain if it was associated with that sequence, but I remember that I was wearing a camoflauge military unform, probably U.S. Marines, and I was running across a series of railroad tracks, as another runner passed by me. I remember that I was running for a while and I can remember a lot of detail about the scenery and people I passed by but not enough detail to write about here. I also remember that I was running seemingly effortlessly, in that I was probably in very good physical condition.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 14 March 2008 excerpt ends]
From 4/6/1967 To 3/14/2008 is 14953 days
From 11/2/1965 To 10/11/2006 is 14953 days
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 10/11/2006 12:55 PM
I have been wondering a few days about those viruses named “Melissa” and “Iloveyou.” I was thinking of them in the context of how the sister of Kerry Burgess is named Melissa and she was born on Valentines Day. Recently, I have started to wondered if that sibling detail represents the day I was shot down in Africa and taken captive, thus joining some kind of POW brotherhood. As for the viruses, the “Melissa” virus, according to sources, released on March 26, 2000, and the second one released on May 4, 2000. The first one was written by someone, according to sources, by a guy named David Smith and he was from somewhere named Aberdeen, NJ. That March 26th date may have some relevance but I can’t think of anything in particular. March 26, 2000, is also the day the Kingdome was imploded. That is also the day I remember writing about when I was calling around to my customers to give them instructions on how to recover from the virus. I wrote about how my manager at the time, Jayne Donovan, was laughing a lot outside my cubicle and I realized after a while that her laughing, almost hysterically at times, was probably being recorded on the voice mail messages I was leaving for my customers. My cubicle was directly across from her office and it sounded like she was standing in the hallway and laughing about something with someone. I cannot think of another time I had heard her laughing like that as she was usually professional. Over the past few days, I have decided that she knew that the virus was caused because Microsoft was bringing all the wackos out of the woodwork with their promotional surveillance of me.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 11 October 2006 excerpt ends]
The City on the Edge of Forever
Stardate: 3134.0
Original Airdate: Apr 6, 1967
EDITH: Now, let's start by getting one thing straight. I'm not a do-gooder. If you're a bum, if you can't break off of the booze or whatever it is that makes you a bad risk, then get out. Now I don't pretend to tell you how to find happiness and love when every day is just a struggle to survive, but I do insist that you do survive because the days and the years ahead are worth living for. One day soon man is going to be able to harness incredible energies, maybe even the atom. Energies that could ultimately hurl us to other worlds in some sort of spaceship. And the men that reach out into space will be able to find ways to feed the hungry millions of the world and to cure their diseases. They will be able to find a way to give each man hope and a common future, and those are the days worth living for. Our deserts will bloom. (She continues under the dialogue.)
KIRK: Development of atomic power is years away, and space flight years after that.
SPOCK: Speculation. Gifted insight.
KIRK: I find her most uncommon, Mister Spock.
EDITH: Prepare for tomorrow. Get ready. Don't give up.
The City on the Edge of Forever
Stardate: 3134.0
Original Airdate: Apr 6, 1967
[Planet surface]
(Kirk and Spock leap back out of the Guardian.)
SCOTT: What happened, sir? You only left a moment ago.
(McCoy returns.)
SPOCK: We were successful.
GUARDIAN: Time has resumed its shape. All is as it was before. Many such journeys are possible. Let me be your gateway.
UHURA: Captain, the Enterprise is up there. They're asking if we want to beam up.
KIRK: Let's get the hell out of here.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 03:59 AM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Saturday 19 July 2014