I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Saturday, July 19, 2014
The Andromeda Strain
Springfield! Springfield!
The Andromeda Strain
Episode 1
I just sent photos.
Also i just found- General michaelson, you ever heard of freedom of the - Take mr.
Nash to the stockade.
I'm a civilian, general.
He was illegally on my base, Which has just come under terrorist attack.
Care to go on the record about that, general? Northcom, this is alpha one.
I will enter the release zone in 30 seconds.
Roger, alpha one.
Arm missile.
Roger that.
Arming missile.
Missile is armed and ready to go.
These are the results of our growth matrix program On andromeda.
The particular growth medium Doesn't seem to be a factor.
But atmosphere and light are crucial.
Darkness and infrared inhibit growth, likewise for oxygen.
Nitrogen is a wash.
Ultraviolet light stimulates, So does carbon dioxide.
So andromeda thrives best in an atmosphere Of 100% carbon dioxide lit by ultraviolet light.
Looks to me almost like a pure conversion system.
Computer, post all results for all closed growth systems.
You're right-No excretions, no waste, amazing.
What effect does radiation have? Computer, check all irradiated samples.
My god, it eats it up.
Nuking andromeda is not gonna kill it.
It'll make it grow exponentially.
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US-395, Sprague, Washington, United States
Address is approximate
Springfield! Springfield!
The Andromeda Strain
Episode 2
Welcome, mr. President.
I apologize.
Our accommodations are somewhat spartan.
General, I'm not here on vacation.
Bring me up to speed.
Andromeda has mutated again And is now in the bird population.
We're killing everything in the quarantined area.
The national guard reports, uh, nine killed in action, Probably related to Andromeda infection, And the loss of one helicopter and its crew Due to mechanical failure.
We've also had an event outside the quarantine zone That looks like Andromeda.
How'd it get out there? We're not sure.
I thought we had this thing boxed in.
So now Andromeda communicates? How else do you explain it? - Contamination.
It wouldn't be the first time The great stone has made a mistake.
I was there when he reran the tests- The same results.
How about everybody take a breath, okay? What have we got here, Potentially? An alien creature That can be broken into multiple parts Separated by space, but somehow connected.
One part's still able to learn from the others.
How might that work? Maybe some property of light, harmonics Or, uh, radiation serves As a neural network.
It has a crystal-Like structure.
Crystals vibrate.
They also receive and bend light.
Maybe- -Maybe Andromeda Created a subtle energy field- A harmonic field which links up its disparate parts.
So we haven't just got the killer bug of all time.
We have a bug that communicates with itself over distance.
And learns from experience And adapts quickly.
Remember, Andromeda was initially lethal only to humans.
Then we isolated it- Thought we isolated it.
But by that time, it had already mutated and was jumping In and out of animal populations and spreading.
Then we made the mistake of trying to bomb it.
Then the third mutation- A resin-Eating variant Destroyed the airplane.
Now there's a fourth mutation
Springfield! Springfield!
The Andromeda Strain
Episode 2
Can I see the pilot's last transmission? Okay.
It's - It's almost disintegrating! It's just falling apart! The missile is rearmed! Aah! Now what would destroy plastic resin compounds like that? Certain chemical agents under certain conditions Can destabilize the chemical structure of polymers.
So could certain microorganisms.
It's mutating.
Yeah, but the plane Had to by flying at least several thousand feet.
It's always been an airborne pathogen, Albeit of a very short life span.
Maybe this is a new, hardier version.
But it was miles away.
2008 TV miniseries "The Andromeda Strain" Part 1 DVD video:
Kyle Tobler: And then everything was quiet. And it's like the whole world is dead. And that's when I saw the General, Scott Arnold, a vet. Steady as a rock.
Colonel Scott Arnold: You know what's happening, Kyle? They've gotten under the wire. They're inside the compound.
Kyle Tobler: I, uh, I don't think that's it -
Colonel Scott Arnold: Got to face facts, soldier. You tell them back home I did my best, okay?
From 6/24/1948 ( the Soviets blockade West Berlin ) To 1/17/1991 ( the date of record of my United States Navy Medal of Honor as Kerry Wayne Burgess chief warrant officer United States Marine Corps circa 1991 ) is 15547 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 5/27/2008 is 15547 days
The Andromeda Strain Season 1 Episode 2
The Andromeda Strain Part 2
Aired Monday 9:00 PM May 27, 2008 on A&E
AIRED: 5/27/08
Gulf War
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Gulf War (2 August 1990 – 28 February 1991), codenamed Operation Desert Shield (2 August 1990 - 17 January 1991)
Early battles
The Gulf War began with an extensive aerial bombing campaign on 17 January 1991. The Coalition flew over 100,000 sorties, dropping 88,500 tons of bombs, and widely destroying military and civilian infrastructure. The air campaign was commanded by USAF Lieutenant General Chuck Horner, who briefly served as U.S. Central Command's Commander-in-Chief – Forward while General Schwarzkopf was still in the U.S.
A day after the deadline set in Resolution 678, the Coalition launched a massive air campaign, which began the general offensive codenamed Operation Desert Storm. The first priority for Coalition forces was the destruction of Iraq's Air Force
Gulf War air campaign
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Air campaign of the Gulf War, also known as the 1991 Bombing of Iraq started with an extensive aerial bombing campaign on 17 January 1991.
Main air campaign starts
destroyed an Iraqi Dassault Mirage F1, when their low altitude maneuvering led the F1 to crash to the ground. It was not credited to the crew but an F-15C that was also involved in the maneuvering.
You Tube
Apache air assault helicopter gun camera AH-64 longbow
1980 film "The Final Countdown" DVD video:
US Navy F-14 Tomcat pilot: Why the hell are well playing with these guys?
Mikoyan MiG-29
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Mikoyan MiG-29 (NATO reporting name: "Fulcrum") is a fourth-generation jet fighter aircraft designed in the Soviet Union. Developed by the Mikoyan design bureau as an air superiority fighter during the 1970s, the MiG-29, along with the larger Sukhoi Su-27, was developed to counter new American fighters such as the McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle, and the General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon.
Sharing its origins in the original PFI requirements issued by TsAGI, the MiG-29 has broad aerodynamic similarities to the Sukhoi Su-27, however, there are some notable differences.
Operational history
The Soviet Union exported MiG-29s to several countries.
"The Scientist"
Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are
I had to find you, tell you I need you
Tell you I'll set you apart
Tell me your secrets and ask me your questions
Oh let's go back to the start
Running in circles, coming in tails
Heads on a science apart
Nobody said it was easy
It's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard
Oh, take me back to the start.
Literature Network > Edgar Allan Poe > The Raven
The Raven
"Prophet!" said I, "thing of evil!--prophet still, if bird or devil!--
Whether Tempter sent, or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore,
Desolate, yet all undaunted, on this desert land enchanted--
On this home by Horror haunted--tell me truly, I implore--
Is there--is there balm in Gilead?--tell me--tell me, I implore!"
Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore."
"Prophet!" said I, "thing of evil!--prophet still, if bird or devil!
By that Heaven that bends above us--by that God we both adore--
Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distant Aidenn,
It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels name Lenore--
Clasp a rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore."
Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore."
"Be that word our sign of parting, bird or fiend!" I shrieked, upstarting--
"Get thee back into the tempest and the Night's Plutonian shore!
Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul has spoken!
Leave my loneliness unbroken!--quit the bust above my door!
Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!"
Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore."
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 11:18 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Saturday 19 July 2014