I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Tuesday, March 04, 2014
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Monday, March 6, 2006 7:30 PM
To: Kerry Burgess
Subject: mozart
Austrian composer, among the greatest and most prolific in history. Mozart's over 600 works include 41 symphonies, 27 piano concertos, 16 operas, 19 piano sonatas, and other orchestral and chamber works. As a child prodigy he toured Europe with his father, (Johann Georg) Leopold Mozart (1719-1787), the composer of a renowned violin method.
"Ah yeah that's the good stuff."
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 06 March 2006 excerpt ends]
Intelligence Season 1 Episode 9
Aired Monday 10:00 PM Mar 03, 2014 on CBS
AIRED: 3/3/14
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: November 22, 2006
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 11/22/2006 8:20 AM
So that’s why I wrote about my “memories” of wanting a duty station that would allow me to visit Athens. It is because of Greece, the native country of Prince Philip, the husband of Queen Elizabeth II.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 22 November 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 11/25/2006 1:11 PM
As I have written about wanting to visit Athens
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 25 November 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 10/12/07 5:40 AM
Who was that 3rd person that was with Mogge and me in Pompeii? I would have said it was Larry Johnson but seeing this photo of him at Pompeii, I am not sure if he was with us. Maybe it was just Mogge and me with those two woman we me from Britain.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 12 October 2007 excerpt ends]
Who all was in Missile Plot that day in 1988? There was Russell, Claude Cutler, Jim Shea, Larry Johnson, Mark Mogge, me, and 2 or 3 electicians manning the gyro compass. There was that Master Chief too, can't remember his name. He was the only MCPO we had on the ship and he was down there in Missile Plot because the MK152 had once been his speciality. He mainly just sit off in a corner out of the way for most of the time he was down there before he disappeared after a while. Probably went into the Chief's Mess which was directly above Missile Plot.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 01/22/07 6:22 AM
I don't know if I jsut remember photos of these experience but there if so would be a similar photo from aoroudn the same time of Larry Johnson, amark Mogge and I standing in front of Buckingham Palace but I don;t remember hwo took the photo.
North Atlantic Cruise
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 22 January 2007 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 05/03/07 12:24 PM
The Wainwright pulled into Le Havre, France, after we crossed the channel from a port visit to Portsmouth, England. I wanted to go to Paris but I had duty on the 2nd day of our 3 day visit so I didn't have enough time. Larry Johnson and I and two other guys got on a bus in Le Havre with no idea where it was going and rode it until it stopped in Rouen. We started bar-hopping all the bars along the main street until night and then took a train back to Le Havre. I was so drunk that I walked off the wrong side of the train and the next thing I knew, I was face down in the gravel, having fallen off the train. I was all right, which was surprising because it was a long drop.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 03 May 2007 excerpt ends]
Well, that's screwed up. I don't think there is anything in my journal more than that about Pompeii in Italy. I so vividly recall my senior year at Ashdown High School graduating in the year 1984. Jimmi Ann Armstrong's mother, as I recall returned to teaching school and she was the teacher for my Advanced English, or whatever it was called, class, and I recall thinking sitting there in her class about how certain things finally made sense to me. I remember all that because I remember since the 9th grade I had consistely thought Jimmi Ann was the cutest girl in Ashdown but I don't think I told anyone about that. I might have had a handwritten journal somewhere and I might have written that but I do not recall that now. I can recall writing about Kendra back in De Queen earlier long ago in a handwritten journal. So anyway, Mrs. Armstrong had us assigned to write, as best I recall now, before our graduation in 1984 about our future plans and I can distinctly recall writing about how I was already enlisted in the United States Navy and about the places I wanted to travel to. I had no interest in going to college and I suspect now factors motivating me included how I had already worked for over three years at Mills Store in Wilton Arkansas and I think now I wrote about how I was looking forward to working in the Advanced Electronics Field in the United States Navy. The recruiter didn't have to try that hard to sell me on the US Navy. He simply mentioned, it seems now, that I was eligible for the Electronics Technician occupational rating, which required slightly more basic training than the Fire Control Technician rating and that was it for me. I was the leader of the delayed enlisted program group and I can still visualize me and that recruiter as he taught me, during my senior year of high school, the paperwork of the US Navy and I can still recall calling on the telephone to DEP members who were junior to me and as I organized meetings for us and the recruiter's station in Ashdown. One day, for some reason, I breezed through a stop-light in Ashdown Arkansas and I screeched my big tires in my blue 1967 Chevrolet pickup truck and a city police officer was sitting right next to the intersection and he called me over to talk to him and he asked me about why I skidded to a stop and I told him I was on my way to Texarkana for a meeting and he let me go and told me something I don't recall now but which was probably simply to slow down.
But then I look at it now just before posting, as the hyperlinks are usually the final details I reference before posting, and I see there is no stoplight there in the Google Streetview image, which seems to be fairly new because the image quality is fairly good, although in the wrong lane, and then that makes me think that that memory is 1984 is back when that stoplight was brand-new at that intersection. So that would suggest they sometime later dismantled that stoplight at that particular intersection. I haven't operated an automobile on the city streets of Ashdown Arkansas since the late 1990s. When was the last time I drove around there? I know I drove there in 1995. 1996 I have written I must have been there that year for Caitlin's birthday. That almost slipped my mind just now as I was about to make this posting. So I really don't know. My memories can be largely associated with other details. Reinforced by other details. For example, I really wish I had copies of all those photos Melissa has, such as my school yearbooks.
Those aren't my pictures of Pompeii on the veterans website but I did take pictures very similar to those, all lost now.
View Larger Map
Google Maps
134 North Constitution Avenue, Ashdown, Arkansas, United States
Address is approximate
"Life During Wartime"
Heard of a van that is loaded with weapons,
packed up and ready to go
Heard of some gravesites, out by the highway,
a place where nobody knows
The sound of gunfire, off in the distance,
I'm getting used to it now
Lived in a brownstore, lived in the ghetto,
I've lived all over this town
This ain't no party, this ain't no disco,
this ain't no fooling around
No time for dancing, or lovey dovey,
I ain't got time for that now
Transmit the message, to the receiver,
hope for an answer some day
I got three passports, a couple of visas,
you don't even know my real name
High on a hillside, the trucks are loading,
everything's ready to roll
I sleep in the daytime, I work in the nightime,
I might not ever get home
This ain't no party, this ain't no disco,
this ain't no fooling around
This ain't no mudd club, or C. B. G. B.,
I ain't got time for that now
Heard about Houston? Heard about Detroit?
Heard about Pittsburgh, P. A.?
You oughta know not to stand by the window
somebody might see you up there
I got some groceries, some peant butter,
to last a couple of days
But I ain't got no speakers, ain't got no
headphones, ain't got no records to play
Why stay in college? Why go to night school?
Gonna be different this time
Can't write a letter, can't send a postcard,
I can't write nothing at all
This ain't no party, this ain't no disco,
this ain't no fooling around
I'd like to kiss you, I'd love you hold you
I ain't got no time for that now
Trouble in transit, got through the roadblock,
we blended with the crowd
We got computer, we're tapping pohne lines,
I know that ain't allowed
We dress like students, we dress like housewives,
or in a suit and a tie
I changed my hairstyle, so many times now,
I don't know what I look like!
You make me shiver, I feel so tender,
we make a pretty good team
Don't get exhausted, I'll do some driving,
you ought to get some sleep
Get you instructions, follow directions,
then you should change your address
Maybe tomorrow, maybe the next day,
whatever you think is best
Burned all my notebooks, what good are
notebooks? They won't help me survive
My chest is aching, burns like a furnace,
the burning keeps me alive
Try to stay healthy, physical fitness,
don't want to catch no disease
Try to be careful, don't take no chances,
you better watch what you say
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Monday, March 6, 2006 3:21 PM
To: Kerry Burgess
Subject: good faith, bad faith
good faith
honesty, fairness, and lawfulness of purpose : absence of any intent to defraud, act maliciously, or take unfair advantage
bad faith
intentional deception, dishonesty, or failure to meet an obligation or duty
[They rousted people out in response to my concern about a car bomb, but then when I expressed in the same forum that I was starving and needed help, they did nothing to help. Their intention was, and is, only to harm me.]
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 06 March 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Monday, March 6, 2006 9:49 PM
To: Kerry Burgess
Subject: Voyeur removal starts near Pioneer Square
To the din of chainsaws and wood-chipping machines, Seattle work crews and contractors started rooting out spies near Pioneer Square on Monday morning.
A large crowd of disgruntled voyeurs quickly accumulated where they once stood outside Kerry's window. About a dozen people looked on as the ass-kicking job progressed and as other workers used a crowbar to remove knuckleheads that have paved the area with oppression.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 06 March 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 12:38 AM Pacific Time somewhere near Seattle Washington USA Tuesday 04 February 2014 - http://hvom.blogspot.com/2014/02/mozart.html
You Tube
Mozart - Symphony No. 40 in G minor, K. 550
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 04 February 2014 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 14:16:08 -0800 (PST)
From: "Kerry Burgess"
Subject: Re: Sleep journal 3/6/06
To: "Kerry Burgess"
Kerry Burgess wrote:
I walked down to a lake, but the lake was fenced off. There was a chain link fence surrounding the lake and I could only look at it. The lake looked familar, Greason maybe, but I also recognized some CDA features. Some other stuff happened around the lake I can't quite remember. There were a few people there I didn't know, the people I think of as familiar strangers, they look like they know me but I don't know them. At another point in a dream, I am supposed to be moving out of some apartment, there were similar features to here but I was in a real apartment. A person who worked for the place I lived went into my apartment and then started talking to me out in the hallway. I can't remember all the details, but I remember he said something about it taking 15 minutes to move somebody in our something, I think he also asked where I was going to go, and I didn't have any idea. I remember also thinking about what I was going to do with all the furniture but I didn't know. The last of the dream I remember is in here, I was in my cubicle and Lynn walked by and told me to pack up, I guess she was taking me somewhere.
Feeling especially resentful this morning at being forced to perform for jerks.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 06 March 2006 excerpt ends]
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 12:59 AM Pacific Time somewhere near Seattle Washington USA Tuesday 04 March 2014