I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Saturday, July 05, 2014
The Boy Who Knew Too Much
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 06/28/08 5:27 PM
I had dream where I was in a room that looked a lot like that bedroom I remember from that trailer house near the drive-in in De Queen. The room was brighter though and did not seem as dark and gloomy as I remember, although I would rarely describe it in those terms, as I am now thinking of it in terms of how, for a while, I was thinking it was never an experience of reality and was actually a methaphor in my mind for my captivity during the Vietnam War. So anyway, in the dream, the room was very small and I seemed to have my U.S. Navy officer uniforms hanging along the wall and I kept walking into the clothes. Then I was going through a container, as one part of the dream, as wit others, that I cannot remember all the details, and I was reviewing the military uniform ribbons that belonged to me and that had been sent to me. I had more ribbons than I could wear on my uniform and I was reviewing the ribbons I would wear and I was reviewing the order of preference. There is some vague detail in that part, again that narrator that I do not know where he is, about how I had ordered replacements for those ribbons in the past so they knew what to send me. I wish I could remember the exact wording on one ribbon that was very interesting. It was a ribbon that I guess the Queen had given me and it indicated that I was some kind of literary critic for books for women, or something along those lines. I cannot remember the exact wording.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 28 June 2008 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 12:55 PM Friday, December 09, 2011
Something I just heard on the radio a few minutes ago reminded me that I had seen Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in a dream before and her appearance was her literal self as I understood in the dream. I was sitting on a sofa and I was in a place I don't recognize and I can still visualize and she served me a refreshment and I have thought about that many times but now I forget what I was thinking about specifically as she stood there. Naturally I would say "Thank you" but I don't think I did say that. She never did speak in the dream and after she handed me the cup she went back to her desk which was behind me and the sofa and she continued working on some documents. I heard some dialog from another man and woman just after that but I am not really certain if they were in the same room we were in although I could visualize them to a certain extent. I thought about this after I heard something on the radio just a few minutes ago and I do not record here certain specific details about that dream.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 09 December 2011 excerpt ends]
The Boy Who Knew Too Much
Original airdate in N.A.: 5-May-94
Channel six covers the trial.
Scott: Let's go over to the County Courthouse, live to Kent Brockman.
Kent: -- ockman, just outside the County Courtroom where an argument about chowder has spilled over into the biggest trial in Springfield history. Behind these doors, a federal judge will ladle out steaming bowls of rich, creamy justice in a case the media have dubbed "Beat-Up Waiter." This reporter suggested "Waitergate", but was howled down at the press club. Now, it's illegal to televise court proceedings in this state, so [whispers] we'll have to be quiet. [walks towards courtroom doors only to have them slammed in his face]
Bart sits in the front row looking at the members of the jury.
[Skinner scowls at Bart from the jury box]
Skinner: [thinking] I know you can read my thoughts, Bart. Just a little reminder: if I found out you cut class, your ass is mine. Yes, you head me. I _think_ words I would never say.
Wild Thing (From Major League)
The Troggs
Wild thing, you make my heart sing
You make everything groovy
Wild thing
Wild thing, I think I love you
1994 television miniseries "The Stand" DVD video:
00:18:47 Disc 1
Stu Redman's next door neighbor: Stu! What's happening? They want us to go - they want to take us to Vermont.
Stephen King
The Stand - The Complete & Uncut Edition
Chapter 39
“What’s your name, soldier?”
“Lloyd Henreid.” He tried to think what to say next, but his mind was a chaotic jumble: He had been afraid when his lawyer told him he might go to the electric chair, but not this afraid. He had never been this afraid in his entire life. “It was all Poke’s idea!” he screamed. “Poke should be here, not me!”
“Look at me, Lloyd.”
“No,” Lloyd whispered. His eyes rolled wildly.
“Why not?”
“Go on.”
“Because I don’t think you’re real,” Lloyd whispered. “And if you are real… mister, if you’re real, you’re the devil.”
“Look at me, Lloyd.”
Helplessly, Lloyd turned his eyes up to that dark, grinning face that hung behind an intersection of bars. The right hand held something up beside the right eye. Looking at it made Lloyd feel cold and hot all over. It looked like a black stone, so dark it seemed almost resinous and pitchy. There was a red flaw in the center of it, and to Lloyd it looked like a terrible eye, bloody and half-open, peering at him. Then Flagg turned it slightly between his fingers, and the red flaw in the dark stone looked like… a key. Flagg turned it back and forth between his fingers. Now it was the eye, now it was the key.
The eye, the key.
He sang: “She brought me coffee… she brought me tea… she brought me… damn near everything… but the workhouse key. Right, Lloyd?”
“Sure,” Lloyd said huskily. His eyes never left the small dark stone. Flagg began to walk it from one finger to the next like a magician doing a trick.
“Now you’re a man who must appreciate the value of a good key,” the man said. The dark stone disappeared in his clenched fist and suddenly reappeared in his other hand, where it began to finger-walk again. “I’m sure you are. Because what a key is for is opening doors. Is there anything more important in life than opening doors, Lloyd?”
“Mister, I’m awfully hungry…”
“Sure you are,” the man said. An expression of concern spread over his face, an expression so magnified that it became grotesque. “Jesus Christ, a rat isn’t anything to eat!
Dark City (1998)
Mr. Hand: To be able to revisit those places which have meant so very much to us.
Emma Murdoch: I thought it was more that we were haunted by them.
Mr. Hand: Perhaps. But imagine a life Alien to yours. In which you memories were not your own, but those shared by every other of you kind. Imagine the torment of such an existence....no experiences to call your own.
Emma Murdoch: If it was all you knew, maybe it would be a comfort.
Mr. Hand: But if you were to discover something different...Something....better.
Star Trek Generations
PICARD: What you're about to do Soran, is no different from when the Borg destroyed your world. They killed millions too, ...including your wife ...and children.
SORAN: Nice try. ...You know, there was a time when I wouldn't hurt a fly. Then the Borg came. And they showed me that if there is one constant in this whole universe. ...It's death. ...Afterwards I began to realise it didn't really matter. We're all going to die sometime. It's just a question of how and when. You will too, Captain. Aren't you beginning to feel time gaining on you? ...It's like a predator. It's stalking you. ...Oh, you can try and outrun it with doctors, medicines, new technologies, but in the end time is going to hunt you down, ...and make the kill.
PICARD: It's our mortality that defines us, Soran. It's part of the truth of our existence.
SORAN: What if I told you I've found a new truth.
PICARD: The Nexus?
SORAN: Time has no meaning there.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 10:43 AM Pacific Time somewhere near Spokane Washington USA Saturday 05 July 2014