I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Friday, July 04, 2014
"Chased it with Pepsi. Yelled yahoo! at the top of his lungs."
Stephen King
The Stand - The Complete & Uncut Edition
Chapter 41
Larry was sitting on a paved scenic turnout just off the highway. The view of Vermont marching away to New York in the golden morning haze was breathtaking. A sign announced that this was Twelve-Mile Point. Actually Larry thought he could see a lot farther than twelve miles. On a clear day you could see forever. At the far side of the turnout there was a knee-high rock wall, the rocks cemented together, and a few smashed Budweiser bottles. Also a used condom. He supposed that high school kids used to come up here at twilight and watch the lights come on in the town below. First they would get exalted and then they would get laid. BID, as they used to say: big fucking deal.
So why was he feeling so bad, anyway? He was telling the truth, wasn’t he? Yes. And the worst of the truth was that he felt relief, wasn’t it? That the stone around his neck was gone?
No, the worst is being alone. Being lonely.
Corny but true. He wanted someone to share this view with. Someone he could turn to and say with modest wit: On a clear day you can see forever. And the only company was in a tent a mile and a half back with a mouthful of green puke. Getting stiff. Drawing flies.
Larry put his head on his knees and closed his eyes. He told himself he wouldn’t cry. He hated to cry almost as bad as he hated to puke.
In the end he was chicken. He couldn’t bury her. He summoned up the worst thoughts he could—maggots and beetles, the woodchucks that would smell her and come in for a munch, the unfairness of one human being leaving another like a candy wrapper or a discarded Pepsi can. But there also seemed to be something vaguely illegal about burying her and to tell the truth (and he was telling the truth now, wasn’t he?), that was just a cheap rationalization. He could face going down to Bennington and breaking into the Ever Popular hardware store, taking the Ever Popular spade and a matching Ever Popular pick; he could even face coming back up here where it was still and beautiful and digging the Ever Popular grave near the Ever Popular Twelve-Mile Point. But to go back into that tent (which would now smell very much like the comfort station on Transverse Number One in Central Park, where the Ever Popular dark sweet treat would be sitting for eternity) and unzip her side of the sleeping bag the rest of the way and pull out her stiff and baggy body and drag it up to the hole by the armpits and tumble it in and then shovel the dirt over it, watching the earth patter on her white legs with their bulging nodules of varicose veins and stick in her hair…
Uh-uh, buddy. Guess I’ll sit this one out. If I’m a chicken, so be it. Plucka-plucka-plucka.
He went back to where the tent was pitched and turned back the flap. He found a long stick. He took a deep breath of fresh air, held it, and hooked his clothes out with the stick. Backed away with them, put them on. Took another deep breath, held it, and used the stick to fish out his boots. He sat on a fallen tree and put them on, too.
The smell was in his clothes.
“Bullshit,” he whispered.
He could see her, half in and half out of the sleeping bag, her stiff hand held out and still curled around the pill bottle that was no longer there. Her half-lidded eyes seemed to be staring at him accusingly. It made him think of the tunnel again, and his visions of the walking dead.
Stargate: The Movie
Geez, it's hot.
You know, I can't believe we're stuck here.
Don't be such a doomsayer, Ferretti.
Yeah, give it a rest.
Yes, please. If we're not back soon, they'll just turn on the 'gate from the other side.
Oh, no. It doesn't work that way. You see, if you don't turn it on from here, we're screwed.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
To: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2006 1:49:58 PM
Subject: Sleep journal 5/13/06
In an office, my boss's boss, was telling me that I had made history today. She said something about me proving how a single person can make a difference. She handed me some stuff including a chain that you use for dog tags. I was looking at it and there was something about it being too long, or needing to have some links taken out of it. I don't recognize me boss's boss, but my boss was familar. The senior person told me that my boss appreciate's people that are passionate about their work, after I was commenting on how much I enjoy my work.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 13 May 2006 excerpt end]
Stephen King
The Stand - The Complete & Uncut Edition
Chapter 29
At just past noon on the twenty-fourth, Elder and two male nurses had come and taken away the television. The nurses had removed it while Elder stood by, holding his revolver (neatly wrapped in a Baggie) on Stu. But by then Stu hadn’t wanted or needed the TV—it was just putting out a lot of confused shit anyway. All he had to do was stand at his barred window and look out at the town on the river below. Like the man on the record said, “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.”
Stargate: The Movie
[O'Neil arrives at the camp and puts down his equipment. He looks around.]
Where's Jackson?
[They all look blankly at him.]
[The mastadge looks up nervously as Daniel approaches.]
It's okay. It's okay. Sh-sh-sh. That's a good boy.
[He holds out his hand, palm up for the mastadge to sniff. The mastadge rears its head, then calms. It starts sniffing his other hand, which still holds the candy bar.]
What? You want some of this? Here you go, you like that?
[He breaks off a piece of the candy and holds it out. The mastadge takes it gently from his hand.]
There you go.
I wouldn't feed that thing!
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 12:25 PM Pacific Time somewhere near Spokane Washington USA Friday 04 July 2014