I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Struck a nerve again, didn't I.
See, they're working for China. They are China's Funboys, working here in America to protect China violently against the United States.
First, they hit us with an electromagnetic pulse. That destroys all means of communication we depend on every day.
Next, they deploy the China mass propagandists they have already stationed here in such al Qaida controlled locations as Seattle.
You people really are imbeciles. You are incredibly moronic people. You will believe anything they tell you.
As more time passes I am becoming increasingly convinced you people are being drugged.
Some kind of mood drug that can be delivered to the mass population.
The public water system is one potential delivery system of those parasites that is Corbis al Qaida Microsoft Bill Gates al Qaida.
But I don't think the water system is the primary delivery method. Could be though. You could be attacked simply by taking a shower.
What I suspect is happening is something like a biological form of Prozac. The delivery method, I suspect, is something similar I suspect to how weaponized anthrax is deployed.
A small amount of weaponized anthrax, I guess, is released to the wind. When it is released and begins to circulate in the air then it invisibly explodes and then settles down over some area downwind, infecting the population of that area.
What 'World War Z' gets right -- and wrong -- about viruses
Maggie Fox NBC News
17 hours ago [ RETRIEVED 9 AM 22 June 2013 Pacific Time Seattle USA ]
The virus spreads quietly in China before being carried around the world by travel and commerce. It infects people through bites, and seemingly changes the brain and behavior of victims. Society is disrupted as panic spreads and millions succumb.
OK, so no one really thinks that a virus could turn half the world population into zombies. And the premise of the new movie, "World War Z," is far from realistic. But some of its details do bring up real-life issues, from the political and diplomatic fights about countries trying to cover up disease outbreaks, to the very real possibility of a pandemic that could wipe out millions within the space of a few months.
It’s no mistake the film suggests the zombiefying virus starts in China. Something similar really happened in 2002, with the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) virus, which eventually spread to the rest of the world, killed more than 770 people and infecting close to 8,000 before it was stopped.
Chinese officials were accused of being less than honest about the outbreak, which was doubly worrying because scientists were already twitchy at the time about H5N1 bird flu. Perhaps due to years of public health diplomacy, Chinese officials have been widely praised for sharing information about the current outbreak of H7N9 bird flu, which the World Health Organization says has infected more than 130 people and killed at least 37 of them.
Similarly, there was some suspicion that Saudi Arabia wasn’t being completely open about an ongoing outbreak of a new virus called MERS, for Middle East associated respiratory syndrome. But again, after some careful health diplomacy, Saudi officials invited an international team of scientists to investigate MERS, which has infected 64 people and killed 38 of them.
Any of these viruses could cause a pandemic. Flu viruses often do – in 1918, the H1N1 flu killed or helped kill anywhere between 50 million and 100 million people. Its descendant, the H1N1 swine flu, killed more than 280,000 people in 2009 – and that was a mild pandemic.
WHO and other health experts caution that a more deadly pandemic could disrupt international trade and cause shortages in food, fuel and medicines if countries closed borders or had to shut down critical operations to prevent spread.
Of course, plenty of scary diseases already exist.
In both the book and the movie "World War Z," experts at first believe the zombie virus is rabies – which is indeed transmitted through bites or through organ transplants and which can make some animals highly aggressive and sensitive to sound.
But while the movie depicts infection taking hold in an unrealistic 12 seconds, rabies can be scarier because it can take months to show symptoms. Infected bats can bite people who are sleeping or otherwise unaware, and victims and their doctors may not suspect rabies when they eventually do become ill because the time between the bite and symptoms can be so long. And once symptoms appear, it’s almost always too late to vaccinate. There’s no treatment, and rabies is almost 100 percent fatal.
Rabies usually makes victims sleepy and disoriented, but it spreads in the animal kingdom because it can make animals aggressive. Raccoons, which normally prowl after dark, will boldly walk down streets, and “mad” dogs are notorious for chasing down other animals and people. Even cattle can become aggressive when rabid.
But usually it’s not a virus that changes behavior. Parasites are far more likely to do that – most notoriously, the Toxoplasma gondii parasite that makes mice actively seek out cats.
It’s evolution in action, because the parasite needs to be inside a cat to reproduce, so making mice unafraid of cats helps the parasite survive and propagate. There would be no obvious evolutionary reason for the parasite to affect people mentally, but a study last year showed that women infected with T. gondii were 1.5 times more likely to commit suicide than uninfected women.
Another study suggests it might sometimes trigger schizophrenia and bipolar disease.
And the parasite is common – a third of the world’s population is infected, by eating undercooked meat, touching infected cat feces and sometimes by eating unwashed vegetables.
Most successful parasites alter behavior just slightly, says Janice Moore, a biologist at Colorado State University who studies parasites. "If you are a sexually transmitted disease, the chances are you are not going to kill somebody overnight," she says. "No. You are going to wait."
But they get nastier if you are a bug. "There are fly larvae that actually live inside caterpillars and eat their insides," Moore says. "As the larvae crawl out of the caterpillar, they actually cause the caterpillar to defend them (from predators)."
There are scarier infections even than these. Hemorrhagic fevers, including Ebola but also yellow fever and severe cases of dengue, are painful ,incurable, and cause frightening bleeding out of the eyes, mouth, under the skin and internally. Just last year researchers identified a new virus in Africa that was related to rabies, but causes Ebola-like symptoms.
The virus, named Bas-Congo virus, killed two teenagers in 2009.
Even though films rarely portray disease outbreaks accurately, they are nonetheless a great excuse for communicating important messages about disease. A team at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention created a stir with a zombie-themed preparedness campaign that won national attention for what can be a boring, if worthy, message
"If you are generally well equipped to deal with a zombie apocalypse you will be prepared for a hurricane, pandemic, earthquake, or terrorist attack,” the CDC’s Dr. Ali Khan said at the time.
Some government public health experts have sniffed at the campaign, although the CDC team that came up with the idea won a communications prize from the Health and Human Services Department in 2012 and wide praise from communications experts.
"In Laos, where I just finished working on health emergency communication, there is a very serious dengue outbreak. The Health Ministry lists radio, TV, and puppet shows as media for pushing dengue knowledge and precautions," says risk communications specialist Jody Lanard.
"I suspect zombie puppets wouldn't work in Laos, but zombies are hot in the U.S. So for heaven’s sake, let zombie movies carry the message.
"A movie about a disaster is a good teachable moment — a surrogate for a real disaster, which is an even better teachable moment. If the movie is gripping, the audience imagines itself in the scary situation, and temporarily becomes very interested in what they can do about it if it happened to them in real life."
FARA is short for the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended, 22 U.S.C. § 611 et seq
The purpose of FARA is to insure that the U.S. Government and the people of the United States are informed of the source of information (propaganda) and the identity of persons attempting to influence U.S. public opinion, policy, and laws. In 1938, FARA was Congress' response to the large number of German propaganda agents in the pre-WWII U.S..
Like mother, like daughter
Sunday's Ironman Coeur d'Alene will be a family affair
Posted: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 12:00 am Updated: 12:25 am, Wed Jun 19, 2013.
By TOM HASSLINGER/Staff writer
COEUR d'ALENE - All the memories that are supposed to be there are there, snapshots of 180 school days stacked like in a binder: Homecoming, prom, football games, senior project and the college acceptance letter that landed like a feather when it arrived one day in February.
Teigan Lockwood, 18, even had a spring break in Las Vegas, where she became violently sick while limping from the Venetian back to her hotel room across the Strip.
But that's not what you think, not what you think at all.
"We found out I was gluten intolerant," said Lockwood, who finished a half marathon in Sin City when her stomach turned against the energy bars she ate along the course. "The whole way back I was throwing up and crying. It was horrible."
If the diagnosis was a surprise, finals week was a bear, but Lockwood survived and graduated from Coeur d'Alene High School two weeks ago.
And the college that came calling? The University of Washington.
She plans to start studying biochemistry in the fall, and go on to medical school after that.
All and all, it has been quite the year.
"I did," Lockwood said when asked if she squeezed every last drop out of the last 12 months. "It was a good year."
And sandwiched between it all, Lockwood, who turned 18 in April, carved out enough time to train for Ironman.
Remarkable, because her training started at ground zero: Last year, she didn't own a bike. The farthest she had ever run was around three miles. And, as a kicker, she didn't know how to swim. She could only flail her arms in the water and rock her head back and forth.
But this year, she could be the youngest - at the very least one of the youngest - athletes to line up for the 140.6-mile triathlon on Sunday.
Tom Clancy
"Don't wish for those, Patsy. I've seen them happen in the ER. Total panic, and the OB better have his act together, or things can go to hell in a New York minute. Dead mother and a dead child."
"Ever see that happen, Mom?"
"No, but I've seen it come close to that twice in Williamsburg. Remember Dr. O'Connor?"
"Tall, skinny guy, right?"
"Yeah." Sandy nodded. "Thank God he was on duty for the second one. The resident came unglued, but Jimmy came in and took over. I was sure we'd lose that one."
"Well, if you know what you're doing- "
"If you know what you're doing, it's still tense. Routine is fine with me. I've done ER duty too long," Sandy Clark went on. "I love a quiet night when I can get caught up on my reading."
"Voice of experience," John Clark observed, serving the meat.
"Makes sense to me," Domingo Chavez agreed, stroking his wife's arm. "How's the little guy?"
"Kicking up a storm right now," Patsy replied, moving her husband's hand to her belly. It never failed, she saw The way his eyes changed when he felt it. Always a warm, passionate boy, Ding just about melted when he felt the movement in her womb.
"Baby," he said quietly.
"Yeah." She smiled.
"Well, no nasty surprises when the time comes, okay?" Chavez said next. "I want everything to go routinely. This is exciting enough. Don't want to faint or anything."
"Right!" Patsy laughed. "You? Faint? My commando?"
"You never know, honey," her father observed, taking his seat. "I've seen tough guys fold before."
"Not this one, Mr. C," Domingo noted with a raised eyebrow.
"More like a fireman," Sandy said from her seat. "The way you guys just hang around 'til something happens."
"That's true," Domingo agreed. "And if the fire never starts, it's okay with us."
"You really mean that?" Patsy asked.
"Yes, honey," her husband told her. "Going out isn't fun. We've been lucky so far. We haven't lost a hostage."
"But that'll change," Rainbow Six told his subordinate.
"Not if I have anything to say about it, John."
"Ding," Patsy said, looking up from her food. "Have you I mean… I mean, have you actually-"
The look answered the question, though the words were "Let's not talk about that."
"We don't carve notches in our guns, Pats," John told his daughter. "Bad form, you see."
"Noonan came over today," Chavez went on. "Says he's got a new toy to look at."
"What's it cost?" John asked first of all.
"Not much, he says, not much at all. Delta just started looking at it."
"What's it do?"
"It finds people."
"Huh? Is this classified?"
"Commercial product, and, no, it's not classified at all. But it finds people."
"Tracks the human heart up to five hundred meters away."
"What?" Patsy asked. "How's it do that?"
"Not sure, but Noonan says the guys at Fort Bragg are going nuts-I mean, real enthusiastic about it. It's called 'Lifeguard' or something like that. Anyway, he asked the headquarters snake people to send us a demo team."
Tom Clancy
"Ed Foley here, John. The sample was examined by the troops up at Fort Detrick."
"And it's a version of the Ebola virus, they say, modified - 'engineered' is the term they used, as a matter of fact-by the addition of what appears to be cancer genes. They say that makes the little bastard more robust. Moreover, the virus strands were encased in some sort of mini-capsules to help it survive in the open. In other words, John, what your Russian friend told you-it looks like it's fully confirmed."
"What did you do with Dmitriy?" Rainbow Six asked.
"A safe house out in Winchester," the DCI replied. It was the usual place to quarter a foreign national the CIA wanted to protect. "Oh, the FBI tells me that the Kansas State Police are looking for him on a murder charge. Supposedly he killed one Foster Hunnicutt from the state of Montana, or so he has been accused."
"Why don't you have the Bureau tell Kansas that he didn't kill anybody. He was with me the whole time," Clark suggested. They had to take care of this man, didn't they? John had already made the conceptual leap of forgetting that Popov had instigated an attack on his wife and daughter. Business, in this case, was business, and it wasn't the first time a KGB enemy had turned into a valuable friend.
"Okay, yes, I can do that." It was a little white lie. Foley agreed, set against a big black truth. In his Langley, Virginia, office, Foley wondered why his hands weren't shaking. These lunatics had not only wanted to kill the whole world, but they'd also had the ability to do so. This was a new development the CIA would have to study in detail, a whole new type of threat, and investigating it would be neither easy nor fun.
"Okay, thanks, Ed." Clark killed the phone and looked at the others in the room.We just confirmed the contents of the chlorine canister. They created a modified form of Ebola for distribution."
"What?" Colonel Byron asked. Clark gave him a ten-minute explanation. "You're serious, eh?" he asked finally.
"As a heart attack," Clark replied. "They hired Dmitriy Popov to interface with terrorists to set up incidents throughout Europe. That was to increase the fear of terrorism, to get Global Security the consulting contract for the Australians, and-"
"Bill Henriksen?" Colonel Byron asked. "Hell, I know that guy!"
"Yeah? Well, his people were supposed to deliver the bug through the fogging-cooling system at the Olympic stadium in Sydney, Willie. Chavez was there in the control room when this Wil Gearing guy showed up with the container, and the contents were checked out by the USAMRIID guys at Fort Detrick. You know, the FBI could almost make a criminal case out of this. But not quite," Clark added.
Dirty Harry
The City of San Francisco does not pay criminals not to commit crimes.
Instead, we pay a police department.
Chief, who's in charge of this case?
Inspector Callahan. He's outside.
Send Inspector Callahan in.
Mr. Mayor, Inspector Callahan.
All right.
Let's have it.
- Have what? - Your report. What have you been doing?
For the past 3/4 hour...
...I've been sitting on my ass waiting on you.
Damn it, Harry. It's the mayor you're talking to.
Won't you sit down, Inspector Callahan?
There's a madman loose.
I've asked you what's being done. Fair enough?
We've got a dozen men checking identification files.
Checking on all known extortionists, rooftop prowlers...
...rifle nuts, peepers...
From 10/26/2011 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Robert Mueller announcement for general counsel FBI as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) To 6/23/2013 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - Ironman Coeur d'Alene ) is 606 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/1/1967 ( Pamela Anderson ) is 606 days
From 4/23/1989 ( premiere US TV series pilot "Baywatch" ) To 10/26/2011 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Robert Mueller announcement for general counsel FBI as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 8221 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 5/6/1988 ( premiere US film "Assault of the Killer Bimbos" ) is 8221 days
From 11/14/2000 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - Hillary Rodham Clinton "An Invitation to the White House: At Home with History" & premiere US film "Unbreakable" ) To 10/26/2011 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Robert Mueller announcement for general counsel FBI as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 3998 days
3998 = 1999 + 1999
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/24/1971 ( the Soyuz 10 landing ) is 1999 days
From 6/29/1995 ( the Mir space station docking of the US space shuttle Atlantis orbiter vehicle mission STS-71 includes my biological brother US Navy Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan the spacecraft and mission commander and me Kerry Wayne Burgess the US Marine Corps officer and STS-71 pilot astronaut ) To 10/26/2011 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Robert Mueller announcement for general counsel FBI as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 5963 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/1/1982 ( premiere US film "The Comeback Trail" ) is 5963 days
From 1/31/1965 ( prermiere US TV series "For the People" ) To 10/26/2011 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Robert Mueller announcement for general counsel FBI as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 17069 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/27/2012 ( the London Summer Olympic Games begin ) is 17069 days
From 4/23/1967 ( Melina Kanakaredes ) To 4/15/2013 ( the Boston Marathon massacre ) is 16794 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/26/2011 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Robert Mueller announcement for general counsel FBI as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 16794 days
From 9/30/1958 ( premiere US TV series "The Rifleman"::series premiere episode "The Sharpshooter" ) To 9/22/2004 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - premiere US TV series "CSI: NY" ) is 16794 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/26/2011 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Robert Mueller announcement for general counsel FBI as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 16794 days
From 9/30/1958 ( premiere US TV series "The Rifleman"::series premiere episode "The Sharpshooter" ) To 9/22/2004 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - premiere US TV series "Lost" ) is 16794 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/26/2011 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Robert Mueller announcement for general counsel FBI as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 16794 days
From 12/22/1971 ( premiere US film "Dirty Harry" ) To 10/26/2011 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Robert Mueller announcement for general counsel FBI as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 14553 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/6/2005 ( premiere US TV movie "BBQ Pool Party" ) is 14553 days
From 12/22/1971 ( premiere US film "Dirty Harry" ) To 10/26/2011 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Robert Mueller announcement for general counsel FBI as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 14553 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/6/2005 ( Ubisoft "Rainbow Six: Lockdown" ) is 14553 days
From 8/10/1952 ( premiere US film "Montana Incident" ) To 8/3/1998 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - Tom Clancy "Rainbow Six" ) is 16794 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/26/2011 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Robert Mueller announcement for general counsel FBI as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 16794 days
National Press Releases
Andrew Weissmann Appointed as FBI’s General Counsel
Washington, D.C.
October 26, 2011
FBI National Press Office
(202) 324-3691
FBI Director Robert S. Mueller has named Andrew Weissmann as the general counsel. He joined the FBI after five-and-a-half years as a partner at Jenner & Block LLP in New York City. Mr. Weissmann is returning to the FBI, having previously served as special counsel to the Director in 2005.
Mr. Weissmann was a federal prosecutor for 15 years in the Eastern District of New York, where he served as the deputy chief and then chief of the criminal division. He prosecuted numerous members of the Colombo, Gambino, and Genovese families, including the bosses of the Colombo and Genovese families. He also prosecuted or oversaw white-collar crime and terrorism cases. He later served as the director of the Enron Task Force in Washington, D.C., where he supervised the prosecution of more than 30 individuals in connection with the company’s collapse.
Mr. Weissmann has extensive experience in private practice. He has represented both U.S. and foreign corporations and executives in connection with criminal and civil investigations and lawsuits. Mr. Weissmann won the largest Financial Industry Regulatory Authority arbitration award in history. He also has taught criminal law and procedure at two law schools.
Mr. Weissmann has a Juris Doctor degree from Columbia Law School and was on the managing board of the Columbia Law Review. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Princeton University and attended the University of Geneva for one year on a Fulbright Fellowship.
Biography for
Pamela Anderson
Date of Birth
1 July 1967, Ladysmith, British Columbia, Canada
Birth Name
Pamela Denise Anderson
Pamela Anderson
Pamela "Pam" Denise Anderson (born 1 July 1967)
My breasts have had a brilliant career. I've just tagged along for the ride.
Baywatch Season 1 Episode 1
Panic at Malibu Pier
AIRED: 4/23/89
Panic at Malibu Pier (TV episode 1989)
Release Dates
USA 23 April 1989
Baywatch: Season 1, Episode 0
Panic at Malibu Pier (23 Apr. 1989)
Release Date: 23 April 1989 (USA)
Assault of the Killer Bimbos (1988)
Release Dates
USA 6 May 1988
Biography for
Melina Kanakaredes
Date of Birth
23 April 1967, Akron, Ohio, USA
Birth Name
Melina Eleni Kanakaredes
CSI: NY Season 1 Episode 1
AIRED: 9/22/04
Blink (TV episode 2004)
Release Dates
USA 22 September 2004
CSI: NY: Season 1, Episode 1
Blink (22 Sep. 2004)
Gary Sinise ... Mac Taylor
Melina Kanakaredes ... Stella Bonasera
Release Date: 22 September 2004 (USA)
Montana Incident (1952)
Release Dates
USA 10 August 1952
Plot Summary for
Montana Incident (1952)
Whip Wilson (Whip Wilson) and his friend Dave Connors (Rand Brooks) survey the range for a railroad line, and are ordered to get out of the territory. The entire town and most of the land around it are owned by retired cattleman Martin (Hugh Prosser), who allows his oldest daughter, Clara (Peggy Stewart), who, unknown to Martin, has been milking the town dry with the aid of her fiancee (Bruce Edwards), over the objections of her sister Frances (Noel Neill.) Clara knows that the coming of the railroad will bring an end to her rule of the territory.
The Comeback Trail (1982)
Release Dates
USA 1 March 1982
Plot Summary for
The Comeback Trail (1982)
Two bumbling "producers" are in danger of losing their company because they're in hock up to their ears. In order to pay off their debts and in the process make some cash for themselves, they get the idea to bring an old cowboy star out of retirement to make a new western, insure him to the hilt, then give him all sorts of dangerous stunts and strenuous activities to do, hoping that the old codger will drop dead and they can collect on the insurance. However, the old codger proves to be a lot more resilient than they thought he was.
NSSDC Master Catalog
Soyuz 10
NSSDC ID: 1971-034A
Launch Information
Launch Date: 1971-04-23 at 23:54:00 UTC
Launch Vehicle: Modified SS-6 (Sapwood) with 2nd Generation (Longer) Upper Stage
Launch Site: Tyuratam (Baikonur Cosmodrome), U.S.S.R
Decay Date: 1971-04-24
NSSDC Master Catalog
Soyuz 10
Launch Date: 1971-04-23
Launch Vehicle: Modified SS-6 (Sapwood) with 2nd Generation (Longer) Upper Stage
Launch Site: Tyuratam (Baikonur Cosmodrome), U.S.S.R
Funding Agency
Unknown (U.S.S.R)
Soyuz 10 was piloted by Commander Shatalov, Flight Engineer Yeliseyev, and Systems Engineer Rukavishnikov. Soyuz 10 was launched into an orbit in the same plane as the unmanned Salyut (71-032A). Orbit corrections to reduce the apogee and perigee of Soyuz 10 to prepare for rendezvous with Salyut took 24 hr. Salyut was maneuvered four times, Soyuz 10 made three principal maneuvers and more orbital adjustments on the basis of instructions from the tracking ship Akademik Sergey Korolov located in the Atlantic. Automatic devices maneuvered Soyuz 10 until the two crafts were 180 m apart. The crew found the docking maneuver extremely nerve-wracking. They were able to see the brightly colored Salyut only with the aid of optical devices when the ships were 15 km apart, and the problems of docking with a large unmanned, non-maneuvering mass were quite different from the joining of two Soyuz, each able to adjust its position. Also, new telemetry systems, new rendezvous systems, and new docking equipment were used. The two ships remained docked for 5.5 hr. After undocking, Soyuz 10 flew around Salyut, and the crew took many photographs. Salyut was described as the first of its kind, with no precursors. Externally mounted TV cameras covered the approach, docking, and separation. Retrorockets were fired at the first opportunity after undocking to permit return to earth. The landing in Karaganda, the first (pre-dawn) landing of a manned spacecraft, was a success.
Soyuz 10
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Start of mission
Launch date April 22, 1971, 23:54:06 UTC
End of mission
Landing date April 24, 1971, 23:40:00 UTC
Soyuz 10 (Russian: Union 10) was in 1971 the world's first mission to the world's first space station, the Soviet Salyut 1. The docking was not successful and the crew returned to Earth without having entered the station.
Unbreakable (2000)
Orange Suit Man: I like your house. Can I come in?
Hostage Father: No.
Orange Suit Man: Are you sure?
Jun 29, 1995:
U.S. space shuttle docks with Russian space station
On this day in 1995, the American space shuttle Atlantis docks with the Russian space station Mir
Can I come in?
Who are you?
Stardate: Unknown
Original Airdate: January 19, 2000
CHAKOTAY: Good work, Tom.
PARIS: You're patting the wrong guy on the back.
I like your house.
Can I come in?
What is this?
No, you can't come in.
Are you sure?
What are-- What are you--
BBQ Pool Party (TV 2005)
Release Dates
USA 6 September 2005
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Lockdown Ships for the Xbox® and Playstation 2® 9/6/2005
Ubisoft’s Highly Anticipated Next Iteration of the Award Winning, Multiplayer Powerhouse Franchise Now Available in Retail Stores
SAN FRANCISCO – September 6, 2005 – Today, Ubisoft, one of the world’s largest video game publishers, announces that Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six® Lockdown has shipped to retail stores for the Xbox® video game system and the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system at the manufacturer's suggested retail price of $49.99.
Tom Clancy
Chavez turned in after another long day of watching athletes run and sweat. It had been an interesting couple of weeks, and though he sorely missed Patsy and JC, whom he'd hardly had a chance to meet, he couldn't deny that he was enjoying himself. But soon it would be over. Sports reporters were tallying up the medals America had done quite well, and the Aussies had done spectacularly well, especially in swimming events-in anticipation of announcing which nation had "won" the games. Three more days and they'd run the Marathon, traditionally the last Olympic event, followed soon thereafter by the closing ceremonies and the dousing of the flame. Already the runners were walking and/or driving along the course, to learn the hills and turns. They didn't want to get lost, though that would hardly be possible, as the route would be lined with screaming fans every step of the way. And they were working out, running in the training/practice area of the Olympic Village, not so much so as to tire themselves out, but just enough to keep their muscles and lungs ready for the murderous exertion of this longest of footraces. Chavez considered himself to be in shape, but he'd never run a twenty-plus-mile course. Soldiers had to know how to run, but not that far, and running that distance on paved roads had to be pure murder on the feet and ankles, despite the cushioned soles of modern running shoes. Yeah, those bastards had to be in real shape, Ding thought, lying down in his bed.
From the opening-day ceremonies, when the Olympic flame had been lit, through today, the games had been wonderfully managed and run, as if the entire national soul and strength of Australia had been devoted to one task-as America had once decided to go to the moon. Everything was superbly organized, and that was further proof that his presence here was a total waste of time. Security hadn't had even a hint of a problem. The Aussie cops were friendly, competent, and numerous, and the Australian SAS backing them up were nearly as good as his own troopers, well supported and advised by the Global Security people who'd gotten them the same tactical radios that Rainbow used. That company looked like a good vendor to use, and he thought he might recommend that John talk to them along those lines. It never hurt to have an outside opinion.
About the only bad news was the weather, which had been sultry-hot for the entire Olympiad. That had kept the medics busy at their heatstroke kiosks. Nobody had died yet, but about a hundred people had been hospitalized, and thirty times that many treated and released by the firemen paramedics and Australian army medical orderlies. That didn't count the people who just sat down on the curb and tried to cool off without getting any proper medical assistance. He didn't mind the heat all that much-Chavez had never been afraid of sweat-but he also paced himself, and, like everyone else in the Olympic stadium, was grateful for that fogging system. The TV guys had even done a story about it, which was good news for the American company that had designed and installed it. They were even talking about a version for golf courses in Texas and elsewhere, where it got about this hot. Traveling from ninety-five degrees to an apparent temperature of eighty or so was a pleasant sensation indeed, not unlike a shower, and the concourses were often crowded with people in the afternoons, escaping from the blazing sunshine.
Chavez's last thought of the night was that he would not have minded having the sunblock concession. There were signs everywhere telling people to be mindful of the hole in the ozone layer, and he knew that sun-caused skin cancer wasn't a pleasant death. So, Chavez and his men liberally slathered the stuff on every morning just like everyone else. Well, a few more days and they'd go back to Britain, where their tans would be noted by the pasty pale Englishmen, and the weather would be a good twenty degrees cooler on what the Brits called a "hot" day. Anything over seventy-five over there and people started dropping dead in the street-which made Ding wonder about the old song that claimed only "mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the noonday sun." They must have been a lot tougher back then, Chavez thought, falling off to sleep.
Popov saddled Buttermilk at about six that evening. The sun wasn't setting yet, but that was less than an hour away, and his horse, having rested and eaten all day, was not the least bit averse to his attention-besides, he'd given Buttermilk another apple, and the mare seemed to relish them as a man might enjoy his first glass of beer after a long working day.
Jeremiah, Hunnicutt's horse, was smaller than Buttermilk, but appeared more powerful. An odd-looking animal, his light gray coat was covered from hindquarters to neck with an almost perfectly square matlike mark of deep charcoal, hence the name "blanket Appaloosa,"the Russian imagined. Foster Hunnicutt showed up, hoisting his large Western-style saddle on his shoulder, and tossing it atop the blanket, then reaching under to cinch the straps in. His last act, Popov saw, was to strap on his Colt pistol. Then he slid his left foot into the left-side stirrup and climbed aboard. Jeremiah, the stallion, must have liked to be ridden. It was as though the animal transformed himself with this new weight on his back. The head came up proudly, and the ears swiveled around, waiting for the command of its rider. That was a clucking sound, and the stallion moved out into the corral alongside Popov and Buttermilk.
"He is a fine horse, Foster."
"Best I've ever had," the hunter agreed. "The App's a great all around critter. They come from the Nez Perce Indian tribe. The Nez Perce captured the original Western horses-they were the ones who escaped from the Spanish conquistadors, and bred out in the wild. Well, the Nez Perce learned how to breed them back to the Arabian roots of the Spanish breed, and came out with these." Hunnicutt reached down to pat his horse's neck with rough affection, which the animal seemed to like. "The Appaloosa's the best horse there is, if you ask me. Smart, steady, healthy breed, not dizzy like the Arabians are, and damned pretty, I think. They aren't the best at any one thing, but they're damned good in all things. Great all around mount. Jeremiah here's a great hunting and tracking horse. We've spent a lot of time in the high country after elk. He even found my gold for me."
"Excuse me? Gold?"
Hunnicutt laughed. "My spread up in Montana. It used to be part of a cattle ranch, but the mountains are too steep for the cows. Anyway, there's a stream coming down from the mountain. I was letting Jeremiah drink one afternoon, and I saw something shiny, okay?" Hunnicutt stretched. "It was gold, a big hunk of gold and quartz-that's the best geological formation for gold, Dmitriy. Anyway, I figure I got a fair-sized deposit on my land. How big? There's no tellin', and it doesn't matter much anyway."
"Not matter?" Popov turned in the saddle to look at his companion. "Foster, for the last ten thousand years men have killed one another over gold."
"Not anymore, Dmitriy. That's going to end-forever, probably."
"But how? Why?" Popov demanded.
"Don't you know about the Project?"
"A little, but not enough to understand what you just said."
What the hell, the hunter thought. "Dmitriy, human life on the planet is going to come to a screeching halt, boy."
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 11:24 AM Pacific Time Seattle USA Saturday 22 June 2013