I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
You read it here first: The truth about Microsoft Bill Gates al Qaida.
Southern Comfort - 1981
Stuckey, you were sure one dumb son of a bitch firing that machine gun.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Winterhilfswerk (WHW, English: Winter Relief—literally "winter help work") was an annual drive by the Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt (the National Socialist People’s Welfare Organization) to help finance charitable work. Its slogan was "None shall starve nor freeze". The drive was originally set up under the government of Heinrich Brüning in 1931, though Hitler would later claim sole credit. It ran from 1933-1945 during the months of October through March, and was designed to provide food, clothing, coal, and other items to less fortunate Germans during the inclement months.
As part of the centralization of Nazi Germany, posters urged people to donate rather to give directly to beggars.
The Hitlerjugend and Bund Deutscher Mädel (boys' and girls' associations, respectively) were extremely active in collecting for this charity. As part of the effort to place the community over the individual, totals were not reported for any individuals, only what the branch raised.
Certain weekends were assigned to all of the different Nazi associations, each with their own special Abzeichen to pass out in exchange for a pfennig or two. These highly collectible items were made of many different materials, such as wood, glass, paper, terra cotta, metal, and plastic. Over 8000 different pieces were produced by war's end, and some of the rarer ones sell for quite a lot of money today.
The "Can Rattlers", as they became known, were relentless in their pursuit of making sure every good German citizen gave their share to the WHW. In fact those who "forgot" to give had their names put in the paper to remind them of their neglect. Neighbors, and even family members were encouraged to whisper the names of shirkers to their block leaders so that they could persuade them to do their duty. On one occasion, a civil servant was prosecuted for failure to donate, and his argument that it was voluntary was dismissed on the grounds it was an extreme view of liberty, to neglect all duties not actually prescribed by law, and therefore an abuse of liberty.
Large donations were also a means to establish oneself as a loyal supporter of the Nazi Party without the commitment of joining it.
A greatly encouraged practice was to, once a month, have a one-pot meal ("eintopf"), reducing all the food to one course; the money thus saved was to be donated.
Collection drives were a mainstay of the Winter Relief, and those who did not give, or gave little (such as one pair of boots to a clothing drive), were sometimes the victims of mob violence and needed to be protected by the police.
A paper Monatstürplakette (monthly placard) was issued to place on your door or in your window to show others that you had given, and also to keep the roaming bands of charity workers at bay.
Donors were often given small souvenir gratitude gifts of negligible value, somewhat similar to the way modern charities mail out address labels and holiday cards. A typical such gift was a very small propaganda booklet, reminiscent of Victorian-era miniature books; about 0.8" wide x 1.5" tall[citation needed]. Booklets included The Führer Makes History, a collection of Hitler photographs, The Führer’s Battle in the East 2, and Gerhard Koeppen and other decorated heroes of the war.
More generous donors would receive concomitantly better gifts, such as lapel pins on a wide variety of themes.[citation needed] Some depicting occupational types or geographic areas of the Reich, others animals, birds and insects, nursery rhyme and fairy tale characters, or notable persons from German history (including of course Adolf Hitler himself).[citation needed] They were made from a variety of materials.[citation needed] Each individual miniature book, badge, badge set or toy set was only available for two or three days of a particular collection drive[citation needed]. So the populace would be encouraged to donate the following week and thereby collect the latest in the series.[citation needed] There could also be very annoying consequences; nagging by the appropriate official if your local Blockleiter saw that you were not wearing the current, appropriate pin by about Tuesday of the week.[citation needed]
When he visited Germany in 1939 as a reporter for the North American Newspaper Alliance, Dr. Lothrop Stoddard wrote:[citation needed]
"...Once a fortnight, every city, town, and village in the Reich seethes with brown-shirted Storm Troopers carrying red-painted canisters. These are the Winter-Help collection-boxes. The Brown-Shirts go everywhere. You cannot sit in a restaurant or beer-hall but what, sooner or later, a pair of them will work through the place, rattling their canisters ostentatiously in the faces of customers. And I never saw a German formally refuse to drop in his mite, even though the contribution might have been less than the equivalent of one American cent.
"During these periodic money-raising campaigns, all sorts of dodges are employed. On busy street-corners comedians, singers, musicians, sailors, gather a crowd by some amusing skit, at the close of which the Brown-Shirts collect. People buy tiny badges to show they have contributed—badges good only for that particular campaign. One time they may be an artificial flower; next time a miniature dagger, and so forth. The Winter-Help campaign series reaches its climax shortly before Christmas in the so-called Day of National Solidarity. On that notable occasion the Big Guns of the Nazi Party sally forth with their collection-boxes to do their bit."
Taken as a whole, the WHW program was a brilliant propaganda coup for Hitler and the Nazis.[citation needed] Not only did it serve to break down all the class barriers of society, it also helped solidify Hitler's bond to the people.[citation needed] Indeed most of the early slogans called for citizens to join Hitler in the struggle to protect the Mutter und Kind, the family, and to help him provide freedom and bread to every German house[citation needed]. The collection drives of 1933 to 1945 issued a large number of themed ceramic medallions and other badges given to donators.
The Seattle Times
Thursday, January 13, 2005
Gates Foundation selects site near Seattle Center for new headquarters
By Bob Young
Seattle Times staff reporter
The city would net $22 million from the deal
Nickels said having the foundation's campus in Seattle would be a "constant reminder to people that Seattle values human life
Jerry Maguire (1996)
Jerry Maguire: Show me the money!
Rod Tidwell: Yeah! Louder!
Jerry Maguire: Show me the money!
Rod Tidwell: Yes, but, brother, you got to yell that shit!
Jerry Maguire: Show me the money!
Rod Tidwell: I need to feel you, Jerry!
Jerry Maguire: Show me the money!
Rod Tidwell: Jerry, you got to yell!
Jerry Maguire: [screaming] Show me the money! Show me the money!
Encyclopædia Britannica
Brooks Adams
Brooks Adams, (born June 24, 1848, Quincy, Mass., U.S.—died Feb. 13, 1927, Boston), historian who questioned the success of democracy in the U.S. and who related the march of civilization to the westward movement of trade centres.
Adams graduated from Harvard in 1870 and practiced law in Boston until 1881. Son of the diplomat Charles Francis Adams and grandson of Pres. John Quincy Adams, he was enabled by a substantial inheritance to travel extensively in Europe, the Middle East, and India.
Adams was particularly close to his brother Henry, a distinguished historian. Through an active correspondence they developed the idea—revolutionary at the time—that by its nature and substance U.S. democracy was foreordained to degradation and decay. In 1895 he published his Law of Civilization and Decay, in which he expounded his theory of history. It held that the centre of trade had consistently followed a westward movement from the ancient crossroads in the East to Constantinople, Venice, Amsterdam, and finally to London, in accord with a law relating to the density of populations and the development of new and centralizing techniques of trade and industry.
His America’s Economic Supremacy (1900) accurately foresaw that within 50 years there would be in the world only two powers, Russia and the United States, the latter possessing economic supremacy. In 1913 he published The Theory of Social Revolutions, a study of defects in the American form of government, developing the idea of the imminent danger in the existence of great wealth that exerted private power but declined to accept responsibility. After Henry Adams’ death, Adams prepared for publication his brother’s book The Degradation of the Democratic Dogma (1919), for which he wrote the introduction—a kind of family chronicle that began with John Quincy Adams’ troubles and ended with the renunciation by the two grandsons of the democratic dogma.
For most of his life Adams had been an agnostic and a profound skeptic; the roots of his Puritan ancestry were deep, however, and he returned in his last years to the church at Quincy to publicly profess his faith.
Brooks Adams
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Peter Chardon Brooks Adams (June 24, 1848, Quincy, Massachusetts - February 13, 1927, Boston), was an American historian and a critic of capitalism. He graduated from Harvard University in 1870 and studied at Harvard Law School in 1870 and 1871.
He believed that commercial civilizations rise and fall in predictable cycles. First, masses of people draw together in large population centers and engage in commercial activities. As their desire for wealth grows, they discard spiritual and creative values. Their greed leads to distrust and dishonesty, and eventually the society crumbles.
From 11/21/1962 ( premiere US film "It's Only Money" ) To 2/1/2002 ( Microsoft al Qaida attacks me again in violent ambush at Issaquah Washington ) is 14317 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/13/2005 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Bill & Melinda Gates transaction & all Bill Gates activity & all City of Seattle activity ) is 14317 days
From 11/21/1962 ( premiere US film "Girls! Girls! Girls!" ) To 2/1/2002 ( Microsoft al Qaida attacks me again in violent ambush at Issaquah Washington ) is 14317 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/13/2005 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Bill & Melinda Gates transaction & all Bill Gates activity & all City of Seattle activity ) is 14317 days
From 5/11/1965 ( premiere US TV series episode "McHale's Navy"::"Birth of a Salesman" ) To 1/13/2005 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Bill & Melinda Gates transaction & all Bill Gates activity & all City of Seattle activity ) is 14492 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/7/2005 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal bombs London England in a scheduled terrorist attack with extensive damage and many fatalities and many injuries ) is 14492 days
From 2/13/1927 ( Brooks Adams - deceased ) To 7/7/2005 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal bombs London England in a scheduled terrorist attack with extensive damage and many fatalities and many injuries ) is 28634 days
28634 = 14317 + 14317
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/13/2005 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Bill & Melinda Gates transaction & all Bill Gates activity & all City of Seattle activity ) is 14317 days
From 2/18/1956 ( premiere US film "Green Gold" ) To 5/1/1995 ( in active subversion of the constitution of the United States of America a United States Navy fleet ballistic missile submarine was ordered by the racketeer Microsoft Bill Gates to launch a salvo of atomic bomb warheads to destroy Seattle Washington and Redmond Washington and the surrounding region and that nuclear weapons launch authorization was ordered personally by Bill Clinton the active ongoing participant of al-Qaida violently against the United States of America ) is 14317 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/13/2005 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Bill & Melinda Gates transaction & all Bill Gates activity & all City of Seattle activity ) is 14317 days
From 9/21/1939 ( premiere US film "Two Bright Boys" ) To 1/13/2005 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Bill & Melinda Gates transaction & all Bill Gates activity & all City of Seattle activity ) is 23856 days
23856 = 11928 + 11928
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/30/1998 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - premiere US film "Armageddon" ) is 11928 days
From 9/21/1939 ( premiere US film "Parents on Trial" ) To 1/13/2005 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Bill & Melinda Gates transaction & all Bill Gates activity & all City of Seattle activity ) is 23856 days
23856 = 11928 + 11928
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/30/1998 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - premiere US film "Armageddon" ) is 11928 days
From 7/15/1939 ( premiere US film "Modern Methods" ) To 1/13/2005 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Bill & Melinda Gates transaction & all Bill Gates activity & all City of Seattle activity ) is 23924 days
23924 = 11962 + 11962
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 8/3/1998 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - Tom Clancy "Rainbow Six" ) is 11962 days
From 7/15/1939 ( premiere US film "The Man from Sundown" ) To 1/13/2005 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Bill & Melinda Gates transaction & all Bill Gates activity & all City of Seattle activity ) is 23924 days
23924 = 11962 + 11962
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 8/3/1998 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - Tom Clancy "Rainbow Six" ) is 11962 days
From 7/15/1939 ( premiere US film "Waterfront" ) To 1/13/2005 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Bill & Melinda Gates transaction & all Bill Gates activity & all City of Seattle activity ) is 23924 days
23924 = 11962 + 11962
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 8/3/1998 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - Tom Clancy "Rainbow Six" ) is 11962 days
From 1/3/1952 ( premiere US film "A Missed Fortune" ) To 3/16/1991 ( date hijacked from me:my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate Columbia South Carolina ) is 14317 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/13/2005 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Bill & Melinda Gates transaction & all Bill Gates activity & all City of Seattle activity ) is 14317 days
From 4/21/1954 ( James Morrison ) To 1/13/2005 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Bill & Melinda Gates transaction & all Bill Gates activity & all City of Seattle activity ) is 18530 days
18530 = 9265 + 9265
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/16/1991 ( date hijacked from me:my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate Columbia South Carolina ) is 9265 days
From 4/2/1945 ( From 4/2/1945 ( premiere US film "Identity Unknown" ) To 1/13/2005 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Bill & Melinda Gates transaction & all Bill Gates activity & all City of Seattle activity ) is 21836 days
21836 = 10918 + 10918
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/24/1995 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - premiere US TV series "Space: Above and Beyond" ) is 10918 days
From 5/2/1917 ( premiere US film "Kleptomaniacs" ) To 9/24/1995 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - premiere US TV series "Space: Above and Beyond" ) is 28634 days
28634 = 14317 + 14317
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/13/2005 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Bill & Melinda Gates transaction & all Bill Gates activity & all City of Seattle activity ) is 14317 days
From 6/29/1995 ( the Mir space station docking of the US space shuttle Atlantis orbiter vehicle mission STS-71 includes my biological brother US Navy Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan the spacecraft and mission commander and me Kerry Wayne Burgess the US Marine Corps officer and STS-71 pilot astronaut ) To 1/13/2005 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Bill & Melinda Gates transaction & all Bill Gates activity & all City of Seattle activity ) is 3486 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 5/20/1975 ( Tahmoh Penikett ) is 3486 days
From 9/26/1964 ( premiere US TV series "Gilligan's Island" ) To 12/8/2003 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - premiere US TV miniseries "Battlestar Galactica" ) is 14317 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/13/2005 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Bill & Melinda Gates transaction & all Bill Gates activity & all City of Seattle activity ) is 14317 days
From 1/19/1993 ( in Asheville North Carolina as Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess I was seriously wounded by gunfire when I returned fatal gunfire to a fugitive from United States federal justice who was another criminal sent by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal in another attempt to kill me the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/13/2005 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Bill & Melinda Gates transaction & all Bill Gates activity & all City of Seattle activity ) is 4377 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/27/1977 ( premiere US film "Sailing All Seas" ) is 4377 days
From 8/10/1950 ( premiere US film "Sunset Blvd." ) To 1/13/2005 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Bill & Melinda Gates transaction & all Bill Gates activity & all City of Seattle activity ) is 19880 days
19880 = 9940 + 9940
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/19/1993 ( in Asheville North Carolina as Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess I was seriously wounded by gunfire when I returned fatal gunfire to a fugitive from United States federal justice who was another criminal sent by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal in another attempt to kill me the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) is 9940 days
From 11/8/1953 ( premiere US film "Jack Slade" ) To 1/19/1993 ( in Asheville North Carolina as Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess I was seriously wounded by gunfire when I returned fatal gunfire to a fugitive from United States federal justice who was another criminal sent by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal in another attempt to kill me the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) is 14317 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/13/2005 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Bill & Melinda Gates transaction & all Bill Gates activity & all City of Seattle activity ) is 14317 days
From 10/9/1955 ( premiere US film "The Return of Jack Slade" ) To 12/20/1994 ( in Bosnia as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps captain this day is my United States Navy Cross medal date of record ) is 14317 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/13/2005 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Bill & Melinda Gates transaction & all Bill Gates activity & all City of Seattle activity ) is 14317 days
From 10/9/1955 ( premiere US TV series episode "You Are There"::"The Rescue of the American Prisoners from Santo Tomas (February 3, 1945)" ) To 12/20/1994 ( in Bosnia as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps captain this day is my United States Navy Cross medal date of record ) is 14317 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/13/2005 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Bill & Melinda Gates transaction & all Bill Gates activity & all City of Seattle activity ) is 14317 days
From 2/8/1968 ( premiere US film "Planet of the Apes" ) To 1/13/2005 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Bill & Melinda Gates transaction & all Bill Gates activity & all City of Seattle activity ) is 13489 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/8/2002 ( the Winnipeg Red River boat incident as scheduled criminal activity and global terrorism activity scheduled by Microsoft Bill Gates al-Qaida George Walker Bush the cowardly violent criminal ) is 13489 days
From 4/16/1955 ( premiere US film "Just What I Needed" ) To 6/27/1994 ( United States Navy Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan the pilot and plane crash survivor along with me Kerry Wayne Burgess - circa 1990 also known for official duty as Wayne Newman the Deputy United States Marshal and then as Chief Deputy United States Marshal and the active duty commissioned officer of the United States Marine Corps - and the other Lockheed L-1011 aircraft passengers and crew murdered in a scheduled terrorism-sabotage attack by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-Corbis-NASA-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal by causing the external mounted Orbital Sciences Pegasus space satellite booster rocket to explode and fatally disable our aircraft ) is 14317 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/13/2005 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Bill & Melinda Gates transaction & all Bill Gates activity & all City of Seattle activity ) is 14317 days
From 4/16/1955 ( premiere US film "The Hole Idea" ) To 6/27/1994 ( United States Navy Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan the pilot and plane crash survivor along with me Kerry Wayne Burgess - circa 1990 also known for official duty as Wayne Newman the Deputy United States Marshal and then as Chief Deputy United States Marshal and the active duty commissioned officer of the United States Marine Corps - and the other Lockheed L-1011 aircraft passengers and crew murdered in a scheduled terrorism-sabotage attack by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-Corbis-NASA-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal by causing the external mounted Orbital Sciences Pegasus space satellite booster rocket to explode and fatally disable our aircraft ) is 14317 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/13/2005 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Bill & Melinda Gates transaction & all Bill Gates activity & all City of Seattle activity ) is 14317 days
From 11/9/1978 ( the first flight McDonnell Douglas AV-8B Harrier II ) To 1/13/2005 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Bill & Melinda Gates transaction & all Bill Gates activity & all City of Seattle activity ) is 9562 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/7/1992 ( premiere US TV series "Computer Doctor" ) is 9562 days
From 1/18/1936 ( premiere US film "Air Hoppers" ) To 1/13/2005 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Bill & Melinda Gates transaction & all Bill Gates activity & all City of Seattle activity ) is 25198 days
25198 = 12599 + 12599
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 5/1/2000 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - premiere US film "Gladiator" ) is 12599 days
From 12/25/1991 ( as United States Marine Corps chief warrant officer Kerry Wayne Burgess I was prisoner of war in Croatia ) To 1/13/2005 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Bill & Melinda Gates transaction & all Bill Gates activity & all City of Seattle activity ) is 4768 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/22/1978 ( premiere US film "Same Time, Next Year" ) is 4768 days
From 8/15/1964 ( Melinda French Gates the known active participant of al-Qaida violently against the United States of America ) To 10/27/2003 ( severe RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - premiere US film "The Matrix Revolutions" ) is 14317 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/13/2005 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Bill & Melinda Gates transaction & all Bill Gates activity & all City of Seattle activity ) is 14317 days
From 7/4/1963 ( premiere US film "The Great Escape" ) To 9/14/2002 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - at Overlake hospital in Bellevue Washington State the announced birth of Phoebe Gates the daughter of Melinda Gates and Microsoft Bill Gates the transvestite and Microsoft Bill Gates the 100% female gender as born and Microsoft Bill Gates the Soviet Union prostitute ) is 14317 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/13/2005 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Bill & Melinda Gates transaction & all Bill Gates activity & all City of Seattle activity ) is 14317 days
From 9/25/1957 ( premiere US film "Jet Pilot" ) To 12/6/1996 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - premiere US film "Jerry Maguire" ) is 14317 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/13/2005 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Bill & Melinda Gates transaction & all Bill Gates activity & all City of Seattle activity ) is 14317 days
From 8/13/1957 ( premiere US film "Interpol" ) To 1/13/2005 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Bill & Melinda Gates transaction & all Bill Gates activity & all City of Seattle activity ) is 17320 days
17320 = 8660 + 8660
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/19/1989 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-George Bush kills 111 passengers and crew of United Airlines Flight 232 and destroys the United Airlines Flight 232 aircraft because I was a passenger of United Airlines Flight 232 as United States Navy Petty Officer Second Class Kerry Wayne Burgess and I was assigned to maintain custody of a non-violent offender military prisoner of the United States ) is 8660 days
From 9/26/1959 ( premiere US TV series "Lock Up" ) To 12/7/1998 ( my first day working at Microsoft Corporation as the known official Chief Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and the active duty United States Marine Corps lieutenant colonel circa 1998 ) is 14317 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/13/2005 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Bill & Melinda Gates transaction & all Bill Gates activity & all City of Seattle activity ) is 14317 days
The Seattle Times
Thursday, January 13, 2005
Gates Foundation selects site near Seattle Center for new headquarters
By Bob Young
Seattle Times staff reporter
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has made it official: the nonprofit wants to move its world headquarters to a city-owned 12-acre parcel now used by Seattle Center mainly as a parking lot.
The foundation would pay the city $50.4 million for the triangle-shaped property at Mercer Street and Fifth Avenue. The purchase agreement, which was announced this morning at a news conference, is subject to Seattle City Council approval.
Under the proposed deal, the city would pay $15 million to help construct a 1,000-stall parking garage on the site and would help pay for cleanup of the property's soil and groundwater, which are polluted from its former use as a Metro bus barn and refueling facility. The city would also pay for relocating a skateboard park, basketball court and Seattle Center waste-reduction plant now on the property.
The city would net $22 million from the deal, according to Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels' office. The money will be held for current and future Seattle Center projects, the mayor said.
Patty Stonesifer, president of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, said negotiations with the city were "sometimes difficult," but called the deal "if not a perfect marriage, a perfect partnership." Nickels said having the foundation's campus in Seattle would be a "constant reminder to people that Seattle values human life
Jerry Maguire (1996)
Release Info
USA 6 December 1996 (premiere) (New York City, New York)
Full cast and crew for
Jerry Maguire (1996)
Tom Cruise ... Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire (1996)
Jerry Maguire: But if anybody else wants to come with me, this moment will be the ground floor of something real and fun and inspiring and true in this godforsaken business and we will do it together! Who's coming with me besides... "Flipper" here?
Jerry Maguire (1996)
Jerry Maguire: We live in a cynical world. A cynical world. And we work in a business of tough competitors. I love you. You... complete me.
Jet Pilot (1957)
Release Info
USA 25 September 1957 (Los Angeles, California)
Plot Summary for
Jet Pilot (1957)
Air Force Colonel Shannon is assigned to escort defecting Soviet pilot Anna. He falls in love with her, but she is scheming to lure him back to the USSR. But Shannon has a scheme of his own.
Full cast and crew for
Jet Pilot (1957)
John Wayne ... Col. Jim Shannon
1-01 - 33 (Pilot) 10/18/04
1X01 - 33
Original Airdate: January 14, 2005 (USA)
#6: Are you alive?
Helo: Agathon, Carl C. Lieutenant Junior Grade, Colonial Fleet, P.K. 789934...
#6: I know who you are, Helo. It's all right, I'm a friend.
She kisses him and a gunshot is heard. He has been shot in the back an "dies". " Boomer" runs up to Helo.
Helo: Sharon? What are you doing here?
Boomer: Can you walk?
Helo: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I think so. What are you doing here?
Boomer: Just move, mister.
As they walk away another #6 appears flanked by a Cylon, and they just watch the "humans" go.
1-01 - 33 (Pilot) 10/18/04
1X01 - 33
Original Airdate: January 14, 2005 (USA)
Galactica - Viper in Hangar
Crashdown: Boomer, heard the latest?: these Cylons look like us now. Primary fuel?
Boomer: Primary fuel 2-8-9-3 K.R.G.
Crashdown: A marine told one of the pilots that we marooned some guy back on Ragnar because the X.O. thought that he was a cyclon.
Boomer: You know what?: I don't give a frak. Red light on the number-four thruster. Go make a visual I.D., see if it's blocked.
Crashdown: Right.
Tyrol: A little rough on the new E.C.O. Don't you think?
Boomer: He's not my E.C.O. He's some refugee from Triton that I've been saddled with, and I didn't ask you.
Tyrol: Helo's gone, Sharon.
1X02 - WATER
Original Airdate: January 14, 2005 (USA)
Cylon-occupied Caprica
It's pouring and Helo is watching through binoculars a Raptor crawling with Cylons.
Helo: Well, they found your Raptor.
Caprica Boomer: A few or a lot?
Helo: That's what you get for coming back for me.
Caprica Boomer: Frak!
Helo: Yeah.
Caprica Boomer: I was sure they didn't track me coming in.
Helo: I know.
Caprica Boomer: I set the jiggers to pulse.
Helo: I'm sure you did.
Caprica Boomer: I didn't set off any detection grids, any dradis sweeps, pingers...
Helo: Never send a pilot to do an E.C.O.'s job.
Caprica Boomer: I can do your job.
Helo: Well, I guess that's why the toasters are crawling all over our ride outta here. I don't suppose we have a plan "B".
Caprica Boomer: Plans "B", "C", "D" and "E" are the same as plan "A": get off the planet and get back to the ship, come on. (pulls him away)
Helo: Where're we going?
Caprica Boomer: Don't ask questions, just follow your pilot.
Helo: Yes, sir.
1X02 - WATER
Original Airdate: January 14, 2005 (USA)
Cylon-occupied Caprica
It's still raining, and Halo & Caprica Boomer are getting wet again.
Caprica Boomer shoots up in the neck with a fix of anti-radiation meds.
Helo: Sharon, careful with that needle. We're running low on anti-radiation meds. (hands her some military ration) Not really mom's home-cooking.
Caprica Boomer: Yeah? Beats eating grass and leaves.
Helo: We'll be cooking up a fine meal of twigs and moss by the end of week.
Caprica Boomer: You spoil me.
Helo: Can I ask you something, Sharon? Why'd you come back for me?
Caprica Boomer: I hate to fly alone.
Helo: C'mon... you disobeyed orders, flew back into this hellhole... I mean, not that I don't appreciate it but... why?
Caprica Boomer: I just couldn't leave you behind. Let's leave it at that.
The sexual tension is dense and they are an inch away from a kiss when they are interrupted by...
Helo: It's Colonial Fleet's signal. I- I can't decode it but it means there's someone.
Caprica Boomer: Someone in the military is still somewhere live and kicking here in Caprica. Ha, ha! Yes!
Helo: Now all we have to do is find them.
Original Airdate: January 21, 2005 (USA)
Caprica - Caprica City
Helo: (calling out) Hello?! Anybody out there?! Anybody wanna help two stranded pilots? That's what I hate about big cities: no one will help you.
Caprica Boomer: No more shouting, you're making me nervous.
Helo: Feel like I'm in a movie.
Caprica Boomer: At least it stopped raining.
Helo: For now.
Caprica Boomer: Where is everyone?
Helo: Somewhere dead... in their beds, at their desks... the ones who weren't killed already probably ran into the hills. Won't do any good. I guess I'm getting a little...
Caprica Boomer: Depressing? Morbid?
Helo: Sorry. Been here longer than you. Wish I could say it gets easier.
Caprica Boomer: There's more.
Helo: Boomer, you might not wanna... (sees a human corpse being eaten by rats and shoots at them) Frakkin' rats... let's go. (but Caprica Boomer is having a breakdown, so he holds her) Hey... hey, come on. Let's just find a hospital, score some anti-radiation meds. Okay? We've only got two days' worth left. Sharon? We've made it this far, we're gonna make it all the way.
Caprica Boomer: Right.
Helo: Damn straight, all the way. We're doin' good, real good. (they walk on) Okay, someone must be watching out for us.
Caprica Doral: (overlooking at them from a balcony) She's good.
Caprica #6: So far.
Caprica Doral: Jealous?
Caprica #6: It's what makes me so sad.
Caprica Doral: They would have destroyed themselves, anyway. They deserve what they got.
Caprica #6: We're the children of humanity; that makes them our parents, in a sense.
Caprica Doral: True. But parents have to die. It's the only way children come into their own.
Computer Basics (1992)
Release Dates
USA 7 January 1992
Computer Doctor: Season 1, Episode 1
Computer Basics (7 Jan. 1992)
Release Date: 7 January 1992 (USA)
AV-8B Harrier II V/STOL Aircraft
First flight: Nov. 9, 1978
Boomer: 127. One two seven.
Woman: Here. Thank the Lords of Kobol. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Boomer: Last one. 47. 47. (Everyone groans, Baltar looks distressed. Helo looks at Baltar, recognizes him.)
Old woman (with glasses perched on top of her head): (to Baltar) Excuse me, I forgot my glasses, I must have left them somewhere. Could you please read this for me? (She has #47.)
Helo: Hey. Aren't you Gaius Baltar?
Baltar: Yeah, I haven't done anything. This lady has ticket number 47. This lady here.
Helo: Could you come up here, please.
Baltar: Here.
Boomer: (to Helo) What are you doing?
Helo: (taking her hand) I'm giving up my seat.
Boomer: Like hell.
Helo: A civilian should take my place.
Boomer: You're going.
Helo: Look at those clouds. Sharon, look at those clouds, and tell me this isn't the end of everything.
Boomer: Helo...
Helo: Whatever future is left is gonna depend on whoever survives. Give me one reason why I'm a better choice than one of the greatest minds of our time.
Biography for
Tahmoh Penikett
Date of Birth
20 May 1975, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada
Forrest Gump (1994)
Lieutenant Daniel Taylor: What's wrong with your lip?
Bubba: I was born with big gums, sir.
Lieutenant Daniel Taylor: Well, you better tuck that in. Gonna get that caught on a tripwire.
Battlestar Galactica Episode 1
AIRED: 12/8/03
Jun 29, 1995:
U.S. space shuttle docks with Russian space station
On this day in 1995, the American space shuttle Atlantis docks with the Russian space station Mir
Helo: I'm in. That's you, XO. (He's says something to Starbuck.)
Starbuck: Ohhh, Helo. When you gonna learn? First you're flying with rooks, and then... (Boomer hits her)
Boomer: Hey.
Starbuck: And then you're betting against Starbuck. (Helo makes a 'bring it on' gesture.)
Tigh: Starbuck. That's a good call sign. Starbuck-buck-buck-buck-buck-buck-buck. (Making it sound like a chicken clucking.) Where'd you get that nickname, anyway? Was that before you were thrown in the brink for drunk and disorderly as a cadet, or after?
Starbuck: After.
Tigh: After, that's right, it was... after.
Helo: I'm in. Thanks to you, XO.
Starbuck: (not amused) How's the wife?
Boomer: Too early for that kind of money.
Helo: Hey. Check out that pyramid game on Geminon?
CAG: What were you doing on Geminon?
(The camera is swinging around the table; Tigh and Starbuck are glaring at each other.)
Helo: There's a girl there I know.
Boomer: What girl don't you know?
(Back with Helo and Boomer - the Cylons fire on them)
Helo: Two missiles, now.
Boomer: Jam the warheads.
Helo: I'm trying. Can't find the frequency, drop the swallows.
Boomer: Got two left. (They fire a decoy; one of the missiles goes for it and explodes) Dammit. Come on.
Helo: Oh, frak.
Boomer: What?
Helo: Check the screen ahead.
Boomer: Guess we found the main fight.
Helo: Missile, lock!
Boomer: We've got one left. (They fire it; missile explodes, but some shrapnel hits the ship. It rips through the hull and catches Helo in the leg.)
Helo: Ahh!
Boomer: We're hit!
Helo: No, really?
Boomer: Helo. (He seals the hole.) Okay? Are you okay?
Helo: Present.
Boomer: Stay with me. Okay, we have a fuel leak. We have to put it down and repair it. Nearest world is Caprica.
Helo: (bandaging his leg) Lot of company between us and there.
Boomer: Yeah. (shuts off the power)
Helo: So we're cruising?
Boomer: Best way to avoid attracting attention. No power signature, go in a straight line. Unless somebody actually gets close enough to see us, we just look like a chunk of debris on the sensors. I think we have enough inertia to make it to Caprica's ionosphere. Then we power up, find a place to land.
Helo: Nice. Nice thinkin' there.
(In the distance, the explosions continue on Caprica.)
Helo: Whatever future is left is gonna depend on whoever survives. Give me one reason why I'm a better choice than one of the greatest minds of our time.
Boomer: Helo-
Helo: You can do this without me. I know you can, you've proven it.
Boomer: Get on board. (They get on board; the crowd objects.)
Helo: I think you better go. (to the crowd) Stay back. Stay back! It's over, it's over.
(Baltar sees Six in the crowd - he looks again and she's gone.)
(Boomer starts to take off. A man climbs onto the side of the ship and Helo shoots him. He and Boomer wave at each other as she leaves.)
Biography for
James Morrison
Date of Birth
21 April 1954, Bountiful, Utah, USA
Space: Above and Beyond Season 1 Episode 1
Pilot (1)
AIRED: 9/24/95
Pilot (1995)
Release Dates
USA 24 September 1995
Space: Above and Beyond: Season 1, Episode 1
Pilot (24 Sep. 1995)
James Morrison ... Lt. Col. Tyrus Cassius 'T.C.' McQueen
When an Earth outpost 16 light-years away is destroyed by an unknown alien force, a group of young United States Marine Corps Space Aviators find themselves on the front lines of an intergalactic battle in an attempt to save their home planet.
Release Date: 24 September 1995 (USA)
Full cast and crew for
Ready or Not (2002)
James Morrison ... Maj. Gen. Lucas West
JAG Season 8 Episode 8
Ready or Not
Mac: You make a mistake as a lawyer, you recover. You knock one into the woods as a judge, it goes on the scorecard.
Ready or Not (2002)
Release Dates
USA 12 November 2002
JAG Season 8 Episode 8
Ready or Not
Harm doesn't have much hope in his defense of a two-star general court-martialed for disobedience and reckless endangerment during a wargame. His job is made more complicated when, in a rare move, Mac is appointed as the judge.
Plot Summary for
Ready or Not (2002)
A Marine general stands trial in a court-martial - by his own request - for alleged reckless and multiple acts of disobedience - all during a war game. Sturgis prosecutes, Harm defends, and Mac sits on the bench. Internal friction pops up during the trial. An important piece of evidence reaches Harm at the 11th hour. The dispute at issue turns out to be a personal vendetta between two generals. Justice prevails.
JAG Season 8 Episode 8
Ready or Not
Mac: Can't we bury the hatchet for one day?
Harm: I'd love to, but first I'd have to pull it out of my client's head, where you left it.
JAG Season 8 Episode 8
Ready or Not
Mac (about General West): He has a reputation for being a cowboy.
Harm: He sounds like the kind of officer you'd want on your side during wartime.
Admiral Chegwidden: Apparently not during a war game.
Ready or Not (2002)
Cmdr. Harmon 'Harm' Rabb, Jr.: With any other judge, I'd have won this case days ago.
Lt. Col. Sarah MacKenzie: I'm sorry I'm not complying with your schedule.
Cmdr. Harmon 'Harm' Rabb, Jr.: Every time I work in an advantage, you slap me down.
Lt. Col. Sarah MacKenzie: Because you ask for it.
Cmdr. Harmon 'Harm' Rabb, Jr.: You're relentless, you know that?
Lt. Col. Sarah MacKenzie: Hmm. So I've heard. I'm the hanging judge. The source of all your problems, right?
Full cast and crew for
"NCIS" Eye Spy (2004)
"NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service" Eye Spy (original title)
James Morrison ... CIA Director Roper
Eye Spy (2004)
Ben Richmond: Are you insinuating I had something to do with Tom Egan's death?
Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs: I try so hard not to insinuate, don't I Kate?
Agent Caitlin 'Kate' Todd: You rarely insinuate, Gibbs.
Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs: Yeah, all I'm doing now is taking your records.
Ben Richmond: I'm calling my legal counsel!
Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs: I would bet that he would insinuate plenty.
Eye Spy (2004)
Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs: I think he had concerns about performance.
CIA Director Roper: Well you're WRONG!
Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs: [turning to Kate] I try so *hard*... not to be wrong, don't I, Kate?
Agent Caitlin 'Kate' Todd: You're very conscientious in that regard, Gibbs.
Official Website of the UNITED STATES NAVY
090731-N-1325N-001 KITSAP, Wash. (July 31, 2009) The Ohio-class ballistic missile submarine USS Alabama (SSBN 731) cycles it's missile hatches during the ships return from a deterrent patrol while the tugs Catahecassa and Mitchell Herbert guide the submarine to be moored at the Delta Pier on board Naval Base Kitsap. (U.S. Navy photo by Ray Narimatsu/Released)
Green Gold (1956)
Release Dates
USA 18 February 1956
A Missed Fortune (1952)
Release Dates
USA 3 January 1952
Full cast and crew for
A Missed Fortune (1952)
Shemp Howard ... Shemp (as Shemp)
Larry Fine ... Larry (as Larry)
Moe Howard ... Moe (as Moe)
Plot Summary for
A Missed Fortune (1952)
Shemp wins $50,000 in a radio contest and the stooges move into the Hotel Costa Plente where they live it up and wreck their fancy suite. While they wait for the prize money to arrive, the boys are pursued by three gold-digging dames after their winnings. When the check arrives however, it's only for $4.85 after tax deductions.
Bill & Melinda Gates foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Selects Seattle Center Site for New Headquarters
City of Seattle, foundation plan to enter into purchase agreement
SEATTLE -- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today announced the selection of a site owned by the City of Seattle and located adjacent to Seattle Center for its new headquarters building. After an extensive property search, the foundation picked a site that will reflect the foundation’s ongoing work in the community and around the world. The site, currently a parking lot operated by Seattle Center, is located along 5th Avenue North across the street from Memorial Stadium. Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels and foundation president and co-chair Patty Stonesifer made the announcement today at Seattle Center.
The agreed fair market purchase price is $50.4 million
Kleptomaniacs (1917)
Release Dates
USA 2 May 1917
Identity Unknown (1945)
Release Dates
USA 2 April 1945
Plot Summary for
Identity Unknown (1945)
A soldier survives a bombing in which his three fellow soldiers were killed. When he recovers he discovers he has amnesia, and since his companions' bodies were burned beyond recognition, the army doesn't know which one of the four he is. He goes AWOL and searches out the families of the three dead soldiers, hoping to find out his own identity.
Sailing All Seas (1977)
Release Dates
USA 27 October 1977
Sunset Blvd. (1950)
Release Dates
USA 10 August 1950 (premiere) (New York City, New York)
Plot Summary for
Sunset Blvd. (1950)
The story, set in '50s Hollywood, focuses on Norma Desmond, a silent-screen goddess whose pathetic belief in her own indestructibility has turned her into a demented recluse. The crumbling Sunset Boulevard mansion where she lives with only her butler, Max who was once her director and husband has become her self-contained world. Norma dreams of a comeback to pictures and she begins a relationship with Joe Gillis, a small-time writer who becomes her lover, that will soon end with murder and total madness.
Full cast and crew for
Sunset Blvd. (1950)
William Holden ... Joe Gillis
Sunset Blvd. (1950)
Joe Gillis: [narrating] Well, this is where you came in, back at that pool again, the one I always wanted. It's dawn now and they must have photographed me a thousand times. Then they got a couple of pruning hooks from the garden and fished me out... ever so gently. Funny, how gentle people get with you once you're dead.
Bill & Melinda Gates foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Selects Seattle Center Site for New Headquarters
City of Seattle, foundation plan to enter into purchase agreement
SEATTLE -- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today announced the selection of a site owned by the City of Seattle and located adjacent to Seattle Center for its new headquarters building. After an extensive property search, the foundation picked a site that will reflect the foundation’s ongoing work in the community and around the world. The site, currently a parking lot operated by Seattle Center, is located along 5th Avenue North across the street from Memorial Stadium. Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels and foundation president and co-chair Patty Stonesifer made the announcement today at Seattle Center.
The agreed fair market purchase price is $50.4 million
Jack Slade (1953)
Release Dates
USA 8 November 1953
Plot Summary for
Jack Slade (1953)
A twelve year old Joey Slade sees his father gunned down in front of him and decides that he will dedicate his life to ridding society of all outlaws. He assumes the name Jack and as an adult takes on hired gun type jobs in order to achieve his revenge.
Ballistic trauma
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The term ballistic trauma refers to a form of physical trauma sustained from the discharge of arms or munitions. The most common forms of ballistic trauma stem from firearms used in armed conflicts
The degree of tissue disruption caused by a projectile is related to the size of the temporary versus permanent cavity it creates as it passes through tissue.
Non-fatal gunshot wounds frequently have severe and long-lasting effects, even after the victim has made a successful recovery. Typically, the consequences involve some form of major disfigurement and/or permanent disability.
The Return of Jack Slade (1955)
Release Dates
USA 9 October 1955
You Are There Season 4 Episode 4
The Rescue of the American Prisoners from Santo Tomas
The date is February 3, 1945 and you are there. Hosted by Walter Cronkite.
AIRED: 10/9/55
Just What I Needed (1955)
Release Dates
USA 16 April 1955
The Hole Idea (1955)
Release Dates
USA 16 April 1955
Plot Summary for
The Hole Idea (1955)
Meek, little inventor Calvin Q. Calculus defies the ranting of his battle-ax wife and invents a portable hole, which will revolutionize dog bone storage, rescue of babies from safes, and golfer putts. But a thief steals Calculus' supply of portable holes and uses them to go on a crime spree.
The Hole Idea (1955)
Calvin Q. Calculus: I invented the portable hole for the good of humanity. But let us all hope it will never be used for evil purposes.
The Hole Idea (1955)
[last lines]
[Prof. Calculus throws a portable hole on the floor, which causes his wife to fall down straight to hell; the devil comes out carrying her out of hell]
The Devil: Isn't it bad enough down there without her?
Stakeout (1959)
Release Dates
USA 26 September 1959
Lock Up: Season 1, Episode 1
Stakeout (26 Sep. 1959)
Robert Arnold, an ex-con who's "gone straight," is at the scene of a drug store hold-up by a former cell-mate that leaves one cop dead. To clear Arnold's name, Maris goes in search of the killer
Release Date: 26 September 1959 (USA)
It's Only Money (1962)
Release Dates
USA 21 November 1962
Plot Summary for
It's Only Money (1962)
Lester is a clumsy and awkward TV repair man who is nevertheless gifted technically. In helping out a friend, he is drawn into a mystery involving a missing heir in a rich family. He begins to notice little things, like how much those family portraits look like him. Surely..no..he can't be...can he ?
Full cast and crew for
It's Only Money (1962)
Jerry Lewis ... Lester March
Release Dates
USA 27 October 2003 (premiere) (Los Angeles, California)
Full cast and crew for
The Matrix Revolutions (2003)
Laurence Fishburne ... Morpheus
Keanu Reeves ... Neo
Melinda Gates biography
Melinda Gates was born on August 15, 1964 in Dallas, Texas. She joined Microsoft in 1987 and married Bill Gates in 1994.
-The French army is-- -To hell with you.
And to hell with the French army.
We don't need them.
We got Benjamin Martin. We know what he done to the French.
Encyclopædia Britannica
Melinda Gates
ARTICLE from the Encyclopædia Britannica
Melinda Gates, née Melinda Ann French (born Aug. 15, 1964, Dallas, Texas, U.S.), American businesswoman and philanthropist who—with her husband, Microsoft Corporation cofounder Bill Gates
Friends (1994) | TV Series [ The One with the Stripper (2001) ]
We'll just let the machine get that.
Ross, it's Joey. There's a hooker here.
We thought you'd know something about it.
The Internet Movie Database
Biography for
Melinda Gates
Date of Birth
15 August 1964
Same Time, Next Year (1978)
Release Dates
USA 22 November 1978 (New York City, New York)
Same Time, Next Year (1978)
George: I'm a married man with three children.
Doris: Three? I thought you said two.
George: I thought it would make me seem less married.
12 hours ago [ RETRIEVED 5 AM Pactific Time USA 13 June 2013 ]
NSA director: 'Dozens' of terrorist plots foiled by surveillance programs
By Andrew Rafferty, Staff Writer, NBC News
The expansive government surveillance programs made public last week have helped prevent "dozens" of terrorist attacks, National Security Agency Director Keith Alexander told a Senate committee Wednesday.
It is unclear, however, what specific surveillance practices helped thwart the alleged plots.
Same Time, Next Year (1978)
Doris: [after nearly getting caught by the in-keeper] Oh, good, he didn't ask about the girdle.
George: What?
Doris: The girdle!
George: [looks down, notices her girdle poking out of his pocket] Oh, great! Now he probably thinks I'm a homo!
Tuesday, September 17, 2002
Local Digest
SEATTLE — Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda, are parents for the third time.
Phoebe Adelle Gates was born Saturday at Overlake Hospital Medical Center in Bellevue.
Gladiator (2000)
Maximus: Are you not entertained? Are you not entertained?
Gladiator (2000)
Release Dates
USA 1 May 2000 (premiere) (Los Angeles, California)
Full cast and crew for
Gladiator (2000)
Russell Crowe ... Maximus
Gladiator (2000)
Commodus: The general who became a slave. The slave who became a gladiator. The gladiator who defied an emperor. Striking story! But now, the people want to know how the story ends. Only a famous death will do. And what could be more glorious than to challenge the Emperor himself in the great arena?
Maximus: You would fight me?
Commodus: Why not? Do you think I am afraid?
Maximus: I think you've been afraid all your life.
Gladiator (2000)
[to his men before a battle]
Maximus: Three weeks from now, I will be harvesting my crops. Imagine where you will be, and it will be so.
Siouxland Chamber of Commerce
Things To Do & See > Local Attractions > Flight 232 Memorial
Flight 232 Memorial
Commemorating the heroic rescue efforts shown by the Sioux City community after the crash of United Flight 232 in 1989, this statue depicts Colonel Dennis Nielsen carrying a young child to safety. The memorial is part of Sioux City's riverfront development located near the Anderson Dance Pavilion.
The memorial features contemplative areas and a tree-lined approach with plaques narrating the tragic event.
Gladiator (2000)
Proximo: Congratulations, you have very persuasive friends.
Lucilla: My brother's had Gracchus arrested. We daren't wait any longer. We must leave tonight. Proximo will be here t midnight and take you to the gate. Your servant, Cicero will be waiting there with horses.
[Maximus nods]
Maximus: You have done all this?
Lucilla: Yes.
Maximus: [sighs] You risk too much.
Lucilla: I have much to pay for.
[Maximus shakes his head]
Maximus: You have nothing to pay for. You love your son, you are strong for him.
Lucilla: I am tired of being strong.(sighs) My brother hates all the world and you most of all.
Maximus: Because your father chose me.
Lucilla: No because my father loved you... and because I loved you.
Maximus: A long time ago.
Gladiator (2000)
Lucius Verus: I like you Spaniard, and I shall cheer for you.
Maximus: They let you watch the games?
Lucius Verus: My uncle says it makes me strong.
Maximus: And what does your father say?
Lucius Verus: My father's dead.
Release dates for
The Great Escape (1963)
Country Date
USA 4 July 1963
Full cast and crew for
The Great Escape (1963)
Steve McQueen ... Hilts 'The Cooler King'
Bill & Melinda Gates foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Selects Seattle Center Site for New Headquarters
City of Seattle, foundation plan to enter into purchase agreement
SEATTLE -- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today announced the selection of a site owned by the City of Seattle and located adjacent to Seattle Center for its new headquarters building. After an extensive property search, the foundation picked a site that will reflect the foundation’s ongoing work in the community and around the world. The site, currently a parking lot operated by Seattle Center, is located along 5th Avenue North across the street from Memorial Stadium. Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels and foundation president and co-chair Patty Stonesifer made the announcement today at Seattle Center.
The agreed fair market purchase price is $50.4 million
It's Only Money (1962)
Release Dates
USA 21 November 1962
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Thursday, October 09, 2008 Posted by H.V.O.M at 2:07 PM
I remember well that day 2/1/2002.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 9 October 2008 excerpt ends]
Bill & Melinda Gates foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Selects Seattle Center Site for New Headquarters
City of Seattle, foundation plan to enter into purchase agreement
SEATTLE -- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today announced the selection of a site owned by the City of Seattle and located adjacent to Seattle Center for its new headquarters building. After an extensive property search, the foundation picked a site that will reflect the foundation’s ongoing work in the community and around the world. The site, currently a parking lot operated by Seattle Center, is located along 5th Avenue North across the street from Memorial Stadium. Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels and foundation president and co-chair Patty Stonesifer made the announcement today at Seattle Center.
The agreed fair market purchase price is $50.4 million
Release dates for
Girls! Girls! Girls! (1962)
Country Date
USA 21 November 1962
Full cast and crew for
Girls! Girls! Girls! (1962)
Elvis Presley ... Ross Carpenter
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Thursday, October 09, 2008 Posted by H.V.O.M at 2:07 PM
I remember well that day 2/1/2002.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 9 October 2008 excerpt ends]
What did you feel|when you saw him?
I felt nothing.
He wounded you deeply, didn't he?
No more than I wounded him.
They lied to me in Germania.
They told me he was dead.
Ifthey lie to me,|they don't respect me.
Ifthey don't respect me,|how can they ever love me?
Then you must|let the legions know...
their treachery...
will not go unpunished.
Poor sister.
I wouldn't want to be your enemy.
What will you do?
This way.
Rich matrons pay well to be pleasured|by the bravest champions.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: August 7, 2006
For example, Melinda Gates knows only too well what "Microsoft" really means.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 07 August 2006 excerpt ends]
Air Hoppers (1936)
Release Dates
USA 18 January 1936
Parents on Trial (1939)
Release Dates
USA 21 September 1939 (premiere)
The Internet Movie Database
Memorable quotes for
Armageddon (1998)
General Kimsey: Was I talkin' to you?
Two Bright Boys (1939)
Release Dates
USA 21 September 1939 (New York City, New York)
Modern Methods (1939)
Release Dates
USA 15 July 1939
Tom Clancy
"What is all this?" the woman demanded of Dr. Archer.
"It's a medical test," Barbara replied, filling out the form. "You volunteered for it, remember? We're paying you for this, and after it's over you can go back home."
"When did I do that?"
"Last week," Dr. Archer told her.
"I don't remember."
"Well, you did. We have your signature on the consent form. And we're taking good care of you, aren't we?"
"I feel dopey all the time."
"That's normal," Dr. Archer assured her. "It's nothing to worry about."
She-Subject F4-was a legal secretary. Three of the women subjects were that, which was mildly troubling to Dr. Archer. What if the lawyers they worked for called the police? Letters of resignation had been sent, with the signatures expertly forged, and plausible explanations for the supposed event included in the text of the letters. Maybe it would hold up. In any case, the kidnappings had been expertly done, and nobody here would talk to anybody about it, would they?
Subject F4 was nude, and sitting in a comfortable cloth-covered chair. Fairly attractive, though she needed to lose about ten pounds, Archer thought. The physical examination had revealed nothing unusual. Blood pressure was normal. Blood chemistry showed slightly elevated cholesterol, but nothing to worry about. She appeared to be a normal, healthy, twenty-six-year-old female. The interview for her medical history was similarly unremarkable. She was not a virgin, of course, having had twelve lovers over the nine years of her sexual activity. One abortion carried out at age twenty by her gynecologist, after which she'd practiced safe sex. She had a current love interest, but he was out of town for a few weeks on business, and she suspected that he had another woman in his life anyway.
"Okay, that about does it, Mary." Archer stood and smiled. "Thank you for your cooperation."
"Can I get dressed now?"
"First there's something we want you to do. Please walk through the green door. There's a fogging system in there. You'll find it feels nice and cool. Your clothes will be on the other side. You can get dressed there."
"Okay." Subject F4 rose and did as she was told. Inside the sealed room was - nothing, really. She stood there in drugged puzzlement for a few seconds, noting that it was hot in there, over ninety degrees, but then invisible spray ports in the wall sent out a mist… fog, something like that, which cooled her down instantly and comfortably for about ten seconds. Then the fog stopped, and the far door clicked open. As promised, there was a dressing room there, and she donned her green jamms, then walked out into the corridor, where a security guard waved her to the door at the far end - he never got closer than ten feet - back to the dormitory, where lunch was waiting. Meals were pretty good here, and after meals she always felt like a nap.
"Feeling bad, Pete?" Dr. Killgore asked in a different part of the building.
"Must be the flu or something. I feel beat-up all over, and I can't keep anything down." Even the booze, he didn't say, though that was especially disconcerting for the alcoholic. Booze was the one thing he could always keep down.
"Okay, let's give it a look, then." Killgore stood, donning a mask and putting on latex gloves for his examination. "Gotta take a blood sample, okay?"
"Sure, doc."
Killgore did that very carefully indeed, giving him the usual stick inside the elbow, and filling four five-cc test tubes. Next he checked Pete's eyes, mouth, and did the normal prodding, which drew a reaction over the subject's liver
"Ouch! That hurts, doc."
"Oh? Doesn't feel very different from before, Pete. How's it hurt?" he asked, feeling the liver, which, as in most alcoholics, felt like a soft brick. "Like you just stabbed me with a knife, doc. Real sore there."
"Sorry, Pete. How about here?" the physician asked, probing lower with both hands.
"Not as sharp, but it hurts a little. Somethin' I ate, maybe?"
"Could be. I wouldn't worry too much about it," Killgore replied. Okay, this one was symptomatic, a few days earlier than expected, but small irregularities were to be expected. Pete was one of the healthier subjects, but alcoholics were never really what one could call healthy. So, Pete would be Number 2. Bad luck, Pete, Killgore thought. "Let me give you something to take the edge off."
The doctor turned and pulled open a drawer on the wall cabinet. Five milligrams, he thought, filling the plastic syringe to the right line, then turning and sticking the vein on the back of the hand.
"Oooh!" Pete said a few seconds later. "Oooh… that feels okay. Lot better, doc. Thanks." The rheumy eyes went wide, then relaxed.
Heroin was a superb analgesic, and best of all, it gave its recipient a dazzling rush in the first few seconds, then reduced him to a comfortable stupor for the next few hours. So, Pete would feel just fine for a while. Killgore helped him stand, then sent him back. Next he took the blood samples off for testing. In thirty minutes, he was sure. The antibody tests still showed positive, and microscopic examination showed what the antibodies were fighting against… and losing to.
Only two years earlier, people had tried to infect America with the natural version of this bug, this "shepherd's crook," some called it. It had been somewhat modified in the genetic-engineering lab with the addition of cancer DNA to make this negative-strand RNA virus more robust, but that was really like putting a raincoat on the bug. The best news of all was that the genetic engineering had more than tripled the latency period. Once thought to be four to ten days, now it was almost a month. Maggie really knew her stuff, and she'd even picked the right name for it. Shiva was one nasty little son of a bitch. It had killed Chester-well, the potassium had done that, but Chester had been doomed-and it was now starting to kill Pete. There would be no merciful help for this one. Pete would be allowed to live until the disease took his life. His physical condition was close enough to normal that they'd work to see what good supportive care could do to fight off the effects of the Ebola-Shiva. Probably nothing, but they had to establish that. Nine remaining primary test subjects, and then eleven more on the other side of the building-they would be the real test. They were all healthy, or so the company thought. They'd be testing both the method of primary transmission and the viability of Shiva as a plague agent, plus the utility of the vaccines Steve Berg had isolated the previous week.
That concluded Killgore's work for the day. He made his way outside. The evening air was chilly and clean and pure - well, as pure as it could be in this part of the world. There were a hundred million cars in the country, all spewing their complex hydrocarbons into the atmosphere. Killgore wondered if he'd be able to tell the difference in two or three years, when all that stopped. In the glow of the building lights, he saw the flapping of bats. Cool, he thought, one rarely saw bats. They must be chasing insects, and he wished his ears could hear the ultrasonic sounds they projected like radar to locate the bugs and intercept them. There would be birds up there, too. Owls especially, magnificent raptors of the night, flying with soft, quiet feathers, finding their way into barns, where they'd catch mice, eat and digest them, and then regurgitate the bones of their prey in compact little capsules. Killgore felt far more kinship for the wild predators than he did for the prey animals. But that was to be expected, wasn't it? He did have kinship with the predators, those wild, magnificent things that killed without conscience, because Mother Nature had no conscience at all. It gave life with one hand, and took it back with the other. The ageless process of life, that had made the earth what it was. Men had tried so hard and so long to change it, but other men now would change it back, quickly and dramatically, and he'd be there to see it. He wouldn't see all the scars fade from the land, and that was too bad, but, he judged, he'd live long enough to see the important things change. Pollution would stop almost completely. The animals would no longer be fettered and poisoned. The sky would clear, and the land would soon be covered with life, as Nature intended, with him and his colleagues to see the magnificence of the transformation. And if the price was high, then the prize it earned was worth it. The earth belonged to those who appreciated and understood her. He was even using one of Nature's methods to take possession albeit with a little human help. If humans could use their science and arts to harm the world, then other humans could use them to fix it. Chester and Pete would not have understood, but then, they'd never understood much of anything, had they?
Bill & Melinda Gates foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Selects Seattle Center Site for New Headquarters
City of Seattle, foundation plan to enter into purchase agreement
SEATTLE -- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today announced the selection of a site owned by the City of Seattle and located adjacent to Seattle Center for its new headquarters building. After an extensive property search, the foundation picked a site that will reflect the foundation’s ongoing work in the community and around the world. The site, currently a parking lot operated by Seattle Center, is located along 5th Avenue North across the street from Memorial Stadium. Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels and foundation president and co-chair Patty Stonesifer made the announcement today at Seattle Center.
The agreed fair market purchase price is $50.4 million
Stakeout (1959)
Release Dates
USA 26 September 1959
Lock Up: Season 1, Episode 1
Stakeout (26 Sep. 1959)
Robert Arnold, an ex-con who's "gone straight," is at the scene of a drug store hold-up by a former cell-mate that leaves one cop dead. To clear Arnold's name, Maris goes in search of the killer
Release Date: 26 September 1959 (USA)
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2006 14:41:06 -0800 (PST)
From: "Kerry Burgess"
Subject: domestic eavesdropping program
To: "Kerry Burgess"
On the very day I started at Microsoft, December 7, 1998, the state of South Carolina announced they were dropping out of the antitrust lawsuit against Microsoft.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 08 February 2006 excerpt ends]
"Float On"
We both got fired on the exactly the same day
The Seattle Times Search
Monday, December 7, 1998
Gates: Smile Would Have Helped, But He Told Truth
By James V. Grimaldi
Seattle Times Washington Bureau
WASHINGTON - Bill Gates said he wished he'd smiled more during his videotaped deposition taken before the Microsoft antitrust trial started, but that he stands by all of his answers' to questions posed by government prosecutors.
Gates, speaking to reporters here via satellite today, doused speculation that Microsoft lawyers would call him a witness. He challenged the government to put him on the stand. So far, neither side has him on the witness list.
Ponder Smith's Deceit, Jury Told
The Jury That Convicted Susan Smith Of Murder Listened To Arguments On Deciding Her Punishment.
July 25, 1995|By New York Times
UNION, S.C. — While the authorities searched for her young sons, Susan Smith watched herself lie to the nation on a taped television newscast, and even smiled at the television screen, a counselor who had come to help her testified Monday in the penalty phase of Smith's capital murder trial.
The counselor, Margaret Frierson, recalled that Smith's incongruous smile occurred during the final days of her nine days of lies, as news reporters were beginning to speculate that Smith might be involved in the disappearance that she had blamed on a carjacker.
''The family was outraged,'' said Frierson, who works in the Columbia, S.C., office of the Adam Walsh Foundation, a center for missing and exploited children. ''I just seemed to notice Susan smiling to herself as she watched herself on television.''
Waterfront (1939)
Release Dates
USA 15 July 1939
Tom Clancy
"This is Frederick Callaway at the Home Office. We have a possible emergency situation," the civil servant said.
"Okay, where is it?"
"Just up the road from you, I'm afraid, the Hereford hospital. The voice which called in identified itself as Patrick Casey. That is a codename that the PIRA use to designate their operations."
"Hereford Hospital?" John asked, his hand suddenly cold on the phone.
"That is correct."
"Hold for a second. I want to get one of my people on this line." John put his hand over the receiver. "Alice! Get Alistair on this one right now!"
"Yes, John?"
"Mr. Callaway, this is Alistair Stanley, my second-in command. Please repeat what you just told me."
He did so, then added, "The voice identified two hostages by name, a Nurse Clark, and a Dr. Chavez."
"Oh, shit," John breathed. "I'll get Peter's team moving, John," Stanley said.
"Right. Anything else. Mr. Callaway?"
"That is all we have now. The local police superintendent is attempting to gather more information at this time."
"Okay, thank you. You can reach me at this number if you need me." Clark replaced the receiver in its cradle. "Fuck," he said quietly.
His mind was racing. Whoever had scouted out Rainbow had done so for a reason, and those two names had not been an accident. This was a direct challenge to him and his people-and they were using his wife and daughter as a weapon. His next thought was that he would have to pass command over to A1 Stanley, and the next-that his wife and daughter were in mortal danger… and he was helpless.
"Christ," Major Peter Covington muttered over his phone. "Yes, sir. Let me get moving here." He stood and walked into his squad bay. "Attention, we have some business. Everyone get ready to move immediately."
Team-I's members stood and headed to their lockers. It didn't seem like a drill, but they handled it as though it were. Master Chief Mike Chin was the first to be suited up. He came to see his boss, who was just putting on his body armor.
"What gives, skipper?"
"PIRA, local hospital, holding Clark's and Ding's wives as hostages."
"What's that?" Chin asked, blinking his eyes hard.
"You heard me, Mike."
"Oh, shit. Okay." Chin went back into the squad bay. '`Saddle up, people, this ain't no fuckin' drill."
Malloy had just sprinted to his Night Hawk. Sergeant Nance was already there, pulling red-flagged safety pins from their plug points and holding them up for the pilot to confirm the count.
"Looking good, let's start 'er up, Lieutenant."
"Turning one," Harrison confirmed, as Sergeant Nance reboarded the aircraft and strapped on his move-around safety belt, then shifted to the left-side door to check the tail of the Night Hawk.
"Tail rotor is clear, Colonel."
Malloy acknowledged that information as he watched his engine instruments spooling up. Then he keyed his radio again. "Command, this is Bear, we are turnin' and burnin'. What do you want us to do, over?"
"Bear, this is Five," Stanley's voice came back, to Malloy's surprise. "Lift off and orbit the local hospital. That is the site of the current incident."
"Say again, Five, over."
"Bear, we have subjects holding the local hospital. They are holding Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Chavez as hostages. They've identified both of them by name. Your orders are to lift off and orbit the hospital."
"Roger, copy that. Bear is lifting off now." His left hand pulled the collective, climbing the Sikorsky into the sky.
"Did I hear that right, Colonel?" Harrison asked.
"You must have. Fuck," the Marine observed. Somebody was grabbing the tiger by the balls, Malloy thought. He looked down to see a pair of trucks speeding off the base, heading in the same direction as he. That would be Covington and Team-1, he thought. With a little more reflection, he took the Night Hawk to four thousand feet, called the local air-traffic-control center to tell them what he was doing, and got a transponder code so that they could track him properly.
There were four police vehicles thereon, blocking the access to the hospital parking lots but doing nothing else, Popov saw through his binoculars. The constables inside were just looking, all standing outside their cars, two of them holding revolvers but not pointing them at anything but the ground.
In one truck, Covington relayed the information he had. In the other, Chin did it. The troopers were as shocked as they had ever allowed themselves to be, having considered themselves and their families to be ipso facto immune to this sort of thing because nobody had ever been foolish enough to try something like this. You might walk up to a lion cage and prod him with a stick, but not when there weren't any bars between you and him. And you never ever messed with the lion's cubs, did you? Not if you wanted to be alive at sundown.
10.45am update
Queen 'ashen-faced' after rescue from freezing river
Staff and agencies
guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 9 October 2002 05.54 EDT
The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh were rescued last night when their boat broke down in freezing temperatures on Winnipeg's Red River.
The elderly royal couple, on a golden jubilee tour of Canada, were crossing the river in a water taxi when its engine failed last night.
A second water taxi, travelling behind the royal boat, had to be lashed to the stricken vessel to tow it to safety and the royals' destination.
As the 76-year-old Queen climbed ashore with her husband, who is an admiral, she said: "That was interesting."
Both Philip, 81, and the Queen appeared to be suffering from the cold, with temperatures, barely above freezing, worsened by a chill wind.
Before boarding the boat at Winnipeg's The Forks - where the Red River meets the River Assiniboine - bound for Tache Quay at Saint-Boniface, the royals had sat through a 30-minute outdoor cultural display.
Philip looked frozen and furious while the Queen, in a woollen grey coat, was ashen-faced.
They were not offered rugs to keep them warm as they sat on a dais on the banks of the Red River.
Planet of the Apes
Get me a collar and leash.|I'm taking him out of here.
- He's vicious. Besides, it's against the rules.|- Do as I say!
You... wouldn't hurt me, would you,
It's a stunt. Humans can't write.
Dear, you're a scientist.|Don't you believe your own eyes?
Where did you learn to do this?
Public School."
"Fort Wayne, Indiana."
- Back on that planet you say you came from?
Final Countdown The
This is the captain. Now hear this, men.
We've been through it once, we're going through it again.
Prepare for approaching storm.
Planet of the Apes
Dr Zira, would you tell...|Bright Eyes to be quiet?
- My name is Taylor.
The Man from Sundown (1939)
Release Dates
USA 15 July 1939
Tom Clancy
In one truck, Covington relayed the information he had. In the other, Chin did it. The troopers were as shocked as they had ever allowed themselves to be, having considered themselves and their families to be ipso facto immune to this sort of thing because nobody had ever been foolish enough to try something like this. You might walk up to a lion cage and prod him with a stick, but not when there weren't any bars between you and him. And you never ever messed with the lion's cubs, did you? Not if you wanted to be alive at sundown. This was family for all of them. Attacking the wife of the Rainbow commander was a slap in all their faces, an act of incomprehensible arrogance-and Chavez's wife was pregnant. She represented two innocent lives, both of them belonging to one of the people with whom they exercised every morning and with whom they had the occasional pint in the evening, a fellow soldier, one of their team. They all flipped on their radios and sat back, holding their individual weapons, allowing their thoughts to wander, but not very far.
"Al, I have to let you run this operation," John said, standing by his desk and preparing to leave. Dr. Bellow was in the room, along with Bill Tawney.
"I understand, John. You know how good Peter and his team are."
A long breath. "Yeah." There wasn't much of anything else to say right then.
Stanley turned to the others. "Bill?"
"They used the right codename. `Patrick Casey' is not known to the press. It's a name they use to let us know that their operation is real-usually used with bomb threats and such. Paul?"
"Identifying your wife and daughter is a direct challenge to us. They're telling us that they know about Rainbow, that they know who we are, and, of course, who you are, John. They're announcing their expertise and their willingness to go all the way." The psychiatrist shook his head. "But if they're really PIRA, that means they're Catholic. I can work on that. Let's get me out there and establish contact, shall we?"
Tim Noonan was already in his personal car, his tactical gear in the back. At least this was easy for him. There were two cell-phone nodes in the Hereford area, and he'd been to both of them while experimenting with his lock-out software. He drove to the farther of the two first. It was a fairly typical setup, the usual candelabra tower standing in a fenced enclosure with a truck type trailer-called a caravan over here, he remembered. A car was parked just outside. Noonan pulled alongside and hopped out without bothering to lock it up. Ten seconds later, he pulled open the door to the caravan.
"What's this?" the technician inside asked.
"I'm from Hereford. We're taking this cell off-line right now."
"Says who?"
"Says me!" Noonan turned so that the guy could see the holstered pistol on his hip. "Call your boss. He knows who I am and what I do." And with no further talk, Noonan walked to the master-power panel and flipped the breaker, killing transmissions from the tower. Then he sat in front of the computer control system and inserted the floppy disk he'd carried in his shirt pocket. Two mouse clicks and forty seconds later the system was modified. Only a number with a 777 prefix would be accepted now.
The technician didn't have a clue, but did have the good sense not to dispute the matter with a man carrying a gun.
"Anybody at the other one-on the other side of town?" Noonan asked.
"No, that would be me if there's a problem-but there isn't."
"Keys." Noonan held his hand out.
"I can't do that. I mean, I do not have authorization to-"
"Call your boss right now," the FBI agent suggested, handing him the land-line receiver.
Covington jumped out of the truck near where some commercial trucks were parked. The police had established a perimeter to keep the curious at bay. He trotted over to what appeared to be the senior cop at the site.
"There they are," Sean Grady said over his phone to Timmy O'Neil. "Sure, and they responded quickly. Ever so formidable they look," he added. "How are things inside?"
"Too many people for us to control properly, Sean. I have the twins in the main lobby, Jimmy here with me, and Daniel is patrolling upstairs."
"What of your hostages?"
"The women, you mean? They're sitting on the floor. The young one is very pregnant, Sean. She could have it today, looks like."
"Try to avoid that, lad," Grady advised, with a smile. Things were going according to his plan, and the clock was running. The bloody soldiers had even parked their trucks within twenty meters of his own. It could scarcely have been better.
Houston's first name wasn't really Sam-his mother had named him Mortimer, after a favored uncle-but the current moniker had been laid on him during boot camp at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, eleven years before, and he hadn't objected. His sniper rifle was still in its boxy carrying case to safeguard it from shock, and he was looking around for a good perch. Where he was standing wasn't bad, the sergeant thought. He was ready for whatever the day offered. His rifle was a virtual twin to that used by his friend Homer Johnston, and his marksmanship was just as good, too-a little better, he'd quickly tell anyone who asked. The same was true of Rifle One-Two, Sergeant First Class Fred Franklin, formerly an instructor at the Army's marksmanship training unit at Fort Benning and a deadly shot out to a mile with his huge MacMillan.50 bolt-action rifle.
"What d'ya think, Sam?"
"I like it here, Freddy. How about you go to that knoll past the helo pad?"
"Looks good to me. Later." Franklin hoisted the case onto his shoulder and headed off that way.
"Those people scare me," Roddy Sands admitted over the phone.
"I know, but one of them is close enough to take out:t c once, Roddy. You take that job, lad."
"I will, Sean," Sands agreed from inside the cargo area of the big Volvo truck.
Noonan, now with the keys to the other site, was back in leis car and heading that way. The drive would take twenty minutes-no, more, he realized. Traffic was backing up on this "A"-class road, and though he had a gun on his hip, and even police identification, his car didn't have a siren and gumball machine-an oversight he himself had never considered, to his sudden and immediate rage. How the fuck had they forgotten that? He was a cop, wasn't he? He pulled to the shoulder, turned on his emergency flashers, and started leaning on the horn as he sped past the stopped cars.
Chavez didn't react much. Instead of looking angry or fearful, he just turned inward on himself. A small man, his body seemed to shrink even further before Clark's eyes. "Okay," he said finally, his mouth dry. "What are we doing about it?"
"Team-1 is there now, or should be. Al is running the operation. We're spectators."
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 07:20 AM Pacific Time Seattle USA Thursday 13 June 2013