I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
An Officer and a Gentleman (1982)
I thought the first time only today watching again the DVD: he looks like Denzil.
Officer and a Gentleman An
This is great.
How many more weeks till graduation?
Three more. Three more weeks.
Those are the roughest, aren't they?
That's what they tell me.
Sir, why are you staring at my food?
Or are you staring at me?
Staring at you.
He doesn't mean anything by it.|Do you, Joe?
No, I don't mean anything by it.
Officer and a Gentleman An
I'm sorry. I'm so embarrassed, Zack.
I shouldn't have brought you here.
That's OK. A great free meal.|A nice, relaxing dinner.
Those people are so uptight.|I felt so sorry for you.
Don't. I'm used to it.|It's hereditary.
After this, you go to basic flight|which is in Pensacola, right?
Yeah, Pensacola.
And...going to Beeville, Texas,|when I get jets.
So, after that...|don't you think about...
I mean, come on... What's after that?
Family, kids...|Don't you think about all that?
- Is that what you think about?|- Sometimes.
If I could do a better job than them,|I'd love it.
And what would you do different?
First, I'd marry a man|I really loved.
An Officer and a Gentleman (1982)
Bunny: Comes a time, right after survival training, they start to believe they can make it without you.
Paula: [referring to Zack] They said he'd already left, didn't know when he'd be back.
Bunny: If he ain't called by now Paula, he ain't gonna call.
[Paula runs out crying]
Lynette: [angrily] Bunny!
Bunny: [bitterly] May they all crash and burn.
Officer and a Gentleman An
Heads up, Perryman.|When you hit the water,
you might get the wind|knocked out of you. Don't panic.
You've got a second and a half
before the cage is completely|underwater and upside down.
Go, Joe!
Now, the most important thing|is to watch your bubbles.
When that cage flips upside down,|you'll be disoriented.
You won't know what your bearings|are, like Perryman down there.
The bubbles determine|which way is up.
All right, time's up.|Go down for him.
This is what happens if you panic.
You can die there,|and this is a pool.
Out in the pacific, you won't|have a frogman to save your ass.
Totally unsatisfactory, Perryman.
Do it again.
Two more chances to make it,|or you're out.
All right. Next!
Hold it. Change in order.
Mayo...since you're hotshot|of the week, you're next.
Aye, aye, sir.
- Seeger, you're behind him.|- Yes, sir.
You ought to be good at this, Mayo.|Something you can do alone.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 8:40 PM Wednesday, July 13, 2011
A while back I purchased a copy of the DVD for this 1983 film "Blue Thunder" but I am only now watching it for the first time having just now paused it after the first demonstration of the so-called "Blue Thunder" helicopter.
The dialog reminds me of something I have been thinking about for the past few days and especially in the context of real or imagined comments from co-workers at First Union: I'm not such a nice guy.
Nobody ever said that to me specifically but I can recall that people would often, over the course of my life, refer to me as being a nice guy.
The premiere date of this film was a few weeks before I signed up for the Delayed Entry Program of the United States Navy. That year 1983 was when I finished the eleventh grade in Ashdown Arkansas and of the memorable events from that junior year ending at the beginning of the summer of 1983 I had been the class president and I had received that American Legion award from the Ashdown Arkansas public school.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 13 July 2011 excerpt ends]
Officer and a Gentleman An
Is your brother a flier?
He was. He got killed.
- Vietnam?|- Yeah.
My brother died over there, too.
He wasn't a flier though.
I was only 12 when it happened.
I don't remember|that much about him.
I sure remember Tommy.
Google Maps
U.S. 70, Eagletown, United States
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 03/17/07 4:04 PM
There was that time I was riding in the passenger seat as Thedia was driving and we had just crossed over the state line into Oklahoma. We had gone past where those beer joints are at the state line and we were right around that bridge going over a small river. I rolled down the window and tried to throw out a bottle of Coca-Cola that still had a lot of soda in it. But I threw it bottom first and as it went out the window, it drenched me with the soda in the bottle and left me and the car sticky from the soda. I wonder if that is really a "memory" about blood while flying in a fighter jet that was hit by enemy fire.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 17 March 2007 excerpt ends]
Flight Of The Intruder
Face forward, mister.
I'm just starting.
Where do you get off, mister?
Are you special?
You're just a sensitive fella here.
I'd like to take you home to my mama.
Officer and a Gentleman An
He didn't ask me to DOR.|I went to him.
What are you talking about?
I'm glad it's over.|I was here for everybody but me.
I was here for my big brother.
Gremlins (1984)
Murry Futterman, Billy's neighbor: It's the same gremlins that brought down our planes in the big one.
Kate: [laughing] The big one...
Officer and a Gentleman An
- Who is this Susan?|- My girl back home.
I'm marrying her|as soon I get out of here.
She was Tommy's girl.
They were supposed to get|married before he got killed.
Officer and a Gentleman An
Man, I ain't your parents.
Do you love this girl?
Greatest chick you'll ever know.|She loves kids.
Works with handicapped kids|every afternoon.
That ain't what I'm talking about.|I asked you if you loved her.
Everybody loves her.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Re: Journal May 27, 2006
Went to Camp Couchdale in the summer of '81, after graduating 9th grade.
Met a girl named Phoebe, took her out on the lake in a boat and paddled around. We wrote letters for a long time afterwards.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 27 May 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 10/12/2006 3:35 PM
As I recall, Phoebe Bailey wrote in a letter to me to “never forget that dance where we met because I never will.” That is quite humorous, really more humorous than I can articulate, if it represents me landing on Saturn’s moon, Phoebe. I have these moments where I want to scream because there is something locked in my mind that I can’t articulate. I was thinking something similar about the ‘darkness’ surrounding my spacecraft as I was billion miles away. There is truly a “great lakes” of emotion stored in my mind associated with so much that is forgotten. I feel this great humor in my mind about that comment from Phoebe, I feel that if I remember, I will laugh and laugh and laugh, for days on end probably.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 12 October 2006 excerpt ends]
1980 film "The Final Countdown" DVD video:
US Navy chief petty officer: It's a code.
US Navy commander Dan Thurman - USS Nimitz CVN 68 executive officer: Can you break it, Chief?
US Navy chief petty officer: I think someone's putting us on.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 6:23 PM Wednesday, August 15, 2007
03/05/07 4:54 AM
Chad Trammel had that brown car when we were in 9th or 10th grade. I forget the model name of the car. It might have been a Comet, or that might have been a car that was very similar to his, much like the difference of Chevrolet and GMC. I can't remember that other model though. Billy Parker might have had one like it for his first car and I think his actually was the Comet. There was that night, I can still visualize it, when I talked Chad into driving his car when we were out cruising around on a weekend night in Ashdown. He let me drive it and I promptly backed it into someone's pickup. I think that was Tom Withem. I can "remember" one of the Shurtleff sister's reminding me of that at our 10 year reunion.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 15 August 2007 excerpt ends]
Officer and a Gentleman An
I should have walked away.
Zack, he didn't give you a choice.
A man's always got a choice.
Where did you learn to fight?
Officer and a Gentleman An
- Come on, Seeger.|- Forget it, just go for the record.
Come on! You got it!
Come on, man!
Hey! Where you going?
- Seeger, get up.|- Forget it.
You want jets? Then get up!|You're going over! Right here!
Three steps. Right, left, right.
Hand over hand. Walk the wall.
- Come on, Seeger.|- Ready? Let's go!
Left, right, pull!|Walk that wall, Seeger! Walk it!
Hand over hand!|Hand over hand! Walk it! Walk it!
Walk the wall! Seeger! Seeger, walk!
Don't you let go! You walk that wall!|Pull! Pull! Pull, Candidate Seeger!
Pull! One leg! You got it!|Pull over! Pull over!
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 7:31 PM FRIDAY, JULY 27, 2007
I also pondered over how she is wearing that silver bracelet and I have on that silver identification band that all the racers wore during the event.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 27 July 2007 excerpt ends]
Officer and a Gentleman An
Daddy, Zack's 2/10 of a second|off the obstacle course record.
He'll break it before he leaves.
Lucky you weren't|in the programme when I was.
You couldn't quit|the way you can now.
When I and my oldest boy|went through it,
you bilged out, you became a swabby.
The American Presidency Project
Ronald Reagan
XL President of the United States: 1981 - 1989
Proclamation 5194 - Missing Children Day, 1984
May 15, 1984
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation
Each year hundreds of thousands of American families face the stark terror of a unique tragedy—that of a missing child. Our children are our most precious resource—they are the bond that binds our past with the future. It is for them that we struggle to build a better world. They are the embodiment of our hopes and dreams. To have a child simply disappear strikes an incalculable blow against the spirit and soul of any family so afflicted.
In our efforts to address the nightmare of missing children, 1984 marks the year of a significant step forward. The Department of Justice has awarded a $3.3 million grant to establish a National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Its purpose is to aid parents and law enforcement agencies in locating missing youngsters and preventing the exploitation of children. By collecting and disseminating information regarding missing young people, the Center will lend major support to those searching for their children.
Memorable quotes for
The Natural (1984)
Pop Fisher: Hobbs. I'm sending you down Hobbs, Class B ball. Tomorrow you go to the Great Lakes Assocaition.
Roy Hobbs: All right. You make the rules.
Pop Fisher: That's right, that's right and you ain't been playing by 'em. Don't you remember signing a contract!
The American Presidency Project
Ronald Reagan
XL President of the United States: 1981 - 1989
Radio Address to the Nation on Armed Forces Day and Defense Spending
May 18, 1985
My fellow Americans:
Not too long ago one of our Ambassadors visited an American armored cavalry regiment stationed on the NATO line in Germany. As he returned to his helicopter, he was followed by a young 19-year-old trooper. The trooper asked him if he could get a message to the President. Well, the Ambassador said that sometimes getting messages to the President was part of his job. And the young trooper then said, "Will you tell him we're proud to be here, and we ain't scared of nothin."
Well, not long ago the Ambassador was in Washington and told me the sequel to that incident. I'd repeated a story in a talk that was carried on our Voice of America radio program, and there in that base in Germany the young trooper heard the broadcast and knew that I'd received his message. His commanding officer said that he ran down the company street yelling: "The system works! The system works!"
Well, the system does work
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: July 26, 2006
I was thinking last night about a memory featured prominently in my symbolic memory. It is of a time in 1985 when I was on the Taylor. It was during that same deployment when I watched the Estocin run aground in Key West. We were traveling along shoulder to shoulder with a Soviet battlegroup that was touring the oil pltform fields off the coast of Texas and Louisiana.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 26 July 2006 excerpt ends]
The American Presidency Project
Ronald Reagan
XL President of the United States: 1981 - 1989
Toasts at a White House Dinner for the Prince and Princess of Wales
November 9th, 1985
The President. Your Royal Highnesses, Sir Oliver and Lady Wright, and Ambassador and Mrs. Price, ladies and gentlemen, Nancy and I are deeply honored to welcome the Prince and Princess of Wales to the White House. Permit me to add our congratulations to Prince Charles on his birthday, just 5 days away, and express also our great happiness that we have been able to have this affair with Princess Diana, here on her first trip to the United States—that we should be able to share in that first trip.
In his 1941 address before a Joint Session of the United States Congress, Prime Minister Churchill remarked, "I cannot help reflecting that if my father had been American and my mother British, instead of the other way around, I might have got here on my own." [Laughter] But Your Royal Highnesses, the reception you've received here suggests that if you had been American, you might well have gotten to this house on your own. [Laughter]
Our two countries are bound together by innumerable ties of ancient history and present friendship. Our language, our law, our democratic system of government, our fierce belief in the God-given right of men to be free—all of these we owe to you. We've stood together through two great world conflicts. Today we go on, shoulder to shoulder, in an alliance to protect freedom and democracy.
This evening we've gathered on a happy occasion, a celebration of the "Treasure Houses of Britain," perhaps the most magnificent exhibition ever mounted and five centuries of British achievement, five centuries of elegance, beauty, and charm; I should add, wit. When Nancy and I toured the exhibition, we were struck by a settee from Balmoral Castle, constructed almost entirely of deer antlers.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: August 2, 2006
When I look at the image on the right-hand side, I am reminded very clearly of a photo I took on the USS Taylor. I am absolutely convinced that the photo from the Taylor was shown to me specifically to deflect my memory about being in areas such as this on the space shuttle. The photo from the Taylor was taken while standing outside the berthing compartment that Ship's Control division was assigned to and I think it was on the main deck, the same deck as the mess deck. The photo was taken standing outside the hatch to that berthing compartment and that ladder that runs up to the deck above was to my left. The photo was looking down the passageway towards the mess deck. There was a lot of cabling to the right, which was the port side hull of the frigate. I am absolutely convinced I have been in the space shuttle and looking at this location. I just can't remember it.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 02 August 2006 excerpt ends ]
Planet of the Apes (1968)
[first lines]
George Taylor: And that completes my final report until we reach touchdown. We're now on full automatic, in the hands of the computers. I have tucked my crew in for the long sleep and I'll be joining them soon. In less than an hour, we'll finish our sixth month out of Cape Kennedy. Six months in deep space - by our time, that is. According to Dr. Haslein's theory of time, in a vehicle travelling nearly the speed of light, the Earth has aged nearly 700 years since we left it, while we've aged hardly at all. Maybe so. This much is probably true - the men who sent us on this journey are long since dead and gone. You who are reading me now are a different breed - I hope a better one. I leave the 20th century with no regrets. But one more thing - if anybody's listening, that is. Nothing scientific. It's purely personal. But seen from out here everything seems different. Time bends. Space is boundless. It squashes a man's ego. I feel lonely. That's about it.
Los Angeles Times
Princess Diana Ruffles Italian Hosts, Insists on Seeing Secret Naval Gear
April 21, 1985 United Press International
LA SPEZIA, Italy — Britain's Princess Diana, displaying the strong will for which she is known, upset Italian officials Saturday by insisting on seeing top-secret NATO equipment aboard an Italian navy frigate.
"There is a trace of (Britain's) first Queen Elizabeth in her," Italian Defense Minister Giovanni Spadolini remarked.
The incident took place aboard the frigate Grecale, on which the 23-year-old Diana and her husband, Prince Charles, watched a display of sky-diving off La Spezia, an Italian naval base in northwestern Italy.
Diana and Charles, heir to the British throne, were on the second day of a tour of Italy that started Friday on the island of Sardinia and will end May 5 in Venice.
During the short offshore cruise aboard the Grecale, Cmdr. Gianpaolo di Pola invited Prince Charles to inspect a control room that contained highly classified equipment used by forces of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to counter Exocet missile attacks. The equipment was developed after Argentina used the French-made Exocets against British navy ships during the Falkland Islands War of 1982.
Prince Charles--wearing the uniform of Royal Navy commander, a rank he reached in service between 1971 and 1976--took up the offer to inspect the room while Diana was scheduled to tour the ship.
However, Diana insisted on joining her husband in inspecting the secret anti-missile equipment. Italian officials expressed shock but granted her request.
"We made an exception for her. We would not have done it for anyone else," the Italian frigate commander said.
Spadolini, a former prime minister who played host to the royal couple during their visit to the naval base, expressed some astonishment over Diana's behavior.
He compared her strong will to that of England's Queen Elizabeth I, under whom the ships of Sir Francis Drake smashed the Spanish Armada in 1588.
"She took an acute interest in all the technical matters," Spadolini said. "If you tell an English princess she cannot do something, she will insist on doing it."
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Re: Journal May 26, 2006
One day, I "launched" my '67 blue Chev. out onto Hicks Road. Earlier, I had been doing something with the front wheels and apparently, I forgot to tighten the lug nuts. I got about a half mile down the road and the front end started shaking violently. Just as I was about to cross over this small wooden bridge, I saw the left front wheel shot up and away down to the edge of the creek I was about to pass over. The truck dropped over to the left a little bit and I managed to keep it from running off the bridge where I stopped on the other side. I left a groove in the road from that incident.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 26 May 2006 excerpt ends ]
Officer and a Gentleman An
Is that your Deb over there?
She's pulling rank on you.|That's a flight instructor.
Back in a minute.
What are you doing here?
It was time for me to see|the legendary TJ's
once before I left here.
You come here a lot?
I come here once in a while.
I'm sorry I didn't call you|this weekend.
This week has been unbelievable.
It's OK.
How did the survival training go?
- I survived.|- You survived.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 3:12 PM Pacific Time Seattle USA Thursday 11 July 2013