I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Wednesday, July 03, 2013
But first I want you to know something about me.
Cole Withem
August 25, 2011 via mobile
Not fuckin around crew!!
Tom Clancy
Red Storm Rising
Chapter 14
"Did you see what the Post said this morning? The press says that this guy Falken has 'agency' or its German equivalent written all over him."
"Mr. President, the truth of the matter is that Herr Falken was almost certainly a Soviet sleeper agent under KGB control. The Germans have been unable to uncover very much about him. It's as though he just sprang into being thirteen years ago, and he's been quietly running his import-export business for the last twelve years. Sir, every indication we have is that the Soviets are prepared for an attack against NATO. There is no indication, for example, that they are demobilizing their conscripts who are at the end of their enlistment periods, nor any evidence of preparations for the new 'class' of conscripts that should have begun to arrive several days ago. Finally, there's the case of this Spetznaz major the Germans picked up. He was infiltrated into the Federal Republic before the bomb plot, with orders to attack a NATO communications base. As to why-Mr. President, we simply do not know. We can describe what the Russians are doing but not the reason for it."
"I told the country last night that we would be able to control this situation through diplomatic means . . ."
"Red Storm Rising"
"We still might. We need to communicate directly with the Soviets," the President's national security adviser said. "Until they respond positively, however, we have to show that we mean business, too. Mr. President
KOMO-TV, virtual channel 4, is a television station in Seattle, Washington. It is an affiliate of ABC and broadcasts on digital channel 38. KOMO-TV is the flagship station of Fisher Communications, and its studios and offices are co-located with sister radio stations KOMO (1000 AM and 97.7 FM), KVI (570 AM), and KPLZ-FM (101.5 MHz.) within Fisher Plaza in the Lower Queen Anne section of Seattle, directly across the street from the Space Needle.
Steve Pool - Weathercaster
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
To: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Tuesday, May 9, 2006 6:01:15 PM
Subject: Right
I wonder if this is where that guy painting the picture was standing?
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 9 May 2006 excerpt ends]
156 4th Ave N, Seattle, WA, United States
Original Airdate (SciFi): 18-MAR-2007
Gaeta: We're using the tylium ship as a decoy to lead the Cylons along this course here, almost directly opposite to ours. When they reach this point here, they'll recalibrate their FTL, start jumping back to rendezvous with Galactica and the rest of the Fleet here, at the Ionian Nebula.
Helo: Any indication the Cylons are following them?
Gaeta: Nothing yet, and it would appear they've stopped following us as well. Our trailing Raptor has yet to pick up any sign of pursuit since the tylium ship left the fleet.
Helo: How many jumps till we reach the nebula?
Gaeta: Uh, it's hard to believe. We're down to the last three.
Helo: Good!
(Helo hesitates.)
Gaeta: Uh, anything else, sir?
Helo: No, no, I was just, uh… Just remembering back on Caprica when the weather was about to change, you'd -- you'd get this smell in the air. I mean, the sun could be out, not a cloud in the sky, but you'd pick up this smell and you knew that, um, something was just over the horizon. Weather's changing, Felix. We need to be ready for it. There's a storm coming.
Flight Of The Intruder
This is the enforcer.
Stand by to recover the [ COD ].
Mr. Cole! How you doing?
I'm Chief Poole. You come this way.
Commander Camparelli is waiting for you
down in the ready room.
Hold on, Chief.
All right, sir.
I want to smell it.
I've been away for a while.
I'm ready.
All right, sir.
Flight Of The Intruder
Get out of here, Cool Hand.
Yes, sir.
As for you, Razor...
running with known psychopaths now, huh?
Who am I, Razor?
You're third-generation Mafia, sir.
You rodent.
I was built with this ship.
I am a weapons system, and there was a cost overrun!
Flight Of The Intruder
Commander Cole here decided to join our posse, Jake.
This is Lieutenant Jake Grafton--
"Cool Hand."
Glad to meet you, Jake.
How do you want to be called, Commander?
Cole. Virgil Cole.
It's his third tour, man.
He really knows his shit.
Flight Of The Intruder
The air force photographs them every day.
You're shitting me.
Well, then there's got to be data on it somewhere.
Honey, we aren't in the air force.
Flight Of The Intruder
Letter from home?
Well, sort of.
This is your home, Mr. Grafton.
You're a lifer, like me, Cole and the others.
When I was young,
I didn't even have a home-- just a ship.
So now when we go back,
it's just like I'm only visiting.
Flight of the Intruder (1991)
[In the briefing room]
Cdr. Camparelli: "Movie officer, what's the film tonite?"
Pilot: "They Shoot horses, Don't They, Sir!"
Cdr. Camparelli: "Any skin?"
Pilot: "No Sir."
Cdr. Camparelli: "Cancel it!"
1982 film "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" DVD video:
Linda Barrett: He's no high school boy.
Flight Of The Intruder
I know a lot about you.
Well, I'm glad, sir,
because I know a lot about you, too.
Everybody in the Navy knows about you, sir.
What about me?
That you're a legend, sir.
Then that makes two of us.
And sometimes that can be a bad influence on others.
I'll try and fit in, sir.
That's my job.
Make sure you do that.
Good evening, Mr. Cole.
Trove Digitised newspapers and more
Thursday 26 December 1946
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1956)
Electronically Translated Text
Why may this text have mistakes?
How to correct this text?
No corrections yet
King s Message
Better Days Lie Ahead
' London (AAP)
THE Empire showed, the way to the world when the bombs were falling, and it can, by its discipline, endurance, and patience, show the way into peace, said King. George in his Christmas message.
"Better days lie ahead," the King said. "Our task is to mobilise the Christmas spirit and apply its power and heal- ing to our daily life."
The King spoke alone in his study at Sandringham, where a gold microphone was installed. The Queen, the Princesses, and Queen Mary listened to his words through a loud speaker.
"The year that is passing has not been easy," said His Majesty. "Statesmen and poli- ticians have been burdened with the resettlement of a world shattered by global war.
"All of us, instead of getting some well-earned relaxation after years of intensive work, have had to put our shoulders to the wheels of industry and agriculture with redoubled vigour. Men and women re- turned from wartime service to conditions that were only slowly improving from wartime austerity, while the housewife, perhaps the most gallant figure of all, still bears many of the extra burdens she bore so bravely throughout the war.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 5:11 PM Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Land of the free, home of the brave
Very clear dream just before I woke up, although I can't remember all of it. I was on a small boat, probably some type of ocean-going fishing boat that is usually non-commercial, and Phoebe was there, although I can't visualize her, so the dream is probably all some kind of fictional about certain events. I don't know what the events are supposed to represent. In the dream, there is some kind of threat developing and I wish I could remember those details. The only part I can remember well, and this is very clear in terms of visualization, is when the hostile aircraft began approaching and I was shooting at them. There were several of us shooting at them and as I review that part, which doesn't visualize will in terms of what kind of equipment we had, it would almost seem to be the gun emplacements on USN ships. I think I remember thinking to myself we didn't have enough guns or good enough guns for the threat we faced. I can visualize an aircraft approaching and I had it lined up in my sights and was firing at it. I don't remember it getting close and I can almost visualize more aircraft like it in the distance, although they never got close enough to identify. There was some kind of large transport aircraft was fairly light black exhaust, that was probably normal exhaust, that did get close enough to identify, but I am not sure what kind of aircraft it was. There were some structures very close to us in the water and I can still visualize those as they were some kind of anti-aircraft gun emplacements that were fired remotely or automatically. Two of them were close enough for me to see very clearly and I can rememember details of one of them. The other was at an angle and I could not see the machinery inside of the structure. I can still visualize the one closest to me firing into the sky and I understand from during the dream that it was firing at our aircraft. I was firing bullets into it, hoping to hit hydraulic lines or something, but was having no effect. Later I would have some kind of grenade launcher and I placed a perfect round into the mechanics of the gun turret and knocked it out, although I can remember that I fired again at least one more time, probably two more times and hit it perfectly.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 07 August 2007 excerpt ends]
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
After graduating from college, moving to Washington, D.C., and marrying Sesler, Plame worked at a clothing store while awaiting results of her application to the CIA. She was accepted into the 1985–86 CIA officer training class and began her training for what would become a twenty-year career with the Agency. Although the CIA will not publicly release the specific dates of Plame's employment from 1985 to 2002 due to security concerns, Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald [ RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 ] affirmed that Plame "was a CIA officer from January 1, 2002, forward" and that "her association with the CIA was classified at that time through July 2003. Due to the nature of her clandestine work for the CIA, many details about Plame's professional career are still classified, but it is documented that she worked for the CIA in a clandestine capacity
Plame served the CIA at times as a non-official cover (or NOC), operating undercover in (at least) two positions in Athens and Brussels. While using her own name, "Valerie Plame", her assignments required posing in various professional roles in order to gather intelligence more effectively.
resumed travel overseas in 2001, 2002, and 2003 as part of her cover job. She met with workers in the nuclear industry, cultivated sources, and managed spies.
Mr. Wizard...
...get me out of here!
I got an old exit.|Wabash and Lake.
Oh, shit!
Help! Need a little help!
The door.
The door on your left.
Your other left!
The Matrix (1999)
Tank: Door on your left.
[Neo goes right]
Tank: Your other left.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 10:00 PM Thursday, April 28, 2011
I woke up earlier after sleeping a normal period of time and I had a very vivid dream that seemed to be about me in a law enforcement role.
That would all make sense now. I was carrying a United States Marine Corps officers uniform with me, where I seemed to be going into an office assigned to me so I could change clothes, and the name on that uniform was clearly 'Kline.' I woke up thinking the full name was Matthew Kline. That was my secret agent identity name after I was commissioned as a United States Marine Corps captain, as limited duty officer, in 1995. That makes sense now because I have been thinking about details that lead up to that for a while, not unlike how I used to think that if I referenced the 2 November 1965 then there was a risk of that being thrown out of court. My mind is playing tricks on me.
The dream has largely faded now but some details remain. I was walking somewhere along the highway and I was going somewhere and I was in civilian clothing but I was aware that I had a Deputy United States Marshals badge somewhere on my person, such as in a pocket, but I might have been carrying it in my hand because I was carrying several items in my right hand that were similar in size to a driver's license and credit cards and I never did look at those. I was walking somewhere and there were some State Troopers on the side of the highway and there might have been four of them but I think there were six of them from some state that was never established in the dream. I saw what seemed to be two of them pull over a car to the side of the highway but that has faded now and I was walking towards that scene. There was another scene where four of them seemed to be walking away from me. Then what seemed to be later is that I was walking along a well-defined trail and going up the slope of a hill and another person had a prisoner in hand-cuffs and I noticed that prisoner wearing camouflage pants that seemed to be United States-style camouflage. Then I seemed to be in a run down police station and I seemed to have an office assigned to me temporarily, I think because I was working out of that office on some kind of assignment as a Deputy United States Marshal, and that is the part I remember seeing that I was carrying my military uniform with me. I don't recall what happened after that. I woke up thinking I should feel rested after a normal nights sleep but I do not feel as though I had even been asleep yet I could not go back to sleep and I have no idea when I will again fall asleep.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 28 April 2011 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 2:20 PM Saturday, July 30, 2011
I had an incredibly vivid dream earlier this morning that I awoke from and thought about writing down but decided not to. I thought about writing about it specifically because it was so vivid. There was no kind of dream quality to it. The details were vivid and it seemed no different from a strong memory that I can sit here write now and think about it my conscious mind.
Many of those vivid details have diminished now and that makes me feel kind of sad because I wish I could remember it as well as I did in the dream.
I decided to write about it because I just read the word 'tartan' in a news article and for some reason, that word made me think of the dream. The word itself is the opposite of a prevailing detail in the dream which was the color of a long overcoat worn the state security police of the country I was in.
The only part about the dream that wasn't vivid was the part at the beginning. I have thought about it since then and the details for the most part escape me but I seem to have been in a panic, at least in my mind. There was something about my cover being exposed and that created a life-and-death danger for me personally and I cannot recall the all the detail but there was something about me running through the streets to get someplace.
I seemed to be going to the airport. I passed by a lot of people and I think a lot of people standing in lines. I saw a group of people in plain red overcoats, and hats too, I think, but those details have also diminished. I might have been running by them or that sense of running just represents a sense of urgency in my mind that I needed to escape before getting caught.
I went by that group of people and a person, who I recognized as a person with the state security forces of that country, and I think I was in Russia, stepped away from the group and said to me, "Papers" as he walked up to me.
I had seen others like him and he was identifiable by the long overcoat he was wearing that was just a plain color of wool and a sort of yellowish color. It wasn't yellow but I cannot think of the color that would be called.
I am standing there and he is examining my identity cards. He tells me I haven't paid my bill for my hotel and I tell him it is charged to my credit and so my documents must have listed that on there because he says, "American Express," as though that is the explanation.
The other details are vague but we might have talked more or there was just more drama to it. Ah, yes, my presence as an American did not seem unusual. That detail was established right off because he asked if I was an American just after he asked for my papers and I think I said something that prompted him to ask if I am American. After he examined my documents, I think his precise words were "Well, the airport is right there" and he gestured behind him and that was the airport. Maybe a parking garage that was part of the facility.
I think he was going to escort me to the gate for my flight but there seemed to be some confusion and I just stood there and I saw him walking away through some passageways in a building nearby. Then I started trying to find my way to the gate for my aircraft flight and the details were all very vivid and I was seeing four digits numbers that were always in a combination of three. Even after waking up from the dream, I never did remember any precise numbers from that particular dream, which I thought about as well because I have done that before. Those numbers were similar to nnnn, nnnn, nnnn. The numbers were always four digits and were always in groups of three. Those combinations were what I was studying as I was trying to find the gate for my flight, because I think that was printed on a document I had in my hand but I don't recall that now for certain if I was holding a document with those numbers on it. That would make sense though because how else would I know. So I was having trouble with it though because I could not distinguish a pattern in the numbers I was seeing on the walls as I walked around. Those numbers were just about everywhere. The occurrence of those combination of numbers was in a frequency not unlike I have seen while serving on United States Navy warships.
So finally I seemed to have reached my destination or I was very close to figuring out how to get there and something about how I write this sentence doesn't seem right. But I think I was close to where I wanted to go. The point of this observation though is that I examined my documents, for the first time I think, and I noted that something was missing. There should have been two cards in the documents, similar to credit cards and such, and that should have been in a sleeve similar to the aircraft ticket that the airlines issue. But those cards were gone. I was aware that I could not get on the flight unless I had those cards. There was also a lingering uncertainty in my that I was going to miss the flight and it would take off without but that detail is never confirmed in the dream. I had the sense that I did have enough time though. So anyway I stood there looking at the documents and I might have awoken abruptly and non-startlingly at that point. At some point, that seems to be in my waking mind, I decided that the state security officer, of the government of Russia, the state police or whatever those national forces are called, had taken those cards out when he examined by documents. I woke with the sense, calming considering the drama of the dream because I was thinking in the dream I was there as a covert intelligence agent of the United States of America and I didn't want them to know that, that he had simply taken the cards and was going to escort me to the gate and he was probably standing there at the gate with my cards which would allow me to board the flight.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 30 July 2011 excerpt ends]
Flight Of The Intruder
He was... he was my best friend.
I know how heavy a burden
his loss is to you and little Bobby,
and... and I know how much he loved you.
Somehow I wish there was something,
just one thing I could do
to make up for such a loss as Morgan.
I go on, as Tennyson said,
and the world darkens around me,
"among new men, strange faces" and other minds.
You have my deepest and most sincere sympathy.
They've been here too.
What are these things? Where do they come from?
They're gremlins, Kate.
Just like Mr. Futterman said.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: July 29, 2006
That was 1980, or 1979, when I remember going camping to "Where the moon drug" with Randy Cole and his father, the surveyor.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 29 July 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 10/24/2006 2:35 PM
This may explain that “memory” of the time Randy Cole and I made that still to produce “moonshine.”
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 24 October 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 01/13/07 9:50 PM
What about all that stuff I wrote about FFA in my senior year? It all seems so real. We had a new shop teacher, can't remember his name. After I graduated Ashdown, and went into the Navy, my first ship was the USS Taylor. He left Ashdown after that school year and went to work in Taylors, Arkansas. What about all those "memories" I have of helping to build that new shop my Senior year of 1984? What about all those "memories" I have of playing tennis on that court next to that shop building in another time period? What about all that time studying with Ronnie Alexander and that other guy as we prepared for the state competition? We were a 3-man team focusing on three events for electrical wiring, poultry judging, and meat judging, all events in the state agricultural competition. Who does Teresa Purvine represent? Anthony Bowman was that guy's name that we called Frog. He may have been there in DeQueen when I went with the Ashdown team, I guess he was on another Ashdown team, for one of the events in DeQueen. I saw Teresa when we stopped for dinner at the Dairy DeQueen to eat. Our shop teacher was driving his pickup and the three of us were riding in the cab with him. Or so I think. That seems kind of fuzzy, but yet, I can still visualize us there. At some point, we were walking somewhere and it was pitch black, probably at the agri competition event. There was some earlier talk about me and Teresa seeing each other as we were briefly a couple, although she dated Randy Cole longer than me, but we never talked again.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 13 January 2007 excerpt ends]
Ah, one night, Randy Cole and I, and another guy named Eddie I think, were running through a neighbors backyard. One of our friends had a trampoline and we would go over and jump on it sometimes. This particular night we were going through that yard and we heard a screen door slam. Eddy and Randy ran one way, I ran the other way. As it turned out, I ran the wrong way. This huge dude hopped down off some kind of embankment wall brandishing a big knife and asking why I was in their yard. I calmly talked my way out of it and went back to where Randy and Eddy were in the clubhouse we had built. I wonder if that is why I've been thinking about screendoors. There is also that episode of the Simpson's where Burns and Smithers go through all that security to turn off the lights to Springfield only to see a dog standing at a broken screen door, where he then kicks the dog out the door.
The idea dawned on me that I may actually have some bullet scars.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 2006 excerpt ends]
Flight Of The Intruder
Commander Cole.
Mr. Grafton.
Have you recovered yet?
Oh, yeah.
Uh, I saw the duty roster out here,
and they've got us paired up.
Looks like you're going to be my new BN.
I thought we may have a chance to visit
for a minute.
What do you got on your mind?
Well, actually, sir,
I got the word that this is your third tour,
and I was... I was curious.
What makes a man come back for the third time?
I like to fight.
Social Security Death Master File
432-48-9820 through 432-50-1406
This is a privately owned genealogy website using a purchased copy of the Social Security Death Master File.
Social Security number 432-49-4085 was issued to LESA L WITHEM; who was born on 30 June 1966 and died on 14 April 2011.
From 6/30/1966 ( Lesa Lynnette Jewell Withem ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 8967 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 5/22/1990 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - Microsoft Windows 3.0 ) is 8967 days
From 6/30/1966 ( Lesa Lynnette Jewell Withem ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 8967 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 5/22/1990 ( Rocky Graziano dead ) is 8967 days
From 2/16/1946 ( the first flight Sikorsky S-51 helicopter ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 16406 days
16406 = 8203 + 8203
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/18/1988 ( the United States Navy Operation Praying Mantis - my biological brother US Navy Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan and I US Navy FC2 Kerry Wayne Burgess are both at the same time onboard the United States Navy warship USS Wainwright CG 28 when it evaded a Harpoon anti-ship missile from hostile Iran-Bill Gates-Microsoft-George Bush-Axis of Evil-Soviet Union-Communist forces but 2 United States Marine Corps aviators launched from USS Wainwright CG 28 killed this day ) is 8203 days
[ See also: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2013/05/the-girl-gold-watch-everything-1980.html ]
Persian Gulf War
Early on the morning of January 17, 1991, a massive U.S.-led air offensive hit Iraq's air defenses, moving swiftly on to its communications networks, weapons plants, oil refineries and more. The coalition effort, known as Operation Desert Storm, benefited from the latest military technology, including Stealth bombers, Cruise missiles, so-called "Smart" bombs with laser-guidance systems and infrared night-bombing equipment. The Iraqi air force was either destroyed early on or opted out of combat under the relentless attack, the objective of which was to win the war in the air and minimize combat on the ground as much as possible.
A80 Sikorsky S51
The Sikorsky S51 commercial helicopter first flew on 16 February 1946
Air Date: January 28, 1997
NARRATOR: Before the planes could attack, Task Force Normandy would fire the first shots of the war. Its Apache gunships had been training for months. Their mission was vital: to destroy at all costs two Iraqi radar sites that would otherwise give Baghdad an early warning of what was to come.
[1:00 A.M., January 17, 1991] It was a moonless night. Eight Apaches armed with Hellfire missiles took off towards Iraq. This is a pilot's eye view, videotape from one helicopter's night vision camera. The gunships flew just a few feet off the desert until they were eight miles from the radar dishes.
NARRATOR: From a range of four miles, each crew aimed a laser beam that guided their missiles. The Iraqis had anti-aircraft guns, but could not see or hear the helicopters. This was a new kind of war.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 7:43 PM
To: Kerry Burgess
Subject: Re: Journal June 20, 2006, Supplemental
I wonder if I was the first American to strike Saddam.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 20 June 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 05/14/07 9:12 AM
but I think what this all represents is me flying into Iraq, running out of fuel because I engaged enemy fighters, and then having to land and find fuel. I also found myself reading that book by Claire and having a hard time to believe we didn't get swarmed by enemy fighters.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 14 May 2007 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: August 13, 2006
A while back, I suddenly decided that Becky Reed represented my military activities over the Bekaa Valley in the 80s. I wrote about a time she and I were kissing in the cab of my blue Chevrolet and I looked out the rear window and was annoyed at the smoke that was rising up over the tailgate from the exhaust. I was first thinking that represented the exhaust from an F-14 I was flying but then I started thinking those were the smoke trails of two anti-aircraft missiles rising up like a couple of cobra's about to strike me. When I wrote of Becky, I recalled a caption she wrote on a photo she gave me: "Here I am, doing what I do best." I wondered if there some kind of photo of me flying in combat in the Bekaa Valley. In the photo from my memory, she was taking a nap on a couch.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 13 August 2006 excerpt ends]
Bell AH-1 Cobra
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Bell AH-1 Cobra (company designation: Model 209) is a two-bladed, single engine attack helicopter manufactured by Bell Helicopter. It shares a common engine, transmission and rotor system with the older UH-1 Iroquois. The AH-1 is also referred to as the HueyCobra or Snake.
The AH-1 was the backbone of the United States Army's attack helicopter fleet, but has been replaced by the AH-64 Apache in Army service. Upgraded versions continue to fly with the militaries of several other nations. The AH-1 twin engine versions remain in service with United States Marine Corps (USMC) as the service's primary attack helicopter.
Invasion Of The Body Snatchers
He's in here!
He's in here!
Get him! Get him!
I've been afraid
a lot of times in my life...
but I didn't know
the real meaning of fear...
until I had kissed Becky.
A moment's sleep,
and the girl I loved...
was an inhuman enemy
bent on my destruction.
"On The Border"
After a hard day, I'm safe at home
Foolin' with my baby on the telephone
Out of nowhere somebody cuts in and
Says, "Hmm, you in some trouble boy, we know where you're been."
We were sitting there back in August 1995 in my white 1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee and I started the engine and I put it in drive and I said something similar to: Buckle up. I am going to try something. I saw it in a cartoon once but I think I can do it.
I can still recall how pleased I felt with my self for being so humorous.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 5:33 AM Tuesday, November 29, 2011
I write about this now because her name was Anonda.
Was she a real person? Probably. Most likely. Are my memories of any of that accurate? I have no idea. Maybe that did happen just that way but maybe I have forgotten a lot of other stuff - blocked out. That's what it is. I'm no brain surgeon. I can't explain how the brain works. I can't explain how I can selectively decide what to regain conscious memory of and what not to regain conscious memory of.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 29 November 2011 excerpt ends]
AH-64 Apache Helicopter
Primary function: Gunship/anti-tank helicopter
Speed: up to 189 mph
Armament: Hellfire anti-tank missiles; M230 30mm chain gun; Hydra 70 (70mm, 2.75-inch) rockets; Stinger and Sidewinder anti-air missiles
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2006 11:04 AM
To: Kerry Burgess
Subject: Re: Journal May 21, 2006
Kerry Burgess wrote:
I think it was my first thought after waking up this morning that I used to date Julia Roberts a long time ago.
I also have these unexplained thoughts that I was a fighter pilot in the U.S. military, although I'm not sure which service, but I may have been in two different branches over time. I am also confused about thoughts that I may have been a helicopter pilot. What's next? A space shuttle pilot? Seems like a lot for someone that is only 40. And, while I am not sure when this divergence happened, I am reasonably certain it was before I turned 33. So I must have been a pretty busy guy. Especially because I have thoughts that I was some kind of mathmetician too.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 21 May 2006 excerpt ends]
Things are coming alive.
Yeah, we got restart.
Yeah, you beautiful, wonderful little aerodynamic wonder, you.
Whoo! Flow with it, yeah!
This is X-Ray 201 and 2.
We have your bandit in tow.
He's ours, gentlemen.
Cavalry's on its way.
I've had enough fun.
Let's go home.
Wash the windows, check the oil.
Hey, what happened to you guys?
A couple of minutes back there you didn't answer my calls.
Oh, that.
We had a MiG after us.
We did an engine shutdown to throw him off.
In the middle of combat?
Cool move.
Cool as a jewel.
That's bullshit.
Channel 9
Posted: May 21, 2009 at 2:39 AM
By: Tina
May 22, 1990
Microsoft announces the availability of Windows 3.0
Highlights from the first 25 years
1975–1981: Microsoft boots up
1990–1994: Windows 3.0–Windows NT—Getting the graphics
On May 22, 1990, Microsoft announces Windows 3.0
Flight Of The Intruder
A Swiss camera crew in Hanoi, North Vietnam,
took this footage of a celebration of sorts,
commemorating the defeat of American air pirates.
Here in People's Resistance Park,
they've set up trophies of their victories:
grim reminders of the losses
taken in this seven-year-old war over the North.
I'll do it.
I'll go downtown with you.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 05:03 AM Pacific Time near Seattle Washington State USA Wednesday 03 July 2013