Friday, June 01, 2007

George W. Bush - agent of Al Qaeda

So what kind of goddamned aggravating bullshit are they going to throw at me today. This all has been some kind of scam by the terrorists at Microsoft-Corbis to reflect when I was a prisoner of war in Libya, which was actually the work of Microsoft even back then. The Libyans are probably getting a big laugh at of it. After all that work they went to, traitors within my own government, such as George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, and their paparazzi collaborators, turn me into a prisoner of war in my own country.

The start of another goddamned month away from home.

My undercover identity as Kerry Burgess was an E-5 in the USN because I was actually a U.S. Navy Commander (O-5) in reality in 1998. I had been selected for U.S. Navy Captain (O-6) by 1998 and was later officially promoted to that rank sometime later.

I had a dream last night that I was flying a desk in an office. Phoebe was there and she seemed impressed as I was pushing buttons to get whatever engine was in the desk, not unlike a VTOL contraption, to get it off the floor. I wasn't flying it very well though because it kept hitting the walls and doorway.