Friday, June 01, 2007

Iron Eagle (1986)

This reminds me of what I noted a while back about Lindsay Lohan's father, Michael Lohan. I read that her father was in prison for securities fraud, according to the media. She was born, according to information I found on the internet, in the time I was missing in Africa after I had been a POW in Libya. I wonder if her father, or step-father as the case may be, really did go to prison for securities fraud charges or if that was something I created as an artistic device. If he is an actor and agrees to take part in such an artistic device, then it is humorous because no one gets hurt. It is further interesting that Michael Draper was the name of my step-brother that was killed when he wrecked his pickup truck on 11/25/1986, which I believe reflects that U.S. Navy officer that was killed when we were shot down by anti-aircraft fire in 1986. I also found it curious that 'lohan' is an anagram of 'halon,' which is used to extinquish fire.

Iron Eagle (1986)

[During Ted Master's trial]

Col. Nakesh: You are allowed a statement on your behalf.

Ted Masters: This trial is a fraud. At no time did we violate your airspace.