Tuesday, November 29, 2011

United States Marshal

I decided to make this note because of something I noted again just now as I again watch the DVD for the racketeering production that is the 1998 film "U.S. Marshals." In the scene where the fugitive has called his girlfriend, who portrays an employee of the real-life severely racketeering organization Starbucks, the actor portraying the fugitive is in a telephone booth in a parking lot and as he is talking to her over the phone, a vehicle drives through the parking lot and there is some kind of emergency horn blaring from that direction. The reason I decided to make this note is because as I watch the DVD this time, possibly because I had read my journal item that is listed below a day or two ago, I remember a time in August 1995 when something similar happened to me.

The way I remember it, I was standing at a telephone booth near a gas station and I was very close to the cliff overlooking the Mississippi River and and I was leaving a voice message for a blonde woman I had gone out on a date with the night before. I was on my way to Arkansas to visit my sister and to coincide with her daughter's birthday. I arranged to meet that woman for a date where she lived in Greenville South Carolina and I was driving from where I lived in Charlotte North Carolina. I was meeting her for dinner and then I was going to continue driving towards Arkansas so I could be there in time for my nieces birthday.

So we went out to dinner in Greenville and then I drove her back to her place and walked her to the door and then I left and I drove all through the night and some time the next day I was just about to cross over the Mississippi River and I was still in Tennessee and so that must have been Memphis and I stopped at a place where I was just a few yards from the river and I called her number to just say hello and that I had a nice time at dinner with her the night before but she wasn't home and as I was talking to her answering machine and recording a message there was an ambulance very close to me and its siren was wailing and I know that was clearly recorded on her answering machine.

I write about this now because her name was Anonda.

Was she a real person? Probably. Most likely. Are my memories of any of that accurate? I have no idea. Maybe that did happen just that way but maybe I have forgotten a lot of other stuff - blocked out. That's what it is. I'm no brain surgeon. I can't explain how the brain works. I can't explain how I can selectively decide what to regain conscious memory of and what not to regain conscious memory of.

I saw her again some time later but I don't recall when precisely. Someone in her family was getting married and another person in her family invited me to the wedding, the mother of the daughter getting married is who invited me. I was late and I let the door to the church slam behind me as the camera operator rolled the video camera in front of the church's front door. I remember feeling very depressed that day, but that wasn't too unusual back then. Most days I was feeling really depressed back then.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 02/11/09 7:25 AM

Anaconda Plan

The Anaconda Plan is the name widely applied to an outline strategy for subduing the seceding states in the American Civil War. Proposed by General-in-Chief Winfield Scott, the plan emphasized the blockade of the Southern ports, and called for an advance down the Mississippi River to cut the South in two. Because the blockade would be rather passive, it was widely derided by the vociferous faction who wanted a more vigorous prosecution of the war, and who likened it to the coils of a anaconda suffocating its victim. The snake image caught on, giving the proposal its popular name.

[ JOURNAL ARCHIVE 11 February 2009 excerpt ends ]

[ Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi the cowardly International Terrorist Organization violently against the United States of America actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States of America with all Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi staff partners contributors employees contractors lawyers managers of any capacity as severely treasonous criminal accomplices and that are active unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States that actively make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in the United States and in the Severely Treasonous and Criminally Rebellious State of Washington by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings ]



I thought we don't|take our work personally.
We don't.
I do.
Just a sec.
Some guy has a question|about his grinder.
Excuse me.
Can you talk?
Wait a minute.
Were you hurt? I saw the crash on TV.
-Baby, I'm fine.|{y:i}-They keep saying you're a criminal.
You murdered 2 people.
No, no, it's a lie.|Marie, listen to me.
Where are you?
{y:i}I can 't tell you that now.
I know there's some things|I didn't tell you about myself.
Believe me. I didn't do|what they say I did.
{y:i}You do believe me?
I want to believe you, Mark.
I'm just confused and scared.
{y:i}Now, Marie, listen to me.
{y:i}Before we met,|{y:i}I worked for the government.
{y:i}I was on a routine assignment|{y:i}when it was ambushed.
{y:i}I killed 2 men in self-defense.
{y:i}Marie, I did not murder anyone.
Believe me.
{y:i}I wouldn 't lie to you.
What are you going to do?
{y:i}I'll find the person who set me up|{y:i}and clear my name.
It's something I thought|I could hide from, but I guess I can't.
Will I see you again?
{y:i}Oh, come on now. Don 't be crazy.