This Is What I Think.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Welcome back, ex-friend.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 9/12/2006 11:27 AM
Was I part of the group that is known as Delta Force? That would make sense.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 12 September 2006 excerpt ends]

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: posted by H.V.O.M at 10:36 PM Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I worked for ISS-ISA and UFP as a Field Engineer

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 11 July 2007 excerpt ends]

Delta Force

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D), popularly known as Delta Force, is one of the United States' four secretive tier-one counter-terrorism and Special Mission Units. It was formerly listed as the Combat Applications Group by the Department of Defense


Most recruits come from the Special Forces Groups and the 75th Ranger Regiment, but some operators have come from other units of the army. Since the 1990s, the Army has posted recruitment notices for the 1st SFOD-D. The Army, however, has never released an official fact sheet for the force.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 11:15 PM Monday, October 19, 2009

Why am I here.


Mokusatsu is a Japanese word meaning "to ignore" or "to treat with silent contempt". It is composed of two kanji: (moku, lit. "silence") and (satsu, lit. "killing"). Some argue that the word was misinterpreted by the United States when the government of Japan used it as a response to Allied demands in the Potsdam Declaration for unconditional surrender in World War II, which may have influenced President Harry S. Truman's decision to use the atomic bomb against Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The word was employed in the morning edition of the Asahi Shinbun during World War II on July 28, 1945 to designate the attitude assumed by the government to the Potsdam Declaration. Later that day in a press conference, it was used by the Premier Kantaro Suzuki to dismiss the Potsdam Declarations as a mere rehash of earlier rejected Allied proposals, and therefore, being of no value, would be killed off by silent contempt (mokusatsu). Suzuki's choice of the term was dictated perhaps more by the need to appease the military, which was hostile to the idea of "unconditional surrender", than to signal anything to the Allies.

The expression can also mean to just let a topic or subject die by refusing to follow up on it. The reasons for the "mokusatsu" response could as easily be contempt as embarrassment, discomfort, or even simply not knowing what else to do in response.

The NSA Technical Journal has an article on the word in which readers are warned of the consequences of not making clear ambiguity when translating between languages. It concludes:

Some years ago I recall hearing a statement known as "Murphy's Law" which says that "If it can be misunderstood, it will be." Mokusatsu supplies adequate proof of that statement. After all, if Kantaro Suzuki had said something specific like "I will have a statement after the cabinet meeting," or "We have not reached any decision yet," he could have avoided the problem of how to translate the ambiguous word mokusatsu and the two horrible consequences of its inauspicious translation: the atomic bombs and this essay.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 19 October 2009 excerpt ends]

Delta Force

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D), popularly known as Delta Force, is one of the United States' four secretive tier-one counter-terrorism and Special Mission Units. It was formerly listed as the Combat Applications Group by the Department of Defense

The term operator

Inside the United States Special Operations community, an operator is a Delta Force member who has completed selection and has graduated OTC (Operators Training Course). Operator was first used by Delta Force to distinguish between operational and non-operational personnel assigned to the unit. Other special operations forces use specific names for their jobs (Army Rangers, Navy SEALs, Air Force Pararescuemen); operator is the specific term for Delta's operational personnel. However, since the early 2000s other special operations forces have adopted the term.

SEALs have unofficially referred to themselves as operators since the Vietnam War.


Stargate: The Movie Transcript

Stargate: The Movie

Once on the other side, we'd have to decipher the markings on their 'gate, and in essence dial home in order to bring the team back.

Under Siege

Bear in mind, the operators|from SEAL Team 5 are the best there are.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Re: Journal May 25, 2006, Supplemental

And birds go flying at the speed of sound,
to show you how it all began.
Birds came flying from the underground,
if you could see it then you'd understand?

It was after a special operation that I was swimming in the ocean. My memory tells me that I had no role in the operation, other than I was there. There are these other thoughts, thought, of me floating in the ocean by myself, having completed my mission, hoping that someone would find me.

After I moved into that first apartment in Greenville, a friend made a big deal about me jumping into the pool one day with my clothes on. I associate a song from The Doors with that memory: Riders on the storm.

When I was living in the duplex on Wexford in Taylors, driving my fancy red RX-7, I was seeing this 19 year that worked at the bank with the initials R.B., although I am sure she doesn't exist. I need to stop referring to Julia Roberts as I am crazingly beginning to believe I did know her and cared about her, but yet, I don't know, I just want to figure who I used to be.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 25 May 2006 excerpt ends]


"Speed Of Sound"

How long before I get in?
Before it starts, before I begin?
How long before you decide?
Before I know what it feels like?
Where To, where do I go?
If you never try, then you'll never know.
How long do I have to climb,
Up on the side of this mountain of mine?

Look up, I look up at night,
Planets are moving at the speed of light.
Climb up, up in the trees,
every chance that you get,
is a chance you seize.
How long am I gonna stand,
with my head stuck under the sand?
I'll start before I can stop,
before I see things the right way up.

All that noise, and all that sound,
All those places I got found.
And birds go flying at the speed of sound,
to show you how it all began.
Birds came flying from the underground,
if you could see it then you'd understand?

Ideas that you'll never find,
All the inventors could never design.
The buildings that you put up,
Japan and China all lit up.
The sign that I couldn't read,
or a light that I couldn't see,
some things you have to believe,
but others are puzzles, puzzling me.

All that noise, and all that sound,
All those places I got found.
And birds go flying at the speed of sound,
to show you how it all began.
Birds came flying from the underground,
if you could see it then you'd understand,
ah when you see it then you'll understand?

All those signs, I knew what they meant.
Some things you can invent.
Some get made, and some get sent,
Birds go flying at the speed of sound,
to show you how it all began.
Birds came flying from the underground,
if you could see it then you'd understand,
ah, when you see it then you'll understand?

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 9/12/2006 11:40 AM

Wingfield said that those who meet the criteria, and are selected, will be offered a unique opportunity.

"It will open a different type of job they can do for their country," Wingfield said. "It won't really be so different for those who transfer to a different branch of service. Instead it will broaden their horizons, because this is for all the services. Delta Forces is built up with the best of all services," the Gary, Ind., native said.

Wingfield concluded by saying the transfer would be a good experience for any service member for many reasons.

"It will allow them to get outside the everyday routine of their primary job," Wingfield said. "This is also a good career enhancer, because being in Delta Forces is greater than saying 'I was in the Army, and I did this job,' and I'm sure it's the same way for the Marines, the Navy and the Air Force."

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 12 September 2006 excerpt ends]

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 9/18/2006 2:29 PM

Delta Force operators are granted an enormous amount of flexibility and autonomy, as with their Navy counterpart, DEVGRU. They reportedly do not maintain any general uniformed presence and civilian clothing is the norm on or off duty while at Ft. Bragg. This is done to conceal the identities of these "secret soldiers". Uniforms are rarely worn, if at all, with any markings, names, or branch names on them. Hair styles and facial hair are allowed to grow to civilian standards in order for the force to be able to blend in and not be immediately recognized as military personnel.

Some details are good to reveal to encourage recruitment, but other details are dangerous to reveal. Only the operational commanders of this group have the authority to decide where the line should be drawn as to revealing details about the group.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 9/18/2006 2:35 PM
This may explain why I have a memory of attending the specialist school for the fire-control computers at Dam Neck. Also, that all is pretty clever metaphors.

The DEVGRU compound, located on Fleet Training Center Dam Neck, in Virginia Beach, Virginia, is similar to Delta Force's at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, with a focus on operations at sea. It has firing ranges and shooting houses, a section of aircraft fuselage, and other likely hostage rescue locations. DEVGRU uses some unusual weapons because of their maritime environment, and the shooting ability of a DEVGRU operator is naturally among the best in the world.

There is this recurring sound outside my window every night. Until I found out where it was coming from and figured out what it was, I imagined it was the sound from a falling aircraft. It sounded like an airplane that was raised about twenty feet and then dropped to the ground.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 18 September 2006 excerpt ends]

Delta Force

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D), popularly known as Delta Force, is one of the United States' four secretive tier-one counter-terrorism and Special Mission Units. It was formerly listed as the Combat Applications Group by the Department of Defense

Selection process

Haney's book Inside Delta Force described the selection course and its inception in detail. Haney writes the selection course began with standard tests including push-ups, sit-ups, and a 2-mile (3.2 km) run, an inverted crawl and a 100 meter swim fully dressed. The selection candidates were then put through a series of land navigation courses to include an 18-mile (29 km), all-night land navigation course while carrying a 40-pound (18 kg) rucksack. The rucksack's weight and the distance of the courses are increased and the time standards to complete the task are shortened with every march. The physical testing ended with a 40-mile (64 km) march with a 45-pound (20 kg) rucksack over very rough terrain which had to be completed in an unknown amount of time. Haney wrote that only the senior officer and NCO in charge of selection are allowed to see the set time limits, but all assessment and selection tasks and conditions were set by Delta training cadre. The mental portion of the testing began with numerous psychological exams. The men then went in front of a board of Delta instructors, unit psychologists and the Delta commander, who each ask the candidate a barrage of questions and then dissect every response and mannerism of the candidate with the purpose to mentally exhaust the candidate. The unit commander then approaches the candidate and tells him if he has been selected. If an individual is selected for Delta, he undergoes an intense 6-month Operator Training Course (OTC), to learn counter-terrorism and counter-intelligence techniques, in which the individual maintains very little contact with friends and family for the duration. Training includes firearm accuracy and various other munitions training.


Operator Training Course: According to the book Inside Delta Force by Eric Haney, OTC consisted of the following events. Although OTC has probably changed since then, it remains around 6 months long.


The students shoot stationary targets at close range until they are able to have almost complete accuracy. They will then move on to moving targets.

Once shooting skills are perfected, they will move to a shooting house where they will clear rooms of "enemy" targets. At first it will be done by one student, then two at a time, three at a time, and finally four. After the students learn techniques to clear a room, "hostages" are added to the room mixed with the enemies.


Students learn how to break into many different locks such as cars and safes.

Demolition and how to build bombs out of various commonly found materials.

Combined skills. The FBI, FAA, and other agencies were used to advise the training of this portion of OTC. Sometimes commercial airliners such as Delta Air Lines would allow Delta to train on their aircraft too.

The new Delta operators use both demolition and marksmanship skills at the shoothouse and other training facilities to train for hostage and counter-terrorist operations with both assault and sniper troops working together. They practice terrorist or hostage situations in buildings, aircraft, and other settings.

All trainees learn how to set sniper positions around a building with hostages in it. They learn the proper ways to set up a TOC and communicate in an organized manner. Although Delta has specialized sniper troops, all members go through this training.

The students then go back to the shoothouse and the "hostages" are replaced with other students and Delta Force members. It is known that live ammunition has been used in these exercises, to test the students, and build trust between one another.

Trade Craft – During the first OTC's and creation of Delta, CIA personnel were used to teach this portion.

Students learn different espionage-related skills such as dead drops, brief encounters, pickups, load and unload signals, danger and safe signals, surveillance and countersurveillance.

Executive Protection – During the first OTC's and creation of Delta, the U.S. State Department's Diplomatic Security Service and the United States Secret Service would advise Delta in this portion of training.

Students take an advanced driving course learning how to use a vehicle or many vehicles as defensive and offensive weapons.

They then learn techniques developed by the Secret Service and DSS on how to cover a VIP and diplomatic protection missions.

Culmination Exercise

A final test that requires the students to apply and dynamically adapt all of the skills that they have learned.

Although these are the main skills taught in every OTC, no OTC classes are ever exactly the same.

Delta Force occasionally cross-trains with similar units from allied countries such as the Australian SASR, British SAS, Canadian JTF2, French GIGN, German KSK, Israeli Sayeret Matkal and Polish GROM. They cross train and deploy with US Naval Special Warfare Development Group (DEVGRU). They have helped train other U.S. counter-terrorism units, such as the FBI's Hostage Rescue Team and Joint Military/Government Agency Unit Task Force 6-26.

Delta Force

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D), popularly known as Delta Force, is one of the United States' four secretive tier-one counter-terrorism and Special Mission Units. It was formerly listed as the Combat Applications Group by the Department of Defense


The Pentagon tightly controls information about Delta Force and publicly refuses to comment on the highly secretive unit and its activities. Delta operators are granted an enormous amount of flexibility and autonomy. To conceal their identities, they rarely wear a uniform and usually wear civilian clothing both on and off duty. When military uniforms are worn, they lack markings, surnames, or branch names. Civilian hair styles and facial hair are allowed to enable the members to blend in and avoid recognition as military personnel.


Memorable quotes for


Kaffee: Harold.

Dawson: Sir?

Kaffee: You don't need to wear a patch on your arm to have honor.



02:05:09 What the hell did you guys set off out there?
02:05:12 Was that part of project scoop what is project scoop?
02:05:16 Well, I suspect you know more about that than I do.
02:05:18 oh, really?
02:05:21 And how do you know that, colonel ferrus?
02:05:22 Well, she told us.
02:05:24 Lisa told--yeah, I find that highly unlikely.
02:05:27 What'd you do, wiretap her phone, colonel?
02:05:29 I'll be asking the questions here, understood?
02:05:32 patch you're wearing.


The Internet Movie Database

Memorable quotes for

Die Hard 2 (1990)

Soldier: Hey Telford! What was *your* chicken-shit outfit doing while we were taking Grenada?

[He and his comrades burst out laughing]

Maj. Grant: Grenada. Five minutes of firefights, five weeks of surfing!

Cpl. Telford: I wish I was with you guys for that!

Maj. Grant: Yeah. Me too, kid.

Cpl. Telford: Really, sir?

Maj. Grant: Sure. Or we wouldn't have to do this.

Los Angeles Times

Search for 2 Missing Boys Continues; Officials Baffled

October 29, 1994|From Associated Press

UNION, S.C. — About 80 law officers and volunteers probed with sticks and trudged through woods dense with kudzu Friday, searching for any trace of two little boys said by their mother to have been snatched by a carjacker.

As that fruitless search was ending, another began: Tracking dogs, helicopters and deputies in bulletproof vests swarmed over another wooded area after a child reported seeing a man matching the suspect's description.

Once again, in a case that has baffled authorities and residents of this rural town, nothing came of it.

"The breaks have not been coming like we thought they would. It's unbelievable," Sheriff Howard Wells said of the investigation into the disappearance of 3-year-old Michael Smith and 14-month-old Alex Smith.

On Tuesday, their mother, Susan Smith, 23, said a man with a gun forced his way into her car at a traffic light and then after a few miles forced her out in an isolated area, driving away with her sons still in their safety seats.

Through a family spokeswoman, she and the boys' father, David Smith, appealed again Friday for the return of the children and thanked the searchers.

Addressing the missing boys, the spokeswoman, Margaret Gregory, added: "We miss you, we love you, and we want you home."

Susan Smith filed for divorce last month, though the sheriff said he did not consider that a factor in the case.

Sheriff's investigators questioned David Smith on Friday. Asked why, Wells replied: "We are looking for a possible motive for a crime of this type. At present we haven't had a ransom demand, we have not had a motive where someone would be mad at the family."

While pursuing the case as a carjacking and abduction, he said: "We are not ruling out anything."

Earlier Friday, four teams of searchers were assembled at the thickly wooded spot where Susan Smith said she last saw her sons, a road about 10 miles outside Union. She had run to a house nearby to report being forced from the car.

The teams fanned out over the four square miles near a lake that had already been searched by divers for Susan Smith's car, a burgundy 1990 Mazda Protege.

Hiking up a slope with his breath frosting the air after overnight temperatures in the 30s, volunteer John Phillips voiced everyone's hope that the boys were somewhere else and safe. "I hope we don't find anything," he said.

Space: Above and Beyond Season 1 Episode 7


AIRED: 11/5/95


Original Air Date: Sunday, 5th Nov 1995

CHAPUT: I was at the ceremony when the 58th received the Montgomery Star for the Battle of the Belt. Allow me to personally congratulate you and offer my deepest thanks.

CWIRKO: Thank you, sir.

CHAPUT: (to Cwirko) You weren't there.

Delta Force

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D), popularly known as Delta Force, is one of the United States' four secretive tier-one counter-terrorism and Special Mission Units. It was formerly listed as the Combat Applications Group by the Department of Defense

Operations and covert actions

The majority of the operations assigned to Delta are classified and may never be known to the public. However, details of some operations have become public knowledge. There have been many occasions that Delta have been put on standby and operational plans developed but the unit was stood down for various reasons. Known operations and deployments include:

Operation Uphold Democracy

1994 Invasion of Haiti

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess

Subject: RE: Lesa Jewell

To: "'Bobby Walraven'"

Date: Thursday, October 25, 2012, 10:42 PM

Haitian (Heroes)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Haitian is a fictional character on the NBC television series Heroes, portrayed by Haitian actor Jimmy Jean-Louis. He is an associate of Noah Bennet. For the first three seasons of the show, he was only referred to on screen as "the Haitian." Even his associates at Primatech called him this. In "Shadowboxing," Claire reveals that his name is René.

Powers and abilities

The Haitian has the ability to selectively erase the memories of anyone he wishes. In the graphic novel "It Takes a Village, Pt. 1", he is shown to accidentally clean out the minds of nearby villagers, but precise memory removal appears to require prolonged physical contact. The Haitian describes the experience as ranging from being like "picking flowers just after a spring rain" to "reaching into the moist soil of freshly dug graves" with "grubs biting at your fingers." When removing specific memories, he describes it as becoming "one with [the subject's] mind." He can erase memories of short periods, as demonstrated on Matt Parkman in "Collision", or erase a person's memory so thoroughly that they cannot remember their own name, as he does to Brody Mitchum in "Hiros" and Peter Petrelli in "Four Months Ago...". While the Haitian cannot restore erased memories on his own, as revealed in "Godsend", the process can be undone by those with healing or regenerative powers.

He is also shown to be able to force a person into unconsciousness through physical contact, as he does to Baron Samedi in "The Eclipse" and apparently Sylar in "Homecoming".

The Haitian has also displayed the ability to dampen or completely negate the powers of anyone within a certain distance of himself. The ability only works when he is conscious. The Haitian can allow specific individuals to use their powers in his presence if he wishes. This ability is not supreme, however, as various characters have overcome it with great effort.

Biographical Directory of the United States Congress

CLINTON, Hillary Rodham, (1947 - )

CLINTON, Hillary Rodham, (wife of President William Jefferson Clinton), a Senator from New York; born on October 26, 1947

elected as a Democrat to the United States Senate in 2000; reelected in 2006, and served from January 3, 2001, until her resignation on January 21, 2009, to accept a Cabinet position; an unsuccessful candidate for Democratic nomination for president in 2008; Secretary of State in the Cabinet of President Barack Obama, 2009-.

2003 television miniseries "Battlestar Galactica" DVD video:


Laura Roslin: All right, this evening then. But you will get your needs tended to, Captain. You have my word on it.

Botanical Cruiser ship's captain Keikeya: Thank you, Madam President.

The American Presidency Project

William J. Clinton

XLII President of the United States: 1993 - 2001

Remarks on Receiving a Henry Ossawa Tanner Painting for the White House Collection

October 29, 1996

Let me just say, very briefly, I want to thank Dr. Rae Alexander-Minter for her moving tribute and for making this possible. I want to thank her mother for taking good care of this picture.

Thank you, Edward Bell, for being a good American citizen and asking questions, which is what we need our citizens to do. Thank you, Rex Scouten; and thank you, David Driskell; thank you to the late Sylvia Williams. I'd also like to thank my wife for her insistence that we take up Mr. Bell's suggestion.


The Internet Movie Database

Memorable quotes for

Billy Madison (1995)

Knibb High Principal: If there is any attempt for either contestant to cheat, especially with my wife, who is a dirty, dirty, tramp, I am just gonna snap. Do I make myself clear?

Billy Madison: Yes, Sir.

Eric: Yes, Sir.


Release dates for

Where Do We Go from Here? (1945)

Country Date

USA 23 May 1945


Plot Summary for

Where Do We Go from Here? (1945)

Bill wants to join the Army, but he's 4F so he asks a wizard to help him, but the wizard has slight problems with his history knowlege, so he sends Bill everywhere in history, but not to WWII.


Release dates for

Marines, Let's Go (1961)

Country Date

USA 15 August 1961 (New York City, New York)


Release dates for

Come On, Marines! (1934)

Country Date

USA 23 March 1934


The Internet Movie Database

Release dates for

'G' Men (1935)

Country Date

USA 18 April 1935 (premiere)

From 5/23/1945 ( premiere US film "Where Do We Go From Here?" ) To 9/19/1994 ( ) is 18016 days

18016 = 9008 + 9008

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/2/1990 ( premiere US film "Die Hard 2" ) is 9008 days

From 8/15/1961 ( premiere US film "Marines, Let's Go" ) To 7/2/1990 ( premiere US film "Die Hard 2" ) is 10548 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/19/1994 ( ) is 10548 days

From 3/23/1934 ( premiere US film "Come On, Marines!" ) To 12/25/1991 ( as United States Marine Corps chief warrant officer Kerry Wayne Burgess I was prisoner of war in Croatia ) is 21096 days

21096 = 10548 + 10548

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/19/1994 ( ) is 10548 days

From 4/18/1935 ( premiere US film "'G' Men" ) To 1/19/1993 ( in Asheville North Carolina as Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess I was seriously wounded by gunfire when I returned fatal gunfire to a fugitive from United States federal justice who was another criminal sent by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal in another attempt to kill me the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) is 21096 days

21096 = 10548 + 10548

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/19/1994 ( ) is 10548 days



Sep 19, 1994:

U.S. forces land in Haiti

On September 19, 1994, 20,000 U.S. troops land unopposed in Haiti to oversee the country's transition to democracy.


Release dates for


24 Hours (1994)

Country Date

USA 19 September 1994


The Internet Movie Database

Memorable quotes for

Die Hard 2 (1990)

Soldier: Hey Telford! What was *your* chicken-shit outfit doing while we were taking Grenada?

[He and his comrades burst out laughing]

Maj. Grant: Grenada. Five minutes of firefights, five weeks of surfing!

Cpl. Telford: I wish I was with you guys for that!

Maj. Grant: Yeah. Me too, kid.

Cpl. Telford: Really, sir?

Maj. Grant: Sure. Or we wouldn't have to do this.

From 12/20/1994 ( in Bosnia as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps captain this day is my United States Navy Cross medal date of record ) To 9/26/2003 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the arrival announcement of USS Nicholas FFG 47 in Bosnia and Herzegovina as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 3202 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 8/9/1974 ( Richard Nixon surrenders and abandons his illegal presence in the United States of America federal White House ) is 3202 days



USS Nicholas Begins Visit To Neum, Bosnia And Herzegovina

Story Number: NNS030926-21 Release Date: 9/26/2003 3:32:00 PM

From 6th Fleet Public Affairs

BOSNIA (NNS) -- The U.S. guided-missile frigate USS Nicholas (FFG 47) arrived here today for a goodwill port visit. Along with the ship, Adm. Gregory Johnson, commander, U.S. Naval Forces Europe, is visiting Neum

Leak of Agent's Name Causes Exposure of CIA Front Firm

By Walter Pincus and Mike Allen

Washington Post Staff Writers

Saturday, October 4, 2003; Page A03

The leak of a CIA operative's name has also exposed the identity of a CIA front company, potentially expanding the damage caused by the original disclosure, Bush administration officials said yesterday.

The company's identity, Brewster-Jennings & Associates, became public because it appeared in Federal Election Commission records on a form filled out in 1999 by Valerie Plame, the case officer at the center of the controversy, when she contributed $1,000 to Al Gore's presidential primary campaign.

After the name of the company was broadcast yesterday, administration officials confirmed that it was a CIA front. They said the obscure and possibly defunct firm was listed as Plame's employer on her W-2 tax forms in 1999 when she was working undercover for the CIA. Plame's name was first published July 14 in a newspaper column by Robert D. Novak that quoted two senior administration officials. They were critical of her husband, former ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV, for his handling of a CIA mission that undercut President Bush's claim that Iraq had sought uranium from the African nation of Niger for possible use in developing nuclear weapons.

The Justice Department began a formal criminal investigation of the leak Sept. 26. [ RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 ]

chron Houston Chronicle Archives

Leak exposes front company used by CIA

Washington Post

SAT 10/04/2003 Houston Chronicle

WASHINGTON - The leak of a CIA operative's name also has exposed the identity of a CIA front company, potentially expanding the damage caused by the original disclosure, Bush administration officials said Friday.

The company's identity, Brewster-Jennings & Associates, became public because it appeared in Federal Election Commission records on a form filled out in 1999 by Valerie Plame, the case officer at the center of the controversy, when she contributed $1,000 to Al Gore's presidential primary campaign.

After the name of the company was broadcast Friday, administration officials confirmed that it was a CIA front. They said the obscure and possibly defunct firm was listed as Plame's employer on her W-2 tax forms in 1999 when she was working undercover for the CIA. Plame's name was first published July 14 in a newspaper column by Robert Novak that quoted two senior administration officials. They were critical of her husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, for his handling of a CIA mission that undercut President Bush's claim that Iraq had sought uranium from the African nation of Niger for possible use in developing nuclear weapons.

The Justice Department began a formal criminal investigation of the leak Sept. 26.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 25 October 2012 excerpt ends]


"Operator (That's Not The Way It Feels)"

Operator, well could you help me place this call
See, the number on the match book is old and faded
She's living in L.A
With my best old ex-friend Ray
A guy she said she knew well and sometimes hated

But isn't that the way they say it goes
Well let's forget all that
And give me the number if you can find it
So I can call just to tell 'em I'm fine, and to show
I've overcome the blow
I've learned to take it well
I only wish my words
Could just convince myself
That it just wasn't real
But that's not the way it feels

Operator, well could you help me place this call
'Cause I can't read the number that you just gave me
There's something in my eyes
You know it happens every time
I think about the love that I thought would save me

But isn't that the way they say it goes
Well let's forget all that
And give me the number if you can find it
So I can call just to tell 'em I'm fine, and to show
I've overcome the blow
I've learned to take it well
I only wish my words
Could just convince myself
That it just wasn't real
But that's not the way it feels
No, no, no, no
That's not the way it feels

Operator, well let's forget about this call
There's no one there I really wanted to talk to
Thank you for your time
Ah, you've been so much more then kind
You can keep the dime

But isn't that the way they say it goes
Well let's forget all that
And give me the number if you can find it
So I can call just to tell 'em I'm fine, and to show
I've overcome the blow
I've learned to take it well
I only wish my words
Could just convince myself
That it just wasn't real
But that's not the way it feels

- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 10:36 PM Pacific Time Seattle USA Thursday 28 February 2013

My Brother's Wife


Memorable quotes for

A Few Good Men (1992)

Judge Randolph: I don't understand; you're submitting evidence of a flight that never existed.

Kaffee: Oh, we believe it did, sir.


Full cast and crew for

A Few Good Men (1992)

Demi Moore ... Lt. Cdr. JoAnne Galloway


Quotes for

Lt. Cdr. JoAnne Galloway (Character)

from A Few Good Men (1992)

Kaffee: You and Dawson, you both live in the same dreamworld. It doesn't matter what I believe. It only matters what I can prove! So please, don't tell me what I know, or don't know; I know the LAW.

Galloway: You know nothing about the law. You're a used-car salesman, Daniel. You're an ambulance chaser with a rank. You're nothing. Live with that.


Quotes for

Lt. Cdr. JoAnne Galloway (Character)

from A Few Good Men (1992)

Galloway: But my feeling is that if this case is handled in the same fast-food, slick-ass ' Persian Bazaar manner with which you seem to handle everything else, something's gonna get missed. And I wouldn't be doing my job if I allowed Dawson and Downey to spend any more time in prison than absolutely necessary, because their attorney had pre-determined the path of least resistance.

Kaffee: Wow... I'm sexually aroused, Commander.


Quotes for

Lt. Cdr. JoAnne Galloway (Character)

from A Few Good Men (1992)

Galloway: Lieutenant, this letter makes it look like your client had a motive to kill Santiago.

Kaffee: Gotcha, and Santiago is, who?

Galloway: The victim.

Kaffee: Write that down.


The Internet Movie Database

Memorable quotes for

A Few Good Men (1992)

Galloway: Tell your friend not to get cute down there, the Marines at Gitmo are fanatical.

Lt. Weinberg: Fanatical about what?

Galloway: About being Marines.

Department of Justice

ADA Signing Ceremony

This video documents the speech given by President George H. W. Bush when he signed the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) into law on July 26, 1990. In the video, President Bush speaks

Siouxland Chamber of Commerce

Things To Do & See > Local Attractions > Flight 232 Memorial

Flight 232 Memorial

Commemorating the heroic rescue efforts shown by the Sioux City community after the crash of United Flight 232 in 1989, this statue depicts Colonel Dennis Nielsen carrying a young child to safety. The memorial is part of Sioux City's riverfront development located near the Anderson Dance Pavilion.

The memorial features contemplative areas and a tree-lined approach with plaques narrating the tragic event.


Memorable quotes for

A Few Good Men (1992)

Capt. Ross: Hey, Danny! Great job today. The redirect on Barnes.

Kaffee: I have Markinson.

Capt. Ross: Where is he?

Kaffee: Motel room in North East with six federal marshalls outside his door. Take a sip of your drink.

Kaffee: The transfer order that Markinson signed is a phony. Jessup's statement that the 6am flight was the first available is a lie. We're checking the tower chief's log.


Quotes for

Lt. Cdr. JoAnne Galloway (Character)

from A Few Good Men (1992)

Galloway: Where is he?

Kaffee: Downtown Lodge on North East.

Galloway: I want him guarded.

Kaffee: That's probably a good idea. Anyway he also says that...

Galloway: My clearance code is 411527273. Thank you.

Kaffee: Clearance code? I don't have a clearance code. Do you have a clearance code?

Lt. Weinberg: Danny!

Kaffee: Anyway, he also says that Jessup's lying about the transportation off the base. Jessup said the 6 was the first flight out Santiago couuld have left on. Markinson says there was a plane that left seven hours earlier.

[to Galloway]

Kaffee: That was impressive. Did you get what I said about the flight?

Galloway: Yes. Sam, when a flight takes off there's got to be some kind of record kept, right?

Lt. Weinberg: Yeah, you need the tower chief's log from Gitmo.

Kaffee: Get it.

Galloway: We're gonna win.

Kaffee: Joe, let's not go crazy about this. We don't know who Markinson is we don't know what the log book's going to say.


Memorable quotes for

A Few Good Men (1992)

Kaffee: Colonel, the 6am was first flight off the base?

Col. Jessep: Yes.

Kaffee: There wasn't a flight that left seven hours earlier and landed at Andrews Air Force Base at 2am?

Judge Randolph: Lieutenant, I think we've covered this, haven't we?

Kaffee: Your honor, these are the tower chief's logs for both Guantanamo Bay and Andrews Air Force Base. The Guantanamo log lists no flight leaving at 11 pm and the Andrews log lists no flight arriving at 2 am. I'd like to submit these as defense exhibits Alpha and Bravo.

Judge Randolph: I don't understand; you're submitting evidence of a flight that never existed.

Kaffee: Oh, we believe it did, sir.


Memorable quotes for

A Few Good Men (1992)

Kaffee: Colonel, Lt. Kendrick ordered the Code Red because *that's* what you told Lt. Kendrick to do!

Capt. Ross: *Object!*

Judge Randolph: Sustained!

Kaffee: And when it went bad, you cut these guys *loose!*

Capt. Ross: Your honor!

Kaffee: You doctored the log book!...

Capt. Ross: *Damn it, Kaffee!*

A Few Good Men

You really got to hand it
to those marshals.


The Internet Movie Database

Release dates for

"U.S. Marine Band" (1949)

Country Date

USA 9 July 1949


The Internet Movie Database

U.S. Marine Band (1949)

Summer replacement show featuring concerts by the U.S. Marine Corps Band under the direction of Major William Santelmann.

Release Date: 9 July 1949 (USA)

A Few Good Men

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Few Good Men is a 1992 American drama film directed by Rob Reiner and starring Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson, and Demi Moore.

The film starts with a recital of Semper Fidelis by a U.S. Marine Corps marching band


Quotes for

Lt. Cdr. JoAnne Galloway (Character)

from A Few Good Men (1992)

Galloway: Why do you hate them so much?

Lt. Weinberg: They beat up on a weakling; that's all they did. The rest is just smokefilled coffee-house crap.

Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda (German: Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda or Propagandaministerium) was Nazi Germany's ministry that enforced Nazi Party ideology in Germany and regulated its culture and society. Founded on March 13, 1933, by Adolf Hitler's new National Socialist government, the Ministry was headed by Dr. Joseph Goebbels and was responsible for controlling the press and culture of Nazi Germany.

Speeches were also used to great effect by the German Government. Goebbels commented on Hitler's first speech as Chancellor: "It will have great propaganda used and viewed in cinemas for years to come...what an achievement."

Just before Hitler delivered this speech Goebbels introduced him and used the opportunity to highlight the importance of propaganda. "It seems you cannot have a good government without good propaganda, but then, you can't have good propaganda without a good government. However, you cannot lie! We must never lie!


Telephone Conversation With the Astronauts Aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia

January 18, 1990

The President. Unbelievable. Well, I'm glad to see a Navy pilot -- could you use a 65-year-old Navy pilot up there?

Mole (espionage)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In espionage jargon, a mole (also called a penetration agent, deep cover agent, or sleeper agent) is a long-term spy (espionage agent) who is recruited before he has access to secret intelligence, and subsequently works his way into the target organization. However it is popularly used to mean any long-term clandestine spy or informant within an organization, whether government or private.

A mole may be recruited early in life, and may take decades to get a job in government service and reach a position of access to secret information before he becomes active as a spy. Perhaps the most famous examples of moles are the Cambridge Five, five upper-class British men recruited by the KGB as left-wing students at Cambridge University in the 1930s who later rose to high levels in various parts of the British government. By contrast, most espionage agents, such as CIA Director of Counterintelligence Aldrich Ames and FBI agent Robert Hanssen who spied on the US government for the KGB, are either recruited or offer their services as spies after they are in place as members of the target organization.


Telephone Conversation With the Astronauts Aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia

January 18, 1990

The President. Unbelievable.


Memorable quotes for

A Few Good Men (1992)

Col. Jessep: You see Danny, I can deal with the bullets, and the bombs, and the blood. I don't want money, and I don't want medals. What I do want is for you to stand there in that faggoty white uniform and with your Harvard mouth extend me some fucking courtesy.

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Original airdate in N.A.: 26-Nov-95

Bart: So, Krusty double crossed you. But your basic plan was pure genius. Where do you get your ideas?

Bob: Oh please.

Dissociation (psychology)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dissociation is a term in psychology describing a wide array of experiences from mild detachment from immediate surroundings to more severe detachment from physical and emotional experience. It is commonly displayed on a continuum. The major characteristic of all dissociative phenomena involves a detachment from reality – rather than a loss of reality as in psychosis. In mild cases, dissociation can be regarded as a coping mechanism or defense mechanisms in seeking to master, minimize or tolerate stress


Memorable quotes for

A Few Good Men (1992)

Pfc. William T. Santiago: P.S. In exchange for my transfer off the base, I am willing to provide you with information about...

Col. Jessep: [reading Pfc. Santiago's letter to the NIS] information about an illegal fence-line shooting that took place the night of August 2nd...


Col. Jessep: Who the fuck is Pfc. William T. Santiago?

Motive (law)

In law, especially criminal law, a motive is the cause that moves people to induce a certain action. Motive in itself is seldom an element of any given crime; however, the legal system typically allows motive to be proven in order to make plausible the accused's reasons for committing a crime, at least when those motives may be obscure or hard to identify with.

The law technically distinguishes between motive and intent. "Intent" in criminal law is synonymous with mens rea, which means no more than the specific mental purpose to perform a deed that is forbidden by a criminal statute, or the reckless disregard of whether the law will be violated.[citation needed] "Motive" describes instead the reasons in the accused's background and station in life that are supposed to have induced the crime.

Motive is particularly important in prosecutions for homicide. First, murder is so drastic a crime that most people recoil from the thought of being able to do it; proof of motive explains why the accused did so desperate an act.


a person who is sexually attracted to members of the same sex


Lt. George W. Bush 1972-'73

Texas Air National Guard flight status

Memo ordering Bush's suspension from the 111th Fighter Interceptor Squadron "due to failure to perform to USAF/TexANG standards and failure to meet annual physical examination (flight) as ordered."

August 10, 1972

Source: The White House and CBS News


To forsake one's duty or post, especially to be absent without leave from the armed forces with no intention of returning.

Crime in Mexico

Crime is among the most urgent concerns facing Mexico, as Mexican drug trafficking rings play a major role in the flow of cocaine, heroin, and marijuana transiting between Latin America and the United States.


Damn, now some of the quips I've made over the past few years make sense. I was in the bathroom one day at work and a guy I went out drinking with sometimes walked in. For some reason, I made some kind of comment about not being able to get the blood off my hands. I didn't think much about it at the time, but it stuck in my mind. It takes on a whole new meaning now. I said something to that same guy one time, he had once been in some military academy before dropping out, about how I had taken some 50-caliber rounds in the back. I have no idea where that comment came from. It must have something to do with taking rounds in my aircraft because those objects on my back aren't big enough to be scars from 50-caliber bullets.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 2006 excerpt ends]

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 2:33 PM Monday, March 26, 2012

I remember one time when I was watching the CBS television channel a promotional segment was running for that television series "The Mentalist" and I had that strongest sense in my mind as though someone communicated to my mind "That is you" meaning that I am a "mentalist." That really makes no sense to me because I have never really cared about psych. technology concepts. I still really don't care about it that much. I don't identify with those kinds of characters or concepts.

I used the health insurance provided by Microsoft to obtain a prescription of sleeping pills from a doctor in Bellevue Washington because I was having a really hard time sleeping at night. Many nights I could not sleep at all and I would stay awake all night. That was well after I had started going to his office. I first went there to his office, after finding a medical doctor close to where I lived, for routine physical and I used the health insurance Microsoft provided to me to pay for the doctor's visit. That was the time the medical doctor told me I should have something checked on my back, which was actually on my shoulder and on the skin over the shoulderblade. I went back later and he had a biopsy done on it, all paid for by Microsoft health insurance. Part of that was from a penetrating gunfire wound that hit me in the front first and then exited from my back. Other parts are from a explosion that hit behind me and that drove shrapnel under my skin.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 26 March 2012 excerpt ends]

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 2:00 AM Tuesday, June 21, 2011

That would explain the pain in my shoulder.

I think I found the bullet exit wound on my shoulder. I can see what appears to be an exit scar from a bullet wound on my back and around where the shoulder blade is located. That makes sense that it was not removed through the laser surgical procedure to hide the entry wound on the front of my chest. The exit scar of the gunfire injury I sustained in 1993 is something I had never even noticed before until I just now started looking for it but I can now definitely see it there. The doctor I went to in Bellevue in about 2002 or 2003 must have seen it too.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 21 June 2011 excerpt ends]


The Internet Movie Database

Memorable quotes for

A Few Good Men (1992)

Judge Randolph: *Consider yourself in Contempt!*

Kaffee: *Colonel Jessep, did you order the Code Red?*

Judge Randolph: You *don’t* have to answer that question!

Col. Jessep: I'll answer the question!

[to Kaffee]

Col. Jessep: You want answers?

Kaffee: I think I'm entitled.

Col. Jessep: *You want answers?*

Kaffee: *I want the truth!*

Col. Jessep: *You can’t handle the truth!*


Col. Jessep: Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Whose gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinburg? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago, and you curse the marines. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. That Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to.

- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 8:21 PM Pacific Time Seattle USA Thursday 28 February 2013

Six billion lights that went out in six months.


Memorable quotes for

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

Belloq: It's a transmitter, a radio for speaking to God.


Memorable quotes for

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

Indiana: You want to talk to God? Let's go see him together, I've got nothing better to do.

Raiders of the Lost Ark

All your life has been spent
in pursuit of archaeological relics.

Inside the Ark are treasures
beyond your wildest aspirations.

You want to see it opened as well as I.

Stephen King

The Stand - The Complete & Uncut Edition

“Monsters coming now!” The monster-shouter was a tall man who looked to be in his middle sixties. Larry had first heard him the night before, which he had spent in the Sherry-Netherland. With night lying over the unnaturally quiet city, the faint, howling voice had seemed sonorous and dark, the voice of a lunatic Jeremiah floating through the streets of Manhattan, echoing, rebounding, distorting. Larry, lying sleepless in a queen-sized double with every light in the suite blazing, had become irrationally convinced that the monster-shouter was coming for him, seeking him out, the way the creatures of his frequent bad dreams sometimes did. For a long time it had seemed that the voice was drawing ever closer—Monsters coming! Monsters on the way! They’re in the suburbs! —and Larry became convinced that the suite’s door, which he had triple-locked, would burst inward and that the monster-shouter would be there… not a human being at all but a gigantic troll-thing with the head of a dog and saucer-sized fly eyes and champing teeth.

But earlier this morning Larry had seen him in the park and he was only a crazy old man wearing corduroy pants and zoris and horn-rimmed glasses with one bow taped. Larry had tried to speak to him and the monster-shouter had run in terror, crying back over his shoulder that the monsters would be in the streets at any moment. He had tripped over an ankle-high wire fence and went sprawling on one of the bikepaths with a loud comic thwap! sound, his glasses flying off but not shattering. Larry had gone to him, but before he could get there, the monster-shouter had scooped up his glasses and was gone toward the mall, crying his endless warning. So Larry’s opinion of him had swung from extreme terror to utter boredom and mild annoyance in the space of twelve hours.

The Seattle Times Search

Friday, August 22, 2003

Q&A: Critical mass forming for UW genetic research

By Luke Timmerman

Seattle Times business reporter

Robert Waterston made his name as a leader of the Human Genome Project, the historic job that put the genetic instruction book on the desktop of all biologists.

These days, Waterston is settling in as a Seattleite. He bicycles to work down the Burke-Gilman Trail thinking

Stephen King

The Stand - The Complete & Uncut Edition

In his dream, the dark man came in his hooded robe, his face invisible… yet the Trashcan Man thought he had seen this man before. When the loungers in the candy store and the beer parlor back in Powtanville catcalled at him, it seemed that this man had been among them, silent and thoughtful. When he had worked at the Scrubba-Dubba (soap the headlights, knock the wipers, soap the rocker panels, hey mister you want hotwax on that?), wearing the sponge glove on his right hand until the hand beneath looked like a pale dead fish, the nails as white as fresh ivory, it seemed he had seen this man’s face, fiery and grinning with lunatic joy from beneath the rippling film of water rolling down the windshield. When the sheriff had sent him away to the nuthatch in Terre Haute, he had been the grinning psych aide standing above his head in the room where they gave you the shocks, his hands on the controls (I’m gonna fry your brains out, boy, help you on your way as you change from Donald Merwin Elbert into the Trashcan Man, would you like hotwax on that?), ready to send about a thousand volts zizzing into his brain. He knew this dark man all right, his was the face you could never quite see, his the hands which dealt all spades from a dead deck, his the eyes beyond the flames, his the grin from beyond the grave of the world.

“I’ll do whatever you want,” he said gratefully in the dream. “My life for you!”

The dark man had lifted his arms inside his robe, turning the robe into the shape of a black kite. They stood on a high place, and below them, America lay in flames.

I will set you high in my artillery. You are the man I want.

Then he saw an army of ten thousand raggle-taggle castoff men and women driving east, driving across the desert and into the mountains, a rough beast of an army whose time had come round at last; they loaded down trucks and jeeps and Wagoneers and campers and tanks; each man and woman wore a dark stone about his or her neck, and deep in some of those stones was a red shape that might have been an Eye or might have been a Key. And riding in their van, atop a giant tanker with pillow tires, he saw himself, and knew that the truck was filled with jellied napalm… and behind him, in column, were trucks loaded with pressure bombs and Teller mines and plastic explosive; flame throwers and flares and heat-seeking missiles; grenades and machine guns and rocket launchers. The dance of death was about to begin, and already the strings of the fiddles and guitars were smoking and the stench of brimstone and cordite filled the air.

The dark man lifted his arms again and when he dropped them everything was cold and silent, the fires gone, even the ashes cold, and for just a moment he was only Donald Merwin Elbert again, small and afraid and confused. For just that moment he suspected he was just another pawn in the dark man’s huge chess game, that he had been deceived.

Then he saw the dark man’s face was no longer entirely hidden; two dark red coals burned in the sunken pits where his eyes should have been, and illuminated a nose as narrow as a blade.

“I’ll do whatever you want,” Trash said gratefully in the dream. “My life for you! My soul for you!”

“I will set you to burn,” the dark man said gravely. “You must come to my city and there all will be made clear.”

“Where? Where?” He was in an agony of hope and expectation.

“West,” the dark man said, fading. “West. Beyond the mountains.”

- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 1:05 PM Pacific Time Seattle USA Thursday 28 February 2013

Magic time.,-121.390728&spn=0.000814,0.002064&t=h&z=20&layer=c&cbll=47.393731,-121.390878&panoid=JO6RIE1v4tOJ1_ezwaZYaw&cbp=12,276.18,,0,9.42

Google maps

Interstate 90, Washington, United States

1994 television miniseries "The Stand" DVD video:


[ Title card: New York City ]

[ Title card: June 27 ]

The Monster Shouter: [ ringing hand-held bell ] He's closer now! The hardcase! The dark man! He's coming! He's closer now! The dark man!

Stephen King

The Stand - The Complete & Uncut Edition

“All right, all you asshole gyrenes, chow down!”

That made him grin right out loud. Had he been a Marine once? He thought so. Strictly the Parris Island variety, though. There had been a kid, a defective, name of Boo Dinkway. They had…


Flagg frowned down at his messkit. Had they beaten ole Boo into the ground with those padded poles? Scragged him somehow? He seemed to remember something about gasoline. But what?

In a sudden rage, he almost slung the freshly cooked rabbit into the fire. He should be able to remember that, goddammit!

“Chow down, grunts,” he whispered, but this time there was only a whiff of memory lane.

He was losing himself. Once he had been able to look back over the sixties, seventies, and eighties like a man looking down a double flight of stairs leading into a darkened room. Now he could only clearly remember the events since the superflu. Beyond that there was nothing but a haze that would sometimes lift a tiny bit, just enough to afford a glimpse of some enigmatic object or memory (Boo Dinkway, for instance… if there ever had been such a person) before closing down again.

The earliest memory he could now be sure of was of walking south on US 51, heading toward Mountain City and the home of Kit Bradenton.

Of being born. Born again.

He was no longer strictly a man, if he had ever been one. He was like an onion, slowly peeling away one layer at a time, only it was the trappings of humanity that seemed to be peeling away: organized reflection, memory, possibly even free will… if there ever had been such a thing.

He began to eat the rabbit.

Once, he was quite sure, he would have done a quick fade when things began to get flaky. Not this time. This was his place, his time, and he would take his stand here. It didn’t matter that he hadn’t yet been able to uncover the third spy, or that Harold had gotten out of control at the end and had had the colossal effrontery to try to kill the bride who had been promised, the mother of his son.

Somewhere that strange Trashcan Man was in the desert, sniffing out the weapons which would eradicate the troublesome, worrisome Free Zone forever. His Eye could not follow the Trashcan Man, and in some ways Flagg thought that Trash was stranger than he was himself, a kind of human bloodhound who sniffed cordite and napalm and gelignite with deadly radar accuracy.

In a month or less, the National Guard jets would be flying, with a full complement of Shrike missiles tucked under their wings. And when he was sure that the bride had conceived, they would fly east.

He looked dreamily up at the basketball moon and smiled.

There was one other possibility. He thought the Eye would show him, in time. He might go there, possibly as a crow, possibly as a wolf, possibly as an insect—a praying mantis, perhaps, something small enough to squirm through a carefully concealed vent cap in the middle of a spiky patch of desert grass. He would hop or crawl through dark conduits and finally slip through an air conditioner grille or a stilled exhaust fan.

The place was underground. Just over the border and into California.

There were beakers there, rows and rows of beakers, each with its own neat Dymo tape identifying it: a super cholera, a super anthrax, a new and improved version of the bubonic plague, all of them based on the shifting-antigen ability that had made the superflu so almost universally deadly. There were hundreds of them in this place; assorted flavors, as they used to say in the Life Savers commercials.

How about a little in your water, Free Zone?

How about a nice airburst?

Some lovely Legionnaires’ disease for Christmas, or would you rather have the new and improved Swine flu?

Randy Flagg, the dark Santa, in his National Guard sleigh, with a little virus to drop down every chimney?

- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 12:00 PM Pacific Time Seattle USA Thursday 28 February 2013

The Day Reagan Was Shot

From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2012 7:32 AM
To: 'Chad Trammell'
Subject: FW: The Day Reagan Was Shot

From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 2:05 PM
To: 'Kerry Burgess'
Subject: The Day Reagan Was Shot


Mission date: Sep 21, 2151

Original Airdate: Sep 21, 2001

ARCHER: Auxiliary power should have kicked in by now. Do you know how to tell him to shut up?

HOSHI: Shut up!


Mission date: Sep 21, 2151

Original Airdate: Sep 21, 2001

ARCHER: Where'd he come from? (they're viewing through window)

WILLIAMS: Oklahoma.

FORREST: A corn farmer named Moore shot him with a plasma rifle. Says it was self-defense.

TOS: Fortunately, Soval and I have maintained close contact with Kronos since the incident occurred.

ARCHER: Kronos?

LEONARD: It's the Klingon's homeworld.

FORREST: This gentleman is some sort of a courier. Evidently he was carrying crucial information back to his people.

SOVAL: When he was nearly killed by your "farmer."

FORREST: Ambassador Soval thinks it would be best if we push off your launch until we've cleared this up.

ARCHER: Well, isn't that a surprise. You'd think they'd have come up with something a little more imaginative this time.

SOVAL: Sarcasm aside, Captain, the last thing your people need is to make an enemy of the Klingon Empire.

TOS: If we hadn't convinced them to let us take Klaang's corpse back to Kronos, Earth would most likely be facing a squadron of Warbirds by the end of the week.

ARCHER: Corpse? Is he dead?

[Intensive Care Unit]

ARCHER: Excuse me, is that man dead?

PHLOX: His autonomic system was disrupted by the blast but his redundant neural functions are

ARCHER: Is he going to die?

PHLOX: Not necessarily.

[Starfleet Medical - observation room]

ARCHER: Let me get this straight. You're going to disconnect this man from life support even though he could live. Now where's the logic in that?

SOVAL: Klaang's culture finds honour in death. If they saw him like this he'd be disgraced.

TOS: They're a warrior race. They dream of dying in battle. If you understood the complexities of interstellar diplomacy

ARCHER: So that's your diplomatic solution, to do what they tell you. Pull the plug?

TOS: Your metaphor is crude, but accurate.

The Seattle Times

Wednesday, October 14, 1992

Quayle, Gore Set Themes For Last Weeks -- Stockdale Never Answers Own Query: `Why Am I Here?'

Times News Services

It may be remembered more for its furious, even nasty partisanship than for any impact it might have on the outcome of 1992 presidential election.

But yesterday's clash of the running mates did reveal that the campaigns have decided on lines of attack for the next three weeks: President Bush against Bill Clinton's character and tax policies; Clinton against Bush's economic record; and Ross Perot against Washington politicians and their deficit.

In yesterday's debate, Vice President Dan Quayle and Sen. Al Gore Jr. of Tennessee did a better job articulating their campaigns' basic messages than President Bush and Arkansas Gov. Clinton did in Sunday's low-energy affair.

In the crossfire, retired Vice Adm. James Stockdale often seemed lost - a civilian who had wandered into a private war.

The succession of sharp clashes between Quayle and Gore over taxes, trust and character gave this debate a much rougher edge than the decorous first encounter between the presidential contenders. But traditionally, the vice-presidential debates have only minimally affected the outcome of presidential campaigns.

An ABC poll taken immediately after the debate showed Clinton leading Bush 47 percent to 38 percent, with Perot trailing at 12 percent. Those figures were virtually unchanged from a poll completed before the debate.

If yesterday's debate has any impact, some observers said, it may be to diminish the momentum Perot generated Sunday.

Although Stockdale's earthy directness occasionally echoed Perot's own success at knifing through his opponents' stilted political rhetoric, more often he appeared uncertain and overmatched; for long stretches in the free-form debate he disappeared entirely. Stockdale, a senior research fellow at the conservative Hoover Institution at Stanford University, never seemed to entirely answer the question he posed at the outset: "Why am I here?"

From 2/6/1911 ( my biological maternal grandfather Ronald Reagan ) To 3/15/1947 ( premiere US film "Shoot to Kill" ) is 13186 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/9/2001 ( premiere US TV movie "The Day Reagan Was Shot" ) is 13186 days

From 1/19/1993 ( in Asheville North Carolina as Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess I was seriously wounded by gunfire when I returned fatal gunfire to a fugitive from United States federal justice who was another criminal sent by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal in another attempt to kill me the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/9/2001 ( premiere US TV movie "The Day Reagan Was Shot" ) is 3246 days

3246 = 1623 + 1623

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/13/1970 ( the Apollo 13 explosion ) is 1623 days

From 8/23/1942 ( the German army reaches the suburbs of Stalingrad ) To 12/9/2001 ( premiere US TV movie "The Day Reagan Was Shot" ) is 21658 days

21658 = 10829 + 10829

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/27/1995 ( the launch of the United States space shuttle Atlantis orbiter vehicle mission STS-71 includes my biological brother US Navy Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan the spacecraft and mission commander and me Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps officer and mission specialist astronaut ) is 10829 days

From 2/10/1923 ( Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen - deceased ) To 3/19/1959 ( premiere US film "The Shaggy Dog" ) is 13186 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/9/2001 ( premiere US TV movie "The Day Reagan Was Shot" ) is 13186 days

From 7/19/1989 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-George Bush kills 111 passengers and crew of United Airlines Flight 232 and destroys the United Airlines Flight 232 aircraft because I was a passenger of United Airlines Flight 232 as United States Navy Petty Officer Second Class Kerry Wayne Burgess and I was assigned to maintain custody of a non-violent offender military prisoner of the United States ) To 12/9/2001 ( premiere US TV movie "The Day Reagan Was Shot" ) is 4526 days

4526 = 2263 + 2263

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/13/1972 ( premiere US film "The Cowboys" ) is 2263 days

From 2/7/1955 ( premiere US TV series episode "Big Town"::"The Sniper" ) To 3/16/1991 ( date hijacked from me:my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate Columbia South Carolina ) is 13186 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/9/2001 ( premiere US TV movie "The Day Reagan Was Shot" ) is 13186 days

From 3/17/1951 ( Kurt Russell ) To 12/9/2001 ( premiere US TV movie "The Day Reagan Was Shot" ) is 18530 days

18530 = 9265 + 9265

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/16/1991 ( date hijacked from me:my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate Columbia South Carolina ) is 9265 days

From 10/28/1994 ( premiere US film "Stargate" ) To 12/9/2001 ( premiere US TV movie "The Day Reagan Was Shot" ) is 2599 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/14/1972 ( my biological brother United States Navy Commander Thomas Reagan was United States Apollo 17 Challenger spacecraft United States Navy astronaut walking on the planet Earth's moon ) is 2599 days

From 8/17/1960 ( premiere US film "The Time Machine" ) To 9/23/1996 ( premiere US TV series "Mr. Rhodes" ) is 13186 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/9/2001 ( premiere US TV movie "The Day Reagan Was Shot" ) is 13186 days

From 8/17/1960 ( the Soviet Union trial of the United States Central Intelligence Agency pilot Gary Powers begins in Moscow Russia Soviet Union ) To 9/23/1996 ( premiere US TV series "Mr. Rhodes" ) is 13186 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/9/2001 ( premiere US TV movie "The Day Reagan Was Shot" ) is 13186 days

From 5/21/1958 ( Tom Feeney ) To 6/27/1994 ( United States Navy Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan the pilot and plane crash survivor along with me Kerry Wayne Burgess - circa 1990 also known for official duty as Wayne Newman the Deputy United States Marshal and then as Chief Deputy United States Marshal and the active duty commissioned officer of the United States Marine Corps - and the other Lockheed L-1011 aircraft passengers and crew murdered in a scheduled terrorism-sabotage attack by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-Corbis-NASA-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal by causing the external mounted Orbital Sciences Pegasus space satellite booster rocket to explode and fatally disable our aircraft ) is 13186 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/9/2001 ( premiere US TV movie "The Day Reagan Was Shot" ) is 13186 days

From 11/9/1993 ( the Stari Most in Mostar Bosnia-Herzegovina destroyed by artillery fire ) To 12/9/2001 ( premiere US TV movie "The Day Reagan Was Shot" ) is 2952 days

2952 = 1476 + 1476

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/17/1969 ( premiere United Kingdom TV movie "Pegasus" ) is 1476 days

From 10/3/1957 ( premiere US TV series "The Real McCoys" ) To 11/9/1993 ( the Stari Most in Mostar Bosnia-Herzegovina destroyed by artillery fire ) is 13186 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/9/2001 ( premiere US TV movie "The Day Reagan Was Shot" ) is 13186 days

From 12/25/1991 ( as United States Marine Corps chief warrant officer Kerry Wayne Burgess I was prisoner of war in Croatia ) To 12/9/2001 ( premiere US TV movie "The Day Reagan Was Shot" ) is 3637 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/18/1975 ( premiere US TV movie "The Deadly Tower" ) is 3637 days

From 9/9/1965 ( James Stockdale the United States Navy A-4 Skyhawk pilot and the United States Navy carrier air group commander was captured by North Vietnam and held as Prisoner of War ) To 12/9/2001 ( premiere US TV movie "The Day Reagan Was Shot" ) is 13240 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/1/2002 ( Microsoft al Qaida attacks me again in violent ambush at Issaquah Washington ) is 13240 days

From 11/19/1930 ( premiere US film "You Said It, Sailor" ) To 2/1/2003 ( the scheduled terrorist attack by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-NASA-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal reportedly destroying the United States space shuttle Columbia killing all United States and foreign national astronauts onboard United States Columbia spacecraft but I suspect that was all an elaborate hoax by NASA and those people are hiding somewhere to this day and probably in hiding somewhere with Saddam Hussein the material witness against George Herbert Walker Bush and George Walker Bush and their criminal co-conspirators against the United States of America ) is 26372 days

26372 = 13186 + 13186

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/9/2001 ( premiere US TV movie "The Day Reagan Was Shot" ) is 13186 days


The Internet Movie Database

Release dates for

The Day Reagan Was Shot (2001) (TV)

Country Date

USA 9 December 2001


Release dates for

"Mr. Rhodes"

Pilot (1996)

Country Date

USA 23 September 1996


Mr. Rhodes: Season 1, Episode 1

Pilot (23 Sep. 1996)

Release Date: 23 September 1996 (USA)

The Time Machine

It's the most ridiculous story
I've ever heard. Preposterous!
George, you always could
tell a good yarn.
You're a truly great inventor, George.

Encyclopædia Britannica

Battle of Stalingrad

Battle of Stalingrad, (July 17, 1942–Feb. 2, 1943), successful Soviet defense of the city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) in the Russian S.F.S.R. during World War II. Russians consider it to be the greatest battle of their Great Patriotic War, and most historians consider it to be the greatest battle of the entire conflict. It stopped the German advance into the Soviet Union and marked the turning of the tide of war in favour of the Allies.

Stretching for 50 km (30 miles) along the banks of the Volga River, Stalingrad was a large industrial city producing armaments and tractors and was an important prize in itself for the invading German army. In addition, control of the city would have cut Soviet transport links with southern Russia, and it would have served to anchor the northern flank of the larger German drive into the oil fields of the Caucasus. To this end, in July 1942 the German 4th Panzer Army, commanded by Gen. Hermann Hoth, after being diverted to the south to help in an attack on Rostov, was redirected toward Stalingrad. By the end of August, the 4th Army’s northeastward advance against the city was converging with the eastward advance of the 6th Army, under Gen. Friedrich Paulus, with 330,000 of the German army’s finest troops. The Red Army, however, put up a determined resistance, yielding ground only very slowly and at a high cost to the 6th Army as it approached Stalingrad. On August 23 a German spearhead penetrated the city’s northern suburbs, and the Luftwaffe rained incendiary bombs that destroyed most of the city’s wooden housing.


Release dates for

The Deadly Tower (1975) (TV)

Country Date

USA 18 October 1975


Full cast and crew for

The Deadly Tower (1975) (TV)

Kurt Russell ... Charles Whitman


Release dates for

You Said It, Sailor (1930)

Country Date

USA 19 November 1930


Mission date: Sep 21, 2151

Original Airdate: Sep 21, 2001

KLAANG: Qu'taw bob.

ARCHER: Be quiet.

(Klaang mutters as they take cover from Suliban weapons)

TUCKER: You tell him, big guy.

- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 08:18 AM Pacific Time Seattle USA Thursday 28 February 2013

Now I have another reason to hate Christmas.

Yeah. Tammie Hood. The only real memory I have of anything about Phoebe Cates comes from a memory of my friendship with Tammie Hood when we were at Ashdown High School.


That's it, good buddy. Call it a night.

Stargate Atlantis Season 1 Episode 12

The Defiant One

AIRED: 1/28/05


SGA 1.12 "The Defiant One" Transcript

What's the problem? They're all dead.

That's the problem!

Just get some D.V. and a rough head count. We'll stay in radio contact.

That could be difficult. This part of the ship seems really shielded.

Weir only gave us a few hours. We'll check in every few minutes.

[Sheppard leaves.]

You wanted fieldwork. This…is fieldwork.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: posted by H.V.O.M at 10:36 PM Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I worked for ISS-ISA and UFP as a Field Engineer

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 11 July 2007 excerpt ends]

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 9/12/2006 11:27 AM
Was I part of the group that is known as Delta Force? That would make sense.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 12 September 2006 excerpt ends]


SGA 1.10 "The Storm Part 1" Transcript


[Sora leads Weir in. Kolya is working a tablet computer.]

Thank you for seeing me. This city was designed to be inhabited by the Ancients and their direct descendants and although, yes, while there is limited functionality for those who do not posses the Ancient gene, it is only those who have it who can revive this city to its true potential.

And you have this gene?

No, but many of my team do. The Wraith are slowly waking. Soon this entire galaxy will be embroiled in a war the likes of which our generations have never seen.

A war that you expedited.

Disagreements like ours will no longer matter. The only thing of any consequence will be how prepared we are, and what defense we are able to mount. Now, this city holds many secrets which could help us win that war… But only if my team are here to discover them.


Memorable quotes for

Gremlins (1984)

Deputy Brent: Let me drive.

Sheriff Frank: No, you're drunk.

Deputy Brent: You always get to drive.

Sheriff Frank: That's cause I'm the sheriff, asshole.


What'd you say this was called?
A putrid stage?
Pupal. Pupal stage.
Like a butterfly.
Yeah, right.
This is a cocoon, and inside he's going through changes.
Lots of changes.
Like my mother.
No, that's different.
This is called a metamorphosis.
It's a change in form...
...and in appearance.

- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 02:08 AM Pacific Time Seattle USA Thursday 28 February 2013