I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
The funny part is the doctor the starring character is chasing that kid who doesn't want to go to school in the 1956 film "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" and he is obviously, it seemed to me in the moment I just now watched it again, gasping for breath, and I wonder how much DIRECT ACTION effect I had in that production as a time-traveler, which has not yet happened to me and that is still in the future of my life.
I thought about watching another "Stargate: Atlantis" episode but after watching the 2004 "Thirty Eight Minutes" episode I decided to watch next "Invasion of the Body Snatchers."
Every time divorcee "Becky Driscoll" enters the office of the protagonist doctor I watch that scene and wish I still had a high school year book from my 11th grade year at Ashdown. The way I recall it there was a few pictures in there of Lesa Jewell and me. I feel certain she and I were pictured in the photograph we made for the prom photographs that year. I think now how I was always somewhat in awe of her.
Invasion Of The Body Snatchers
Is Dr. Bennell in?
Yes, he's here.
Do you suppose
he has time to see me?
If he hasn't,
something's wrong with him.
Go right in.
Almost five years.
It's wonderful to be home again.
I've been away so long...
I feel almost like a stranger
in my own country.
Hope you don't mind my coming
without an appointment.
Not at all.
What'll you have?
We're pushing appendectomies
this week.
Oh, Miles.
I don't know,
maybe I clown around too much.
Pretty soon, my patients...
won't trust me
to prescribe aspirin for them.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2012/08/invasion-of-body-snatchers-1956.html - posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 8:59 PM Pacific Time USA Saturday 11 August 2012
I waited until watching all the video to make my observations about "Becky." I think she was a spy. I think she had, in the context of the film plot line, fallen asleep a lot earlier than the good doctor understood. Real people with real propaganda objectives created that film that was culturally significant to the population of the United States. Even in the year 1988 a good friend of mine, after we returned from the Persian Gulf, was going on about how I must have been changed by a "pod" in the classic sense of that film from the year 1956. I remember well the year 1988 and I remember well a print I had hanging on the wall of my private space that was my bedroom in an apartment I shared off-base and I referred to that print, because of it setting, as "I've Been Through The Desert On a Horse With No Name," which was a reference to that song from that band named America.
And there is the fact in that 1956 film that the people working with the "pods" were the ones listening to the music. Only the 1978 version, which I haven't watched in a while but that I have watched at least two times in the past several years, describes how that was a method to lure in the regular people, or so I recall. And if you watch the scene in that dark cave in that 1956 film after he comes back then you might recall about how people would suddenly think that something was different about a person and you might remember also the good doctor's dialog about how subtle it all was.
I find familiar that she has been converted and I feel I had seen that before and I also think about how that plot element was present in the 1978 version.
She hadn't been converted in those moments before he kissed her, I am thinking tonight after watching those scenes on the DVD. I am thinking she had simply decided in those earlier moments to stop deceiving him.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 11 August 2012 excerpt ends]
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 5:34 PM Pacific Time Seattle USA Thursday 21 February 2013