I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
The Wraith
Yahoo. I made it through a Tuesday without watching on television new episode broadcasts of the "NCIS" television series.
Yesterday I said I was going to stop forever from watching any more new episodes but I should know to never say never.
My theory, at this present time, is the magic I observe myself performing represents some kind of balancing effect.
On one hand, I am here to bring my benevolence to the massive evil that is based in this region and that has spread out into our planet Earth.
The evil that is based here controls massive evil in the world but it is based here.
So just because I can perform magic doesn't mean I should be performing magic.
What I am doing now though, for no discernible reason, is planning to watch again sometime later this evening the premiere episode from the "Stargate: Atlantis" television series. I have watched that episode only one time and when I recently viewed the DVD I wasn't paying attention very well, especially towards the end. I want to also watch some of the episodes that follow.
I haven't watched "Stargate SG-1" beyond the premiere episode and the episode that follows and I don't know when I will watch any of the remaining episodes. It's just too boring. And how long did that episode run for? 10 years? Something like that. I had watched some episodes later in the episode but I can think of only one episode I watched on television. The only episode I can ever recall watching was an episode that I think was listed in the television listings as a rerun and I feel certain I saw it in the first half of 2005. That was the "congratulations, you made general" episode of "Stargate SG-1" and the way I remember it now I had just decided spuriously to watch the episode I saw in the television listings and that was the one I watched. If I did watch others then they were forgettable and maybe if I ever do work my way through (highly unlikely) the DVDs for those episodes then I might find more stuff familiar.
I have read through some of the descriptions of the "Stargate: Atlantis" episodes, not to mention the fact I did a work-up on the 4th episode titled "Suspicion" and I find the 6th episode titled "Poisoning the Well" interesting. I wasn't aware of that episode until a while after I had the recent dream about the washing machines. I don't know when I will watch that episode.
I think you should all be concerned. There is something happening to all of us and if you will stretch your imagination somewhat then you might be better off. Some people out there in my audience have 0% chance of redemption.
Now it all makes sense.
If a "Wraith" parasite is following me around everywhere then it knows everything I see.
You evildoers out there that I become aware of are now under the gaze of the "Wraith" that has been following me around all this time.
You're lined up on their menu now.
All because you GOTS TO KNOW!
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 09:51 AM Pacific Time Seattle USA Wednesday 20 February 2013