I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Get it? Drapes.
The Internet Movie Database
Memorable quotes for
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2002)
Patricia: Insane asylums are filled with people who think they're Jesus or Satan. Very few have delusions of being a guy down the block who works for an insurance company.
Choice or Chance - Part 2
Sunday 26 November 1995
Episode 9 Season 1 DVD video:
US Marine Corps first lieutenant Stroud: Welcome home. I said this was yours when you got back. You're a hero. Paul. Paul.
Dying Young (1991)
Did you call your father to wish him a merry Christmas?
Give it a rest, hon.
He doesn't know where you are, does he?
Episode 4 - The One-Armed Man [ Episode 5 ]
What else have you figured out Sherlock?
The morning of the funeral, Dr. Jacoby is talking to my brother Johnny, trying to get him to go to the funeral. So he tells Johnny that Laura's in a better place now blah-blah-blah and he knows that because ... Laura was his patient.
Laura was seeing Jacoby?
It gets better. You ever heard of One-Eyed Jacks?
Isn't that that western with Marlon Brando?
Its a place across the border. They have girls working there.
Are you saying you think Laura was one of them?
I don't know but if its true wouldn't you want to know about it.
Well, it sure'd explain a few things.
You know I think about it ... I think about Laura being in a place like that and I get all shivery ... but its like a hot cold. Like when ... you hold an ice cube on your bare skin for a long time.
Audrey, I'll help you but whatever we find out we have to promise to keep it between ourselves. Our secret.
Its a deal ... and I know exactly where to start. (school bell rings) Did you know that Ronette and Laura worked in the same place?
The perfume counter of my father's department store.
As she walks off, AUDREY throws her cigarette into a sink. DONNA watches her leave, walks up to the sink with the cigarette and turns on the water to douse it out.
We view a tall chain link and barbed wire fence of the prison.
In a hallway near parole hearing rooms, WILSON MOONIE, a parole officer, exits the hearing room and talks to NORMA JENNINGS, who is standing in the hall.
I've arranged for you to have a little chat with Hank before your hearing. He's glad your here. I hope I didn't come on too strong yesterday.
I'll be sure to tell him how helpful you've been, Mr. Moonie.
Escorted by a guard from a separate room, HANK JENNINGS, wearing prison garb, walks over to NORMA.
Haven't seen you for a while Norma.
Been kinda of busy.
Release dates for
"Twin Peaks"
Pilot (1990)
Country Date
USA 8 April 1990
Twin Peaks: Season 1, Episode 1
Pilot (8 Apr. 1990)
Kyle MacLachlan ... Special Agent Dale Cooper
Release Date: 8 April 1990 (USA)
Biography for
Basil Rathbone
Date of Death
21 July 1967
Department of Defense
United States of America
Defense Prisoner of War
Missing Personnel Office
Prisoner of War Medal
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 12:20 AM
To: 'Chad Trammell'
Subject: RE: Killer BOB
Dbmnit. I really should proofread my stupid emails. It's not episode 4 I was watching. That was episode 5.
Anyway, I had much of that content generated already from earlier in the day. I knew that my addiction to transmitting information across the wire was going to cause me to feel the need to transmit something when I started watching those episodes again and so I created that "Captain Ron" preview and then waited until later when I started watching the episodes so I would make some live commentary about what I was watching.
I wish I could find a website with the transcripts for those episodes. There was such interesting commentary, episode 5 I think, about "Sherlock" and then the scene immediately following shows the prison. Remember that because that is also something I have worked out in recent days but that I haven't yet transmitted across the wire. And well, there is a hfll of a lot of other stuff I have worked on but that I haven't transmitted, mainly because I haven't finished it.
Oh yeah, I think episode 5 also created proof that is criminally prosecutable about "Diane." That is the name the FBI agent always uses for his tape recorder but it is also the name of the Native American deputy's girlfriend, who is a Ph.D. in something. The "strength of a lion" or something is what he says in an obvious scam about Princeton Tigers. Diane Broch from Chicago didn't go to Princeton, she went to university in Valparaiso Indiana graduating with an accounting degree before she got a job with the IRS in 1987. I stayed several times at her mother’s condo in Arlington Heights the suburb of Chicago. That would have been the summer of 1987 that Diane was visiting me as I was home on leave in Ashdown. One time she and my mother were riding together as my mother was driving with her somewhere one night and my mother told me Diane was baffled about how there were no streetlights on Hicks Road. The last time I heard from her was in 1987 a short while after I reported to the USS Wainwright CG 28. I remember wondering if I would get a letter from her after all the news about the Wainwright in the Persian Gulf in April 1988 but I never heard from her. We didn't part on very good terms.
I remember that time before I was home on leave in the summer of 1987. Before that I had attended the US Navy MK152 guided missile fire control computer complex school in Dam Neck Virginia. I remember that class photo of us in front of that giant white US Navy Standard extended range missile they had in front of the building which was the same kind the Wainwright carried. We literally studied rocket science. I remember that I started that school just a few days after Michael Draper had died. His father and my mother were still married then. He dropped me of that night at our parents house, as similar to how Joseph Wayne Burgess died on a country road in August 1985, they told me he was killed a few miles down Hicks Road when he was driving back to the place he lived in Wilton. What I remember about Dam Neck is feeling depressed that he died. I remember I used to see him in my dreams sometimes while asleep. I don't recall very well now but I think always back then I would see him in my dreams and he seemed to be asleep. I would see him in that same pickup truck he was driving that night. Over time I would see him and he seemed normal. I think I wrote once a few years ago that I saw him in a dream but I cannot recall now today any specifics about that notion.
Don't forget about Douglas. I've already worked that out.
Prepared to be amazed and awed.
Memorable quotes for
"Twin Peaks"
Pilot (1990)
FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper: Diane, 11:30 a.m., February Twenty-fourth. Entering the town of Twin Peaks, five miles south of the Canadian border, twelve miles west of the state line. I've never seen so many trees in my life. As W. C. Fields would say, I'd rather be here than Philadelphia.
Memorable quotes for
"Twin Peaks"
Pilot (1990)
FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper: Oh Diane, I almost forgot. Got to find out what kind of trees these are. They're really something.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 21 January 2013 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2013 10:14 PM
To: 'Chad Trammell'
Subject: Killer BOB
I decided, what the hull, I'll watch again that piece of shet episode 5 again.
I had already read the summary about the season finale cliffhanger episode of "Twin Peaks" and tonight I will probably watch it for the first time.
Oh right. The biker character who I always think has a facial resemblance to my former step-brother the late Michael Draper.
I have just watched the dialog with the "One Armed Man" in episode 4 and I still have a hard time concentrating on this production but I did just catch that the "One Armed Man" says his first name is "Michael." He lost his arm in a car wreck.
He says that his name "Michael" is his uncle's name. That reminded me of Michael Draper middle name. (Get it? The crazy lady with the drapes in the first episode)
Michael Dean Draper. I forget which relative of his had that same name Dean. His grandfather? I don't recall. I don't recall if Denzil Draper had a brother. Maybe he did. I don't recall now.
Anyway, the point is about that biker fellow. When I was watching that series premiere episode I was thinking that actor, James Marshall, resembled Michael Draper but that didn't make much sense to me because they was nothing I remember about Michael Draper that could be associated with motorcycles.
The closest possible association I could think of when I was first watching that episode was that old film "Rebel Without a Cause" and I remember thinking that the young actor who starred in it had, as with Michael Draper, been killed in a car accident.
Only just now watching that scene again in episode 4 with the "One Armed Man" named "Michael" did I recall the name of that actor: James Dean. Killed 30 September 1955. He portrayed "Jim Stark" in the 27 October 1955 "Rebel Without a Cause."
Memorable quotes for
Rebel Without a Cause (1955)
Jim Stark: You know something? You read too many comic books.
The Internet Movie Database
Memorable quotes for
A Few Good Men (1992)
Downey: What does that mean?
"One Thing Leads To Another"
The deception with tact
Just what are you trying to say
You've got a blank face, which irritates
Communicate, pull out your party piece
You see dimensions in two
State your case with black or white
But when one little cross
Leads to shots, grit your teeth
You run for cover so discreet
Why don't they
Do what they say
Say what you mean
One thing leads to another
You told me something wrong
I know I listen too long
But then one thing leads to another
The impression that you sell
Passes in and out like a scent
But the long face that you see
Comes from living close to your fears
If this is up, then I'm up
But you're running out of sight
You've seen your name on the walls
And when one little bump
Leads to shock miss a beat
You run for cover and there's heat
Why don't they
Do what they say
Say what they mean
One thing leads to another
You told me something wrong
I know I listen too long
But then one thing leads to another
One thing leads to another
Then it's easy to believe
Somebody's been lying to me
But when the wrong word
Goes in the right ear
I know you've been lying to me
It's getting rough, off the cuff
I've got to say enough's enough
Bigger the harder, he falls
But when the wrong antidote
Is like a bulge on the throat
You run for cover in the heat
Why don't they
Do what they say
Say what they mean
One thing leads to another
You told me something wrong
I know I listen too long
But then one thing leads to another
One thing leads to another
Captain Ron
What do you think about Captain Ron?
I can find someone else if you're not comfortable with him.
No, he's fine. He seems to know what he's doing. He was in the Navy.
What about the eye thing?
I wouldn't fire him because he is physically challenged. I admire him.
Look at the way he parked the boat.
Unbelievable! Especially for somebody with no depth perception.
Yeah, he's good.
"Float On"
I backed my car into a cop car the other day
Well he just drove off sometimes life's ok
I ran my mouth off a bit too much oh what did I say
Well you just laughed it off it was all ok
And we'll all float on ok
And we'll all float on ok
And we'll all float on ok
And we'll all float on any way well
Well, a fake Jamaican took every last dime with that scam
It was worth it just to learn from sleight-of-hand
Bad news comes don't you worry even when it lands
Good news will work its way to all them plans
We both got fired on the exactly the same day
The American Presidency Project
William J. Clinton
XLII President of the United States: 1993 - 2001
Inaugural Address
January 20, 1993
But when most people are working harder for less; when others cannot work at all; when the cost of health care devastates families and threatens to bankrupt our enterprises, great and small; when the fear of crime robs law-abiding citizens of their freedom; and when millions of poor children cannot even imagine the lives we are calling them to lead, we have not made change our friend.
Release dates for
Captain Ron (1992)
Country Date
USA 18 September 1992
Release dates for
"Twin Peaks"
Pilot (1990)
Country Date
USA 8 April 1990
Twin Peaks: Season 1, Episode 1
Pilot (8 Apr. 1990)
Kyle MacLachlan ... Special Agent Dale Cooper
Release Date: 8 April 1990 (USA)
National Parks Service
National Historic Landmarks
Biltmore Estate
Asheville, North Carolina
County of Buncombe.
Biltmore Plaza
Statement of Significance (as of designation - May 23, 1963):
In 1888, George W. Vanderbilt (1862-1914) began the purchase of over 125,000 acres of farms, woodlands, and forested mountains.
Release dates for
"Twin Peaks"
Episode #1.8 (1990)
Country Date
USA 23 May 1990
Plot Summary for
"Twin Peaks"
Episode #1.8 (1990)
In the cliff-hanging season final
As Cooper returns to his hotel room for the night, he gets a cryptic phone call and when he answers a knock on his door, he finds a masked person in black who shoots him
Synopsis for
"Twin Peaks"
Episode #1.8 (1990)
Cooper goes back to his room and gets called on the phone. A voice tells him not to open the door, but he does so as he believes it's room service. Somebody dressed in black shoots him with a gun in close range.
The Internet Movie Database
Memorable quotes for
Training Day (2001)
Jake: You've been planning this all day?
Alonzo Harris: I've been planning this all week, son.
Release dates for
Captain Ron (1992)
Country Date
USA 18 September 1992
Release dates for
Undercover Agent (1939)
Country Date
USA 19 April 1939
Ballistic trauma
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The term ballistic trauma refers to a form of physical trauma sustained from the discharge of arms or munitions. The most common forms of ballistic trauma stem from firearms used in armed conflicts, civilian sporting and recreational pursuits, and criminal activity.
The degree of tissue disruption caused by a projectile is related to the size of the temporary versus permanent cavity it creates as it passes through tissue.
Non-fatal gunshot wounds frequently have severe and long-lasting effects, even after the victim has made a successful recovery. Typically, the consequences involve some form of major disfigurement and/or permanent disability.
Release dates for
Captain Ron (1992)
Country Date
USA 18 September 1992
Release dates for
The Deep Six (1958)
Country Date
USA 15 January 1958 (New York City, New York)
Naval Vessel Register
Class: FFG 7
Fleet: Atlantic
Status: Active, in commission
Force: Battle Force
Award Date: 05/22/1981
Keel Date: 05/05/1983
Launch Date: 11/05/1983
Commission Date: 12/01/1984
Memorable quotes for
Captain Ron (1992)
Martin Harvey: Slow down! There's boats all over the place!
Captain Ron: Don't worry. They'll get out of the way. I learned that driving the Saratoga.
Release dates for
Captain Ron (1992)
Country Date
USA 18 September 1992
Release dates for
Guns, Drugs, and the CIA (1988)
Country Date
USA 17 May 1988
Frontline: Season 6, Episode 12
Guns, Drugs, and the CIA (17 May 1988)
Release Date: 17 May 1988 (USA)
Biography for
Princess Diana
Date of Birth
1 July 1961
Memorable quotes for
Captain Ron (1992)
[being chased by pirates]
Benjamin Harvey: All right! They're pirates of the Caribbean, just you said Captain Ron.
Captain Ron: Yeah, squirt. Pirates are easy to deal with. It's the Cuban cops that you gotta worry about. Grand theft auto is a major biggie here in Cuba.
Martin Harvey: Grand theft auto? You stole this car?
Captain Ron: Nah, I didn't steal it, boss. I borrowed it. Sort of...
Release dates for
Captain Ron (1992)
Country Date
USA 18 September 1992
U.S. Air Force Fact Sheet
The Lockheed D-21 is an unmanned or "drone" aircraft designed to carry out high-speed, high-altitude strategic reconnaissance missions over hostile territory. It is a product of the Lockheed "Skunk Works" program that developed the A-12, YF-12A and SR-71 "Blackbird" manned aircraft in the 1960s.
Originally, the D-21 was designed to be launched from the back of a modified A-12 (redesignated M-12) carrier aircraft. The first flight of the D-21/M-12 combination took place on Dec. 22, 1964, but the first D-21 release from an M-12 did not occur until March 5, 1966.
Ballistic trauma
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The term ballistic trauma refers to a form of physical trauma sustained from the discharge of arms or munitions. The most common forms of ballistic trauma stem from firearms used in armed conflicts, civilian sporting and recreational pursuits, and criminal activity.
The degree of tissue disruption caused by a projectile is related to the size of the temporary versus permanent cavity it creates as it passes through tissue.
Non-fatal gunshot wounds frequently have severe and long-lasting effects, even after the victim has made a successful recovery. Typically, the consequences involve some form of major disfigurement and/or permanent disability.
Release dates for
Captain Ron (1992)
Country Date
USA 18 September 1992
Release dates for
Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)
Country Date
USA 13 August 1982
Release dates for
Who Holds Tomorrow? (1955)
Country Date
USA 27 September 1955
Casablanca: Season 1, Episode 1
Who Holds Tomorrow? (27 Sep. 1955)
Charles McGraw ... Rick Blaine
Release Date: 27 September 1955 (USA)
Memorable quotes for
Casablanca (1942)
Rick: Who are you really, and what were you before? What did you do and what did you think, huh?
Ilsa: We said no questions.
Rick: ...Here's looking at you, kid.
Memorable quotes for
Casablanca (1942)
Rick: Last night we said a great many things. You said I was to do the thinking for both of us. Well, I've done a lot of it since then, and it all adds up to one thing: you're getting on that plane with Victor where you belong.
Ilsa: But, Richard, no, I... I...
Rick: Now, you've got to listen to me! You have any idea what you'd have to look forward to if you stayed here? Nine chances out of ten, we'd both wind up in a concentration camp. Isn't that true, Louie?
Captain Renault: I'm afraid Major Strasser would insist.
Ilsa: You're saying this only to make me go.
Rick: I'm saying it because it's true. Inside of us, we both know you belong with Victor. You're part of his work, the thing that keeps him going. If that plane leaves the ground and you're not with him, you'll regret it. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of your life.
Memorable quotes for
Captain Ron (1992)
Handsome Guerilla: The American girls are very... what's the word? Superficial.
Caroline Harvey: Yeah. God, I really hate that. Like, I'm into different cultures and different ways of doing things. Like we're watching "Mr. Ed" on TV the other day, and he's speaking French, or something.
1994 film "Star Trek Generations" DVD video:
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: Kirk. James T. Kirk.
Captain James T. Kirk: Beautiful day.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: Yes, it certainly is.
Captain James T. Kirk: Do you mind?
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: Oh. Captain, uh, I'm wondering, do you realize -
Captain James T. Kirk: Hold on a minute. Do you smell something burning? Looks like somebody was trying to cook some eggs. Come on in. It's all right. It's my house. At least, it used to be. I sold it years ago.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: I'm Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the starship -
Memorable quotes for
Casablanca (1942)
Major Strasser: [arriving too late to stop Victor Laszlo from escaping] What was the meaning of that phone call?
Captain Renault: [pointing to the plane] Victor Laszlo is on that plane.
Major Strasser: [after looking at the plane] Why do you stand here? Why don't you stop him?
Captain Renault: Ask Mr. Rick.
Rick: [sees Strasser begin to move toward the telephone, and draws a gun] Get away from that phone!
Major Strasser: I would advise you not to interfere.
Rick: I was willing to shoot Captain Renault and I'm willing to shoot you.
Major Strasser: [picks up the telephone] Hello?
Rick: Put that phone down!
Major Strasser: Get me the radio tower.
[Strasser draws a gun, he and Rick both fire simultaneously, Strasser falls mortally wounded, shortly afterward, some police arrive on the scene]
Captain Renault: Major Strasser's been shot.
[Renault looks at Rick, Rick gives him a look]
Captain Renault: Round up the usual suspects.
Memorable quotes for
"Star Trek: The Next Generation"
The Pegasus (1994)
Admiral Eric Pressman: You *have* changed.
Commander William T. Riker: Changed?
Admiral Eric Pressman: Just something the Captain and I were talking about. To be honest, I'm glad to see this kind of change in you, Will. State your opinion and stand by it. It's a far cry from the young man who used to sit at my helm and worry about pressing the wrong button.
Dryden Home > Collections > Photo Home > Pegasus > Photo # EC89-0309-3
Pegasus Mated to B-52 Mothership - First Flight
Photo Number: EC89-0309-3
Photo Date: November 1989
Description: The Pegasus air-launched space booster is carried aloft under the right wing of NASA's B-52 carrier aircraft on its first captive flight from the Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California. The first of two scheduled captive flights was completed on November 9, 1989. Pegasus is used to launch satellites into low-earth orbits cheaply.
On April 5, 1990, Orbital began a new era in commercial space flight when our Pegasus rocket was launched for the first time from beneath a NASA B-52 carrier aircraft in a mission that originated from Dryden Flight Research Center in California.
Stargazer (aircraft)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stargazer, registration number N140SC, is a modified Lockheed L-1011 TriStar aircraft used by Orbital Sciences Corporation as a mother ship launch pad for Pegasus rockets
The first Pegasus launch to use Stargazer was conducted on 27 June 1994, and was the maiden flight of the Pegasus-XL. Previous launches used the NASA-operated Boeing NB-52B Balls 8, which was also used for four subsequent launches, as the original Pegasus could not be launched from Stargazer due to clearance issues. A modified version, the Pegasus-H, was introduced to rectify this.
Pegasus Mission History
Flight # Launch Date Vehicle Payload Result
1 April 5, 1990 Standard Pegsat & NavySat Success
2 July 17, 1991 Standard Microsats (7) Success
3 February 9, 1993 Standard SCD-1 Success
4 April 25, 1993 Standard Alexis Success
5 May 19, 1994 Standard STEP-2 Success
6 June 27, 1994 Pegasus XL STEP-1 Failure
Memorable quotes for
"Star Trek: The Next Generation"
Tapestry (1993)
Q: He never led the away team on Milika III to save the Ambassador; or take charge of the Stargazer's bridge when its captain was killed. And no one ever offered him a command. He learned to play it safe - and he never, ever, got noticed by anyone.
Release dates for
Captain Ron (1992)
Country Date
USA 18 September 1992
Release dates for
School Boy Dreams (1940)
Country Date
USA 24 September 1940
Pegasus Mission History
Flight # Launch Date Vehicle Payload Result
6 June 27, 1994 Pegasus XL STEP-1 Failure
The Internet Movie Database
Memorable quotes for
The Inner Light (1992)
Capt. Picard: Oh... it's me, isn't it? I'm the someone. I'm the one it finds.
1982 film "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" DVD video:
Stacy Hamilton: What's Doug doing in Chicago?
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 21 January 2013 excerpt ends]
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 06:45 AM Pacific Time Seattle USA Thursday 21 February 2013